
Her little face was blushing, every time she was wronged, she was like this, blushing like an apple standing on a branch in autumn.

She pointed at him who was still standing at the door and jumped anxiously.

and many more.

He retracted his gaze from her, and turned his attention to her feet.

Because the residue from the broken bottle just now is still under the feet, shining brightly, if you step on it, the consequences will be disastrous.

It's just that her feet were about to touch her.

"do not move."

His tone was a bit harsh, and she couldn't help but froze, who was still angry in place.

It just so happened that she was stunned for a while, which made her lucky to escape the attack of the residue.

It really doesn't make him feel at ease.

He frowned, walked over without any hesitation.

However, she was still in a daze, and she hadn't recovered from the sound he just made.

He smiled lazily, bent down, and put one hand on the back of her thigh and the other on her back, leaving no room for her to resist at all. A horizontal hug, hugged into his arms.

The tenet he believes in has always been that men must take the initiative in some things, for example, taking advantage of women.

At the age of 21, she is still in her infancy, and her figure is already very good.

Holding her into his arms, it was the first time that he had touched skin to skin.

For a moment, his face was also a little hot.

Looking at her in his arms, she was so shocked by this sudden change that she couldn't speak a word.Just stared at him blankly.

He put her on the pink princess bed that he had carefully prepared for her, but before her body fell completely on the bed, he seemed to think of something again, wrapped the cup around her body, and wrapped her body again. Hug up.

At this time, she had already come to her senses, screaming in his arms, "What are you doing, put me down quickly."

He frowned, but he didn't intend to put her down. She was struggling so much in his arms, so he lowered his head and kissed her.

After being kissed by him like this, she was quiet, but her face blushed again. He smiled, and she could blush like this with just a touch of water. It seems that his little guy is still not immune to him.

At this time, her heart was beating a small drum. Just now he picked her up by the waist because he was afraid that she would step on glass shards, so where is he going to carry her now?

She is very light, so it doesn't take much effort to hold her, but he doesn't walk fast. He admits that he has a little selfishness, and he enjoys the time with her very much.

Even if it's just a sneak in.

He carried her back to his room.

The moment she put her on her bed, she was a little stunned. Huo Beixiao meant to...

He got up, "you can sleep here tonight, let Sister Lin tidy up your room."

For a moment, she was a little exhausted, and subconsciously blurted out, "Then where do you sleep?"

He laughed, and rubbed her hair again, "Don't worry, there are so many rooms in Ying Yuan, I can just sleep in any one, you don't have to worry."

His "You don't have to worry" is very meaningful. I don't know whether it is to let her not worry about being eaten up by him, or to let her not worry about having no place to sleep.

However, when she met his playful eyes, the roots of her ears were still slightly hot.

While she was in a trance, he gently closed the door and went out.

She tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, but she didn't know how much he took advantage of the whole day today, but why wasn't she particularly angry?
The next day, after she woke up and went downstairs, Huo Beixiao had already gone to work.

She ate breakfast quietly by herself, and when she turned her head, she glanced at a newspaper from this morning on the sofa from the corner of her eye.Huo Beixiao has always had the habit of reading in the morning, so he should have left that newspaper there.

Mrs. Lin was tidying up the room, picking up the newspaper and preparing to throw it into the trash can.

"Wait," she got up from the table and walked straight over, "show me that newspaper."

Aunt Lin handed her the newspaper in amazement, and after receiving the newspaper, she was immediately attracted by the bold words on the headlines——Is it because Mo's big money buys jade, is there another hidden secret, or is it the prince's true love?
The following are the speculations of a lot of reporters. After all, what people in the upper class are thinking in their hearts is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

In addition to writing one article, the rest of the newspaper only published a few other insignificant articles here and there.

Putting down the newspaper, she turned and went upstairs. At the same time, she turned and told Mrs. Lin, "I'll go to the company later."

Mrs. Lin nodded, "I'll get ready right now."

At the entrance of the company, the driver was originally from Huo's company. He was afraid that she would not be able to find Huo Beixiao, so he asked thoughtfully, "Madam, do you want to inform Fourth Master to send someone down to pick you up?"

She didn't intend to go to Huo Beixiao originally, so she waved her hand, "No need."

