get married

Chapter 297 Death, equal to the end?

Everyone gathered in the living room of the Shenjia villa, which hadn't happened for a long time.

"Ouyang is already on the plane and will arrive tomorrow morning. Ding Wu and Wei Meng's mobile phones have no signal, so they can't be reached at the moment." Le Yi frowned. If Wei Meng can come back quickly, she can help a lot.

"That dead woman!" Apparently He Shishi also knew, and cursed a few words, "What shall we do now?"

The situation reported by Shenyi was not optimistic, A Miao seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and there was no trace of it.

"Did you ask Yu Sihan?" Linglang looked at Shen Xinglan, and other grievances can be put aside at this time.

"I asked." Shen Xinglan sat there, like a statue, with no expression of joy or anger on his face, "He will help find it."

Xiaoxi was holding the computer all the time, and he scratched his hair irritably: "No, in the past month, no organization has entered City S. There is no news on the road that someone is going to kidnap A Miao."

"Which way are you from?" Le Yi rubbed his temples, "We haven't had any enemies recently."

Shen Xinglan thought of something: "Shenyi said that someone went missing on a mission recently."

"Do you think it has something to do with A Miao's kidnapping?" Linglang thought for a while, "Is it possible that it is a force we don't know about?"

Le Yi was a little irritable: "A Min's health is about to heal, and he's been talking to me about seeing A Miao these days. It seems that he is determined to make up for A Miao."

"Don't let him know." Shenxing Lanmin pursed his lips.

"I understand." Le Yi nodded, if Ah Min found out, there might be a fuss, no one has time to take care of him now.

Auntie leaned out from the kitchen, hesitated for a long time and didn't know whether to say it, Linglang saw it and waved to her.

"Dinner, it's already ten o'clock." She stood up, and I went upstairs to see the two little guys.

Chu Bai also slept here today, in Yaya's room.

Shen Xinglan sat still, and no one dared to call him. He Shishi ate a bit indiscriminately, and couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw the little demon standing behind the door.

"Even if you stand like a rock, Ah Miao won't come back, come over to eat!"

"I'm not hungry." Xiao Yao said lifelessly.

She wanted to give herself a knife. Why was she so careless that someone took the young lady away.

"The other party is not an ordinary person." Le Yi came over and patted her on the shoulder, and the god behind him directly carried her on the shoulder. Before he could struggle, Xiao Yao was pushed onto the chair by him.

"You don't eat, how can I go to see the lady with me tomorrow?"

The little demon bit her lips tightly: "I will eat."

If she can put herself and Shenyi down without noticing, the other party is definitely not an ordinary person, she has to quickly adjust her state, and then go to Miss.

"God." Le Yi came down from the stairs, originally wanted to ask Shen Xinglan to eat, when he heard his cell phone ring.

Shen Xinglan pressed the answer button.

"You can't find anything over there, right!" Yu Sihan's voice came over.

Shen Xinglan snorted: "There is no clue."

"...What do you think?" There was a moment of silence.

Shen Xinglan already had some ideas in his mind, but he wasn't sure: "It's not any force we know, then, only... the superior."

"Hehe!" Yu Sihan smiled lightly, "I heard that the government of Huaguo hides dragons and crouching tigers. If they are really them, then Ah Miao is not in danger."

However, both Shen Xinglan and Yu Sihan knew what this meant.

A Miao itself has no value that can attract their attention, but if their goal is Shen Xinglan, then kidnapping A Miao is the biggest bargaining chip!

"What are you going to do!" Yu Sihan's voice was even gloating, "If you are all going to be arrested, don't worry! I will take care of Yaya."

Pop, Shen Xinglan hung up the phone.

"You guessed it?" Le Yi, who had been listening, asked, "Could it be that they are targeting the organization?"

Shen Xinglan shook her head: "They also asked us for help, white and black coexist."

Sometimes, the war between countries will be in the invisible dark corners, underground forces and killer mercenaries are the best options.

"Then what do they want to do?" Le Yi was a little anxious, after all, there had never been any conflicts between them and the country.Usually, the water does not violate the river water, and they will not take any money for useful places.

Shen Xinglan sat back again, staring at the air without moving.

"What's wrong?" He Shishi quietly leaned over and asked silently.

Le Yi waved his hand, turned and went to the restaurant.

"Who called?" He Shishi also followed, lowering her voice.

Le Yi told everyone about Shen Xinglan and Yu Sihan's suspicions, everyone was silent, only Linglang breathed a sigh of relief.

"If that's the case, we can rest assured that they will never hurt Ah Miao."

The little demon stared at her, Linglang patted her hand: "According to what I know from above, they probably need Shen Xinglan...or A Miao?"

