get married

Chapter 261 The Sudden Reversal

"Don't you have any questions to ask me?" Yu Sihan jumped in.

A Miao took two steps back: "Didn't you come here to tell me?"

"Tsk tsk!" Yu Sihan stared at her, "I still underestimated you, hey... It's a pity that I was born a few years late, otherwise I would definitely marry you."

"You jumped in to talk nonsense?"

It was that kind of look again, A Miao felt that she would not be able to calmly face Yu Sihan's weird look after ten years of practice...

"Do you feel particularly sad, wronged and sad?" Yu Sihan continued to stab the knife, "One night, my lover married someone else, and my father didn't recognize me, how pitiful!"

A Miao opened the door: "Go out."

"Don't!" Yu Sihan sat on the bamboo chair by himself, "There is an important person who is not on stage tonight."

"What does it have to do with me?" A Miao felt a headache.

Yu Sihan tilted his head: "Indeed, that trash is really not a big deal. But..." He pointed at A Miao, "For you, it is very important, because they plan to marry you to that person !"

"..." Ah Miao thought she had heard it wrong, "What did you say?"

"I said, they plan to marry you to Ava and her ex-husband's son." Yu Sihan said with a relaxed face, "Did you hear clearly this time?"

A Miao was stunned, and after a few seconds, she said, "They? Why?"

"Without their permission, none of us can leave this island." Yu Sihan smiled, "You also believe that Shen Xinglan will not betray you, right? But if you don't marry Axue, he can't leave."

A Miao didn't believe it: "Where's the giant tortoise? We can control it with the sound of the flute."

"You are dead when you are on the island?" Yu Sihan looked at her like a fool, "If you come in, don't even think about going out."

A Miao thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "Did you know Ava before?"

"Yes." Yu Sihan was very frank.

"What's your relationship?" In this case, A Miao asked directly.

Yu Sihan knocked on the window sill: "Strictly speaking, the two of us are not related, but half of her son's body is bleeding like mine..."

"..." A Miao digested this sentence for a while, and then slowly widened her eyes, " mean, Ava and your father??"

"That has nothing to do with me." Yu Sihan glanced at her.

A Miaoli clarified the relationship between the characters: "You mean, they want me to marry Ava and your father's son?"

"Yu Kun." Yu Sihan showed a gloating smile, "That woman must be nostalgic for the past, and even gave her son the surname Yu."

What does that man mean?Let his daughter take away his lover, and then marry himself to his cheap son?A Miao laughed out of breath: "Beasts are nothing more than that."

"But..." calm down and think about it, "Why does he want me to marry Yu...Yu Kun?"

Yu Sihan flicked the non-existing dust from the corner of his jacket: "It's not him, it's her."

"Ava?" A Miao was even more confused.

"Anyway, you can't leave now, you should learn more about this island!" Yu Sihan said with a smile, "Your man must have discovered something, so he desperately prevented you from coming."

There was a chill in A Miao's heart: "You knew this would happen, didn't you?" No wonder it was so easy to agree to send her back...

"You think too much." Yu Sihan stood up, "If I knew everything, I wouldn't be trapped here." He looked out the window, "How long are you going to hide? Come out!"

A Miao retreated into the corner, looking outside vigilantly.

After hearing the rustling sound, a head popped out of the window.

"It's you?" A Miao frowned.

A Xue jumped in and looked at her with a calm expression, completely different from the previous arrogant and domineering posture.

"Strange?" Yu Sihan saw that she looked like an enemy, "Don't be so nervous, listen to what she has to say!"

"Sorry!" Ah Xue said, "I did that at night to deceive others, otherwise my grandma would suspect it."

A Miao didn't respond, she still stared at her.

"I won't steal other people's men." A Xue raised her head and said with some pride, "I will find my man!" Seeing that A Miao hadn't responded, she continued.

"You can ask Shen Xinglan, he arranged all of this."

A Miao looked at Yu Sihan, who shrugged: "She has no reason to lie to you."

"Don't be too sentimental." Ashe said awkwardly, "As you said, my grandmother only gave birth to me, and I don't have a sister who suddenly appeared."

"Then why are you helping us?"

"Because I want to leave here!" Ashe's voice raised sharply, and then she pretended to be calm and said, "Then...that's my business, it has nothing to do with you."

A Miao felt a little overwhelmed by the reaction, the performance of this girl was too different...

"It's over, I'm leaving." Axue said this to Yu Sihan, then turned around and was about to jump out of the window, and when she was about to get out, she looked at the air and said, "My elder brother will definitely find you , careful yourself."

Looking at the fast running back in the night, A Miao couldn't help but touch her forehead: "What's going on..."

