get married

Chapter 257 Send her away

"What did you say?" He Shishi grabbed Shenyi's collar.

Shenyi shouted at the top of his voice, "That's what the boss said!"

A Miao said nothing, He Shishi pushed her: "Speak? What should I do?"

"Tsk tsk, looking for a husband from thousands of miles away, but they told you to go back." Yu Sihan wandered over from nowhere, with a pitiful expression on you, "In this case, let's go back!"

"I won't leave." A Miao shook her head suddenly, "He must be in danger."

Only in this case, Shen Xinglan would let herself go.

"If you say that..." He Shishi's attitude changed immediately, "Then let's go back first!"

Shen Er also agreed: "I'll stay and continue looking for the boss, Miss, you go back first."

Yu Sihan changed his opinion instead: "You two are very affectionate, so it's good to stay. And you can rest assured that if you both die, I will adopt Yaya!"

"Don't even think about it." A Miao looked at him coldly, "I want you to play the flute."

Since Shen Xinglan did not cooperate, she had no choice but to find a way by herself.

"Wait a minute!" Xiaoxi ran up, looking at A Miao with joy and timidity.

A Miao calmed down, and smiled at him: "Thank you, Xiaoxi!"

"A Miao, if you do that, you will startle the snake." Xiaoxi shook her head, "Don't be so polite with me, we can think of other ways."

Yu Sihan shrugged his shoulders: "That's fine, anyway, [-]% of the people on the island belong to your A's family, so you won't do anything to your descendants."

"What?" He Shishi was stunned, "What does he mean, A Miao?"

A Miao knew that it would be useless if she didn't explain clearly, so she told everyone Yu Sihan's guess.

"If your father is really there, how can Shen Xinglan be in danger??" He Shishi felt that this matter was unreliable.

Wei Meng, who had been silent all this time, looked at A Miao, then at Yu Sihan: "I think his analysis is right."

"Whose side are you on?" He Shishi was dissatisfied.

Wei Meng said lightly: "I'm just making the most possible judgment and analysis. According to what I just said, someone must have stayed on the island back then, otherwise it would be impossible to drive the giant tortoise."

"Whether it's true or not, I'm going to find Shen Xinglan now." A Miao's eyes were firm, "If we can't think of a way, we can just use the flute to find the giant tortoise."

"We can continue to use seabirds to deliver messages!" Shenyi proposed, "It was not very smooth before."

But Wei Meng refused: "The goal is too big, once in a while is okay, if there are too many, one of them falls into the opponent's hands..."

It is secondary that the news does not reach, the point is that Shen Xinglan's safety will be even more insecure.

"Actually..." Xiaoxi's voice was not loud, and everyone didn't hear it at first. It was A Miao who asked everyone to quiet down and listen to him.

Xiaoxi asked Wei Meng to call a sea bird and pointed to the bird's leg: "I read a martial arts novel before, and it was engraved on the wings of a bee. Can we engrave the letter on the bird's leg?"

"Chemos code!" Shenyi clapped his hands, "This method works!"

Most of the seabird legs here are yellow or black, but some juveniles have black and yellow lines.

"Even if there are more patterns on those bird legs, no one will doubt what it is!" He Shishi patted Xiaoxi, "I will give you a credit!"

In the end, everyone agreed to use this method. Shen Yi and Shen Er wrote messages on the legs of hundreds of seabirds, many of which were said by A Miao himself. In short, I hope Shen Xinglan can provide a plan to save him. leave.

"Since the boss knows we are here, he will definitely pay attention to these birds, and I believe there will be a reply soon."

Everyone's momentum was high, but A Miao's expression was dark.

"What are you worried about?" She was in a daze on the deck that night, and Yu Sihan appeared again.

A Miao glanced at him sideways, and suddenly asked seriously: "What are you after? Wealth? Power or women? You have all of these."

"What are those things?" Yu Sihan looked at the moon above his head, "Time flies like a flash, and it has been a hundred years in the blink of an eye. How did you come to this world, and how do you want to leave."

His gaze slowly became deep: "You will never understand what I am after. For you, there is only Shen Xinglan in this world, oh! And your daughter."

"There are still friends." A Miao also looked at the moon, "Without these, is there any meaning in life?"

Yu Sihan's tone suddenly changed, his eyes flicked across A Miao's face coldly: "That's because you are stupid, you only see this, your world is too small."

"The speed of progress in this era is changing with each passing day. Every year, new things appear, and human life is constantly improving." Yu Sihan seemed to have stabilized his mood again, and looked at the sea under the moonlight with some appreciation.

"Can you imagine what the earth will be like 100 years from now? Just like people 100 years ago could never have imagined that one day people could fly into the sky, ride in boats, ride in cars, use mobile phones and computers..."

A Miao frowned: "So what if you can imagine it, that's not our world, I just need to cherish what I have now."