"You mean, they want us to help?" He Shishi sneered twice, "Using this method?"

Linglang knew the government of this country very well, and said seriously: "For them to use this method, it means that this matter is very difficult. At least they know that if they come to invite us, it may be useless."

"That's why we kidnapped A Miao and threatened us." Le Yi rubbed the space between his brows, "It's really hard to handle now..."

A Miao woke up in the room. The environment of the room was not bad, and the decoration was elegant and grand. She lay on the big bed in a daze for a few seconds before her memory came back.

She looked around, for a second, naively hoped that it was Yu Sihan's prank again, but soon the fantasy was shattered.

"Madame God, you're awake!" Someone opened the door and entered, and A Miao stood vigilantly against the wall.

A woman came in, about her own age.Wearing a very professional suit and trousers, with black-rimmed glasses.Looks like a stuffy doctor or professor or something.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." The other party didn't come over, but stood at the door and smiled at her.

A Miao took a breath: "I don't think anyone kidnapped someone here to be a guest."

"Hehe! We really invited you to be our guest." The other party kept a friendly and professional smile on his face, "Of course, you may not be satisfied with this process, but we also have difficulties, I hope you can understand!"

I can't understand.

A Miao looked at her: "I want to contact my husband."

"Yes!" The woman put a mobile phone on the bed, "We haven't contacted Mr. God because we were afraid that he would be too excited, so you can tell him yourself."

After speaking, the woman turned around to leave, but A Miao called her back: "Where is this?"

"The western suburbs of City S."

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, several cars roared past and drove towards the villa area in the western suburbs.

"There is someone in front." Shen Shen slowed down the car.

Shen Xinglan had already opened the door and got out of the car: "Where is my wife?"

"Inside, please follow me!" The young man in a suit politely invited them into the villa by the road.

A Miao ran this way when she heard movement at the door, Shen Xinglan was suddenly full as soon as she turned into the living room.

"Shen Xinglan!"

"A Miao!"

Shen Xinglan carefully looked at the person in her arms, making sure she was not injured, and then touched her with her hand for a long time before hugging her tightly.

"I'm fine..." A Miao sniffed, "I was just shocked.

"I'm sorry." Shen Xinglan said in a calm voice, "It's my fault."

He decided that no matter where he went in the future, he would stay with A Miao again and never separate for a minute.

"Well... everyone, please sit inside!" A voice interjected, "Hehe..." He laughed dryly twice.

Shen Xinglan held A Miao's hand tightly, turned around and looked at the few people standing in the living room.

An old man, a woman, and the young man who had just ushered them in.Behind the three, there were still six people standing, who looked like bodyguards.

"Boss, the people who knocked me and Xiao Yao unconscious are the last two." Shenyi recognized that among the bodyguards, there was someone pretending to be a policeman in the morning.

The old man was obviously the leader, and sat down on the sofa in the middle: "Everyone, please sit down, let's have a good talk!"

Shen Xinglan took A Miao and strode over, and sat down across from the old man.Shenyi and Xiaoyao stood behind the sofa and stared at the six bodyguards, while Le Yilinglang and Xiaoxi who followed were sitting on the sofa next to them.

"Actually, the main reason is that I have just told your wife, and she understands very well."

"That's because I'm afraid that if I say I don't understand, you won't let me see my husband." A Miao said angrily, "There is something wrong with those who understand!"

The woman wearing glasses was a little surprised, obviously this woman has been cooperating very well all the time, and she looks good at talking, even if she knew their purpose, she didn't react too excitedly.

how come this...

"Mrs. God is such a person!" The old man was very happy, "Then we can feel more at ease."

Who doesn't like flexible and smart people...

"Which department do you belong to?" Linglang asked.

The young man took out his work ID card and showed it to her. Xiao Xi glanced at it, then bowed his head and went to type on the keyboard.

"Mr. God must have heard of us, right?" The old man was over 50 years old, his face was red and his eyes were bright, "We have cooperated before!"

The young man interjected: "I was the one who contacted you."

"If you mean secretly killing some people abroad, or stealing things from other people's auctions, then we have indeed cooperated."

Shen Xinglan looked at the few people on the opposite side with a mocking face: "But, you shouldn't touch my wife."

"Their identities are correct." Xiaoxi showed Shen Xinglan the computer.

The young man also praised: "It's amazing, it has invaded our system so quickly."

"We just want to talk to your wife first." The old man was still very polite, "Now, you can go. Think about it tomorrow, and then contact us."

Le Yi frowned: "What do you want us to do?"

"It's actually quite an interesting thing!" The old man smiled, "Let Mrs. God tell you about it."

A month later.

The family of the president of the Shenshi Group was traveling, but unfortunately encountered a car accident, and his wife died on the spot.

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