He raised his eyes and looked at the overcrowded church. Immediately, the gazes of those people lowered.Lu Zeyao's gaze was too sharp, they were just some students, how dare they continue to look?He even regretted what he said about Yun Qianchen back then. If Yun Qianchen sued him and offended Lu Zeyao, the consequences would be worse than death.

The corner of Lu Zeyao's mouth raised slightly, knowing that the effect has been achieved. Most of the students' family businesses here are related to the Lu family. As long as he says a word, it means not to cooperate. For the Lu family, it is just not Cooperation, but for them, it is a matter of bankruptcy.

The Lu family has a big business, involving various industries, and the business involves more people, wider, deep-rooted, intricate, and branched...

As long as it can make money, there is nothing he can't think of.

Yun Qianchen finally waited until get out of class was over, she immediately ran away and left the school, and she didn't plan to attend all the classes after that, Lu Zeyao was here, how could she listen to much?It is better not to listen.

She directly pulled him to the grove, and the bodyguards arrived, immediately blocking some students who wanted to follow, and the campus police tried their best to disperse them, and the campus order gradually returned to normal.

The grove is quiet and the green environment is very good. After all, it is the best college. Lu Zeyao hugged Yun Qianchen, scaring her to struggle for a while, but he kissed her earlobe, his eyes were gentle, and said: "It seems that I will have a campus romance with you in the future."

Lu Zeyao's voice was so gentle that Yun Qianchen's heart trembled slightly.

Yun Qianchen was originally a gentle and shy person, but after being teased by him like this, her neck was already flushed red.

She nestled in his arms, which brought her more sense of security. I believe that as soon as Lu Zeyao appeared, she would no longer have to be guessed by others. His aura was too great, and she also followed suit.

"Lu Zeyao, thank you." She understood his well-intentioned efforts. A busy person like him spends his time here to cheer her up.

Her voice was so soft that she was almost the only one who heard it, but Lu Zeyao could hear it clearly. He tightened his arms and hugged her tightly.

"What did you not understand in the class just now?" Lu Zeyao asked.

Yun Qianchen took out his notebook and sat on the lawn. Lu Zeyao hugged her again, and she nestled in his arms. The two looked very close.

The two went to look at the notebook together, flipping through the previous notes page by page. Yun Qianchen asked him a question from time to time, and Lu Zeyao immediately answered her. Although he is not a professional, he also has a clothing store under his banner, so it is natural to understand after seeing more Yes, what he said was even more professional than Yun Qianchen, Yun Qianchen was taken aback when he heard it, and he really admired him.

Some questions she didn't understand, under Lu Zeyao's instruction, she understood instantly, and she couldn't help but raised her head and said: "Lu Zeyao, you are so good, you even understand these."

At first I thought Lu Zeyao was just a businessman, but I didn't expect him to be so proficient, even knew about fashion design, this man is much more powerful than she imagined.

Yun Qianchen couldn't help raising his eyes, and looked at him with the most admiration.Lu Zeyao smiled, and while she wasn't paying attention, he kissed her on the lips. Her lips were moist and tender, and he couldn't help it anymore, and kissed her a few more times.

A man likes to be admired by the woman he likes the most, and the joy in his heart is even happier than when he opened a project.

"No, this is the academy." Yun Qianchen yelled softly, lowered his head, but he pinched his chin again, and kissed her on the lips a few times.

Yun Qianchen's face immediately turned red again, as if she had put on rouge, she looked extremely good-looking.

This little girl is as sweet as ever, really nice!Fortunately, God let him meet her again. Seeing her delicate appearance, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened. He directly leaned over and kissed her. She was like poison, always making him linger.

Yun Qianchen pushed him away, looked at him with dim eyes, panting slightly.

Suddenly, the small universe in Lu Zeyao's body exploded, and he pulled her up, which startled Yun Qianchen, who didn't know what he was going to do!Dazedly followed him.

It wasn't until she got in the car that she blushed. It turned out that Lu Zeyao wanted to bring her here for a kiss. This is the parking lot for the faculty and staff.

"Don't do this!" Yun Qianchen was about to get out of the car, she couldn't afford to be ashamed, if he tried to jolt the car here, then she would be ashamed.

She didn't know that she had aroused Lu Zeyao's desire. If she didn't turn off the fire, a certain man would explode.

Lu Zeyao kissed her directly, Yun Qianchen had no strength to resist, so he could only lean limply in his arms, and didn't know how to respond, no one in the car could see her, so he could only let him kiss her.

Lu Zeyao kissed her for an unknown amount of time before letting go of her, panting in her ear, as if trying to calm himself down.

"Lu Zeyao, I'm going out to class." Of course Yun Qianchen could also sense his strangeness, the feeling was too familiar, she had to leave him quickly, otherwise it would be bad for him to be here.

But he kept holding her and refused to let go, and his breath kept whispering in her ears, which made her even more confused.

She was also uncomfortable when he held her like this, her body felt like she was getting an electric shock, and her body was a little hot, even though the temperature of the air conditioner in the car was low enough, she still felt hot. up.

How long will he hold her?Yun Qianchen couldn't push him away, his body was also hot.

He pretended not to hear what she said at all, so she could only listen to his powerful heartbeat with her ears sideways, and put her arms around his strong waist.

