get married

Chapter 78 Shen Xinglan's Decision

"I'm passing by." After Ding Wu finished speaking, he sat down with a bowl of tomato soup and began to drink.

Shen Xinglan resisted the urge to beat him to death. If this guy hadn't appeared suddenly, Shen Er and the others would have taken action, and they would have brought him back to ask who was behind the scenes.

But...he probably knew who it was.

"Those people said that you paid them to go." A Miao held a cup of coffee, sipping small sips, thinking about what those guys said.

Shen Xinglan narrowed his eyes: "Do you believe it?"

"No." A Miao shook her head, "It doesn't take so much trouble for you to kill me."

"I won't kill you." Shen Xinglan frowned, "Don't think wildly."

A Miao put down her glass: "What they mean is that I covet the position of your fiancée, and you think I'm in the way."

"God, do you know who it is?" Ding Wu asked casually after finishing his soup.

"The one who can figure out what I mean so clearly is the so-called family member." Shen Xinglan smiled sarcastically, "It turns out that you are the one he wants to deal with."

A Miao was stunned: "You mean... Ji's family?" Then she reacted and asked, "What do you mean I'm the one who dealt with it?"

"Think about it, have you seen Ji Yan recently?"

"Ji Yan?" A figure appeared in A Miao's mind, "No."

Shen Xinglan reminded her: "Think about it again, have you encountered any strange things before?"

"Strange things..." A Miao began to recall the events of last week, and suddenly remembered, "By the way, I bumped into someone in front of a hotel. I apologized at that time, but the person left in a hurry."

Her eyes suddenly brightened: "Behind, behind me... Ji Yan is standing behind!"

I didn't notice it at the time, but now that I think about it, the person behind him is clearly Ji Yan's face.

"But...why did he kill me?" A Miao felt that she was too innocent, since she moved in, she was either kidnapped or followed every day.

Probably sensing the sadness in her eyes, Shen Xinglan pursed her lips and tilted her head: "Xiao Wu, have you finished all your matters?"

"It's almost the same, I won't go back in a short time." Ding Wu raised his head, "You want me to protect her?"

Shen Xinglan glanced at A Miao: "Only protect people, don't kill people."

"I know, it's very troublesome to deal with the aftermath!" Ding Wu said very consciously, "Is it okay to disable it?"

A Miao: I don’t want the protection of such a person at all...

"Then I have to remember her smell carefully." Ding Wu stood up and walked to A Miao's side.


"Boss, Ji Yan has contacted people from the government again."

Shen Xinglan raised her head: "It's okay, just keep staring."

It had been a week since the incident with A Miao last time, and the tragic deaths of those punks did not cause any panic, because Shen Er had brought people over to deal with the scene at that time.

"He didn't send anyone to attack Miss." Shen Er said, "I guess it's because the boss didn't respond, and I think Miss didn't see him."

Shen Xinglan closed the file: "He's not an idiot. Those people disappeared for no reason. He must know that A Miao is protected by someone."

"By the way, boss, the end of the month is coming soon." Shen Er put an album on Shen Xinglan's desk, "The auction you mentioned last time will be held next week."

Raising his hand and flipping through a few pages, Shen Xinglan's gaze was fixed on a piece of jade pendant.

"Boss..." Shen Er hesitated for a moment, "Should I let Miss go?"

Shen Xinglan's eyes were unclear, and after a while, he closed his eyes and waved: "Go out."


A Miao also knew the news, so it was Jiang Hua who informed her.

"It's next Saturday, can I pick you up then?"

"No need, let's meet at the meeting." A Miao washed the lunch box, and the two walked out of the cafeteria slowly.Jiang Hua suddenly smiled, causing A Miao to look sideways.

Jiang Hua shook his head: "It's nothing, I just feel that the semester is over, I'm afraid you don't even remember the names of the students in the class?"

"..." Ah Miao seemed like she really didn't remember.

"Why don't you communicate more with your classmates, do you know what people in your department call you behind their backs!"

A Miao shook her head. She seldom chatted with her classmates and did not participate in group activities. Every day after class, she would hide in the library, or go back to her dormitory alone.

"Say you have autism." Jiang Hua frowned, "How about changing your dormitory for you next semester?"

"No." A Miao said immediately, "I'm used to living alone."

She needs to make up every day, so it is most convenient for her to be alone.

"However, what I heard is different from yours." She suddenly smiled, "Do you want to guess?"

"Does it have something to do with me?" Jiang Hua also smiled, "Don't take it to heart."

A Miao curled her lips: "I don't care, it's fine."

Although many students often come to Jiang Hua to ask questions and discuss their studies, everyone finds that he and A Miao spend the most time talking together.

Over time, some jealous girls said that A Miao was not good-looking, and wanted to teach hidden rules or something.

"I'm serious, I suggest you to socialize more." Jiang Hua felt helpless, "This is a society, it is impossible for you not to contact others."

