"Hmph! This is also strange. A beautiful woman suddenly came from the deep mountain. Could it be that she is really a fairy? Impossible, right? It can't really be a female ghost, right? It's really a once in a hundred years, no, Er Li, today Let's go back tonight, it's too strange to think about it, it's impossible to bring it out for nothing?" Liu was still thinking, although there are no ghosts and gods in the world, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, and there are some things that cannot be explained by science.

"Stop talking, it's scary..."

As they spoke, they walked away until they could no longer hear the sound, and there was no sound around them again, only the sound of rain.

Yun Qianchen breathed a sigh of relief, the two men finally left, but she immediately became scared again, feeling like she fell into a pit, stretched out her hand to feel around, and could feel the wet and sticky walls, no The grass looked like it was newly dug, and she couldn't help being shocked. This is a cemetery, so it wouldn't be a newly dug coffin hole!
It was terrible, she actually fell into the coffin hole, and the infinite grievances in her heart immediately flooded up, is God going to bury her?It felt like the water under her feet was gradually filling up to her ankles. If it continued to rain like this, she would not be able to climb up, and she might drown in this hole tonight.

She didn't dare to scream anymore, for fear of attracting those two men again!The inside of the cave was pitch black, and the raindrops kept pouring down from above, only the sound of splashing water could be heard. Fortunately, the water in the cave was not deep because it had just rained.

Thinking about it, Yun Qianchen just stood there in a daze, her eyes were full of helplessness, she didn't want to waste any more energy, she had already touched the hole, the hole was higher than her head, she raised her hand, but still couldn't get out of the hole, She let the rain keep beating, only her tears were hot, and her heart was cold.

She bit her lip tightly and clenched her fists tightly, intending to fight against the rain stubbornly, to see how long it will rain?And how long can she last?My heart hurts!
Lu Zeyao, you are so ruthless, you even did the thing of throwing her in the cemetery, and the last touch of affection is slowly fading. Sure enough, the breakup back then was right, she knows herself, she can't afford a man like him When he treats her well, he pampers her like a pet, and when he wants to abandon her, he completely disregards her life or death.

Tears rolled down with the rain.

Her nails have been embedded in her flesh, the blood is also flowing, and the heart is also bleeding!She was also biting her lip desperately until it bleeds!She is torturing herself!Cry with laughter, want to cry but dare not cry, want to laugh but don't know why?The rain kept hitting her and it really hurt.

In such a harsh environment, in a cemetery, in a coffin hole, who would pity her?Who will save her?How long can she last?

Although she died in this deep mountain tomorrow, this newly dug coffin hole happened to be her burial place.

My mother died early, and my father's love was limited. She was completely regarded as a commodity. She had been out for a few days, and there was no greeting call, nor did she ask when she would come back?The stepmother wished she would not come back.

"Yun Qianchen, Yun Qianchen, you are nothing but a poor wretch in the end."

No matter how much she paid for her family, when the time came, her father still didn't ask her to go back and let her stay with Lu Zeyao all the time, but Lu Zeyao refused to let her go all the time, just trying to play with her, she couldn't help but sneered, her voice was miserable.

She didn't want to care about it, but she couldn't control herself. Suddenly, all the grievances flooded in like a flood, and she burst into tears. Anyway, no matter how loudly she cried in this coffin hole, no one could hear her. saddest.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she became, and her heart was so painful that she was bleeding, and she was about to suffocate.

The rainwater kept pouring into her throat, choking her to cough violently. It was extremely uncomfortable, as if she was suffering from asthma, she squatted down and curled up, it was so cold, it was really cold, no need to look, One can already imagine how embarrassed she was. In the end, she stopped crying and curled up as if falling asleep, letting the rain drench until she became numb.

"Will I see the sun tomorrow? Will it? Will it keep raining? Will it drown me in it?"

She began to feel sorry for herself, her mind was full of negative thoughts, she could no longer be optimistic, the night was too long, she really wanted to fall asleep, don't wake up, the sadness in her heart was getting heavier and heavier, so heavy ……have
The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the water began to flood her calves. The surrounding area was dark, like an abyss, and this cemetery was extremely quiet, with only the sound of rain. Long sleep forget it.


An extremely familiar voice broke the silence!Such dissonance.

"Yun Qianchen... Yun Qianchen..."

Lu Zeyao brought a few bodyguards to look for them, shouting.At that time, he was very angry and wanted to punish her for being stupid. When she was angry, her sanity was zero. It was really good. After throwing her in the cemetery, he quickly went back. It was not until it rained that he suddenly came back to his senses, and immediately regained his senses like crazy. He rushed to the cemetery and brought a few bodyguards with him.

In order not to find her, it took a lot of time to go back, but it was too late after going back and forth.

He clearly remembered where he dropped her, but he kept calling, but found no one answered him.

"Yun Qianchen!"

