get married

Chapter 82 Leaving S City (Join V Announcement)

From Shen Xinglan's point of view, it's enough for him to unilaterally confirm his relationship. As for whether A Miao likes him, he never thought about it at all.What's more, they once had such intimate contact in the bathtub.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Shen Xinglan felt that something was going to his head.

"B...BOSS!!" Shen Yi suddenly called out, and Shen Er also looked at Shen Xinglan in a panic.

Shen Xinglan frowned: "What are you calling?"

"No... no, boss, you... you have a nosebleed!"

The man on the sofa stood up suddenly, Shen Yi and Shen Er shuddered, Shen Xinglan's gloomy gaze flicked across them, clearly with the expression of wanting to kill someone...

"BOOS, I'll help you arrange dinner." Shen Er bent his head and left without looking back.

Fuck me!Shenyi never knew that the brothers around him were so shameless, only caring about his own life at critical moments.

"Take care of your mouth." Shen Xinglan threw the tissue into the ashtray calmly, Shen didn't look sideways, saying that he didn't see anything.

At this time, a head popped up upstairs.

"Shenyi, can I trouble you to come up here?" A Miao squatted behind the stairs with only two eyes exposed.

Shen Xinglan, who was named, felt that his body was pierced by the eye knife for a moment. He stiffened his neck and glanced at Shen Xinglan, who grunted with a dark face.

"Still rolling up."

Shenyi ran upstairs tremblingly, and A Miao turned around and entered the room with a serious face.

"Where's my luggage?"

The god who followed in was stunned: "Isn't it in the cloakroom?"


A Miao stared at him, as if judging the truth of the words.Because there were only a few cosmetic boxes left in her luggage, and all the clothes that were not much were gone.

"I just put it in there, really!" God raised his hand and swore, seeing that A Miao still had a displeased expression on his face, he rolled his eyes and said, "Miss, if there is anything missing, there is everything in the cloakroom."

The items inside were all personally checked by Shen Xinglan, even the style of underwear was chosen by him, Shenyi asked a question back then.

"Boss, how do you know Miss's size?"

Then, then he was forked out...

"Forget it, go down." A Miao knelt down with her head in her arms, she needed to think about what to do next.

Shenyi who returned downstairs found that Shen Xinglan's face was still ugly, so he stood aside to minimize his presence.

"Go get A Miao downstairs at five o'clock." Shen Xinglan stood up, "Then tell me what she's wearing."

Shenyi's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "Don't worry about boss, I will secretly take a picture for you to see!"

Returning to the study, Shen Xinglan took out the book from the drawer with a serious face, and flipped through the content he read last time.

"One Hundred Things for Intimate Couples" - Wear couple clothes together...

"Miss!" At five o'clock, Shenyi knocked on A Miao's door on time.

A Miao who opened the door said with a straight face: "What's the matter?"

"Oh, why didn't you change your clothes? Didn't the boss agree to go out to dinner with you?"

The ghost just said yes to him.

"I won't go." A Miao was so angry that her stomach hurt, she had no appetite to eat.

"Miss, you also know the boss's temper..." Shen Yi persuaded her, "Besides, Auntie is on vacation today, so if you don't go, you won't have anything to eat."

Shen Xinglan threw away everything in the refrigerator for this meal.

"I...go." Gritting her teeth and making a sound, A Miao slammed the door shut.

Shen Yi touched his nose, stood aside and waited.

At the same time, Shen Xinglan was a little anxious, and even walked around the study twice.He frowned when he realized what he had done.

"BOSS." Shenyi knocked on the door, pushed open the door, and raised the phone to his face with a strange expression.

Shen Xinglan took a look, her brows furrowed even deeper...

When A Miao watched Shen Xinglan walk down the stairs step by step, she didn't close her mouth for a long time.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" In a daze, the man had already walked to her side.

When Shen Xinglan saw her small mouth open, her instinctive reaction was to hold it.Of course, he just thought about it and didn't take action.

"You think too much..." A Miao took two steps back.

Can't blame her for losing her composure just now, this man is not wearing a suit!

She didn't know what Shen Xinglan was paying attention to, so she specially chose a pair of jeans and white short sleeves with small floral patterns.A Miao thought that the place where Shen Xinglan went to eat must be a high-end restaurant, and she would definitely not be allowed to enter if she dressed like this.

"Do you like it?" Shen Xinglan asked again.

Shenyi next to him was very excited, since when has the boss been so polite!
It's a pity that A Miao didn't understand this change, and even gave Shen Xinglan a stare.As if he had agreed, he also wore a dark blue casual suit.

But I have to admit that this man looks good in anything...

"Where did you put my own clothes?" A Miao asked him.

Shen Xinglan glanced at Shenyi: "I was lost by Shenyi."

"Ah?" The god lying on the gun was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized, "Yes... yes! I'm sorry miss, I accidentally threw it away during decoration."

"Everything is messy, pay attention next time." Shen Xinglan reprimanded with a straight face, then turned to ask A Miao, "Don't be angry, I will send him to Africa."

