
When Huo Beixiao heard this, he became interested, "Then what have you gained today?"

While speaking, he had carried her back to the house and put her on the bed.After he put her down, he didn't stay idle, but bent down and lowered his head to help her put on her shoes.



She brought her own feet at once, and at the same time bent down and snatched the shoes from his hand, "I'll do it myself."

"Bring the foot here," he ordered.

After probing for a few times, she still took her foot, he smiled, women should be more obedient.

Rubbing her hands on her feet, there was a numbness.Seeing that she was always staring at his hands putting on her shoes, he changed the subject.

"Aren't you going to report to me about today's work?"

After being asked by him, she finally came back to her senses, "Yes."

Regarding his cuteness, he smiled a little speechlessly, "Then say it."

She touched her flushed face in embarrassment, "I found out that there is a 500 million loophole in the company's finances. Didn't other departments of the company discover such an obvious data error?"

Hearing what she said, he got excited when he arrived, "Where is there a 500 million loophole in the company, who handled it?"

She marked this account on purpose, so she remembers it clearly, "A while ago, there was an unnamed expenditure, without indicating whereabouts, and the person who handled it seems to be——Huo Jingchen."

These three words seemed to have a very important meaning to him. She could clearly see that his hands trembled when he helped her fasten her shoelaces.

"What's wrong?" she asked with concern.

Having helped her put on her shoes, he got up and stroked the folds of his shirt, "It's okay."

She asked curiously, "Where does this money go?"

From his state just now, she could tell that he knew about the account, but he turned a blind eye or closed one eye?

He moved his throat, but still chose to make it clear to her, "From now on, as long as this person's account does not exceed 2000 million, it will be regarded as a budget error and will not be pursued."

2000 million is his limit.

When she wanted to ask something, he blocked her mouth. He put his index finger on her lips, signaling her not to speak.

He smiled with satisfaction, and said a few words, "Go to bed early, and," he said, pointing to her shoes, "Don't go out barefoot again."

After speaking, he planned to go out.

When he walked to the door, she remembered the call she received this afternoon, so she shouted at his back, "By the way, there is one more thing."

He glanced sideways and only gave her a side face, "What's the matter?"

She bit her lips, as if it was very difficult to say this, "Mo Yixuan... is getting married. Also, I invite you to attend."

Mo Yixuan is getting married?

This news is really a big headline.

He lowered his head, but still didn't turn around, "Then, do you want to go?"

He was asking for her opinion, and there was no doubt that she would be his female companion, so her choice was naturally his choice.

Xia Nuanxin shook her head regardless of whether Huo Beixiao could see it or not, "I don't want to."

He smiled softly, "Then go to sleep."

Good night, my little one.

Huo's benefits for employees are quite good. They go to and from get off work normally, have weekends, and occasionally holidays and get benefits.

Xia Nuanxin was woken up by a servant in the morning.

She stared at the sleepy eyes and went to open the door, only to see that the servant was already waiting at the door, "Madam, fourth master asked you to clean up, and then take you somewhere."

She was still in a daze at first, but when she heard that she was going out, she immediately regained her spirits, "Oh, let Fourth Master wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

After all, she closed the door and began to rummage through the box to find clothes. What should I wear?
In her closet, there are mostly dresses, except for the princess suits. She carefully selected a pink knee-length dress, which is elegant and graceful without losing her style.The few small flowers dotted on the skirt show a bit of playfulness and cuteness.

When she went downstairs, he looked into her eyes, which seemed a little strange, but after a short while, she looked at him.

Still wearing a simple dress, he was originally a very good clothes rack, even if it was simple and elegant, he could still wear it with a noble feeling.

She walked up to him and asked, "Where are you going today?"

He stretched out his hand to straighten her collar, "The cemetery."


She was a little taken aback, he wants to take her to the cemetery?No wonder he looked at himself a little strangely just now.

Also, the cemetery was originally a place to bury the dead and a place where people mourned, but she was dressed so brightly.

Seemingly aware of her strangeness, he then explained, "I'm taking you to see my mother."

Hearing what he said, Xia Nuanxin panicked all of a sudden. Since she was going to see his mother, she couldn't wear this attire. It was all her fault. I didn't ask clearly just now. Huo Beixiao took her there. where.

