get married

Chapter 75 Unsprouted Love

Shen Xinglan hugged A Miao and lay down, two breaths came and went one after another in the dark room.He held his breath and slowly searched for the other person's frequency.In the end, the breaths of the two people converged, regardless of each other.

"As expected... I like her." Shen Xinglan looked at the woman in his arms, and reached out to gently stroke her face.

After escaping for so long, he couldn't escape in the end.

Shen Xinglan closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, it was clear.He glanced at A Miao lightly, then withdrew and left.

"BOSS." Shensan has been waiting at the door, seeing him come out to meet him.

"One thing is very strange. When we were looking for Miss, we found that another group of people were also looking for someone. It seemed that they were also looking for Miss."

Shen Xinglan frowned: "Did you lose track?"

Since Shensan said so, it means that they have already checked, but found nothing.

"Yes, that group of people seemed to have fallen from the sky, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye." Shensan looked ashamed, "Do you want to continue to investigate..."

"No need." Shen Xinglan walked downstairs slowly, "When it's time to come out, I will come out naturally."

The next day, A Miao woke up early in the morning, and went to find Shen Xinglan after cleaning up.

"Boss has gone to the company." Shen Er told her expressionlessly.

A Miao felt disappointed for a while, but immediately adjusted her mood and asked him: "What happened yesterday..."

"It's Ji Xue." Shen Er didn't hide it from her, "Boss said, he will handle it."

What to deal with... A Miao sighed in her heart, Ji Xue's identity was left there, how to deal with it?

"Miss." Shen Er pursed his lips, "Next week is BOSS's birthday."

A Miao's eyes were in a daze: "Huh?"

"Some things don't necessarily look superficial. Those who have bullied Miss will end well." After Shen Er finished speaking, he probably felt that he had said too much, nodded, and ran away as if someone was chasing him.

Is this... reminding her again?

"Sure enough, it's better to communicate with Shen Yi." A Miao shrugged her shoulders, thinking of Shen Er's words just now, "Birthday..."

Because she wanted to thank Shen Xinglan, A Miao waited for him to come back all day, but she didn't see anyone when it was dark.She ate dinner alone, went upstairs to take a shower, and then lay down on the sofa in the living room with a book.

At midnight, there was movement from the gate of Shen's house, and Shen Xinglan stood still as soon as she entered.

"BOSS?" Shen San followed behind.

"Keep your voice down, go down." Shen Xinglan took off his coat, walked to the sofa and covered it carefully.

Only then did Shensan notice that there was a person lying there, and he backed away knowingly.

"What should I do with you..." A man's helpless voice came from the silent living room.

A Miao moved and opened her eyes.

"Shen Xinglan?" She turned on the lamp on the table, "Ah! You're back."

"In this weather, do you want to get sick lying here?" The man stood up, walked to the opposite side and sat down.

A Miao rubbed her eyes: "I was waiting for you and accidentally fell asleep."

The words "wait for you" made Shen Xinglan's heart skip a beat, and he even had to hold his chest to calm himself down.

"What's wrong with you?" A Miao saw that his expression was wrong.

"It's nothing." Shen Xinglan said nonchalantly, "What are you waiting for me?"

A Miao's eyes fluttered: "It's nothing, just... just like to say thank you."

"I know!" Seeing that Shen Xinglan was about to speak, she hurriedly said first, "I know it's too trivial to say thank you, you have saved me so many times, but... I don't know what else I can say besides thank you..."

Shen Xinglan raised her hand to interrupt her: "Didn't you say that all of this is because of me?"

"What?" A Miao didn't understand.

"Didn't you say that you were targeted because of me? If I didn't say that you are my fiancee, Ji Xue and the others wouldn't target you either."

Shen Xinglan looked at her indifferently: "So you don't have to thank me, since I used you, I must save your life."

"Oh..." A Miao lowered her head, smiled and looked at the man opposite after a while, "I understand, but I still have to thank you!" After she finished speaking, she stood up, "It's getting late, I'm going to bed."

She left quickly, and Shen Xinglan clenched her fists in a place she couldn't see.

"Shanshan..." he murmured.

He knew he liked Ah Miao, but he couldn't do that.He can't tell A Miao that he likes her, what should he do if Shanshan shows up in the future?
Abandoning A Miao and being with Shanshan?

"That's it, at least for now, I will protect her."

Under the shadow of the lamp, Shen Xinglan's eyes flashed with struggle and hesitation, and soon...became calm.

When A Miao returned to school on Monday, Jiang Hua sent her a message asking her to have dinner with her.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Hua asked her as soon as they met.

A Miao sat down with a share of braised lion's head: "Are you all right? Why do you ask that?"

"I saw your fiancé at school last Friday." Jiang Hua looked at her, "He seems to be looking for something in a hurry."

The half-bitten meatball fell to the table, and A Miao wanted to take it back with a look of pity.

"Dirty." Jiang Hua pushed her share of ribs to her, "He is looking for you!"

A Miao smiled: "I said Professor Jiang, why are you so gossip!"

