The driver also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Lu finally smiled. He has been driving for Lu Zeyao for several years, and he has never seen Mr. Lu smile before. His face is almost expressionless, and it is impossible to guess what he is thinking inside. And this Miss Yun Qianchen can make Lu Ze's emotions fluctuate again and again, which is really different.

Most importantly, it made him laugh!This is a miracle!
After Lu Zeyao sent Yun Qianchen back to the villa, he drove back to the company and left her alone in the villa. Yun Qianchen had nothing to do except sleep, but she couldn't sleep. She has been out of state for the past two days. Things were completely beyond her expectation, and she was too scared to think about it.

I used to live in a closed family and school life, with little contact with people. I was also the most silent and quiet one in school. I worked in a bar with the most people. But just on the second day of work, I was met by that Wu She was so frightened that she was so frightened.

She was in a drowsy sleep when the housekeeper knocked on the door.

Yun Qianchen didn't know it was the housekeeper, and thought it was Lu Zeyao who came back. She couldn't help being surprised, she didn't lock the door, so he wouldn't open it himself?She has long black hair hanging loose, wearing pajamas, like a lazy kitten, half-closed her narrow and beautiful eyes, blinked a few times, only to realize that it was the housekeeper, and opened her eyes suddenly , sorry to laugh.

The housekeeper smiled kindly at her, and he liked Yun Qianchen quite a bit. Lu Zeyao was a quiet character and never had a woman by his side. She was also very surprised that he brought Yun Qianchen back.

This girl is quiet and pretty, which is nice.

"Miss Yun, there are two guests looking for you." The butler said respectfully, she dared not disrespect Lu Zeyao's woman.

"Ah?" Yun Qianchen couldn't react for a while. Only her father knew about her affairs with Lu Zeyao. Someone came to her door. Her heart tightened and she was afraid. Could it be her stepmother and sister who came here? But those who hate her the most, now that she is doing this, they must wish to add insult to injury.

"Yes, I'm looking for you." The butler stood outside the door and asked for instructions with his head bowed.

"Okay, okay..." Yun Qianchen couldn't bear such a great gift from the housekeeper, he said repeatedly, closed the door, and went to change, while full of doubts, no matter what, let's see who it is before talking.

When she went downstairs, she was stunned when she saw it. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was Xingyun who violated her just now, and his father. They were sitting on the sofa. When they saw Yun Qianchen came down, They immediately stood up, respecting Lu Zeyao as much as they did.

Gao Peng touched Xingyun with his hand, signaling him to speak quickly. Xingyun, who was arrogant in front of Yun Qianchen before, is now like a stray dog, with a bruised head and swollen face. It is obvious that he has just come back from the hospital with bandages, and some places are still tense. The gauze was so ugly, he felt unwilling, if it wasn't for Xing Shi, he would not bow his head in front of a woman.

"Miss Yun, I don't know Taishan with my eyes. I offend you. I lost my mind for a while, and I didn't mean it. My mother said that when I was young, my brain was knocked out, and sometimes I became confused. Miss Yun, I I really meant it, now that I'm clear-headed, I feel like a jerk, I'm sorry."

Xing Yun looked down on Yun Qianchen in his heart, and kept calling her a bitch in his heart, but for Lu Zeyao's face, he had to bow his head to her, and said ruthlessly in his heart: Yun Qianchen, wait until Lu Zeyao is tired of playing with you, I must get back today's insult with interest!
Yun Qianchen is not stupid, she can clearly see the resentment and resentment in Xing Yun's eyes, she understands that under Lu Zeyao's protection, she can still be respected by these people, what will these people do when she leaves Bullied her?

She pursed her lips tightly and said nothing, she was only in the light of Lu Zeyao, after tomorrow, who would she be in the light of.

She didn't dare to offend them, she had to be forgiving and forgiving.

Xing Peng thought that Yun Qianchen would not forgive, so he was in a hurry. If Lu Zeyao was not allowed to calm down, their business would really be ruined. Although Lu Zeyao refused to let them apologize on the surface, it could be seen that he attached great importance to this Yun Qianchen. A dog needs a dog owner, doesn't it?Let them think of Yun Qianchen as a dog next to Lu Zeyao.

"Miss Yun, it is true that Xing Yun fell into his head when he was a child. Sometimes he would be confused, good times and bad times. I was also troubled sometimes. I didn't know how to cure the child's problem. Today, he was confused again, which happened to offend Yun. Miss, as his father, I am also deeply sorry, no one can understand the difficulties of being a father."

Yun Peng only came here after learning about Yun Qianchen's situation. Knowing that she was ordered to accompany Lu Zeyao, she must be a filial woman, so he pinpointed her weakness and deliberately made it difficult for him.

Knowing that Yun Qianchen was not favored at home, he desperately wanted to get his father's attention.

Sure enough, Yun Qianchen's heart trembled!I really thought that Xingyun's brain was broken, and then I took another look at Xingpeng who was full of embarrassment and sadness. She never dared to think too much about the bad, so she agreed.

"I don't blame him anymore."

Xing Yun originally wanted to be prepared that Yun Qianchen would make things difficult for him in every possible way. He had prepared a full stomach of arguments. It seemed that his father was right. As long as he behaved a little more difficult, this Yun Qianchen would definitely not make things difficult for him. This woman was as innocent as hell.