"Hehehe..." Yu Sihan's hair was blown away by the sea breeze, and his eyes were shining brightly, "That's why I said, your world is too small."

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and left slowly.

A Miao looked at his back, for a long time...a long time...he didn't move.

On the night of the third day, they found Shen Xinglan's reply on the legs of the five birds.

"Boss said he's really good, so don't worry about it." God checked each one carefully, and the content was the same.

A Miao stared at the patterns on it: "Is there any more? Did he say how to get on the island?"

"I thought of a way." Shen Er rushed ahead of Shen Yi and said, "Boss has already said that he will use the giant tortoise to come out, and we will meet him when the time comes."

"Really?!" A Miao laughed while covering her chest, "Can he really come out by himself?"

Shen Yi and Shen Er looked at each other secretly, and Shen Yi smiled: "Yes! The boss said it was just a matter of these few days."

"Great! Great!" A Miao wiped away her tears indiscriminately.

Wei Meng poked He Shishi: "You accompany her to wash up."

"Ah?" He Shishi didn't respond, "Why?"

The little demon behind him questioned Shen Yi and Shen Er with his eyes, and they gestured towards her.

"Miss, I'll accompany you." Xiao Yao pursed her lips and went to help A Miao.

A Miao waved her hand: "I'll go by myself, you know the Morse code, write back to Shenyi and the others, tell Shen Xinglan that we are waiting for him here!"

"Then I'll go with you!" He Shishi grabbed A Miao's hand and left.

After they left, Xiao Yao stared fiercely at Shen Yi Shen Er: "What's going on?"

"Boss asked us to send Miss back." God spread his hands, "He said that when Miss leaves, people from the island will show up and take us in."

Xiao Yao didn't believe it: "What the hell is BOOS going to do??"

"I think there must be someone or something on the island that is not good for A Miao." Wei Meng thought for a while, "This is your boss, it's up to you to decide whether to listen or not."

"But it's impossible for Miss to leave, we..." Xiao Yao's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Shen Yi Shen Er in disbelief, "Are you planning to hide it from Miss?"

Shen Yi pursed his lips and said nothing, Shen Er nodded: "This is the order of the boss, we must obey."

"I don't agree!" Xiao Yao became excited, "The order I received is to protect Miss, including the BOSS, and none of you will try to touch Miss!"

Wei Meng glanced at her: "Then you let her go to the island?"

"I..." Xiao Yao tapped his head, "I don't know!"

Shen Yi sighed: "Since you don't trust us, let you do it..."

"I have some medicine here, which can make her sleep well." Wei Meng looked at Xiao Yao, "Don't worry, there are no side effects."

The next morning, He Shishi almost died of fright when she saw A Miao poured down on the table after drinking the milk.

"Are you crazy?" After hearing their reasons, He Shishi angrily pushed Xiao Yao away, "When she wakes up, she will die of grief."

Wei Meng probed A Miao's breath to make sure that she had entered a deep sleep: "So you have to stay with her and enlighten her."

"Why me?" He Shishi quit, God knows what will happen to A Miao after she goes back, she can't figure it out.

"Because it's useless for you to stay here." Wei Meng said coolly, "Go back."

When Shenyi told Yu Sihan to leave, he was also surprised.

"I'll ask my men to escort Ah Miao back, and I'll go to the island with you."

Naturally, everyone has no objection, let him go back with A Miao alone, which is even less reassuring.And I don't know what's going on when I go to the island. Yu Sihan has a lot of good things in his hand, and he can use them when the time comes.

City S.

"are you awake?"

Le Yi hurried in, and Ling Lang played with the two babies on the carpet. When Chu Bai saw Le Yi, he begged for a hug.

"No." Linglang shook his head lightly.

Seeing that Chu Bai's bun was picked up, Yaya also stretched out her small arms and crawled on Linglang's body.After Linglang picked her up, the little guy stretched out his hand to explore the stairs vigorously.

"Ya Ya, be good, Mommy is still sleeping, I'll hug you when she wakes up!" Linglang asked her aunt to get the baby bottle, so as to divert Ya Ya's attention.

Yaya, who is almost eight months old, can completely distinguish people and know who her mother is.

"What did Shenyi say?"

Le Yi stuffed the bottle into Chu Bai's mouth: "They've already gone to the island."

On the night of A Miao's departure, Shenyi and the others spread the news through seabirds, and the next morning they found a huge mountain approaching them.

A giant tortoise appeared.

"I've been sleeping for five days, what medicine did Wei Meng take?" Linglang was a little worried, since A Miao was sent back yesterday.After knowing the situation, she and Le Yi temporarily moved to Shen Xinglan's villa.

"I asked, and she said she won't wake up until tomorrow." Le Yi rubbed the center of her brows, "I hope she can sleep for a few more days, maybe God will come back."

If A Miao woke up now and knew that she was sent back, how would they comfort her and persuade her...

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