Yun Qianchen didn't care about it, and sure enough, after drinking half a glass of shochu, his whole body felt light, and things wobbled a little.

It's just falling in love again.

She was ready at any time, she and he were going to break up.

It's just a matter of time.

Now that he wants to break up, she won't feel too sad, although she will be sad, she believes that everything will get better in a few days.

It's just that it came too suddenly. One second she was still happy, but the next second she had fallen into the abyss.

It made her unprepared, but fortunately, with the experience five years ago, she would not let herself be overwhelmed with pain.

Or life would be better than death.

Sure enough, life is like a play, and play is like life.

This man, she is really difficult to see through.

With the help of wine, her tears kept gushing out like bursts of tears, dripping into the wine glass, splashing out blossoming hops.

Yun Qianchen didn't care, and drank the wine in one gulp.

After taking a sip of wine, I found that my heart was even more bitter.

Once again bear the taste of broken love.

Really uncomfortable.

She poured another small cup for herself, thinking that she would go back alone, she still had to drink less.

Alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation, not excessive drinking.

She is also a measured person who understands the power of wine is extremely strong.

She continued to eat the vegetables, even though she didn't know the taste, she still had to eat, otherwise she would be hungry.

In the end, she supported her head with her hands, and kept drinking tea, trying to relieve the smell of wine inside.

She was very contradictory, she wanted to get drunk but didn't dare to get drunk, because she didn't take care of her, so she didn't dare to get drunk.

To maintain a certain degree of sobriety to go back.

Later, she played all the games without being afraid of heights, like a person who lost her soul, she didn't know how to be afraid, she didn't know how to scream, she was like a walking dead.

Some people were also stunned. They got down and gave her a thumbs up one by one.

I think she is amazing!
In fact, Yun Qianchen's heart felt as if it had been hollowed out, it was already numb, so he didn't know how to be afraid.

It's so cool to swim in the playground alone!

Now she doesn't want to think about the unhappy things she found before.

She thought it was too brain-intensive, but it had already happened anyway, and she made up her mind that if he ignored her, she wouldn't talk to him either.

It's so light, how good it is to forget.

In the future, she no longer has to worry about a person's feelings. She can make friends with whoever she wants to make friends with.

She is not his, so there is no need to worry so much.

She can play with Xie Zhejun, and Ming Yehen, and even be friends with Zhou Ning...

As long as she treats her well, she can be nice to them.

Later, she went on a pirate ship alone, which was full of scary skills, but Yun Qianchen changed her previous personality, thinking that these were all fake.

Seeing other people screaming in fright, she felt that it was nothing more than that. Life was originally fake, and these things were even more fake.

Why should it be true?

She kept playing until it got dark, and she left the amusement park.

The day was over, and although she was the only one in the second half, it was considered complete.

I passed by the cake shop and saw the exquisite cakes inside. I wanted to buy one to celebrate for myself.

Finally think about it or forget it.

She doesn't want to be emotional.

But she found that she had nowhere to go, where was her home?

She walked blindly on the street, and couldn't help but sneer.

I thought it was too ridiculous, and thought I had something to rely on, but it turned out to be just a joke.

She is too extravagant.

That's why today's situation is created.

She was sitting in a park, and it was getting colder in autumn, she was sitting with her arms around her chest.

With the cold wind blowing, I don't want to move more.

She watched people come and go, time passed slowly, and she was actually homeless.

Maybe he will be wandering the streets at night.

Her life is really too ridiculous, she has lived in vain for more than [-] years, and there is no place to return to.

At this moment, Yun Qianchen couldn't help thinking of his mother.

The dearest person in the world left early.

Happiness and joy are hardly related to her. She looks at the dark sky and looks for one of them. Some people say that when a person dies, he ascends to the sky and turns into one of the stars.

Yun Qianchen gritted her teeth. Fortunately, she still has someone to miss.

She got on a bus in confusion, with no destination, just sat on it and stared out of the window, and could sit back and forth for two yuan, and the people around her came and went, went and came again... …

She was the only one who did not get out of the car.

In the end, she got off the car in an unknown place, where it was extremely prosperous, full of feasting and feasting, and the bustling nightlife everywhere.

But she felt very lonely.

All of a sudden, she didn't know where she was going?Think that no matter where she goes, she has a sense of excess.

She is out of place in this world.

In the end, she still chose to go back to the villa. She had no choice but to let herself live on the streets.

This must be returned.

Maybe he won't come back!He has so many properties, as long as he doesn't want to see her, he can live elsewhere at any time and not come to see her.

After thinking about it for a while, she still took the bus back.

I don't know that it is already ten o'clock, time flies so fast.

Just the blink of an eye will pass the day.

When she got out of the car, she saw Zhou Ning who had been following her all the time. She didn't know that he had been watching her secretly

Although she was not very familiar with him, she was moved by the company of a gentleman.

"Thank you." Yun Qianchen went over to thank you.

She is not an ungrateful person.