So simple that he wanted her again.

Xingpeng knew that he had gained Yun Qianchen's trust, so he wanted to continue. Getting Yun Qianchen was secondary, and he wanted to restore the cooperative relationship with Lu Zeyao, which was what he finally got.

In ancient times, there was talk of nepotism, and in modern times there is talk of a hero who is sad and a beauty. At this time, Yun Qianchen is being favored by Lu Zeyao. He just needs to coax Yun Qianchen and let her blow the pillow wind in Lu Zeyao's ear. , things will be easy to handle naturally.

He looked at Yun Qianchen who had no scheming, and started to play the bitter scene again: "Miss Yun, you also saw that Mr. Lu turned into a confidant in anger. Xingyun offended you, so Mr. Lu beat him up like this. I also want to cancel my cooperation with Shiwei. I didn’t know how much I laid the groundwork for the cooperation with Shiwei before, but now I say I won’t cooperate if I don’t cooperate. Maybe it’s nothing if Shiwei lost my business, but we are missing If you cooperate with Shiwei, the company will face bankruptcy. You also know how difficult it is to do business now. There are so many employees in our company who rely on us to make a living after talking about business and doing work. If the company Bankrupt, how many people are unemployed? They have no diplomas, no special skills, and some people rely on this salary to maintain their lives. In case... Miss Yun, you should understand this truth, right? , I came here for them, the person who untied the bell had to tie it, Mr. Lu canceled our cooperation with us because of Ms. Yun, and I hope Ms. Yun can help us persuade Mr. Lu, we will definitely not do it in the future."

It's a pity that Xingpeng is not going to be an actor, every sentence is emotional and reasonable, tears are wet, Yun Qianchen can't help being moved by the appearance of a big entrepreneur, her family also runs a company, she knows something about it, Like now that her family is facing bankruptcy, her father is moaning all day long, and he aged a lot overnight. She understands Xingpeng's suffering, and it happens that Xingpeng also speaks to her heart.

"I will...Mr. Xing...but Mr. Lu...he might not listen to me, so don't have too much hope."

She and him are just a transactional relationship. After tomorrow, their relationship will end. He stands out for her, maybe she sold the woman during the period.

She didn't dare to hope, nor would she expect.

When Xingpeng heard the words, a look of joy immediately appeared on his old face. He didn't care whether it would be effective or not. He understood men's psychology. The woman next to his pillow said a hundred words to him, and he continued to encourage him: "Miss Yun has a heart. That's great, no wonder you are favored by Mr. Lu, whether it is effective or not, as long as Miss Xing is willing to help, those who are about to be homeless will have a glimmer of hope."

He spoke very sincerely, and he looked like Yun Qianchen had become Guanyin Bodhisattva. She was generous and generous, and the jobs of thousands of people were in her hands.

Yun Qianchen had black lines all over her head. She was originally a kind person, but if she didn't help her with this favor, she would already be a sinner to thousands of people.

Xing Peng and Xing Yun succeeded, and they thanked them again and again, as if Yun Qianchen had already helped them.

It was only when the villa was quiet again that Yun Qianchen came to his senses, and couldn't help but frown. This task is too difficult. She asked Lu Zeyao herself, and now she has to ask him for someone else. What if he gets angry again?Now his personality is always cloudy and uncertain, she can't touch it, and she can't help but get nervous again.

She really didn't know how to talk to Lu Zeyao?If her father is implicated again, then she will lose a lot, but if they don't help Xingpeng and the others, wouldn't the thousands of employees in his company lose their jobs?She has tried the pain of being unemployed, and she understands the humbleness of humiliating for work.

"Hey, it really didn't stop, and the wave started again."

Yun Qianchen was extremely embarrassed!
She scratched her head, thinking she was going to calm down for a while, but now there was another problem.

She can't protect herself, and she became a living Bodhisattva just now.

When Lu Zeyao came back, when she faltered and hawed about this matter, she never dared to raise her head, nor guessed his thoughts, just finished the task, she couldn't decide whether it would be successful, at least she had tried her best.

"En." As a result, she was very surprised to get such an answer, Yun Qianchen suddenly raised her head, and looked at Lu Zeyao very unexpectedly.

"Huh?" Instead, it was her turn to be surprised!Unexpectedly, Lu Zeyao agreed so quickly.

Lu Zeyao's eyes were so sharp that her scalp felt numb, and she couldn't guess what he was thinking. In front of him, Yun Qianchen always felt clumsy, as clumsy as a stupid bear, always caught by his eyes. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to breathe, and I felt inferior unconsciously.

He was so straightforward, she always felt a little uneasy!
"If you want me to continue to cooperate with them, you have to pay." Sure enough, Yun Qianchen guessed it. Lu Zeyao is not like her, who casually agrees to other people's requests. Won't make things difficult for her?

After all, this request was made by her, and a terrible thought arose, would she stop helping her family, or exchange one for one, which is more in line with Lu Zeyao's style of doing things.

Lu Zeyao kept looking at her, and seeing her distressed appearance, he couldn't help but chuckled, with a hint of evil charm, he leaned on the leather chair, closed his laptop, and said that today's work was over, he lazily Playing with the pen in his hand, playing with taste: "Are you afraid that I will propose this payment? Am I like a tiger that eats people?"

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