get married

Chapter 227 Departure to Unravel Gu

Wei Meng and the others found the village that Xu Shiguang mentioned, and met the patriarch smoothly, but the other party said that they must see him, denying that they couldn't determine what kind of Gu insect it was.

"Boss, what should we do?" Shenyi asked on the phone, "We tried to communicate, but the matriarch said that there is nothing we can do if we don't see Miss."

Shen Xinglan was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Understood, you wait for my news."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xinglan called Le Yi.

"Can A Miao's body travel far away?"

Le Yi was bathing the baby with Ling Lang, and when he heard him ask that, he knew something was wrong.

"What's going on? Need to go in person?"

Shen Xinglan explained what Shen Yi meant.

"I'm not only worried about her body now..."

Le Yi fully understands Shen Xinglan's worry. Anyone who knows that there is a worm in their stomach will be panicked, let alone A Miao has a baby in her stomach.Think of a bug living with its own babies...

"Don't tell her, how did you bring people there?" Le Yi knew it was cruel, but there was no way.

Shen Xinglan was silent for a moment: "I'll take her to the hospital tomorrow, and you can take another film."

"What do you mean?"

"If the worm is still near the heart, it means that it will not affect the fetus for the time being, and A Miao can rest assured."

Le Yi hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "What if the position of the Gu worm changes..."

"Let's talk after we shoot it." Shen Xinglan hung up the phone.

Linglang had been listening silently by the side, and now he frowned and asked, "What's wrong with A Miao?"

"That... I haven't talked to you before, A Miao, she..."

When A Miao knew she was going to the hospital, she asked strangely: "Didn't you just have a checkup?" She suddenly thought of something and her expression changed, "Could it be... there was something wrong with the last checkup?"

"Le Yi said to make a film first, to be sure." Shen Xinglan said in a relaxed tone as much as possible, "No problem, just want a complete pregnancy file. He said that Ling Lang also filmed at that time."

A Miao blinked: "Do you have to make a set of this kind of thing..."

"It's not bad anyway." Shen Xinglan pinched her nose, "I'll go shopping with you after the filming."

A Miao didn't say a word, and followed obediently the next day, but she still wondered if there was something wrong with her body.Happy Yi took the X-ray to his office.

"It's still near the heart, it doesn't seem to have moved much."

Shen Xinglan took it and met A Miao's panicked eyes, knowing that she had begun to doubt.

"What's wrong with me?" A Miao snatched the X-ray film away, and when she saw the extra white spots on it, she raised her head blankly, "What is this?"

Shen Xinglan took her hand: "A Miao, listen to me..."

He tried his best to explain the matter lightly, but A Miao's face paled immediately after hearing this.

"You mean, there is a... Gu in my body..." She really couldn't utter the word worm.

Shen Xinglan hugged her: "Trust me, we can take it out, and I will take you to Yunnan Province right away."

"Where's the baby?" A Miao trembled all over, "'s in my body..."

Le Yi immediately said: "No, no, look at the film, the Gu only moves around your heart, it didn't enter the uterus, and it didn't affect the fetus."

"No... it won't now... can it be later? Will it bite the baby? No... it won't bite, it will eat my baby, ah ah ah ah!!"

A Miao suddenly became excited, stood up and rushed to Le Yi: "Operate me, take it out, take it out!"

"A Miao! A Miao!" Shen Xinglan wanted to die in pain, he hugged her tightly into his arms, "Listen to me, listen to me, Wei Meng and the others have found a way, I am now I want to take you there. Don't be like this, don't be like this, okay!"

A Miao twitched all over, and slowly calmed down under the comfort of the man.

Le Yi persuaded her with red eyes: "A Miao, everyone is trying to find a way, so you have to be strong. If you give up, what will happen to the baby in your belly?"

"Is it Yu Sihan?" A Miao raised her head from Shen Xinglan's arms, "Did he cast a Gu on me?"

Shen Xinglan looked at her: "I assure you, I will never let him go."

"I'm fine." A Miao wiped her face carelessly, "When are we going to leave?"

Shen Xinglan wiped away her tears carefully: "The sooner the better."

"Then let's go home and pack our things." A Miao said firmly, "I'll leave in the afternoon and take out the Gu earlier."

She was terrified, but now she was afraid that nothing could be solved.One must find a reason to be strong, because no one can be brave for you.

But now, she has Shen Xinglan and so many friends helping her.For Shen Xinglan, for herself and her baby, and for everyone, she must face it bravely.

"It's not the first time you've fallen into despair. How did you get out before? It's the same this time!" Before leaving, Linglang rushed over, hugged her and said, "I'll wait for you to come back."

A Miao nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

Four hours later, the private plane landed in Kun City, Dian Province, and then they took a train to Jiang City the next morning, and then they had to take a car for another five hours to reach the village where Wei Meng and the others were staying.

"God, do you want to take a break?" Ouyang Jin looked out of the car window, there were large tracts of wild flowers covering both sides of the road, very beautiful.He came with him on purpose, so he could have someone to take care of him.