"Seeing that you can do this, I am also relieved. There will be a solution to the big things. Don't think too much."

Zhou Ning said and left, waving at her.

Yun Qianchen secretly gave himself a cheering gesture, life is still beautiful, love is not the whole of life.

So don't be too sad.

When she entered the villa, the housekeeper would always leave a light for her, but when she went to the bedroom and passed the study, there was no light.

Yun Qianchen paused, knowing that Lu Zeyao hadn't come back.

Sure enough!
Lu Zeyao didn't come back.

Yun Qianchen didn't take it to heart either, it was a good time not to come back, she didn't want to see him for the time being.

But when she opened the bedroom door, she was startled, and when she turned on the light, it turned out that Lu Zeyao had already returned.

Sitting in a chair, he looked like a statue, with a cold aura exuding from his whole body.

Those dark eyes were even colder.

There is no extra expression on the face, it looks so indifferent.

As if he knew she would definitely come back.

He doesn't speak either.

After being startled, Yun Qianchen also regained his composure. It is normal for him to come back, this is his home, she should not come back.

Yun Qianchen didn't intend to ask him either, if he told her to go, she would go!

 This is not her home after all.

This is his right.

She just lives here.

She sat at the desk, took out the book, read the book and did homework as usual, treating him as a transparent individual.

 She does what she has to do.

 Learning technology well is what she has to do.

"Yun Qianchen?" Lu Zeyao finally spoke, and he could hear the anger in his tone.

Yun Qianchen was startled, knowing that the flames of war were still coming.

"Why did you do that?" Lu Zeyao continued, his voice could not hear the slightest temperature.

Yun Qianchen's wound was suddenly opened, and the bloody wound was exposed again.

If he doesn't believe in himself, why should she explain, what's the use of explaining?

Lu Zeyao strode up to her and snatched the pen from her hand.

The battle begins.

Yun Qianchen looked at him stubbornly, without flinching at all, she would never admit to something she had never done before.

"She has been pampered since she was a child, and she has never been slapped!" Lu Zeyao gritted his teeth.

"Is it related to me?" Yun Qianchen couldn't help sneering.

It's ridiculous!
Can it be her fault?
It was she who hit herself.

In order to play such a bitter trick, this Tian Xueer also used this trick, and she did not hesitate to beat herself to win the sympathy of others.

"Oh." Tian Xueer is a princess, but she is not.

So he would pamper that princess, she was also slapped by Tian Xueer, why didn't he greet her?
She acted very coldly.

"It really is a princess." Yun Qianchen still said the same thing.

Tian Xue'er is a princess and deserves his attention.

And her identity is also special, she is his first love's younger sister, how special is this identity.

Lu Zeyao picked her up and faced him face to face.

It can be seen that the anger in his eyes is almost bursting out, at least his breath is hot: "Yun Qianchen, am I pampering you too much?"

Too pampering her?
It should be said that it is too Tian Xueer, right?
Are you asking the wrong person?
His chest was rising and falling, indicating that he was really angry, but at the same time he was suppressing it, and he was quite contradictory.

"I can pamper you to heaven, but the people around me cannot be surpassed by you."

Yun Qianchen, yes, they were people from two worlds, the people around him?

People who belong to his world, right?
She's just an outsider, right?
Sure enough, she was different from him.

But it wasn't her who surpassed her, but his people who surpassed her once or twice, where would she go to ask for an explanation?

"I didn't hit her, but she came to hit me."

Yun Qianchen said neither humble nor overbearing.

Believe it or not, the fact is that she can't succumb.

He has his principles, and she has her own.

There is also an obvious slap mark on her face, and it is more serious than Tian Xueer's.

Can't he see it?
Or is he blind?As long as she speaks, her mouth will hurt. If you look closely, half of her face is already swollen.

If she hadn't flashed so fast, she might have scratched her face by Tian Xue'er's long nails.

Yun Qianchen struggled away, she was also tired, and had been making trouble for a long time.

She is still making trouble until now, she really has nothing to say.

But Lu Zeyao pulled her over again, and she bumped into his arms, excruciatingly painful.

Yun Qianchen didn't know what else he wanted to do?
Her eyes were already full of tears, she just looked at him and said calmly: "Let me go, I'm tired."

The calmness of her voice surprised him, and the sadness before was gone.

Only rare calm.

Although there will still be sourness, but it will be suppressed by her immediately.

Lu Zeyao hated her for being so calm, as if he didn't need to explain it to him, but he misunderstood her.

He won't let her go.

I don't know why.

"Let me go." Yun Qianchen said helplessly.

Lu Zeyao continued. "Yun Qianchen, what exactly do you want?" He was really angry.

Yun Qianchen didn't know what to do?

What can she do?Is it up to her to decide?It seems not.

"What do you want from me?" Yun Qianchen sneered, did he want to apologize to Tian Xueer, or was Tian Xueer slapped a few more times?Or maybe let her go?

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