"If you know the environment in which she grew up, you won't be surprised." Yu Sihan poured himself a cup of tea.

A Miao sat across from him and grabbed the cup.Yu Sihan didn't mind either, and poured another cup before saying, "Ava is a very powerful woman, otherwise Yu Kun wouldn't have survived."

"..." A Miao expressed her incomprehension.

"The Yu family can only have one descendant." Yu Sihan's voice became cold, "Any unexpected existence will be obliterated."

I don't know how that woman escaped from hunting and gave birth to a child.As for how she came here later, and how she became the wife of the island owner, no one knows except herself.

"When Axue was very young, she discovered that the island owner was blindly following Ava. She always thought it was because they fell in love, until one day she secretly saw Ava fooling around with other men on the island in the woods."

Ava also saw her at that time, and told her that even if the island owner knew, nothing would happen.Ashe ran away crying, and when she went back at night, she heard the island owner put her arms around Ava and asked her if she was happy today.

"They're not as good as you!" Ava actually replied.

Ah Xue was shocked, and then realized that what her grandmother said was true.She didn't understand what kind of love could make a person not mind the other person's cheating.

"I don't believe it!" A Miao interrupted him, "According to what you mean, Ava cheated more than once, he...why would he forgive such a woman?"

Yu Sihan was obviously dissatisfied with her interjection: "How do I know? You can ask him yourself."

"and after?"

Ashe grew up slowly, not only knowing how dirty and lewd her mother was.She also knew that her half-brother raped the girls on the island and threatened them with his identity.

Some girls confessed when they were afraid, and some even became his long-term sexual partners.Of course...there are still a few who are unwilling to give in and disappear.

"It's disgusting!" A Miao slammed the table, "Beast!"

One can imagine what will happen to those missing girls, hehe... She actually wants to marry herself to such a bastard!

"This island is really a hell on earth!" Yu Sihan smiled sinisterly, "Blow it up when we leave."

A Miao ignored his crazy words, and continued to ask: "Ah Xue disguised herself as that kind of personality to protect herself?"

"Yu Kun once wanted to seduce her." Yu Sihan said lightly, "Ava arrived in time, and I just gave a few words of training."

Since then, Ah Xue has become a willful, domineering and unreasonable girl.

A Miao nodded, and said with some regret: "So when she helps us, she helps herself."

"Did you overlook something?" Yu Sihan looked at her maliciously.


"The father you have been looking for is not only a scumbag, but also a beast!"

A Miao paused for a moment on the teacup she put to her mouth, then slowly put it down: "I'm sad because of my mother. Now I'm even more glad that he has forgotten us."

It would be better not to have such a father.

"All that needs to be said has been said." Yu Sihan stood up, this time he did not jump out of the window, and turned his head when he reached the door, "Axue's reminder is correct, you'd better not be alone, it's not safe."

A Miao opened the door: "I know, good night."

"Chasing me away when you're done using me, Ah Miao is such a cruel person!" Yu Sihan stood outside the bamboo building and yelled, but he didn't know who he was calling for.

He staggered away, looked at the night sky as he walked past a coconut tree and said.

"Let you boss hurry up, if it takes too long, he won't be able to keep his woman."

After speaking, he staggered away again.

"Where does this guy belong?" Xiao Xi came out from behind the tree, followed by Xiao Yao.

"I don't know." Xiao Yao shook his head.

Xiaoxi had already told her about the cooperation between Shen Xinglan and A Xue, so when A Xue appeared, she did not stop her.

"Did you hear it?" Xiao Xi instructed, "You must protect A Miao well."

The little demon nodded solemnly: "I will, if someone wants to hurt Miss, unless they step on my dead body!"

After receiving so many messages at once, A Miao couldn't fall asleep anymore, tossing and turning until dawn.Simply open the door and stand outside to watch the sunrise.

"Miss." Xiao Yao didn't know when she got behind her.

A Miao looked at her in surprise: "Why do you wake up so early?"

"I can't sleep in a different place." Xiao Yao didn't say that he didn't sleep at all, and squatted on the tree outside all night watching her.

"You!" How could Ah Miao believe such an excuse, "You should have a good rest tonight, or go to sleep now."

Afraid that she would drive him away, Xiao Yao immediately promised: "Okay!"

"Let's go to the beach for a walk..." A Miao panicked, thinking of Yaya who stayed at home, she felt sorry for the child.

The little demon silently followed her, and A Miao left footprints on the sand and watched them being submerged by the tide.The surrounding area was silent except for the sound of the waves, but someone soon broke the silence.

"Are you Ah Xue's half-sister?"

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