get married

Chapter 68 The Sword Thief Sees the Blood Leader and Offers a Reward (6)

Bai Lu ran out of the building in a hurry, and when she saw this scene, she took out her mobile phone and hid aside in a panic.

"Miss, don't touch the boss, we've already called an ambulance." Shenyi tightly grabbed A Miao who was about to rush up.

While looking around, Shen Er didn't know who he was calling.

Soon, the ambulance arrived, and A Miao sat on it blankly.When she arrived at the hospital, Shen Xinglan entered the operating room, and she just stood there without saying a word.

"Miss..." Shenyi looked at her worriedly, "Don't worry, our boss is fine."

A Miao turned her head stiffly: "Why is it all right...he just didn't move at all."

"Miss?" Shen Er found that something was wrong with A Miao, and Shen Yi also noticed that A Miao was trembling all over.

Shen Er winked at him, and Shen Yi raised his hand to touch A Miao's neck.

"I'll take her to the ward." Shen Er picked up the fainted A Miao.

Shen Xinglan was actually awake all the time, he even knew that he had broken two ribs.So he gestured to Shenyi immediately, and seeing A Miao's worried and frightened face, he decided to lie there and pretend to be dead.

The lights in the operating room were quickly turned off, and Shen Xinglan was pushed out, with a thick gauze wrapped around his chest.

"Mr. Shen, the ward has been arranged." The dean came to see him in person, because this hospital is invested by Ji's consortium.

Shen Xinglan frowned, and Shenyi immediately said: "Miss was frightened, I knocked her unconscious."

"Let her live with me." Entering the VIP ward, Shen Xinglan pointed to the side, "The extra bed is here."

So when A Miao woke up, she saw Shen Xinglan lying on the hospital bed next to her.

"God...Shen Xinglan..." She stretched out her hand tremblingly, but when she was about to touch the tip of his nose, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ah!" A Miao yelled and fell back on the hospital bed, "'re not dead?"

Shen Xinglan looked at her with disdain: "Which hospital have you seen that put the dead in the wards?"

"It's good that you're not dead... It's good that you're not dead..." A Miao patted her chest, and then rushed over, "Where did you hurt? Arm? Leg? Can't move? Do you want amputation?"

"Do you think it would be better for me to be killed directly?" Shen Xinglan said quietly, "Is this your attitude towards your savior?"

A Miao waved her hands vigorously: "No, no, no, I'm really afraid that something will happen to you." As she spoke, the circles of her eyes turned red, "You don't know, seeing you lying there motionless, I... I was almost scared to death .”

"You take care of me while I'm in the hospital." Seeing that she was really crying, Shen Xinglan turned away awkwardly, "Start now."

"Okay!" A Miao sniffed, "Are you thirsty?"

She ran over to pour a glass of water, took a look at Shen Xinglan and said, "Don't move, I'll ask the nurse for a straw."

"No need." Shen Xinglan glanced at the head of the bed, "Press this button."

A Miao pressed it obediently, and was surprised to find that the head of the bed was slowly rising, and the pillow was slowly swelling up, just enough for Shen Xinglan to lean on it comfortably.

"So advanced..." she murmured, and handed the water to Shen Xinglan.

Shen Xinglan glanced at her: "If you press it again, you can call me a doctor."

A Miao withdrew her hand in horror: "How do you know I want to press it?"

Shen Xinglan ignored her, this girl will always be in front of her.

"Boss." Shen Er knocked on the door and came in, Shen Yi followed behind him, saw A Miao woke up and leaned over, "Miss, let's go home and get some clothes for a change."

A Miao turned her head to look at Shen Xinglan, and the man said with a blank expression, "Bring all your things, so that I have to send you back to get them when I can."

"I know." A Miao nodded obediently, and followed Shenyi away.

Shen Er closed the door: "Boss, we found it."

"It's Bailu." Shen Xinglan said with certainty.

"Yes." Shen Er hesitated for a moment, "But it's very strange, it seems that something went wrong in the middle, and her original target was you."

At this time, Bai Lu was arguing on the phone.

"You still dare to call? I said I won't give you money."

"Bumping people? Who told you to hit someone? How did I ask for it?" She scratched her hair angrily, "I tell you, don't call me again, or I will make it difficult for you to stay in S City!"

Pa, the phone was thrown against the wall, Bai Lu picked up the wine glass and drank half of it in one go, took a deep breath: "Idiot, they ruined the plan."

According to her original intention, after dinner today, the car will hit them.According to the last observation, Shen Xinglan will definitely push A Miao away.

When the time comes, I will rush up and push Shen Xinglan away, the driver will not hit too hard, at most it will break a few bones.But in this way, she would have a chance to get close to Shen Xinglan.

But today, there was a problem with the car. The people she hired thought there were still people robbing her, so they acted before she showed up.

"Boss, do you want to arrest those people and ask them?"

Shen Xinglan narrowed his eyes: "No, don't move them first."

Seeing that Shen Er didn't understand, Shen Xinglan didn't explain, and changed the subject: "Does the reporter know all about it?"

