The only favorite at the tip of my heart: Mr. Huo, don't make trouble

Chapter 109 The dark horse in the real estate industry

The next day, Xia Nuanxin woke up early.

She put on light makeup for herself, put several layers of foundation on her eyes to cover the huge dark circles, put on a knee-length beige dress, and a pair of nude pink high heels on her feet,
The woman in the mirror is slim, elegant and dignified, but her complexion is too pale.

Xia Nuanxin thought about it, took out the blush and swiped it on her cheeks twice, then picked up her backpack and went out in satisfaction.

She was going for a divorce, and she didn't want Huo Beixiao to see her poverty and fragility.She wants to end this imperfect love with a beautiful gesture, and from now on, she will live in her warm hearted way.

Although she may not be able to forget Huo Beixiao for a long time.

for a long, long time...

At 07:30 in the morning, many people were already waiting outside the Civil Affairs Bureau.Most of them are young couples in twos and threes waiting to get married and get a certificate.They cuddle up to each other sweetly, and you and I promise to accompany each other for a lifetime.

There are very few people like Xia Nuanxin who are alone and get divorced so early.

Divorce is transactional, while marriage is often full of sweetness and longing.

Looking at their sweetness, Xia Nuanxin could only smile wryly.

When she and Huo Beixiao got married before, they didn't seem to be so romantic.Their union was dramatic, so they were doomed to separate.

The difference is that Xia Nuanxin didn't feel much happiness when she got married.But now, her heart is pierced.

A black Audi stopped in front of Xia Nuanxin, and she recognized the car before the door was opened.

Before leaving the film studio, she and Huo Beixiao always went to the company together in this car.

At this time, the car window was rolled down, revealing Murong An's smiling face with heavy make-up.

Murong An started to put on makeup.

Her hair was tied up in a bun, revealing the outline of a beautiful face. Her face was fair and dignified, and her expression was haughty. She already had the posture of a hostess who was in charge of the house.

"Good morning, Miss Xia."

Xia Nuanxin took two steps back, and glanced at Murong An expressionlessly, not caring at all whether Murong An called her disgusting Bara's "Sister Xin" or the born "Miss Xia".

As soon as the door on the other side opened, Huo Beixiao got out of the car without saying a word.

His stature is still tall, and the lower half of his face covered by sunglasses is clearly defined.

"Miss Xia, I will often come to the movie theater to play in the future. Aunt Lin is always talking about you." Murong An smiled triumphantly, as if he didn't expect Xia Nuanxin to reply, and nodded at the driver, "Old Liu, drive."

After the car drove away, the two stood in the car exhaust and looked at each other from a distance, which was a little funny for a while.

Huo Beixiao looked Xia Nuanxin up and down, expressionless: "Don't you want a divorce? I'm in a hurry."

Xia Nuanxin looked at her watch, but she was neither cold nor hot: "There are still 10 minutes before the Civil Affairs Bureau will go to work."

Huo Beixiao took two steps forward and took out a cigarette: "It seems that you really can't wait, why, you plan to get a certificate with your pretty boy after getting divorced?"

Xia Nuanxin frowned impatiently: "You don't want to have a bad face, he has a name! Besides, he and I are friends."

"Friend?" Huo Beixiao sneered.

"Whatever you think!" Xia Nuanxin's temper rose, and her tone began to turn bad.

Next to the Civil Affairs Bureau is Lida Square, which houses many towering office buildings.It was almost time to go to work, and the flow of people and vehicles was increasing. Many cars were blocked on the road in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau, waiting in line for the traffic police to clear them.

A low-key black Tesla slowly stopped in front of Xia Nuanxin.The traffic ahead was moving slowly, gradually revealing a narrow gap.

Because Xia Nuanxin was angry with Huo Beixiao, she kept her face sideways at this moment, not looking forward at all.

At this time, a car suddenly stopped and accelerated into the gap left by the two cars.The Tesla owner next to him was scraped by the car, subconsciously turned the steering wheel, and bumped towards Xia Nuanxin station.

Xia Nuanxin saw a car crashing in her direction from the corner of her eyes, and it was too late to lift her foot to avoid it.

Suddenly, a strong force came from the side, lifting her almost in the air.

Huo Beixiao was originally standing five meters away, and he didn't know when he approached. His strong fingers grabbed Xia Nuanxin's arm tightly, and pulled her in, Xia Nuanxin's whole body was almost They were all picked up, barely passing by the car.

"Xia Nuanxin! Your eyes are angry?!" Huo Beixiao was furious.If it weren't for his sharp eyesight and quick hands, she must have been scratched by the car this time!
But Xia Nuanxin didn't hear it, her eyes kept chasing the car that had gone away, she couldn't hear Huo Beixiao's voice, she couldn't feel the bruise on her arm that Huo Beixiao instantly grabbed, her mind was like a revolving lantern Same.

When the car drove by just now, she seemed to see a familiar profile!

She has seen that face for more than ten years, so she shouldn't admit it!

