In the room, Mo Ting had lost all her patience. She couldn't wait any longer. When the uncooked rice came out, she would be Mrs. Huo. As for Xia Nuanxin, hehe, that woman took away too many things from her. She wants to get it back bit by bit.

Mo Ting took off her bathrobe, and stood in front of Huo Beixiao completely uncovered. Her fair skin and the glow of spring on her chest were all the culprits for lighting the fire.

Seeing his painful expression, she smiled, stretched out her hand, and hooked his belt in her hand.

With a "bang", Huo Beixiao's belt was opened just like that.

The sound of the belt opening hit Huo Beixiao deeply, and now Mo Ting's every move is naked temptation.

Since he doesn't move her, let her come first.

Mo Ting pushed Huo Beixiao onto the bed. He didn't have any strength to struggle anymore. All his willpower was used to suppress the heat in his heart. He couldn't move Mo Ting.

"Don't hold back,"

Seeing his closed eyes, Mo Ting stretched out a finger, and stroked his cheek lightly, it was numb, and the impulse became stronger.

"I know you want it, come on."

As she said that, Mo Ting's hand went all the way down, from his cheek to his throat, then to his firm bronze chest, and finally stopped at his waist.

Her hands were already on his buttons.

"No, let go."

Huo Beixiao clenched one hand tightly into a fist, and his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh. The pain from his palm kept him sane.

The other hand was tightly grasping the button that Mo Ting had unbuttoned.


Mo Ting was holding on to his finger, helplessly, he was holding it too tightly, and she couldn't move it even a little bit with all her strength.

She was in a hurry.

The more urgent the more useless.


Huo Beixiao's tone was a little angry, but his voice lacked any momentum because of the potency of the medicine.

She looked at his expression, her body wanted it, but her reason was firmly suppressing Yuhuo, his expression was a little painful.

She seemed to have discovered something.

She smiled softly, let go of the hand that was on Huo Beixiao's finger, bent down, and put his earlobe in her mouth.

With the gentle breathing and the fact that the earlobe is a sensitive area, Huo Beixiao's emotions were too agitated just now, which actually accelerated the permeation of the medicine.

He couldn't help it.

He turned around and pressed Mo Ting down. His behavior at this time was completely out of the control of his brain.

"Go over quickly."

he growled.

Seeing this, Mo Ting couldn't help but feel a little joy in her heart. She was not far from her expected goal. She seemed to see Xia Nuanxin's despairing eyes and Huo Beixiao's regretful eyes after the incident.

Those are not important, the important thing is that at this moment, I have to hurry up.

"It was you who hugged him tightly."

Mo Ting pursed her mouth and said reproachfully.

As she said that, her arms wrapped around Huo Beixiao's neck, and when she was about to kiss Huo Beixiao, he suddenly turned his cheek, and Mo Ting just kissed nothing.

However, it doesn't matter.

"You are naughty."

Mo Ting smiled, raised her full red lips, and when she was about to start another round of attack, the door was kicked open.

Mo Ting's heart surged with anger, and just when she was about to succeed, her good work was interrupted by others.

If she knows who disturbed them, she must make him look good after the incident.

Startled by the sound of the door being pushed, Huo Beixiao woke up a little bit. He turned over and moved away from Mo Ting, fleeing from Mo Ting's control.

Mo Ting appeared naked in front of the person who came in.


After seeing who was coming, Mo Ting screamed, "Who are you? Get out of here."

It was an extremely ugly face with scars, and the whole body was filled with the aura of villains.

After speaking, she pulled off the quilt and wrapped herself up.

The person in front of him seemed shocked by this scene, and when he came back to his senses, he apologized and said to Huo Beixiao.

"It turns out that fourth master is flirting here. I'm really sorry."

He deliberately said the word romantic very strongly, even mockingly.

"You know, why don't you hurry up and get out."

Mo Ting was a little angry, and she didn't have the demeanor of a daughter at all. At this moment, she was hysterical towards the visitor like a shrew.


The man suddenly laughed, and the laughter was a little cautious.After he had laughed enough, he said to Mo Ting and Huo Beixiao without taking his eyes off it, "I'm sorry, both of you, I'm afraid that today, you won't be able to have a romantic affair."

Mo Ting was a little startled, the person who came had a strange face and a bad tone, and looking at her clothes, she might not be a good person.

"What are you going to do? Do you know who the person in front of you is?"

Mo Ting obviously lacked confidence, and she was not sure if she would scare off the people in front of her with Huo Beixiao's identity.

In her fear, she seemed to have forgotten that when she just came in, that person called Huo Beixiao fourth master. If she didn't know his identity, how could she know such an intimate name?

"He came to kill me."

Huo Beixiao who was at the side spoke, his voice was not loud, but each word, each word hit Mo Ting's heart, a little numb.

