Li Zhencai sang the one-man show alone for so long, and he was a little discouraged, and he was even more reluctant to lower the price, so the two parties remained frozen there.

"Mr. Lu, please think again about this cooperation. We have decided to only cooperate with Shiwei. We will never be stupid again. People always make mistakes. A moment of confusion leads to a lifelong mistake. We can discuss the price in private. As long as it suits you... You know, it’s not easy for us to be a developer. One has to pay taxes and the other has to sharpen. After acquiring this land, our money is very tight, and we will spend a lot of money if we delay it for a day. We can’t support it any longer , We don’t need to say more about the value of this land, as long as Mr. Lu is willing to continue to cooperate with us, everything is negotiable.

In the end, Li Zhencai sighed heavily, as if he had aged a few years in an instant.

He suddenly looked at Yun Qianchen, looked at her for a while, and then pretended to know her: "Is this lady the daughter of Yunyu City? No wonder I looked at it for a long time and found it so similar. I saw you when I was young? Back then, I worked with your father, and it was really a big girl change. When I went to your house, you were still a little girl, but now you are a little beauty. Do you still remember Uncle Li?"

Yun Qianchen originally wanted to sit there quietly. She would never take part in any of Lu Zeyao's affairs here. She just wanted to go home, but Lu Zeyao didn't mean to let her go. He asked her to wake up early in the morning and let her follow When he arrived at his company, he let her sit on the sofa for several hours. If it wasn't for the books, she would have been bored.

She didn't dare to leave by herself. He had a trump card in his hand, which was her father's company. If she didn't listen to him, he would take it back immediately when she got angry. All her previous efforts would be in vain. She herself After seeing how powerful Lu Zeyao is, like this Li Zhencai, he can't do without asking Lu Zeyao.

She was full of embarrassment. Someone actually knew her. She didn't seem to have seen this uncle Li before, right?Why no impression at all?He wouldn't mistake her for Yun Qianling, right? Father likes Yun Qianling and often takes her out to socialize. When there are guests at home, she also hides in the room. Only Yun Qianling can go out to play, because Yun Qianling's mouth Sweet, can make people happy, she can't, clumsy.

She really wanted to dig a hole in the ground to hide, this Li Zhencai was really looking for trouble, so he actually brought the topic to her.Everyone looked at her, and she was even more fidgety and annoyed in her heart. In this way, the matter between her and Lu Zeyao has been spread.

Is this Li Zhencai using her? When did he meet her when he was young? Was it made up?Although she is a bit stupid, she is not so stupid that she has no amnesia. He really wants her to talk to Lu Zeyao, why should she?Who is she not Lu Hanyao's?And she can't interfere in his business.

If Li Zhencai offended Lu Zeyao because of this, she would have suffered a heavy loss.

Yun Qianchen ignored Li Zhencai's look asking her for help, she didn't want to cause trouble.

But Li Zhencai was not willing to let her go, and continued to play his old, treacherous nature: "Miss Yun is the kindest. I have heard your father praise you more than once for being sensible and a good girl. When I see you now, it is so true. No wonder Lu Will always love you so much."

Yun Qianchen's face turned pale, and he was even more restless, with an embarrassed and ashamed expression.This Li Zhencai obviously praised her on purpose, but what he said made Yun Qianchen feel very low self-esteem, and felt very embarrassed and even more sad.

Did her father really praise her?more than once?Impossible, in his father's mouth, he only praised Yun Qianling, never praised her. This Li Zhencai is clearly lying, and he also said that Lu Zeyao likes her, making her look like those brothel girls on TV , Selling oneself to win the favor of a man.

She kept her head down all the time, feeling that she had no face to meet others, her self-esteem was always in trouble, the book in her hand was already wrinkled, her lips were trembling slightly, and she did not accept Li Zhencai's praise at all.

Li Zhencai couldn't help muttering in his heart, did he express it so clearly?As long as she helps him, her father's company will naturally take care of her in the future. Isn't he thinking of her being useful?If it didn't work, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to her.

But Yun Qianchen didn't have these ideas in her mind, she was only embarrassed, and didn't want to pay attention to Li Zhencai.

Lu Zeyao kept observing Yun Qianchen's expression.

Her black and bright straight hair, as soft and charming as silk, hangs down her cheeks, reflecting her fair and delicate skin, but she is not happy, her small pretty nose is straight and cute, her cherry lips are tightly pressed, Frowning tightly, she was obviously sad, her long black eyelashes were drooping and trembling, she was distressed, except that she couldn't see her eyes filled with water vapor, and she was at a loss.

Her nails had already made a deep nail mark on the cover of the book.

Displeasure was already flashing in Lu Zeyao's dark eyes, and he finally spoke up: "President Li, don't think about her anymore, she doesn't know anything about my business, since you are so sincere, then let's talk about it." Let’s get some prices together, reduce the original bidding price by [-]%, if you think it is reasonable, we will continue to cooperate, if you think it is unreasonable, there is no need to talk anymore, the time is limited to today.”