"What's wrong with you? Are you scared stupid?" Huo Beixiao followed Xia Nuanxin's direction and looked, except for the densely packed motorcade, there was nothing special.

"Huo Beixiao, you go back today! I'm in a hurry!" Xia Nuan said in a hurry, she broke away from Huo Beixiao's palm, and ran towards Lida Square without looking back!
Huo Beixiao was left on the spot, angrily wanting to scold his mother: "Aren't you fucking in a hurry to get a divorce!"

He touched the marriage certificate in his pocket, feeling mixed feelings.As long as Huo Beixiao is present, who would dare to do anything more important than serving him?
Huo Beixiao gritted his teeth, Xia Nuanxin, it's you!
Xia Nuanxin ran wildly.

If not mistaken!

If she's not mistaken!The person who flashed past in that car just now was her mother who had been missing for many years!

Xia Nuanxin was wearing high heels, and the thin laces made her ankles hurt.But she didn't stop for a step, she kept running, checking the passing vehicles one by one.Because it also overturned many innocent passers-by.

Xia Nuanxin apologized and tried to remember, what car just came?

But no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't remember it!Just now, she was only focused on being angry with Huo Bei, she didn't see the license plate number of that car at all, and she didn't even know what kind of car it was.I know the body is black.

She checked each black car, hoping to see her mother in the middle.Until the security guard in the garage of the office building of Lida Building walked towards her suspiciously.

"Miss, do you need any help?" The security guard swept Xia Nuanxin up and down, holding a walkie-talkie in his hand.

Xia Nuanxin was sweating from running, and her makeup was a bit smudged.There are too many vehicles coming and going, but the figure she is familiar with has never been found.

"No, thank you." She waved her hand, out of breath, did she get it wrong?
She shook her head, no!Although many years have passed, as a daughter, how could she fail to recognize her biological mother?

But now that there is a lot of traffic, it is impossible for her to search one by one. She suddenly remembered the company named after her.

Nuan Heart!

Maybe this company is her mother's new company!
Xia Nuanxin hurriedly called Qiao Yu: "Qiao Yu, can you check something for me?"

Qiao Yu's voice was also hasty: "Wu Xin, where have you been, you don't answer the phone! Jin Hui is analyzing the real estate market, this is a great opportunity to learn, come back soon!"

In addition to an office hall on the fifth floor, Jinhui Group also has another conference room on the seventh floor.

When Xia Nuanxin arrived, the meeting room was already full of people. Fortunately, the meeting hadn't officially started yet, and there was buzzing chatter in the hall.

Standing at the front was the man who had sized her up with sharp eyes.

Xia Nuanxin quickly found Qiao Yu and Lin Lin.

Lin Lin was using her unique way - standing on a chair, holding a piece of A4 paper - waving, gesturing to her.

"What's the matter, where did you go so early in the morning?" Lin Lin moved her bag away, revealing the seat reserved for Xia Nuanxin, "Why are you sweating all over your face?"

Qiao Yu saw it too. He opened a bottle of water and handed it to Xia Nuanxin, with a questioning look in his eyes: "What did you say on the phone just now?"

Xia Nuanxin waved her hand, and first poured herself a big mouthful of water: "Just now... I seem to see my mother."

Qiao Yu and Lin Lin were both taken aback when they heard this.

Back then, the Xia Group went bankrupt, the chairman Xia Dongcheng fell to his death, and his wife Qiu Yating went abroad and completely disappeared, causing a lot of trouble.

Qiu Yating was criticized by the media for abandoning her 17-year-old daughter. It is precisely because of this that the Mo family's acceptance of Xia Nuanxin is even more commendable.

This matter was on the headlines of newspapers for several days back then, as much as the praise for the Mohists was resounding, the criticism for Qiu Yating was as deep as it was.

And after so many years, the criticized Qiu Yating will return to China?

"Wu Xin, you can't read it wrong, right?" Qiao Yu asked carefully.

Xia Nuanxin shook her head, and was about to defend herself when she was interrupted by the people on stage.

The man cleared his throat and the microphone blared.

The staff immediately went forward and adjusted the microphone with all their hands, and the meeting officially started.

"Today, let's analyze the real estate market of newly listed companies... Our employees recently discovered a dark horse, which is Nuan Heart, which just went public last week..."

Xia Nuanxin paused, raised her head, and focused her eyes... Isn't this the company she is investigating?
"Nuan Heart's legal person is David Edmund from the United States. The scale of their company is not very large, but there is a special reason for being able to climb into the domestic market so quickly... We have conducted a review of their information. After a thorough analysis, now let's take a look at their real estate data..."

Xia Nuanxin regretted that Nuan Heart was just a typical special case of this regular meeting, and Jin Hui didn't mention the news she really wanted to know.

From the news that Jin Hui revealed, Xia Nuanxin couldn't find any information related to her mother at all.

Could it be that she was wrong?Because of the recent incident with Huo Beixiao, she was physically and mentally exhausted, and subconsciously missed her mother, so she had hallucinations?

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