get married

Chapter 24

"Is this stinky tofu?" Shenyi squeezed a piece and smelled it, almost spat it out, rushed to the door and wanted to open it.

"Don't open the door." Shen Er stopped him and opened the windows, "The smell will go outside.

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, imagining what it would be like if the company smelled of stinky tofu, and then couldn't help feeling sick again.

"Boss, you should take a shower and change your clothes first." Shen Er couldn't bear to look at him directly.

Shen Xinglan, who had been silent all this time, slowly raised her head, first loosened her tie, then took off her suit and shirt, turned around and walked into the bathroom, and turned around slowly when she went in.


Shenyi swallowed his saliva: "BOSS..."

It's over, won't you be mad?


A sentence was squeezed between the teeth: "Catch that stupid woman back to me!!!"

A Miao sent authentic stinky tofu, in order to scare him, so I put a small alarm clock inside.She thought that someone as cautious as Shen Xinglan would open it carefully, but then she found out that she was deceived...

Imagine Shen Xinglan's face when she saw the stinky tofu in her mind, she could enjoy it for days.

"Boss, she was locked up by the Xia family." Shen Yi's face was dark, he always felt that he still had a bad smell on his body.

Shen Xinglan looked at him gloomyly: "Then go into her room in the middle of the night, tie her up and throw her into the red-light district."

"Eh..." Shenyi twitched the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he was really mad this time.

The previous office has been ruined, after a rain of stinky tofu.Shen Xinglan looked at the brand-new furniture around her, and showed a seductive smile: "No need, send her the bill, and the account will be settled slowly."

So A Miao, who was still cheerful, found an extra email in her mailbox that night.After clicking on it, the entire computer went black.She froze for a moment and was about to restart, when she saw stinky tofu floating all over the screen.


"Shen Xinglan!" A Miao reacted instantly.

Then, the system returned to normal.A Miao opened it tremblingly, and there was a list clearly listed in it.The more she watched, the paler her face became, and in the end she turned off the computer and threw herself on the bed.

"The boundless end of the world is my love..." The phone rang, A Miao glanced at the calling number, swallowed and answered.

"Have you received the mail?" came the gloomy voice.

A Miao's heart trembled: "You...what do you want..."

"You owe me 5000 million now, when do you plan to pay it back?" Shen Xinglan sneered on the phone, while Shen Er shivered.

"That can't be blamed on me!" It was about money, and A Miao immediately calmed down, "I just sent you a bottle of my favorite snack, who knows that you guys will smash it."

Shen Xinglan sneered: "Really, then I have to thank you very much."

"'re welcome, we are friends, hehehe!" A Miao changed the subject, "Don't worry, I will steal the bronze mirror as soon as possible, and I promise to complete the task! Hello? Hello? Why is there no signal..."

Didi Didi, the phone turned into a busy tone.

"BOSS?" Seeing that his boss hadn't spoken for a long time, Shen Er called out tentatively.

Shen Xinglan glared over, almost jumping up in fright.

"Go buy 100 boxes of stinky tofu and send them to Xia's family."

...what did the girl say...

Shen Er didn't dare to ask, Shen Yi knocked on the door and came in and said, "Boss, Xia Yongqiang's two grandsons have returned to China."

Shen Xinglan looked at Shen Er.

"Xia Mingde and Xia Fan." Shen Er hurriedly said, "Xia Mingde is Xia Haixin's son, that is, Xia Wan's younger brother. Xia Fan is the eldest son of Xia Hailin, Xia Mei's elder brother."

After recalling the information of these two people, Shen Xinglan twitched his lips: "Very good, I don't need to take action this time..."

Xia family.

At dinner time, Aunt Li called A Miao downstairs and found two strange men sitting in the living room.

"Come on!" Xia Wan waved at her, "This is our cousin."

One of the men turned around A Miao's body frivolously, with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "You don't look like aunt at all, you can't make a mistake, right?"

"Brother, you also think she is wild..." Xia Mei retracted her words under A Miao's gaze, and she gave A Miao a hard look.

Xia Wan pulled her to sit on the sofa: "Let me introduce you, this is my brother Xia Mingde. This is Xia Mei's brother Xia Fan. They are all older than you, and they are all your cousins!"

A Miao nodded at them, but she didn't think about calling her cousin.

Obviously, the other party is not interested in her either.Xia Mingde stood up with flirtatious eyes: "Okay, I have a friend for dinner."

"Don't mind, he's always been like this." When Xia Mingde left, the other cousin smiled at her, "I didn't know you came back. I didn't bring you a gift this time. I'll give you what you want tomorrow."

Xia Mei quit: "Brother, why do you want to give her something, I won't allow it!"

"Come up with me, I have something to tell you." Xia Fan nodded to A Miao and called Xia Mei away.

Seeing that the show was over, Ah Miao stood up and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat. She turned around and saw Xia Wan following her.

"A Miao, if Xia Fan wants to take you out to play, you must not go."