A Miao hehe twice, do you think I don't know that you did it?

"I'm glad you like the clothes I chose." Shen Xinglan took the opportunity to say, "It's very beautiful."

This is the truth, despite the makeup of the eyes.The sophisticated tailoring of the high-end customization made A Miao's figure bulge forward and back, and he even wanted to reach out and touch the round buttocks wrapped in jeans.

"After dinner, please take me back to school." A Miao didn't know that the man had already thought about carnal matters, and was still talking about things that hadn't been discussed all afternoon.

Shen Xinglan pursed the corners of her lips: "Let's talk after dinner."

The restaurant is indeed an expensive place where a glass of water costs hundreds of dollars, but it's a little different from what she expected.

"Are you sure I can go in dressed like this?"

Waiter: "Of course, please come inside!"

"Didn't your sign say evening dress?"

Waiter: "That's someone else, you can enter even if you wear slippers!"

A Miao: ...

"Miss, BOSS has booked the entire restaurant tonight." God said in a low voice.

Shen Xinglan had already walked in at this time, A Miao moved around amidst the waiter's respectful smile, and Shen Yi suddenly said something in her ear.

"Miss, please forgive the boss. Your dormitory and the previous work in the library were all secretly arranged by the boss." After finishing speaking, Shenyi ran away.

A Miao was taken aback after hearing this, then walked over with her head down.

"Sit down." Shen Xinglan leaned on the back of the black chair, with a huge glass window behind him, and the starry background* was not as good as his picturesque face.

How could such a man like himself?A Miao waved the unrealistic thoughts out of her mind, and sat across from Shen Xinglan without saying a word.

"Is it delicious?" Shen Xinglan asked after the appetizer came out.

A Miao really couldn't say it was unpalatable against her conscience: "It's delicious."

"From then on, you can come to eat every day." Shen Xinglan waved his hand, and a man who looked like a manager ran over.

"Mr. Shen!" The visitor bowed and saluted.

Shen Xinglan nodded: "This is my fiancee, and also your new boss."

"I know, I know!" The manager immediately gave A Miao a friendly smile, "Miss A Miao, my surname is Chen, you can call me Xiao Chen."

The man in his fifties didn't feel embarrassed at all, while A Miao looked at Shen Xinglan blankly: "What do you mean?"

"You go down first."

Manager Chen bowed again, trotted away.

"Go to school well in the future, don't worry about money, the restaurant will deposit dividends into your account every month." Shen Xinglan said calmly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

But he was immediately beaten by A Miao: "I don't want it."


"Take someone else's hand short."

Shen Xinglan: "You didn't take it, I gave it to you."

"Mr. God." A Miao looked at him, "Are you really not going to let me go?"

"You are my fiancée, you should be with me." Shen Xinglan put down his glass, "I don't want to repeat this question again, please be obedient."

What the hell is it to be obedient?A Miao was about to die of anger, but she knew that in this situation, it was useless to say anything, since her ID card was still in Shen Xinglan's hands, she couldn't go anywhere.

Back at the villa at night, A Miao locked herself in the room.

Shen Xinglan stood at the door for a while, then turned and went back to her room.

"A Miao? Are you alright?" Jiang Hua asked as soon as he received a call from A Miao, "Why didn't you go back to school?"

"Something happened..." A Miao didn't know what to say.

Jiang Hua's voice paused: "Is it because he disagrees with you leaving?"

"Jiang Hua, can you help me? I need a fake* ID, and I'm leaving City S."

"Yes, yes..." Jiang Hua said straightforwardly, "I know some people in this field, the problem is that you left like this, learn..."

A Miao interrupted him: "I drop out of school."

"I see."

On Monday, A Miao went to Jiang Hua as soon as she arrived at school.

"In three days, you will have a new identity." Jiang Hua handed her a piece of paper.

A Miao took it and saw that it was an admission notice.

"Is this...from Nantah University?"

"That's right, they invited me to be a visiting professor before, but I never agreed. Since you want to start over, you might as well go here."

In the south far away from City S, Nantah University is one of the most prestigious schools.

"Are you going to become a professor in the past?" A Miao was not stupid, of course she knew what was going on.

Jiang Hua smiled: "Let them admit you is my only request."


"It doesn't matter where I am, but you only have one chance."

A Miao agreed, and three days later, she got a new ID card with the name Jiang Ci on it.

"To the outside world, just say you are my cousin." Jiang Hua handed her the ID card, "Tomorrow's plane, we will leave directly from school."

Clutching her ID card tightly in her palm, A Miao nodded slowly.

The next night, A Miao secretly followed Jiang Hua out of the school and went straight to the airport.She didn't take any luggage, only her makeup tools, and even threw away her mobile phone card.

As for Song Baohua and Zhou Xiao, A Miao felt that Shen Xinglan would not hurt them.Although she didn't know why she thought so, she just felt so.

"Here we are." Jiang Hua helped her open the car door.

Overhead, a plane streaked across the sky.

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