"Yes, it is estimated that the news of your hospitalization will be broadcast on the evening news."

Shen Er thought of something to remind him: "Master Ji..."

"It should be there soon." Shen Xinglan smiled sarcastically.

In Shen's villa, A Miao packed up her change of clothes, and packed Shen Xinglan's clothes sent by Shen Yi, two full bags.

"Miss, don't worry about taking care of the BOSS. I will send the meal to the hospital every day." Shen Yi helped her carry the things, "But what about your school courses, do you want to ask for leave?"

A Miao shook her head: "I have to go to class every morning, so you can pick me up to the hospital at noon!"

"That's fine, there's me and Shen Er in the morning!"

On the way back, Shenyi told A Miao that Shen Xinglan had broken several ribs and would probably spend a month in the hospital.It is impossible for her to take such a long leave. Fortunately, there are no main classes in the afternoon of the first semester.

The only trouble was that she had to quit her job in the library.

"Our boss is so pitiful, it's his first time being hospitalized!" Shen Yi gave Shen Xinglan a favor while driving.

A Miao lowered her head guiltily: "It's all to save me... Don't worry!" She clenched her fists, "I will take good care of him, and make sure he gets better as soon as possible."

Back at the hospital, when I walked to the door of the ward, I heard someone talking loudly inside, A Miao paused and stopped Shenyi.

"What's going on? Why did you get hit by a car when you were fine? What about A Miao? Why didn't you take care of you?"

Bai Yongwei hurriedly pulled him back: "Oh, Xinglan is injured, so don't be angry, this is an accident that no one wants!"

"Yeah, Dad, anyway, it looks like I'm fine." A young man put his hands in his pockets and looked sideways at Shen Xinglan on the hospital bed.

"But brother, you are too. You didn't call back to tell Dad about such a big car accident. We only found out when the reporter called."

Ji Yan said so, but there was a sarcasm in his eyes.Shen Xinglan raised his eyes and looked at him: "I will be recuperating in the hospital this month. Since you are back, go to the company early..."

"Xinglan." Ji Zeming interrupted him, "Which department are you going to send Ah Yan to?"

"Didn't I say last time that you arrange it yourself?" Shen Xinglan glanced at the door.

Ji Zeming hesitated for a moment, Bai Yongwei's eyes flickered and said: "Although Ah Yan was in charge of investing abroad before, he is not familiar with it in China after all, why don't you hide your identity and start from the bottom!"

"There's no need to fix those." Ji Zeming waved his hand, "Just go to the development department and be the vice president first."

Bai Yongwei held back a smile and glanced at Ji Yan, the latter's eyes flashed brightly: "Dad, I will work hard." After speaking, he turned his head and said to Shen Xinglan.

"Brother, don't worry, I will learn from you."

Then... kick you out of Ji's consortium!
"Finished?" Shen Xinglan closed her eyes, "Let's go when you're done, I'm tired."

When Ji Zeming heard this, he asked nervously, "Is there something uncomfortable? May I call a doctor for you?"

Shen Er did not know when he reached the door, and secretly opened the door to let A Miao walk in.

"I think he just needs to rest." A Miao walked to the hospital bed and helped Shen Xinglan cover the quilt, "Uncle Ji, the doctor said that he needs to rest."

The implication is, why are so many of you here?
"This is the future sister-in-law?" Ji Yan looked at A Miao curiously.

Ji Zeming was still angry with A Miao because of what happened last time, so his tone was not very good: "She is one year younger than you, what is her name?"

"Ze Ming!" Bai Yongwei gave A Miao a meaningful look, "Don't say that, Xing Lan will be upset."

"That's right, my brother personally chose him." Ji Yan walked up to A Miao, "It's the first time we meet, I'm Ji Yan. Oh! It's Ji Xue's brother."

Sure enough... Ah Miao despised Bai Yongwei's family even more in her heart.Shouldn't it be said that I am Shen Xinglan's younger brother?She took a look at Ji Zeming and found that he didn't respond at all, obviously she didn't think there was anything wrong.

No wonder Shen Xinglan hated them, because they never regarded him as a family.

"I'm A Miao." After A Miao finished speaking, she hurriedly opened the thermos, which contained the pork bone soup stewed by her aunt.

Ji Yan narrowed his eyes, turned his eyes away and said to Ji Zeming, "Dad, let's go, don't disturb my brother's rest."

"That's right, you haven't taken your antihypertensive medicine today!" Bai Yongwei said to A Miao with a kind face, "I'll cook some soup and bring it to you later."

A Miao nodded with a smile on her face: "Then I will trouble you."

"What's the trouble!" Ji Zeming glared at her, "We're all a family, don't be so ignorant."

When the three finally left, A Miao couldn't help asking.

"I said, are you sure that's your real father?"

Shen Xinglan, who was pretending to be asleep, opened her eyes and looked at her, A Miao heheed twice: "I mean, you are so smart, how could you have such a stupid father!"

"I'm like my mother."

"Ah?" Originally, he was not expected to take care of her, so A Miao didn't react for a while.

Then she sighed with a clear face: "No wonder, no wonder that Ji Yan is so ugly."

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