"Wait for me to change clothes." After finishing speaking, she was about to go upstairs.

He smiled, and he knew that if his little guy knew this, he would definitely have such a reaction.He took her arm, "No need."

Need not?She was a little surprised, "But..."

He smiled dotingly, "My mother hopes to see her daughter-in-law dressed up beautifully to meet her."

She nodded, since he said that, then let's go like this.

The cemetery is not very close to the shadow garden, there is a journey of about an hour.Along the way, he just quietly leaned against the back of the seat and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Seeing that he was silent, she just kept sneaking glances at him from the corner of her eye.

Unexpectedly, when I aimed at him, I was caught by his eyes.

With his eyes still closed, he said, "Ask whatever you want."

She knew that it must be his sad thing, so...

Xia Nuanxin stretched out her hand involuntarily, and touched his eyes. She wondered if such a strong man would shed tears when facing family affection.

However, when she touched it, the corners of his eyes were still dry.

He suddenly raised a hand, grabbed her hand that was still on his glasses, held it in his palm, and stroked it.

When holding her hand, he always feels more at ease.

He said leisurely, "My mother passed away when I was ten years old." At the same time, you, An An, left me.

That's what he didn't say later.

But just this one sentence made her panic... A ten-year-old child has no mother. So, who should he cry to when he is wronged?

For a moment, she suddenly wanted to hug him, maybe because of his lost maternal love.

When he arrived at the cemetery, he held her hand all the time, it was a quiet place.

The clustered roses are blooming gorgeously at this time, maybe they are flowers watered with life, showing the hope and sustenance for new life.

Huo Beixiao walked to a clump of snow-white roses, which were blooming brilliantly.The slender fingers just pinched ten inches below the receptacle, and with a tug, the flower fell firmly into his hand, and at the same time, there were thorns piercing into his fingers.

The harm is mutual, and you have taken away the splendor of its life, and you must use your own blood to pay homage to it.

His blood was sprinkled on the dry land, which was very clear.

She was a little nervous, "It's okay..."

He turned his head, and although he frowned because of the pain from between his fingers, he still didn't let go of the rose in his hand, "This is my mother's favorite flower in life, and I bring her one every year."

She calculated in her heart that when he was ten years old, his mother was only in her 30s. Isn't this the most splendid age for a woman?
Huo's mother's mausoleum was located in the cemetery, and he held her hand step by step, but he felt extremely at ease.

From the photos, she could see that Mama Huo was really a beauty when she was young, mainly because of her kind face, which gave people an indescribable sense of intimacy.

"Mom, I'm married, and I still have time to tell you. Today, I will bring An'an to see you. Don't worry, we will be very happy together."

His tone was a bit sad, so that when she heard him say the word An An, she didn't want to ask him who An An was.

She has never been very good at comforting others. Presumably, Huo Beixiao's mood now is the same as her mood when Xia's father just jumped off the building.

Suddenly, she opened her hands and hugged him from behind, through his shirt, she could even hear his heartbeat.

I don't know if it's because people who have the same experience will always have a good impression of each other. At this time, she just wants to use all she has to make up for his lack of love.

Through his back, she said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

This was the first time she was so proactive, he was startled for a moment, then turned around, hugged her tightly, and put his chin on her shoulder to feel her warmth.

"Have you ever said such a sentence?" She patted him on the back, even though he was so tall that she could only stand on tiptoe, "A hug is really a magical thing, even though it is so close, it is still far away Can't see each other's faces."

However, his words humbled her heart, "How I wish all this was true."

She held his hand tightly, and at the same time she told herself in her heart, let go and love, maybe, he is more suitable for your love than Mo Yixuan.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed that his mood eased a lot, and he let her go slowly, "Thank you."

Perhaps, this is the most real Huo Beixiao. His heart is not as strong as his appearance. Sometimes, like a child, he needs the love of others.

He picked up the rose flower next to him and planned to put it in front of his mother's grave, but he didn't want to, but she stopped her with a hand, "I'll go."

She smiled at him, so bright, she placed the snow-white rose squarely in front of Huo's mother's grave, "Trust me, it will make him happy."

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