When Li Zhencai heard this, he was both happy and sad.Happily, his land was finally sold. Unhappily, the price is [-]% lower than before the auction. It is indeed a low price, but it is better than no one dares to ask for it. Losses, but profits are not high.

He could only acquiesce, and didn't dare to play tricks anymore, he had to thank Lu Zeyao again and again, just like he begged Lu Zeyao for it.

He finally withdrew his people, Conan couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, secretly thinking that Lu Zeyao is the best!
Conan looked at Yun Qianchen again, and couldn't help but lament that Yun Qianchen was very useful. He had been working beside Lu Zeyao for many years, and he always thought that Lu Zeyao was cold-blooded, ruthless, unselfish, and that once he made a decision, he would never will change.

If you don't want to embarrass Yun Qianchen, I believe that Li Zhencai will be very disheartened. Lu Zeyao ignored him at all before, and he couldn't help but look at Yun Qianchen with admiration. It seems that Lu Zeyao, who has never been close to women, is tempted.

Conan is still too cheap. That greedy Li Zhencai said: "Mr. Lu, isn't your punishment for him too light? Didn't we have another piece of land in our eyes? Why do we have to use his piece of land? Another business Value is better."


"Okay—" Conan had to admire Lu Zeyao's long-term vision and charm.

Lu Zeyao couldn't help squinting at the secretary who had been with him for many years. "Conan, you have to continue to work hard to learn business skills. This Li Zhencai posted it by yourself. I don't want it for nothing. The most important thing is that this land is indeed valuable. If he sells it cheaply by then, others will pick it up instead. If it is cheap, then we are at a loss. We will continue to develop this one, and the other one will also be developed, and the two projects will come together! Once the reputation is established at that time, the same will be in turmoil! Fortunately, this Li Zhencai knows how to turn around in time. It will drive him to a dead end, and it will be useful in the future."

Conan seems to have learned a trick of business again, and realized it. "Boss Lu is too good! This Li Zhencai really steals chickens and loses a handful of rice."

"Don't be impulsive when dealing with these things in the future, and you must deal with them calmly. When I am not around, you can also share one or two for me." Lu Zeyao remembered that the secretary general was as anxious as an ant when he went out. private space.

Conan immediately understood what Lu Zeyao meant, and he couldn't help laughing. He looked at Yun Qianchen and thought that Lu Zeyao had been single for the past few years. It seemed that Lu Zeyao wanted to fall in love, so he had to let him handle things and train him. Independence, you have to study hard, let Mr. Lu have time to fall in love, and he should have someone to accompany him.

Conan usually has the deepest trust from Lu Zeyao, so he is not as afraid as others in Lu Zeyao, and speaks more casually: "Mr. Lu, I won't bother you, I'll go out right away."

This time he learned to be smart.

Lu Zeyao smiled and waved at him.

Yun Qianchen saw a different side of Lu Zeyao again, no wonder he was able to do business like a breeze, teaching his subordinates to be so evasive and good at guiding.

Yun Qianchen found that time passed so slowly, she sat there like years, Lu Zeyao and Conan had been talking about their business, cooperation, projects...but she couldn't understand at all, Lu Zeyao didn't order, and she didn't dare to leave, really Make it difficult for her.

At this time, another beautiful woman came to look for him. Qiao Yiyi came to him last night, and today another beautiful woman with a completely different temperament from Qiao Yiyi came. Born into a wealthy family, she lived like a princess since she was a child.

"Brother Lu, I'm here, do you welcome?" The voice was sweet and soft, like a baby's voice, and it sounded like a baby, very nice.

When Lu Zeyao saw her, he couldn't help but smile on his stern face. This was very rare, and it wasn't an act.

"You crazy girl, come here again? You know how to play all day long." There was a touch of affection in her tone.

This girl is named Tian Xue'er, she looks pure and cute, she doesn't care about etiquette, she ran over and put her arms around Lu Zeyao's neck, shaking and shaking, she looked very intimate, her Tian family and Lu Zeyao The Lu family are family friends, and she and Lu Zeyao can be considered childhood sweethearts.

Tian Xue'er seemed unhappy, she was acting like a baby to Lu Zeyao, her mouth was round, and she said: "Brother Lu, I'm already in college, I'm not a crazy girl anymore, as long as I don't take classes, I'll come to you, Okay? My university is close to your place, can I hang out with you often?"

Lu Zeyao's face was gentle: "Okay."

When Tian Xueer heard this, her eyes were sparkling, like two twinkling stars, her eyes were so happy that they were curved, she was very beautiful, and she was dressed in a very fashionable way, which brought out her good figure.

"Brother Lu, I have nothing to do at noon, can you take me to eat western food? I found a new Japanese restaurant, the taste is very good, I wanted to go there a long time ago, but there is one less person to accompany Me, Brother Lu, you can do me a favor and stay with me."

Lu Zeyao smiled again. "Okay, I just want to go out to eat at noon today."

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