Xia Wan looked concerned about her appearance: "I'm afraid what Xia Mei will say to him, you know, they are brother and sister after all."

"Did you forget that I'm grounded now?" A Miao shrugged, "I have no chance to go out."

"It's better to be more careful." Xia Wan smiled, "Tell me what you want to buy, and I'll buy it for you."

A Miao hehe twice, gnawed on the bread and went back to the room.

Ji's consortium.

"Boss, Xia Fan really made a move."

Shen Xinglan twitched the corner of her mouth: "Look at him."

Just after dinner that day, A Miao received a call from Zhou Xiao.

"A Miao, my mother fell!" Zhou Xiao on the other side of the phone cried, "She is unconscious now, what should I do..."

A Miao's heart sank, and she calmed down after panicking: "Call 120, I'm going out now, see you at the hospital."

After hanging up the phone, A Miao took the money and ran downstairs.In the living room, only Xia Mei was looking at the phone. She saw A Miao and said angrily, "You want to go out? I'm going to tell grandpa."

"My friend's mother had an accident, and I'm going to the hospital now." A Miao walked straight to the gate, "I'm in a bad mood right now, if you stop me, don't blame me for losing my face."

Xia Mei stood up and grabbed her: "Do you dare to threaten me?"

"Let go!" A Miao pushed her away and took the opportunity to run out.

Under the night, Xia Mei, who chased to the door, showed a weird smile...

When A Miao rushed to the hospital, Song Baohua was already awake.

"Aunt Song!" Ah Miao was terrified when she saw that her head was covered with gauze, "What's the matter? How did you get hurt?"

Zhou Xiao came over with the medicine and told her what had happened while crying.

It turned out that when the stall was closed today, a few punks came.Deliberately finding fault and kicking Baozi over, Zhou Xiao quarreled with them, and Song Baohua was pushed down and hit the wall because he was protecting her.

"A Miao, Mom lost a lot of blood, it scared me to death."

"I'm fine, Xiaoxiao, don't cry." Song Baohua sighed, "I asked you to come here at such a late hour."

A Miao's eyes were also red: "Aunt Song, what are you talking about, can I not come if you are injured?"

"Oh, why are you crying too! Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, I won't talk anymore." Song Baohua stood up, "Let's go, let's go home."

"Can I go? What did the doctor say?" A Miao asked Zhou Xiao, "Don't you need to stay in the hospital for observation?"

Zhou Xiao shook the medicine in his hand: "The doctor said that he didn't hurt his brain, and he can just change the medicine later, but he may have dizziness in the next few days."

"Then we should stay in the hospital for observation for two days!" A Miao was worried.

In the end, Song Baohua insisted on going home. A Miao left the only 300 yuan she had on her body, and then left. When she reached the bus stop, she found that she didn't even have the fare.

"Oops..." She looked up at the sky, "This is terrible, I have to go back."

When it was completely dark, she had just walked halfway.A Miao is a little worried, she is not afraid of distance, but she is afraid of insecurity.There was the sound of a car behind her, and she dodged to the side of the road, but the car slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of her.

"What are you going to do?" A Miao's expression changed suddenly.

The two people who got down grabbed her and dragged her to the car without saying a word.A Miao couldn't break free at all, she shouted for help, but there was no one on the side of the road.After being dragged into the car, she smelled a pungent smell, and then knew nothing.

"Did someone bring it?"

"No, I haven't woken up yet."

"Okay, put her to bed."

Waking up in a daze, A Miao found herself lying on the hotel bed, but she thought she had heard the voice just now.After moving his hands and feet, he found that his body could move, so he immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

Just as he was about to open the door, the door opened from the outside, and a person rushed in stumbling.

"Come here!" The man reached out to grab her.

A Miao retreated to the corner, and picked up the lamp on the table: "Don't get close to me, or I will smash you to death!"

"Fuck, which family are you from? Come and help me, or I'll fuck you to death later." The man seemed to be drunk, and he couldn't even stand upright.

"I'm not the one you want. I went to the wrong room." A Miao took advantage of his fall and ran to the door, only to find that the door was locked from the outside.

Trembling all over, she looked at the man who got up from the ground, holding on to the desk lamp tightly and preparing to smash it down.

"Damn!" The man began to undress, "It's so hot."

Ah Miao finally saw that face clearly, it was none other than Xia Wan's younger brother Xia Mingde!
Xia Mingde only felt that there was a fire burning in his lower abdomen, and he urgently needed a woman to vent.

"Be sober, you can see who I am." Seeing him reaching out to grab her again, Ah Miao tried to wake Xia Mingde up while hiding.

"Bitch, I'll make you comfortable right away!" Xia Mingde couldn't hear what she said, and took off his pants twice.

Seeing the man's ugly body, A Miao panicked and ran to the door and beat on it desperately. She had never felt such deep despair like at this moment, her eyes were blurred with tears, and she was dragged to the ground by a force behind her.

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