In order to make Ah Miao more comfortable, Shen Xinglan asked someone to get a car from the nearest city, at least allowing Ah Miao to have a place to move around in the car.

"I'll help you go down for a walk!" Shen Xinglan looked at his watch, walked halfway, and it happened to be time for dinner.

Shen Er and Xiao Yao were in charge of driving. They parked the car at the bottom of a hillside. There were a few horses not far away, and there were probably people living nearby.The food was bought at the Jiangshi Restaurant, and it was packed in an insulated bucket. After a few mouthfuls, A Miao didn't want to eat anymore.

Shen Xinglan helped her to walk among the flowers all over the mountains and fields. When she set off again, A Miao was in a much better mood than before, and even ate a few pieces of fruit.Then Shen Xinglan lay down and chatted with her, and after a few words, she saw that she was breathing steadily and fell asleep.

"Boss, there are still [-] kilometers left."

They will arrive when it gets dark.

A Miao was still awake, Ouyang Jin heard her cell phone vibrate.


Shen Xinglan glanced at the calling number: "You answer."

"..." Ouyang Jin hesitated for a moment, went to the front and pressed the answer button.

"A Miao!" He Shishi's voice came from inside, "You didn't tell me such a big thing? You just left secretly, where are you now? I'm going to find you!"

Ouyang Jin's Adam's apple twitched: "Shishi..."

"..." He Shishi on the other side of the phone took a breath, then hung up with a snap.

Hearing the beeping sound in the mobile phone, Ouyang Jin sighed.

"Here we are." Shen Er turned his head and glanced at him.

A person from far away ran this way, Xiao Yao unbuckled his seat belt: "It's Shenyi."

"BOSS!" Shenyi ran to the car.

The little demon pushed open the car door, and Shen Xinglan held A Miao in his arms: "Let's find a place to rest first."

"It's all arranged, come with me!"

Wei Meng and Ding Wu stood in front of a bamboo building.

"Not awake yet?" Wei Meng looked at A Miao and confirmed that she was asleep.

Shen Xinglan lowered her voice: "Let her sleep, you wait for me outside."

After entering the bamboo building, first put A Miao on the bed carefully, then Shen Xinglan checked the environment, it must have been cleaned, it was quite clean.Everyone else sat down at the stone table in front of the bamboo building, and Wei Meng spoke first after he came out.

"The patriarch is a woman in her 50s. Elder Xu has helped her before, so she agreed to help us. But..."

Shen Xinglan took advantage of the moonlight to look around, and found that their bamboo building was on the far side, so she asked with confidence: "What conditions does she have?"

"Is that true?" Wei Meng shrugged her shoulders, "However, she said that no one raises Gu at all..."

Ouyang Jin snorted: "What does she mean? It's not a Gu?"

"The patriarch doesn't think so." Wei Meng said, "She said that since her mother's generation, the method of raising Gu has been lost."

Shen Xinglan frowned: "Then why do you still say you want A Miao to come over in person?"

"Because after Elder Xu told her about the situation, the patriarch felt that these were all in line with Gu's characteristics."

"That patriarch, can you see us tomorrow?" Shen Xinglan asked.

"Yes, she said that as long as A Miao comes, she can see her anytime."

Shen Xinglan looked at his watch, it was almost nine o'clock, "Go back and rest." I don't know when A Miao will wake up, I'm afraid it won't work tonight.

Everyone went to rest, but A Miao didn't wake up.Shen Xinglan hardly slept all night, and touched her nose every so often to make sure that she was really asleep, so she could feel at ease.

In the morning, when Wei Meng knocked on the door, she raised her eyebrows when she saw Shen Xinglan's expression.

"Still awake?"


Wei Meng walked in and saw A Miao sleeping peacefully on the bamboo bed, with a round lump on her stomach rising and falling with her breathing.

"She's asleep." Wei Meng touched her neck, "Do you want to wake her up?"

As she was talking, she saw A Miao's eyelids move.

"A Miao?" Wei Meng called out.

A Miao slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw Wei Meng, she was still in a daze: "Mengmeng, why are you here?"

"We've arrived." Shen Xinglan came over to help her, "You slept all night, are you hungry?"

one night?A Miao woke up instantly.

"Have I slept that long?"

"Yeah." Shen Xinglan put the cup to her mouth, "We'll meet the patriarch later, don't be afraid."

Wei Meng stood up: "I'll go there first, let Ding Wu pick you up later."

Xiao Yao didn't know where to get the porridge, and A Miao ate some with some side dishes, and then Ding Wu yelled outside.Walking out of the bamboo building, A Miao found that the village was huge, and the highest place was the patriarch's house.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Wei Meng stood at the door and nodded to her: "Go in."

"This is the person you said was hit by a Gu worm?" A middle-aged woman was sitting on the chair in the middle, wearing a costume unique to a few ethnic groups, and her body was covered with delicate silver ornaments.

A Miao nodded slightly: "Hello, please help us!"

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