"Are we friends?" Jiang Hua stared at her.

"Eh..." A Miao opened her mouth, "It should be."

"So you can take me as a friend who cares about you." Jiang Hua shrugged, " don't regard me as a friend."

A Miao rolled her eyes, and then said with a serious face: "Oh, you know, the grievances of the rich and powerful!"

"Hehe!" Jiang Hua was amused by her, "Then have you ever thought about leaving the wealthy family?"

Seeing A Miao staring at him blankly, Jiang Hua also said with a serious face: "I'm serious, if you don't get used to it, why don't you leave?"

"Stop joking." A Miao smirked a few times, "I'm his fiancée!"

Jiang Hua stared at her, and smiled for a while: "Do you still eat meat? I'll get another one."

"Eat!" A Miao nodded vigorously, and when Jiang Hua stood up, she suddenly whispered something.

"Thank you."

Jiang Hua twitched the corner of his mouth and took a step forward: "Why are you polite, aren't we friends!"

Soon, A Miao found out that Ji Xue was avoiding her.Although the two were not in the same department, Ji Xue avoided them a few times when they met occasionally.

"Because Mr. Ji asked her to apologize to you." Shen Er said when she came to pick her up on Friday, "but the boss said that she would definitely not go."

A Miao nodded: "It's better for her not to come."

"Anyway... Boss won't let off those who bully you." Shen Er emphasized again.

Seeing his awkwardness, A Miao asked curiously: "Do you have something to say? Your expression is similar to that of Shen Yi."

"That's what he insisted on telling me." Shen Er said with a serious face, "He's afraid that miss will forget the boss's birthday."

A Miao gave a thumbs up: "What a good Chinese bodyguard!"

Of course I didn't forget, the presents are all ready.A Miao pinched her schoolbag and said with a smile: "Tomorrow is his birthday, how about I make a meal?"

"What do you mean miss?"

"It means you have to find a way to keep your boss at home!"

Ah Miao hadn't thought about whether Shen Xinglan was interested in her.But what they said that night was very clear, so that the little seedlings in her heart were killed before they sprouted.

After thinking about it, she must have had a brain twitch.She and Shen Xinglan are people from two worlds. What she has to do now is to finish college well. If she behaves better, maybe Shen Xinglan will let her study abroad.

This is the truth of why she celebrated Shen Xinglan's birthday.

"Boss, are you going out?" When Shen Xinglan came downstairs early in the morning, Shen Er came up to him.

Shen Xinglan squinted her eyes: "If you have something to say, just say it."

"no car."

Shen Xinglan: "..."

"It's such a boss, the car has been sent for maintenance." Shen Er's eyes fluttered, and he felt that Shen Yi's idea was not good at all.

Sure enough, Shen Xinglan looked at him with a sneer: "The five cars in the family have all been sent for maintenance?"

"Yes." Shen Er glanced at Shen San who had been acting as the background board all along, and wanted him to come up to prove himself.

Shen San is like being blind...

"I see." Shen Xinglan said lightly.

succeeded?Shen Er was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard...

"Then you go to the foot of the mountain, then take a taxi to the company and drive a car back to pick me up."

Shen Er looked at his boss in shock.

"Don't tell me that the company has sent over a dozen cars for maintenance." Shen Xinglan looked at him with a compelling look.

"I'll go!" Shensan finally recovered his eyesight, and took the initiative to take a step forward.

Shen Xinglan glanced at them and entered the restaurant.

Then, Shensan disappeared forever, and he didn't come back until the sun went down.

"Boss...can't get through the phone." Shen Er didn't know how many times he had reported, and Shen San's phone kept shutting down.

Shensan didn't come back, but the fresh ingredients ordered by A Miao from the Internet arrived.

"I'm cooking tonight, I hope you can get used to it." She walked into the kitchen with the ingredients.

Shen Xinglan frowned and said nothing.After a long time, A Miao appeared at the door: "Dinner is ready!"

"Why do you have to cook by yourself?" Shen Xinglan paused just after she finished speaking.

The dining room has obviously been decorated, in addition to flowers, there is also a cake in the center of the table.

"It's my first time baking a cake, so I don't know if it's delicious." A Miao pulled out the chair, "Please!"

Shen Xinglan pursed her lips and walked over: "It seems that all my bodyguards have been bribed by you."

"I just want to celebrate your birthday." A Miao put a big bowl in front of him, "Don't bite it off, eat it in one go."

The thick bone broth is fragrant, and the bowl is filled with white broth and thin noodles, with a few slices of red beef on top.

"Eat!" A Miao handed him the chopsticks.

Shen Xinglan picked it up and found that the face was not broken.Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and sucked with his lips, while glancing at the woman beside him from time to time.

A Miao stared at him nervously, afraid that Shen Xinglan would bite off the face until the last bit entered his mouth.

"Great! Next year, everything will go well for you, and your journey will be smooth."

She was busy applauding, but accidentally tripped over the leg of the stool. Seeing her body tilted, Shen Xinglan stretched out her hand faster than her brain.


A Miao sat in his arms.

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