Yun Qian just happened to not need a driver to pick her up these few days, she thought it was too attractive, and most importantly, she wanted to take a walk to relax, and she didn't want to feel too depressed.

So he gave Father Xia an opportunity.

Yun Qianchen was walking on the side of the road when a few hooligans suddenly appeared, and they immediately blocked Yun Qianchen's way.

These hooligans know how to choose a location, this is a street with few people.

The reason why they were able to stop Yun Qianchen successfully was due to the timing, location, and harmony of people.

"Hehe, she looks good, why don't we have some fun first, and then we can do things."

Yun Qianchen was taken aback. Because she was in a bad mood, she chose some secluded places to walk, and she never expected such a thing to happen.

She wanted to call for help, but found no one around, and these hooligans kept forcing her into a deserted street.

To make it easier for them to do the case.

Yun Qianchen hated this kind of hooligan the most, he looked so disgusting, she shouted for help, but no one paid any attention to her.

"Don't come here, the police will come later, and then you will go to jail." Her voice was trembling.

"Hehe, even if we force you, no one will come to save you. Now people have no time to protect themselves, how can they think of saving you? You still listen to us obediently, maybe we will be merciful, we said this Calculate."

A rogue looked like the boss, with a scar on his face, one could tell at a glance that he was someone who often did bad things.

"Haha, going to jail, that's my brother's second home! It can't scare us anymore."

"Yeah, it's really ridiculous to threaten us with this."

These hooligans have long been immune to jail time. As long as they don't kill people, the police will at most lock them up, and they can still find their colleagues in the prison, and there are more ways out.

Yun Qianchen was so scared, her body began to tremble, and she was about to burst into tears.

"Girl, hehe, let us scratch her face, I really don't want to bear it, why don't we take her and make her our plaything." A hooligan said, he was already drooling, such a thing must be because She is too pretty to get into such a thing.

Ruined her face!It is a pity.

"That's a good idea!"

"You dare?" When Yun Qianchen heard that she was disfigured and that she was about to rape her, she was already at a loss.

She really didn't understand that she hadn't done anything bad, and such a thing would happen. Who did she provoke?

That's abominable!

Who are they from?It's unfair to treat her like this.

She decided to negotiate with them, saying: "Do you know who my man is? If you want money, I can call him, as long as you ask."

As long as it can be delayed for a while, let's take it for a while, I believe these people are here for money.

It's better to lure them with money.

"Haha, you think we are stupid, you actually let you call Lu Zeyao, you really think we are idiots!" A hooligan laughed, and this woman thought they were three-year-old children.

Such a lie can be told!
"Don't think about it any more, take good care of us, it's up to my elder brothers to let you go." Although they are collecting money and working hard, they are hooligans, and they can also do things that don't count. .

They slowly approached Yun Qianchen.

These hooligans really look like hooligans, with ferocious faces, stout bodies, tattoos on their arms, and yellow teeth exposed when they smile.

The air was filled with waves of foul stench.

Yun Qianchen already wanted to vomit!In fact, Yun Qianchen saw someone passing by them, but when they saw this scene, they ran faster than anyone else.

Yun Qianchen's heart was terribly chilled. In such a world, there might be only one way to die, but if she were to be insulted by these hooligans, she would rather die than give in.

Yun Qianchen kept backing away, and his fearful mind gradually calmed down.

Since no one came to save her, she had to save herself.

Her little face was extremely pale, and her eyes gradually turned cold. She remembered that Lu Zeyao told her that she must know how to resist when things happen, so that she can't be bullied in vain.

She must change herself, otherwise she will be bullied by others.

She clenched her fist secretly.

Even if it's not enough for them to fight, she can't admit defeat.

She was also thinking of a way, thinking about how to scare these hooligans away, and suddenly she thought of a person, Ming Yehen who also looked like them with a hooligan temperament.

She threatened in a cold voice, and at this time, she was no longer afraid. "You can't bully me! I know a man named Ming Yehen, what if you dare to treat me? He will definitely not let you go."

Sure enough, when they heard this name, those hooligans trembled. Ming Yehen is a man who is elusive, and his actions are extremely cruel and frightening. Most people don't know his name, but they only know that he is the Eagle Lord.

Unexpectedly, this girl actually knew Mingyehen!

They began to have scruples.

Yun Qianchen could also see that they were scared, so he couldn't help but feel a little happy. It seems that getting to know a hooligan is still beneficial, at least it can scare them a little bit.

However, these hooligans soon calmed down. They were also competitive people. Thinking about it, at this moment, even if she knew King Yama, it would be useless.

She is in their hands.

They also know the Jade Emperor!Few people in Ming Yehen know his true face. The woman in front of him doesn't look like a gangster, maybe she just said it to protect herself.

