
Huo Beixiao squinted his eyes, staring at the woman who suddenly barged in before him.

"How did you come?"

Ning Tang was a little surprised. Why did Yu Annan suddenly barge in when the company's senior management was having a meeting?


Yu Annan was a little embarrassed by Huo Beixiao's gaze, but she heard that the president of the Huo Corporation had tough wrists and was usually serious, so she only looked at Huo Beixiao's back from a distance, and had never seen him so close before.

"Isn't this from your personnel department?"

The manager of the technical department looked at Ning Tang with a half-smile, then shook his head, "It looks like this is a lie, even my employees can't stand it and come out to correct me."

Ning Tang ignored the manager of the technical department because he knew that explaining now would only cover up the truth.

"You said."

Huo Beixiao glanced at the manager of the technical department. The technical department and the HR department had always been at odds. He knew it a long time ago, but apart from this relationship, both Ning Tang and the manager of the technical department were rare talents.

He has always cherished talents.

At this moment, Yu Annan was a little stunned, she didn't expect Huo Beixiao to ask her to express her opinion.

After a pause, she still opened her mouth.

"Xia Nuanxin is solely responsible for this case."


Huo Beixiao smiled slightly. Could this be what she was going to say?


Yu Annan was slightly taken aback by Huo Beixiao's question, isn't this obvious enough?
Before Yu Annan could speak, the manager of the technical department spoke up.

"Something happened to the case she was in charge of, isn't it just a matter of eating inside and outside?"

Huo Beixiao narrowed his eyes, the manager of the technical department was playing with fire.

He pampered him because he liked his talent, but it didn't mean that he could talk about his woman without restraint.

It seems that the manager of the technical department is sitting in a seat that is too comfortable.

The manager of the technical department was looking at Ning Tang complacently at this moment, and he knew that he had nothing to say at this moment.

"This matter has come to an end, and when there is enough evidence to prove who did it, we will discuss it."

Huo Beixiao was a little angry because of what the manager of the technical department said just now.


Yu Annan was a little anxious, she came in not just to say a word.

"Nothing but."

Now he has no patience to listen to the woman in front of him gossip.

Just meeting Huo Beixiao's eyes, Yu Annan didn't dare to say anything more. Even though she felt too much dissatisfaction in her heart, she didn't dare to say too much at this moment. She knew that if she kept talking, the man in front of her would definitely explode.

"If you have nothing to do, let's end the meeting." He waved his hand, then put away the folder in his hand, and just when everyone was about to go out, he turned around, "Ning Tang, please stay here."

After everyone went out, the door of the office was closed. No one knew what Huo Beixiao and Ning Tang had said.

The matter doesn't seem to be over yet.

The next day, as soon as Xia Nuanxin arrived at the company, she heard the news.

The land in the south of the city that was promised to be developed by the Huo family, now, the development rights are actually given to the Mo family.

There seems to be Mo Yixuan everywhere.

"The day when you leave the company is not far away."

Yu Annan still did not change his previous personality, and after seeing Xia Nuanxin, he had to make a sarcasm.

It just so happened that this scene was seen by Huo Beixiao who just passed by the personnel department.

"Go and find out, how did this Yu Annan get into the Huo family?"

Huo Beixiao said to Assistant Yang who was standing beside her.

Assistant Yang looked at Yu Annan, who was wearing heavy makeup, and nodded.

Xia Nuanxin, who was about to speak just now, raised her head, just in time to see Huo Beixiao not far away, and swallowed what she originally wanted to say.

It's not that she lost her image in his mind by arguing with Yu Annan here, but that she didn't want Yu Annan to lose her job because of herself.

Seeing Xia Nuanxin's eyes locked in the distance.Yu Annan also looked up.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but it's shocking to see it.

Huo Beixiao was looking in this direction.

She turned around sheepishly, she didn't want to give the president a bad impression of bullying newcomers just after she got a familiar face in front of him.

Huo Beixiao didn't look any further, but walked away.

Can his little guy handle this series of incidents?Is it really okay without his protection?

In the past few days, the executives of the Huo Corporation have been busy. The land in the south of the city that was originally agreed to be developed by the Huo Corporation is now given to the Mo Corporation. Picking and pricking non-standard reasons to prevaricate.

"Mr. Huo, the money you got is gone?"

Assistant Yang asked him.

He smiled, with Huo Beixiao's character, how could it be possible for Mo's to take advantage so easily?
He didn't answer Assistant Yang's words, but turned his head and asked him, "How about the matter about Yu Annan from the HR Department that I asked you to investigate?"

Assistant Yang handed the documents that had been sorted out to Huo Beixiao, "Boss Huo, this is Yu Annan's information."

"Well," he took it, casually flipped through a few pages and put it aside, there was still a lot of unfinished work on hand.

