He had to settle her down, Yun Qianchen was naked, her skin was as tender and smooth as a baby's, her figure was even more charming, her body was flushed with pink, this woman is really a nosebleed stunner.

But Lu Zeyao only had her illness in his mind, and now there are only two ways to go, one is to drive home quickly and ask her a family doctor to see her, but the premise is that she is obedient and obedient.The second is to cool her down immediately, and if the burning continues like this, he can't guarantee that she will really burn stupidly.

He picked up the big bath towel, hugged her into his arms, and stroked her back with his big hand, as if he was comforted. Some clients sent him.

He usually puts it here, and he hates those guests who bribe him with things, so he doesn't take it to heart when he gives it away. Unexpectedly, it has become Yun Qianchen's life-saving wine at this moment.

He will give her a few sips of water, but Yun Qianchen refuses to drink, so he directly feeds her with his mouth and forces her to drink half of the bottle, otherwise, when he uses alcohol to cool her down later, he will consume a certain amount of water, tender and tender She may not be able to bear it.

"Don't move!" In order for him to calm down, he had to drink her lightly.

Under his stern gaze, Yun Qianchen became obedient and didn't dare to move any more. In addition, she had a fever, so she was indeed uncomfortable. She had been struggling just now, and she had already consumed a lot of energy.

Lu Ze poured some wine into his hand and began to cool her down physically. The wine was originally cold, but when it touched her hot body, Yun Qianchen shivered and wanted to slap his hand with his hand. But Lu Zeyao grabbed her hand and didn't allow her to move.

He put her between his legs, directly sandwiching Yun Qianchen, including her hands.

Continue to smear her body with wine, but luckily she just had a fever and the temperature can be controlled.As soon as he touched her body, Yun Qianchen would tremble violently, struggling uncontrollably, and sometimes spilled the wine in Lu Zeyao's hands.

After repeating this several times, Yun Qianchen's condition improved to a certain extent, her body temperature gradually dropped, and she drank more than half a bottle of water just now, she was much better than before, and finally leaned against him As if about to fall asleep, Lu Zeyao wrapped her up in a big towel, put her on the back seat, and let her lie down.

He immediately went to drive, and returned to the villa as quickly as possible. Alcohol only played a small role in cooling down the temperature. He still needed to call a doctor. He ran through many red lights, like an ambulance, but it only took a short time Then returned to the villa.

Originally, he wanted to go to the hospital, but he really didn't want anyone to see her beauty, including the doctor.As soon as he returned to the villa, the first thing he did was to order the housekeeper to bring in a doctor.

The housekeeper was terrified. Seeing that Lu Zeyao was drenched all over, he didn't dare to ask the reason, and immediately called the doctor he was used to as quickly as possible.

Then he carried her into the room, put her clothes on for the first time, took a shower and put on his clothes in a hurry.

When he finished packing, the doctor hadn't come yet, so he had to feed himself water and ask the servant to find salt.

Yun Qianchen frowned all the time, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and was still squeaking nonsense words, indicating that she was still running a fever, and her face became even redder, as if being put on a barbecue stove .

Lu Zeyao didn't know what she was talking about at all, but looking at her pitiful appearance, as if she was having a nightmare, he couldn't help regretting what he had done, if it wasn't for him, how could she be like this, he understood that she was still scolding him of.

As soon as he felt guilty, he lay beside her, put his arms around her, held her in his arms, turned her body around, and kissed her forehead, neck, ears, lips... Like coaxing a child, gentle and careful.

Doing this, like a tranquilizer, Yun Qianchen, who was having a nightmare, slowly calmed down, curled up in his arms like a child, and the breath he exhaled was also hot, burning his chest, and he would She hugged her tightly, a wave of discomfort flashed through her heart.

He felt distressed again, and kept calling himself an asshole. He had punished her in the most extreme way at that time, but while punishing her, he was also punishing himself.

He suffered a hundred times more than her.

He really wanted to slap himself hard, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and it was the butler's voice: "Master, the doctor is here."

Lu Zeyao got up immediately, but Yun Qianchen grabbed his clothes, not allowing him to go away, so he could only say, "Come in."

The doctor invited was a woman, and the housekeeper was very considerate, knowing that the young master cared about Miss Yun, so he dared not invite a man.

Lu Zeyao was pulled by Yun Qianchen's clothes, so he had to sit beside her, holding her small hand with his big hand, coaxing her softly: "Hey, don't move around, show the doctor, take the medicine and you'll be fine. "

"Mom, I want my mother..." Yun Qianchen, who was in a fever, after experiencing such torture, she already thought that Lu Zeyao, who coaxed her just now, was her mother. Only when her mother was alive, would she coax her like this. Kiss her face, warm arms, so she holds mom's hand and doesn't let her go.

Lu Zeyao was startled. He heard some old people say that dreaming about an old friend is not a good thing. If you keep getting stuck in it, your soul will go with the old person. He is so worried about her, that's why he thinks this way.

He is not a superstitious person, after all, according to customs, the cemetery is not an auspicious place.

As far as she knew, Yun Qianchen had lost his mother, and he was afraid that she would be deeply involved.