Lu Zeyao couldn't help scolding himself, he always knew that Yun Qianchen was afraid of the dark, yet he actually threw her on the cemetery, and he didn't know how he did it!He must be too angry, it's not because she mentioned Tian Yun'er angrily, but because she doesn't trust him.

He has always been a rational person, and he never thought he would do such a stupid thing.

Thinking that she is afraid of the dark like a ghost, and that it is a cemetery, she will probably faint from fright. In this remote mountain wilderness, if she encounters a poisonous snake, or if she is afraid, she runs around and does not know where she fell up?Such a situation is not impossible.

For the first time, he had the thought of regretting it!
"Yun Qianchen—"

"Miss Yun—"

"Yun Qianchen—"

Lu Zeyao was wearing an umbrella at first, but then he simply threw the umbrella away and searched in the rain. His tailor-made clothes were already in a mess because of the muddy rain, and his leather shoes were muddy and wet. Grass, he usually has a cleanliness obsession, but now he doesn't care at all, he only has one thought, he must find Yun Qianchen.

"Yun Qianchen, where are you—"

He yelled in an almost hoarse voice, his lung capacity has always been good, and when he yelled, the sound resounded throughout the hill, almost covering the sound of the rain, penetrating the rain curtain, and spreading to every corner of the hill.

Of course, Yun Qianchen also heard it. She was startled, as if she had an auditory hallucination, and then listened attentively. It was indeed Lu Zeyao who was calling her. She heard it right. Accompanied by the sound of rain, there were other people. She opened her eyes , The consciousness that was going to be in a coma woke up.

She opened her mouth, and suddenly laughed out loud, crying in a ridiculous way!
The rain kept washing her body, and she couldn't see any blood on her little face.

She slowly raised her head. In the darkness, her little face, which had been washed white by the rain, was shaking, and her jet-black eyes shone with crystal light, like two bright stars in the darkness.

A flash of light, across the darkness.

She doesn't care about him...don't care about him...

Obviously someone was coming to rescue her, but she didn't care anymore, her body was no longer swollen, she was numb from the cold, and it was no longer cold, the rain was getting higher and higher, and it was about to overflow the knees where she was squatting .

She was taking revenge on him and at the same time torturing herself. Knowing that he was calling her desperately, she had to grit her teeth and not allow herself to say a word.Why did you throw her in this terrible place so cruelly?Now turn around and look for her again?What do you mean?
Although she is really in pain at this moment, she also has a backbone. Even if she is about to die at this moment, she refuses to let him save her, and would rather be frozen to death or drowned...

She is so weak in front of him, she can't punish him, she can only punish her own innocence, she can't have any illusions about him in the future, her inner anger can only be vented like this.

She can only sulk, she is also a human being, and she hopes to have the dignity of being a human being.

The heavy rain continued to pour down, Lu Zeyao refused to give up, he didn't understand, how could a living person disappear?He searched almost the entire hill, just now the bodyguards found two grave guards, and those two men refused to tell the fact that they had seen a woman.

Because Liu Erli was frightened by Lu Zeyao's aura, they realized that the woman was not a little fairy who fell from the sky. It turned out that people from rich families were so beautiful, but they didn't understand how she came here. to here?
He was worried that if he said it out, if the little fairy told him about it and they had chased him, it would be fine, he would just beat him to death and refuse to admit it.

Lu Zeyao could only look for it by himself, but as time got longer and longer, his inner panic increased, and the bodyguards were also trying to find him. Counting him, nearly ten people were looking for one person, but they couldn't find one. ...

He just refused to give up, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he kept searching for any clues on the ground, even when it was raining heavily, but he refused to blink until he found a splinter left on the ground. Just a shoe, suddenly, like finding hope in the dark.

He immediately picked up the shoe, he remembered that this shoe belonged to Yun Qianchen, he immediately summoned the bodyguards, narrowed down the search area, searched for the center around this shoe, and continued to expand outward, he walked forward a few He took a step, squatted down to observe carefully, and found a few footprints that had been washed away by the rain. Immediately, he was overjoyed and continued to move forward until he stopped in front of a newly dug hole full of weeds.

The new hole was almost covered by overgrown weeds, but he could still see it.

This is a freshly dug coffin hole.

His waterproof flashlight immediately looked inside, and he found the little woman he had been looking for for a long time, but she was squatting there motionless, and the rain was about to submerge her.

Surprised, he jumped down immediately and picked her up regardless of the bodyguard's obstruction.

When she fell into his arms, he straightened her little face, and it was that beautiful little face that immediately lowered down with his heart hanging high.

He finally found her.

"Yun Qianchen!"

But when he saw her opened eyes, she wasn't dizzy, they were black and white, with narrow and beautiful eyes.

It was immediately clear that she was deliberately ignoring him.

She was angry with him!
Suddenly, Lu Zeyao became angry!
"Yun Qianchen, do you want to die? Do you know that if you ignore me again, you will drown here tomorrow as soon as I go back." He was glad that he persisted in looking for her and did not give up.

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