He is still very busy. To be able to run such a large company, he naturally has to put in countless times more effort than others.

"If there's nothing else, you can go out first."

Seeing Assistant Yang still standing there, he reminded.

"Yes," Assistant Yang agreed. Just as he raised his foot, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and said to him, "Fourth Master, when I was investigating Yu Annan, I found something else."


He raised his head, it seems that this Yu Annan is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, who can make Assistant Yang bring it up again and again.

"Yu Annan seems to be getting closer to the eldest son of the Mo family recently."

Mo Yixuan?It's him again.

Huo Beixiao couldn't help laughing, it seemed that Mo Yixuan was the one who really wasn't a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Well, I see."

He nodded, and after Assistant Yang went out, he put down his work and picked up the information about Yu Annan that he had just put aside.

Yu Annan, graduated from Ruancheng H University with a bachelor's degree in nursing...

H University, a marginal undergraduate college, the most important thing is, Yu Annan is still a nursing graduate?How did she get in a company like Huo's that doesn't accept postgraduates except 985 and 211.

Looking further down, Yu Annan's work status in Huo's for the past few years has been mediocre, and there is nothing that can be achieved.

Looking at his brows could not help but furrow.

Finally, his eyes fell on Yu Annan's experience.

She was recruited by a former manager of Huo's enterprise, but that manager had been resigned long ago due to corruption.

It seems that several big tigers in the company have indeed been beaten, but the little flies below are still active, it's time to clean up.

Mo Yixuan was in a good mood these two days because he had robbed Huo's of a large amount of business. Right now, he is not able to challenge Huo Beixiao, but that doesn't mean he won't be able to challenge Huo Beixiao in the future.

This business matter is just the beginning.

"Yat Xuan?"

When Yu Annan arrived at the coffee shop, Mo Yixuan was already waiting for her there.

After hearing that Yu Annan saw him, Mo Yixuan didn't raise his head, but continued to look down at the newspaper in his hand.

Yu Annan was a little annoyed, it's normal for a girl to be petty, especially a woman in love, who likes to hold on to whether a man loves her or not.

She walked over directly, thinking that Mo Yixuan didn't hear her calling him, maybe she was used to it, when she walked in front of Mo Yixuan, Yu Annan turned around and was about to sit down on Mo Yixuan's lap.

Unexpectedly, he was blocked by Mo Yixuan.

"Go sit across from me."

Mo Yixuan still didn't raise his head, but his tone was not as doting on her as before, it was a bit cold.

Yu Annan was stunned, and looked at Mo Yixuan quietly for a while, during this process, Mo Yixuan never raised his head to look at her.

It is said that the IQ of a woman in love is zero, she just wanted to ask Mo Yixuan if he cared about her.As he spoke, he suddenly realized that the man in front of him was not an ordinary person, but the eldest son of the Mo family. She would rely on him to live a bright and beautiful life in the future, how could he arouse Mo Yixuan's disgust at this time.

After thinking about it, Yu Annan walked across to Mo Yixuan and sat down.

"Order what you want to drink."

Mo Yixuan spoke suddenly, but he didn't put the menu in front of Yu Annan like a gentleman like usual.

She waited for a long time, but seeing that Mo Yixuan had no intention of entertaining her, she picked up the menu and ordered a cappuccino.

Mo Yixuan couldn't help laughing, as expected, he was from the lower class, and came to such a high-end coffee shop to drink something cheap like cappuccino.

It's like you only need a plate of shredded potatoes in a five-star restaurant.

"What's going on with Huo now?"

Huo Beixiao put down the newspaper in his hand, this is Yu Annan's real value, the tool he used to monitor the Huo family.

That's right, it's just a tool, nothing to do with love.

"There is no movement from the higher-ups, but Xia Nuanxin's current situation doesn't seem to be very good."

The manager of the technical department is pressing every step of the way. Indeed, Xia Nuanxin's life is not as comfortable as before.

Mo Yixuan frowned curiously, didn't Huo Beixiao always care about Xia Nuanxin?How can we make her have a bad life now?
In the end, like him, Huo Beixiao, women are just tools in front of economic interests.

"Okay, you go back and monitor the Huo family. If there is anything, report to me. I'm going to discuss the development of the south of the city."

Mo Yixuan was suddenly in a good mood. You know, he spent five times the price of the Huo family to get the land in the south of the city, a total of [-] million.

However, I can't bear to let the child not set the wolf.

The benefit of the land in the south of the city is more than [-] million?
Other than this value, Yu Annan was worthless to him.

Seeing that Mo Yixuan was going to send him away, Yu Annan was a little angry, "Yixuan, don't you miss me at all except for work?"


One word, crisp and concise, the answer is very thorough, without hesitation at all, but it is precisely because of such unthinking and no hesitation that people feel that this is perfunctory.

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