This is repeated over and over again.

Yun Qianchen stopped slowly, her heart was suffocated because she was so moved.

This is what it feels like to be pampered.

The tears soaked her face, making her even more pitiful.

It's just that the eyes are swollen, really like a little white rabbit.

Lu Zeyao decided not to leave, knowing that she was so reluctant to leave by herself.

Thinking of the cruelty of the previous two times, his heart throbbed.

He picked her up and put her on the bed.

Yun Qianchen didn't dare to struggle anymore, and sometimes felt that she was too selfish, and she was really sorry for delaying Lu Zeyao's work like this.

Gritting her teeth, she didn't want to be so willful, and said, "I'm really fine! You go on a business trip!"

But as soon as she said that, she was immediately spanked by Lu Zeyao!

He really regarded her as a child!
Yun Qianchen was really wronged, she was in her twenties, yet Lu Zeyao beat her like this.

How embarrassing is it for her?
Since he regarded her as a child, she simply acted as a child and began to struggle: "I'm not a child, I don't need you to coax me, and I don't need you to take care of me..."

She heard that the Lu family was talking about big business, a business that was always over ten million or one hundred million.

She couldn't delay him like this.

Lu Zeyao didn't expect that she, who has always been well-behaved, would make such a fuss. He couldn't help but frowned, feeling agitated for a while.

He threw her on the bed, his actions were a little rough, and he only blamed her for being disobedient.

Finally, he suddenly grabbed a cup on the table and crushed it instantly.

The shards of glass pierced into its flesh, and the blood continued to flow down, which looked very scary.

His eyes were sharp, his chest was panting, and he was very angry.

"Yun Qianchen, have you had enough trouble? What exactly do you want?"

Lu Zeyao scolded her every sentence, his thin lips were tightly pressed, his handsome face was full of coldness, and he looked even more frightening.

Yun Qianchen was taken aback, and immediately didn't dare to make a fuss, curled up on the bed quietly, not daring to take a breath.

She is terrified.

In order to keep her quiet, Lu Zeyao did not hesitate to mutilate himself!As soon as he let go, the bloodshot fragments fell to the ground.

His hands clenched his fists secretly, as if his hands were also bleeding, so he would feel better in his heart!
Fortunately, the shards of glass were large, so he only cut off some of his skin, and his big hands were rough, so it wouldn't hurt him.

After a while, Lu Zeyao understood that she must have been frightened. He took a tissue and wiped the blood off his hands. To him, this blood was nothing at all!
In the past, when he was in the army, he was often injured when performing tasks. He never bandaged it. He just waited for a few minutes and the bleeding would stop naturally.

He came to the bed, looked at the panicked Yun Qianchen, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Don't stop me from being nice to you."

Yun Qianchen didn't dare to speak out anymore, nodded lightly, with tears rolling in his eyes, he endured it forcefully.

Lu Zeyao attributed all the faults to himself.

If he hadn't been on a business trip, Yun Qianchen wouldn't have lost his sense of security.

"Let's go to the hospital together, I'm going to bandage too."

It turned out that he hurt himself because he wanted her to go to the hospital for a tetanus injection.

Yun Qianchen didn't dare to resist anymore, and obediently let him hold her, and he could do whatever he wanted.

She didn't dare to make a sound, worried that this man would do something terrible again.

Lu Zeyao drove by himself, his family had a lot of cars, Yun Qianchen sat there obediently, unable to move anymore, as if he was stupid.

Lu Zeyao simply pressed the wound with a tissue and drove away.

And he didn't take his injuries seriously at all, and told her: "I don't know if I hit other parts when I was hit, and I have to check it carefully later. Sometimes, some injuries are invisible. It happened, and the consequences were unimaginable.”

He was just worried about the fact that she was hit.

Yun Qianchen listened quietly, holding back the emotion in his heart all the time, not letting himself show it.

But with her like this, Lu Zeyao was worried again, thinking that her head had been hit too, why was her mood so abnormal?

She was very well-behaved before, but she has changed?

Later, we must focus on patting our brains.

He couldn't help speeding up, and after a while, he arrived at the hospital, which she was familiar with, and of course received the most special treatment.

Fortunately, it was the VIP passage, otherwise Yun Qianchen really wanted to hide his face.

She has become famous recently, and in such a big hospital, there must be acquaintances of Lu Zeyao. Once asked, she is still not used to it.

Lu Zeyao asked the dean to give Yun Qianchen a comprehensive examination, and he studied it for a while.

The dean finally said very solemnly: "Boss Lu, I have already confirmed that it is really just a broken hand, and there is really no problem with the brain."

Lu Zeyao still didn't seem to believe it. He took the camera and kept looking at it, as if he was also an expert.

The dean didn't dare to say anything.

"Why did she have a different personality after being hit? She was so obedient before."

Lu Zeyao expressed doubts. Although the dean doesn't like others to question his ability, but the other party is the boss, even if he is the dean, he still gets his salary, so of course he has to listen to him.

Because Lu Zeyao looked too serious, his handsome face remained stern, and the most important thing was that he cared too much about the patient.

It is conceivable that this girl's status in his heart does not allow her to have any problems.