Although they are afraid of Mingye Scar, they are not fooled.

Suddenly laughed wildly. "This woman is too ridiculous, she's really scary, and she's really capable. In addition to getting close to a big man like Lu Zeyao, she also got close to the boss of the underworld. She should be good at that, otherwise it won't be like this. Why don't we give it a try? .”

They were already joking.

Yun Qianchen was scared again, unexpectedly such a trick would be useless to them.

She pursed her lips tightly, at this moment she could only pray to God to help her, otherwise how would she be able to fight this group of vicious wolves as a woman.

Which one of them was sent here?Want to hurt her like this?
These hooligans are usually bold, killing and arson is common, but today they really killed her, and she will be the only one who suffers.

Yun Qianchen was very sad, feeling that he was about to die.

"Haha, have you learned how to behave now?"

The hooligan couldn't wait any longer, and had already surrounded Yun Qianchen.

They looked very fierce and ugly, and the smell in the air became stronger and stronger.

"Beauty, after today, you will be my brother's woman."

Some hooligans were already about to touch Yun Qianchen, but when Yun Qianchen slapped their hands away, she felt sick to her stomach and really wanted to vomit on them.

"Help." The survival instinct made her call out loudly, she didn't want to give up any hope, as long as she could call out, she would call out loudly.

Her tears were about to come out, and her little face was already bloodless.

She looked like a little flower swaying in the wind, with no ability to resist and extremely helpless.

However, she did throw up.

"Stinky bitch, you dare to disgust us, you will know how powerful we are later! We must teach you a good lesson!"

"Help." Yun Qianchen was about to yell loudly, she glared at them, hating these stinky hooligans so much.

Her voice was about to burst from shouting, but no one paid any attention to her.

The hooligans were already angered by her behavior, and Yun Qianchen was obviously despising them.

These hooligans are usually the most competitive, they don't laugh anymore, they want to kill this woman who doesn't give them face.

"Smelly woman, it's your honor to have you, brother, but you actually vomited on me!"

Yun Qianchen had already been insulted. She really hated these people, but there was nothing she could do.

Her throat was already screaming, and no one paid any attention to her.

She started waving her hands and slapping their bodies. She was going crazy, kicking, beating and cursing: "Go to hell! Don't mess with me!"

She is also desperate, she would rather die than succumb to them, she does not allow her body to be stained by these people.

"Hehe, this girl is quite stubborn."

"Strengthen her."


The rascal's words became even more obscene. A few of them dealt with a woman, and of course they took the limelight.

It must be Yun Qianchen's fault.

Tears welled up in Yun Qianchen's eyes, her clothes were beginning to tear, and her hair was messy. She clearly saw a passerby passing by, but she didn't call the police for her.

This society is actually so dark.

She has no love for this world.

At this moment, with an angry shout, everyone stopped moving, but after the hooligan saw who was coming, they burst into laughter again.

Because the person who appeared was Xie Zhejun, Xie Zhejun had been worried about Yun Qianchen for the past few days, and had been following her secretly. Today, someone called him and wasted time, so he immediately followed Yun Qianchen's usual path to look for her.

Yun Qianchen's distraught image kept appearing in his mind.

He was worried about her, and sure enough something happened.

She was targeted by gangsters, but fortunately he came in time, otherwise something would happen to Yun Qianchen, and he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Haha, a student is here, who do you think I am? Come and kill one!"

"That's right... how about this? Judging by the famous tags on his body, he might be quite rich, so why not capture him and exchange for money."


The hooligans also didn't take Xie Zhejun seriously, but they were very wrong. Xie Zhejun dealt with several people by himself, and within a short while, they had already beaten them to the ground. They were all clutching their stomachs. screaming.

Xie Zhejun may not be as good as Lu Zeyao, but he is much better than these hooligans who only scare people and eat, drink and have fun.

His skills were extremely fierce, and these hooligans escaped as if they had seen a ghost.

Yun Qianchen stared blankly at Xie Zhejun, filled with gratitude.

Xie Zhejun was already her savior.

She still had lingering fears and was very scared. Although these hooligans ran away, she didn't know if they would take revenge on Xie Zhejun.

"Zhe Jun, thank you." Yun Qianchen's complexion was still extremely pale, and his hands and feet were also trembling.

"You're welcome, idiot, blame me, if I accompany you back, you won't encounter such a thing." Xie Zhejun had a fight, his forehead was sweating, he was relieved when he saw that Yun Qianchen was fine smiled.

Smile bright as always.

"Will it implicate you by then?" While grateful, Yun Qianchen was extremely worried, fearing that those hooligans would haunt him in the future.

"Don't worry, I will find someone to check the video of this street and hand it over to the police." Xie Zhejun was unusually calm at this time, like a big man.

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