A Miao pointed to the time on the phone: "It's time, I'm going to class."

"You..." Jiang Hua waved his hand, "Go, go!"

After walking a few steps, A Miao turned around and smiled again: "I understand what you said, and I will consider it."

"hehe, ok."

In fact, Ah Miao wanted to get in touch with her classmates at first, but she overheard the conversations of people in the department outside the toilet, probably because she was the number one. I don’t know who to give it to with a high-spirited appearance all day long. look.

The original words were not so pleasant, they piled those nasty words on her as if they didn't want money.After that, A Miao gave up, learning from her own and living her own life every day.

"A Miao, the greatest happiness of a person is to be able to cry and laugh as you like, don't let yourself be wronged, and work hard to make yourself happy!"

This is what my mother often said, and Ah Miao will always remember it, and will always maintain this mentality.

However, life is often like this. You always dig a hole when you are unable to guard against it.

"Shen Er..." A Miao couldn't help but ask Shen Er when she returned to school again, "Is there something on your boss's mind recently?"

God II: Even you can see it.

"Nothing." But he can never say that the boss is struggling, it's all because of you!

A Miao didn't believe it.

This week at home, Shen Xinglan was always watching her secretly. At first, she thought it was an illusion, but then she caught her a few times.She wanted to ask, but she glared at her fiercely, with an expression that it was none of your business.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway." A Miao knew that Shen Er would never say anything, so she put the matter behind her.

But when she went back on Friday, Shen Xinglan called her to the living room.

"see this."

A Miao picked up the album, her eyes flashed.This is exactly the jewelry and antique auction that she and Jiang Hua are going to tomorrow night.

"It's very similar to yours." A Miao felt a bad premonition in her heart.

Seeing her eyes suddenly become vigilant, Shen Xinglan lowered her head: "So, I want you to steal this jade pendant."

"What did you say?" Her heart sank, and she even deluded herself into thinking that she had heard it wrong.

Shen Xinglan raised her head: "I said, you are going to steal this jade pendant."

As if something cracked silently, it quickly shattered into dots of dim starlight, and finally fell into the abyss without a trace of brightness.

"Yes." A Miao said slowly, "But the security system here should be very powerful, I'm not good at those."

Shen Xinglan nodded: "Shen Er and Shen San will be in charge of that. They will create an opportunity for you to approach the jade pendant at the end of the auction, and then you will exchange the fake one."

After finishing speaking, Shen Xinglan took out a white jade pendant from his pocket, which was exactly the same as the one in the album.

"I understand." A Miao took it over and didn't look at him, but stared at the jade pendant in her hand, as if there were words on it.

Shen Xinglan hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Do you have any request?"

"Yes." Ah Miao said immediately, and met the man's gaze for the first time this evening, "After the matter is done, our relationship will be terminated, and we will have nothing to do with each other from now on.

The spacious living room was silent, and even the breathing of the two of them could not be noticed.That's because A Miao really held her breath, she clenched her fists tightly, trying to make herself look like the man opposite.

The same is as easy as saying have you eaten yet.

"it is good."

I don't know how long it took, it was so long that A Miao thought he would not answer.

"Then how to do it, let's talk about it tomorrow morning!" A Miao stood up and walked upstairs slowly.

She knew that the man behind her was always looking at her, maybe turning around would change something.But A Miao didn't do that, because Shen Xinglan had already made a choice.


Shen Er appeared in the living room.

"Actually, if Fifth Brother also goes, we might be able to steal it back by ourselves without Miss taking action."

Shen Xinglan glanced at him indifferently: "None of you have the ability not to disturb anyone to exchange the jade pendant. The matter of the jade pendant must not attract anyone's attention."

"Tell her the action procedure tomorrow." Shen Xinglan raised her hand.

Shen Er retreated silently, he had no right to interfere and would not interfere with any decision made by Shen Xinglan, even if this decision would make Shen Xinglan regret it and...

Desperate to die...

A Miao returned to the room calmly, and the first thing she did was to call Jiang Hua.

"I can't go with you tomorrow."

"No, Shen Xinglan is going too, I have to accompany him."

"Yes, see you at the auction then! Good night."

She didn't know when she hung up the phone, and when she came back to her senses, she realized that a long time had passed.

"Huh!" A Miao jumped off the bed, "I should be happy, after tomorrow I will be truly free!" She walked into the bathroom humming a song, ready to take a hot bath and have a good sleep.

Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, he waited blankly for the water to fill up, and when the wetness came from his trouser legs, he suddenly realized that a layer of water had already gathered on the floor of the bathroom.

"Oops!" A Miao quickly pulled out the water plug, watching the water quickly flow into the sewer, and finally swirled around the circular sewer mouth, and there were several puffing sounds.

It was as if everything hadn't started, and no one... had ever been here.

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