He immediately picked her up, kissed her face constantly in front of the doctor, and coaxed her like a sweetheart: "Be good, Qianchen, don't think about it, okay? Be good..."

After coaxing her well, he was willing to show Yun Qianchen to the doctor. The doctor had already confirmed that she had a fever. She said that she had prescribed several medicines, and told her to take them early so that the fever would go away early.

Yun Qianchen leaned in Lu Zeyao's arms, her eyes were closed tightly, her brows were furrowed, her hands were tightly pulling on Lu Zeyao's skirt, her little face was blushing, and she made uncomfortable sounds from time to time, she was really quite Painful.

After being in the rain for so long, she only had a fever, so she was considered to be in good health.

The housekeeper immediately brought warm water and asked Yun Qianchen to take medicine.The housekeeper has never seen Lu Zeyao so patient with a person. She has always seen him with a cold face. It seems that this Yun Qianchen has a very high status in his heart. Seeing him coaxing her, it is completely Became a lover.

Like a husband coaxing his wife.

If it didn't exist, she wouldn't believe that Young Master Lu, who has always been indifferent to people, would do such a thing if she was killed. This is not his style at all.

It seems that there is a great possibility that Miss Yun will become his real girlfriend in the future.

Lu Zeyao took the medicine and wanted her to take it, but when Yun Qianchen smelled the medicine, he immediately shook his head like a drum, and murmured: "I don't want to take the medicine..."

Usually, she would act like a baby only in front of her mother. Only her mother dotes on her the most in the world, so she still treats Lu Zeyao as her mother.

At this point, Lu Zeyao would not accommodate her. He couldn't help erecting his majesty, and said softly, "Yun Qianchen, I order you to eat immediately, or you will become a big fool."

"You're not a mother, you're the big villain Lu Zeyao, don't!" She slapped her hand and almost knocked the medicine down on the ground, but luckily Lu Zeyao was quick.

Lu Zeyao's complexion changed, this woman doesn't take medicine, how can she do it?This time, she is really going to be burned stupid, and she can be sent directly to the lunatic asylum.

As soon as Yun Qianchen heard Lu Zeyao scolding her lightly, her dream was ruined, and she started to make trouble again, but refused to take the medicine, like a wayward child, struggling, crying and fussing, Lu Zeyao had to give the medicine to the housekeeper, She had to lower her voice, and said: "Be good, Qianchen, don't make a fuss, obediently take the medicine, after taking the medicine, the disease will be cured."

Sure enough, as soon as he became gentle, Yun Qianchen immediately calmed down, nestled in his arms like a good child, and nodded slightly.

It turned out that she took the soft food rather than the hard food, and Lu Ze poured no courage to be more aggressive. This medicine should not be delayed any longer, and it would be serious if it was delayed any longer.

"Qianchen, take your medicine obediently, don't make trouble anymore, and be a good baby." Lu Zeyao had no choice but to continue coaxing her, now he can take medicine for her, no matter what he does.

He only wants her to recover from her illness.

The butler was calm on the surface, but she was already terribly shocked in her heart. She thought she was dreaming, and couldn't help but lament that Miss Yun was so happy. Being coaxed by Young Master Lu like this, a few more illnesses were worth it.

In the end, under Lu Zeyao's careful persuasion, Yun Qianchen took the medicine only half-pushed. At that time, the temperature of the fever was 40. If it dragged on, the situation would really be unthinkable.

After taking the medicine, Yun Qianchen felt much better, but she kept dreaming that her mother was by her side. Later, Lu Zeyao, the big devil, also appeared once, and was soon driven away by her mother. She missed her mother .

But when she felt that her head didn't hurt so much, her mother disappeared immediately, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand, trying to hold her mother, but her mother disappeared in her hands in an instant, disappeared, so she cried desperately.

Later, she felt a tall figure wiping away the tears on her face with a big hand. She didn't know who this person was?All she knew was that this person was as gentle as her mother, gently kissing her face, forehead, and lips, making her heart calm down unconsciously.

Her consciousness is clear at the moment, but she is also a little confused. This person still made her resist. She was afraid that this person was a bad person, as bad as Lu Zeyao, so she danced her hands again.

But he smelled his gentle voice again, which sounded very comfortable: "Hey, don't make trouble, just go to sleep, and you'll be fine after a night of sleep."

Yun Qianchen really wanted to open his eyes and see who this person was?Why do you look like Lu Zeyao again?Not like him?He is a big devil at all, how can he be so gentle?She was afraid of being a stranger, so she became afraid again, and said with all her strength: "Don't touch me, don't touch me..."

He kept coaxing Lu Zeyao to understand that she was terrified. She was originally afraid of the dark, but he threw her in the dark cemetery. It was amazing not to be frightened. He couldn't help feeling guilty again, and scolded himself for being too You bastard, how did he do such a thing at that time?
He must be possessed by a ghost, right?

Yun Qianchen was crying and fussing, which made Lu Zeyao helpless. After taking the medicine, she was still in a state of illness. The most important thing was that she was frightened. His big hand tightened and hugged her tightly. His eyes were moist. He closed his eyes to prevent outsiders from seeing all his emotions.

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