Seeing her leaving back, the driver hesitated for a moment, but still called Huo Beixiao's office, "Please tell Mr. Huo, the wife has gone to the company."

The other party nodded, "Well, I see."

Huo Beixiao, who heard the assistant's message, frowned and put down his work.

Why is his little guy so disobedient?

"Go and call your wife to my office."

The assistant nodded, and when he was about to leave, Huo Beixiao added behind his back, "Don't let other employees of the company know Nuan Xin's identity."

He knew that his little one didn't like too much noise.

Although all aspects of work have been done very well, everyone has heard some rumors. There are rumors that Yu Annan's departure has something to do with Xia Nuanxin. Although there is no evidence, everyone It is still based on the attitude of preferring to believe what is there, not to believe what is not.

Just after the vacation was over, and before I could sit in the chair, an assistant came over and informed, "Miss Xia, Mr. Huo invites you to his office."

He actually knew she was coming?

She hesitated a little, but still nodded, "Well, I see."

It seems that the driver sold her.

After she entered his office, she didn't speak, just pouted and looked at him. She just wanted to work quietly and had no other thoughts.

But why did he refuse to let it go?
Seeing her appearance, Huo Beixiao couldn't help but smile, "You can go back to work in the company if you want, but you can't stay in the HR department anymore."

It's more reassuring to put your own woman by your side.

She was a little helpless, "Then where do you want me to work?"

Her little one is a little angry?

He smiled slightly, "I'll give you two choices. One, go home and be Mrs. Huo with peace of mind. Two, come to me and be my secretary."

In short, the two choices given to her are inseparable from his side.

She suddenly became a bit arrogant, "I choose three."

He looked at her, "For the third choice, please refer to the second."

This is obviously bullying, but, does a woman who bullies her count as skin?
She was completely speechless at his sneering, and looked at him quietly.

He didn't care, and continued to look at the documents.

After a while, there was a knock on the office door, she subconsciously turned around, and saw Assistant Yang coming over with a bunch of scattered things.

Assistant Yang nodded to her, and then said to Huo Beixiao who was still reading the documents, "Fourth Master, I brought all the things you ordered me to bring."

He nodded, and pointed to the table next to him, "Put all your things there."

"Yes," Assistant Yang nodded, and then neatly stacked the things in his hand on the table.

and many more.

What Assistant Yang brought over was...

She took a closer look, no wonder she felt so familiar, the thing that Assistant Yang was carrying was nothing but hers.

Especially the teacup, she thought she was quite familiar with it, because it was one of the few gifts Mo Yixuan gave her.Later, I got used to it, so I didn't throw it away.

just now...

The way she looked at Huo Beixiao was a little angry, but her appearance at this moment, in his opinion, was so charming.

He spread his hands and smiled, like you have no choice.

Seeing this, Assistant Yang pursed his lips and smiled, and went out sensibly.

As for his little guy, he just needs to tease him appropriately. If he teases him in a hurry, his little guy will inevitably bite.

He pointed to the desk not far from him, "From now on, that will be your office."

Then, I started to introduce one by one, "The small suite next to the door is the bathroom. If you feel hot at noon, you can take a shower. The one inside is the bedroom. Sometimes you may work overtime. If you are tired from overtime, you can go in. Take a nap..."

In the entire office, although the sparrow is small and complete, there is nothing missing that should be there. As for the things that shouldn't be... it seems to have everything.

Regarding his proposal to take a bath at noon, she just smiled faintly. Since what happened last night, taking a bath near him seems to have become a shadow of her. Since she has no other choice, then she will Get as far away as possible.

Seemingly seeing her careful thinking, Huo Beixiao stood up and looked at the layout of the entire office. He didn't know if he was talking to himself or telling her, "This office doesn't seem to be well-coordinated."

That's right, an extra desk was added inexplicably, so it's no wonder it works normally.

She seemed to have discovered some new world, and catered to him and said, "I also think there is something unreasonable, the whole office layout is too messy."

Seeing that he nodded approvingly, she smiled and continued, "The original layout was good, it's just that there is an extra desk, it's a bit..."

Seeing that she was being tricky, he smiled, and asked obediently, "What's the matter?"

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