"Don't come, I'll call you if you come again."

This is Mo Ting's last trump card.A woman's scream is the most powerful weapon for a man. If it attracts others, then...

"Miss Mo is here as happy as she is."

Obviously, this person is not afraid that Mo Ting will find someone to come.

Looking at the structure of this room, if there is too much noise, the people downstairs will be recruited, so Mo Ting deliberately chose a room with good sound insulation.

In the end, it was the mantis who stalked the cicada and the oriole, and bound itself in a cocoon. In the end, he and Huo Beixiao were harmed.

Mo Ting actually felt a bit of remorse in her heart. At first, she only thought about how to take Huo Beixiao down logically, but she didn't think about it at all. She actually put herself in such a dangerous situation.

As if he could see what she was thinking, the man squinted his eyes, and said to Mo Ting with a smile, "I really want to thank Miss Mo for bringing Fourth Master to such a good place, otherwise, I'm afraid it will cost more effort."

Mo Ting stepped back in fear, and got closer to Huo Beixiao.

Not knowing whether it was the effect of the medicine or some other reason, Huo Beixiao suddenly threw his arms around Mo Ting's neck and hugged her over.

Mo Ting was a little stunned by the sudden change, but when she was in a daze, she heard Huo Beixiao say in her ear, "Why are you still dazed, go and tell Nuan Xin to bring someone up, otherwise, who are we?" Can't even run away."

After finishing speaking, Huo Beixiao stroked Mo Ting's lips. Even though the mint scent in Huo Beixiao's mouth made Mo Ting a little obsessed, she understood what he meant. Life is more important than love at this time, so she pushed it away Huo Beixiao was still kissing her.

Since he didn't hear the conversation between the two of them, in the eyes of the killer, Huo Beixiao couldn't control the fire in his heart, and he was still touching the woman in front of him at this moment.

However, he still smiled and shook his head, "Men, I understand, especially for a man as good as Si Ye, it's normal to have more women around him."

After all, he glanced at Huo Beixiao, "However, Fourth Master is a little anxious. Hahaha..."

His laughter was a bit harsh, Mo Ting covered her ears, took the bathrobe beside her, wrapped it around herself, and rushed out of that person in shame and anger.

Looking at the back of Mo Ting rushing out, that person's eyes were a bit complicated.

"Fourth master actually let women go to rescue soldiers."

The tone was mocking.Huo Beixiao, who is supernatural, powerful, and omnipotent, has never asked a woman for help. If he hadn't been framed today, he might not be reduced to pinning his hopes on a woman in this life.

Having said that, all of this is thanks to Mo Ting.

"What are you going to do?"

Huo Beixiao's tone was a little displeased, of course, it wasn't because his "good deeds" were being disturbed.

"Si Ye is a sensible person, and I don't want to go around in circles with Si Ye. Where's the box?"

The man put away the laughing expression just now, and turned serious.

To put it bluntly, he came here for the box, hand over the box, everything is easy to talk about, if you can't hand over the box, then he came here today for Huo Beixiao's life.

Wearing a bathrobe, Mo Ting panicked. Although she didn't understand the situation clearly, she understood the seriousness of the matter from Huo Beixiao's expression.

Xia Nuanxin and Assistant Yang were still searching from room to room, their expressions became more and more ugly, but after a while, where could the two of them go?

"Quick, quick..."

After seeing Xia Nuanxin, Mo Ting took a breath, "Hurry up and save Fourth Master."

Xia Nuanxin held onto Mo Ting with a serious look on her face. What she wanted to know now was where Huo Beixiao had gone.

"Where is fourth master?"

The voice was a little urgent, and I was actually worried about him.

"Room 343."

Mo Ting pointed to the upstairs.

No. 343, that was an extra room that was originally used for storing files. She and Assistant Yang passed by the door of that room countless times, but never entered.

Still being too careless.

She let go of Mo Ting, and went upstairs with Assistant Yang who just came over.

When the door was opened, there was no one there.

Did you get scammed?
Just when Xia Nuan wanted to go down to ask Mo Ting to clarify, she was stopped by Assistant Yang.

"and many more,"

The quilt was neatly spread on the bed. Logically speaking, looking at Mo Ting's appearance, she should have gone through a "fierce" battle, but the quilt was actually neat.

Assistant Yang went straight to the bed, lifted the quilt, and a piece of paper suddenly appeared in front of him.

Assistant Yang picked up the paper, and there were flying dragons and phoenixes on it, with such a sentence written on it eloquently:

Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, 100 meters from the entrance of Xiangshan Forest, come here with the box, don't play tricks.

Assistant Yang's expression was a little serious, as if something was about to happen.

Xia Nuanxin leaned over, and after seeing the words on it, her heart was immediately raised in her throat.

"Is that the box?"

Assistant Yang nodded.

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