He thought for a while, and suggested this way: "You can let this girl be hospitalized for observation, and then leave the hospital after confirming that she is fine, how about it?"

Anyway, the hospital is run by his family, and his people can stay as long as they want.

After hearing the words, Lu Zeyao felt that it made sense, so he made a decision.

But Yun Qianchen didn't agree, she had never heard of people who would be hospitalized after wiping their hands.

This will definitely make people laugh to death.

But seeing Lu Zeyao's injured hand, she had no choice but to agree, it was purely to accompany him.

After all, his hand was also injured.

In the end, Yun Qianchen was really hospitalized, and immediately realized that she was a big fool.

Lu Zeyao also went to bandage his hands and stayed with her.

Living in a luxurious VIP ward, the conditions are first-class, but this is a hospital after all.

Yun Qianchen still felt reluctant in his heart.

Lu Zeyao was resting with her, Yun Qianchen looked up at him, and found that a layer of beard had grown on his chin.

Come to think of it, I must be very tired at work.

Maybe because he noticed that Yun Qianchen was looking at him, he lowered his head, looked at her, and said, "Go to sleep for a while."

Yun Qianchen nodded and really closed his eyes.

Lu Zeyao turned sideways, raised his hand, and gently stroked her hair. Yun Qianchen opened his eyes and looked at his bandaged hand. It was dazzling for a while, and he remembered the scene of him crushing the cup angrily. ,terrible.

Luckily the shards of glass didn't go into his flesh.

What he did was really dangerous.

"Ze Yao, you can't do this again in the future, it's too scary." Yun Qianchen worried, frowning.

But Lu Zeyao didn't take it seriously, and continued to stroke Yun Qianchen's hair.

However, Yun Qianchen grabbed his hand and stroked it lightly. Her heart was pierced by a knife, so she put his hand to her mouth and kissed him gently.

With pity and distress, as if this could kiss away his pain.

However, her kiss really relaxed Lu Zeyao's handsome face.

The originally cold gaze has also softened a lot.

"Go to sleep, I'm fine."

Yun Qianchen didn't know how much work Lu Zeyao had to handle with this hand?Once he is injured in this way, he has to deal with work with the injury.

Just because he was so nervous about her.

Yun Qianchen kept holding his hand, put it on her lips, and continued to kiss.

It seemed that this would ease the guilt in her heart.

Lu Zeyao also enjoyed her, so he simply closed his eyes.

Her kiss was very gentle, her lips were moist and warm, like clouds passing over his heart.

Gradually, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What a stupid woman." Lu Zeyao couldn't help scolding her lightly, but his tone was more pampering.

Yun Qianchen didn't care about him, as long as he could relieve some pain, that was the only thing she could do for him.

Lu Zeyao laughed again, laughing at her stupidity, what's the pain?It is necessary for a man to bear these pains.

He had tried to break a brick with one hand before.

"Go to sleep." Lu Zeyao withdrew his hand and held her in his arms, not allowing her to move around.

But how could Yun Qianchen sleep?She is not a patient?Not even the wounded.

How can you go to bed so early?If Lu Zeyao hadn't insisted on her being hospitalized, she would still have to do her homework.

She moved back and forth in his arms.

Lu Zeyao frowned, thinking why Yun Qianchen was acting so bad again?
She was moving around like that, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Her little jet-black head rested on his arm, and he couldn't see her expression.

The black head was rubbing back and forth in his embrace.

Finally, her vague voice came: "Ze Yao, don't spoil me too much, I'm afraid I will be sad without you in the future..."

It seems to be talking to him, more like listening to yourself.

But Lu Zeyao had already heard it.

After hearing this, Lu Zeyao's eyes flashed, and after a while, he kissed her on the head, as if sighing, "Stupid woman, stop thinking about it."

Yun Qianchen didn't speak anymore, her heart was churning like an ocean, throbbing abnormally.

She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

It's because she doesn't want to think too much, she really can't grasp the future, she just wants to enjoy this moment.

At this time, Lu Zeyao's cell phone kept ringing, he got out of bed gently, and went out of the ward to listen to the phone.

Originally, he had to come forward for the big business, which was the request of the client. Because he didn't show up, the client made things difficult on purpose, so Lu Zeyao had to use the phone to deal with it.

It took him a long time to call before he ended it, but luckily it was handled properly in the end.

But he was already a little tired.

After staying in the hospital for a day, Yun Qianchen was discharged, but Lu Zeyao was still not allowed to go to school, and had asked for leave for her.

Let her rest at home, and it happened that he was also resting, so he deliberately made such an excuse.

After returning to the villa, Yun Qianchen lived like a princess, and the housekeeper provided him with delicious food and drink.

Yun Qianchen didn't want to eat it, but Lu Zeyao insisted that she eat it too.

Said that she had lost some weight recently, Yun Qianchen looked at herself up and down, and felt that she was still the same as before, where did she lose weight?I feel that Lu Zeyao made a fuss over a trivial matter.

But when she thought of his kindness, she smiled sweetly again.

Lu Zeyao really cared about her, thinking of his concern, she ate more.

She doesn't know how long this kind of life can last, and enjoying one more day now is just one day.

Forever, she never imagined.

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