Likewise, she can't help it.

Lu Zeyao could feel her hand tightening, and the light in his eyes flickered even more.He lowered his head again, biting her lip, his voice hoarse: "I really want to eat you in one bite."

His voice already betrayed his desire, and he was always unable to control her.

Yun Qianchen blinked at him, and didn't dare to move, for fear of getting angry, but her tender eyes were full of temptation.

She could feel his need!
She has also been out to live for a while, and she must go back home. No matter what, it is still her home in the end, and her father is her relative. In addition, she also wants to pack her luggage, and there are some things she wants to take away.

As soon as Yun Yucheng heard that Yun Qianchen had brought Lu Zeyao back, he immediately felt as if he was facing an enemy, and his heart became very nervous. No matter what, in his heart, now he was the one who took care of Yun Qianchen. Hello.

Now with his credit, the company has started to get on the right track, and it has gained a lot of credit. Such a person should not be offended.

He had already ordered Li Mei to prepare a sumptuous dinner early, and Yun Qianling was even more well-dressed, like a lady from a great family, she wished she could immediately take Yun Qianchen's place.

As soon as Lu Zeyao and Yun Qianchen entered the room, Yun Yucheng was full of flattery, but Lu Zeyao just smiled lightly at him, didn't say much, and went directly with Yun Qianchen to pack things without eating.

As soon as they entered, they immediately closed the door.

Li Mei looked at the meal she had worked so hard for a long time, and couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "Old Yun, he doesn't eat at all."

Yun Qianling was even angrier, Lu Zeyao didn't even look at her, and just regarded her as transparent, she said angrily in a low voice: "It's too hateful, she's taking all the limelight now, she just became a mistress And myself, what is there to be arrogant about?"

Yun Yucheng immediately stopped them and didn't allow them to speak out, so Li Mei and Yun Qianling didn't dare to complain anymore, but they were very jealous, and really couldn't see Yun Qianchen's life like this.

Yun Qianling rolled her eyes, and immediately thought of an excellent method. When she got up, she remembered that she had Bei Yifan's cell phone number. Bei Yifan had always been Yun Qianchen's boyfriend before. Although she looked down on him, sometimes Yun Qianling Qianchen's mobile phone often has no bills, she sent Yun Qianchen to do something, and she had to find her, so Yun Qianchen's mobile phone ran out of bills, so Yun Qianling went to Pei Yifan to find Yun Qianchen.

As soon as Pei Yifan heard that Yun Qianchen was back, he immediately rushed over. He had been looking for Yun Qianchen all this time, but he couldn't find him. Yun Qianchen had already blocked his phone number, and he was so anxious that he looked around.

For the sake of profit, Yun Yucheng has blocked all news about Yun Qianchen, and at the same time warned Li Mei and Yun Qianmei not to tell.

So Yun Qianling didn't tell Pei Yifan all about Yun Qianchen's whereabouts before, but now she was so angry that she wanted to tell Pei Yifan that she wanted Lu Zeyao to know that Yun Qianchen was not only him, but also other men, she believed , as long as Pei Yifan comes, there will definitely be a good show to watch.

Yun Qianling wanted to tell Pei Yifan!She wanted Yun Qianchen to have a hard time, and what she couldn't get, Yun Qianchen couldn't get it either!

She deliberately said: "Yifan, don't say I didn't notify you, Qianchen has already become someone else's mistress, and now that man has brought her back, if you don't hurry up, she will leave soon, you If you don't come here and snatch her back, she will be taken away by that man again!"

Pei Yifan was indeed fooled by her.

Pei Yifan came back in no time, his arrival shocked Yunyu City a lot, and he couldn't stop it even if he tried to stop it!
Pei Yifan always thought that Yun Qianchen was forced by Lu Zeyao, so he completely ignored Yunyucheng's stop and rushed into Qianchen's room.

At the same time, he was going to beat Lu Zeyao indiscriminately, and at the same time scolded: "You are such a dog, you are amazing if you have money, and you just openly rob someone to be your lover. Today I will beat you to death you!"

Pei Yifan always thought that what he saw that night was Lu Zeyao, who forcibly took Yun Qianchen away!So he hated it.

This fist was full of strength, full of murderous aura!Usually, the gentle scholar turned into hate because of love, and instantly exploded the strength in his body, turning him into a warrior.

It's a pity that when Lu Zeyao raised his arm, he didn't pay attention to it at all. Pei Yifan's fist landed on his arm without frowning.

At the same time, his other hand immediately clenched into a fist and punched Pei Yifan's stomach.

Pei Yifan had already tested Lu Zeyao's strength, knowing the weight of this fist, he was startled, and immediately dodged it.

But the fist still landed on his abdomen, and the pain hit him.

Pei Yifan took a few steps back, and when he stood firmly, he gritted his teeth and immediately counterattacked, and threw his fist at Lu Zeyao's face again.

He wanted to swell Lu Zeyao's face.

"Don't!" Yun Qianchen couldn't take it anymore, they would kill someone if they fought like this, she was more worried about Lu Zeyao, because Pei Yifan was about to hit Lu Zeyao in the face.

I saw Lu Zeyao's movements were extremely quick, and when he dodged, Pei Yifan didn't pay attention to him at all.

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