get married

Chapter 224 There is something in the heart

Le Yi carried the baby over, and Ah Miao saw that the corners of his eyes were red.

"Shall we go next door?" She pushed Shen Xinglan.

A few people understood and walked out quietly.When the door was closing, Ah Miao glanced back.Le Yi put the baby beside Linglang, then sat down holding her hand.

"When you are born, I will accompany you like this." Shen Xinglan said childishly.

But A Miao felt sweet in her heart, and with a hum, she took his hand and was about to enter the next room, when she saw Wei Meng and Ding Wu coming out of the elevator.

"Have you given birth?" Ding Wu asked excitedly.

"Give birth." Ouyang Jin pulled him in, "Don't go there yet, let their family stay later."

Wei Meng followed slowly: "Do you want to hear what I found?"

"Say." Shen Xinglan helped A Miao to sit down.

It's rare for Wei Meng to have an expression on the zombie's face, but for some reason, the expression always feels gross.

"Most of the substances here are cells." Wei Meng said, "Besides, there are some necrotic gene chains and unknown data."

Shen Xinglan doesn't know much about medicine, so he can't understand these words.

"What do you mean?" A Miao also didn't understand.

Wei Meng looked at them again with the eyes of you fish-lipped humans: "That is to say, those corpses should have been injected with some cell-related drugs before they died."

"So?" Shen Xinglan just wanted to know what she found.

"How do I know?" Wei Meng said with an expression that you don't want to make trouble for no reason, "How can I know how those people died with only such a little thing? I'm not a god."

A Miao was at a loss: "Then I still don't know anything."

"Let's let it go for a while." Ouyang Jin suggested, "We'll wait until we collect more clues, maybe we can figure it out!"

That's the only way to go, but A Miao was a little flustered, she always felt that knowing Yu Sihan's secret would be better than not knowing, a sense of unknown fear made her feel cold all over.

"What's wrong?" Shen Xinglan immediately noticed that something was wrong with her, "Cold?"

A Miao reached out and hugged him: "It's okay."

"That means I'm hungry." Shen Xinglan frowned, it was almost seven o'clock, and he hadn't had dinner yet.

"Let's go back first and come back tomorrow."

Finally, A Miaoshen Xinglan and Ouyang Jin left.Wei Meng stayed because she hadn't seen the baby yet.

Early the next morning, A Miao happily asked her aunt to make soup, and then took it to the hospital for Linglang.

"Why did you come so early?" As soon as he entered, he saw He Shishi lying on the edge of the cradle.

Le Yi winked and said in a low voice, "Because Ouyang won't be here this morning."

A Miao nodded knowingly, and looked at Linglang: "Are you feeling better? I brought you blood-enriching soup."

"I haven't exhausted it yet, so I can't drink it." Linglang lay on the bed, looking in good spirits.

Yes!A Miao forgot about this.

"Then leave it for now, put it in an insulated bucket, and drink it in the afternoon."

He Shishi waved at her: "Come and see, her son looks like a little old man!"

"It seems to be a little cleaner than yesterday..." A Miao didn't dare to touch the baby's small face, and took a look at the cradle with He Shishi.

Le Yi looked like a good father: "I took a bath last night, and I will go swimming later."

"Ah! Swim, swim!" He Shishi was very excited, and A Miao was also in high spirits. Both of them were extremely curious.

After a while, the nurse pushed the baby pool in, and a small dumpling was put into the pool with a special swimming ring.

"Why don't you open your eyes?" He Shishi was a little disappointed, "I don't even know who he looks like."

The nurse on the side smiled: "I seldom open my eyes within a month, unless I am hungry, then I will open my eyes and cry."

"I look like Linglang." A Miao gestured, "Mouth is like that!"

"I know this!" He Shishi pushed the lifebuoy, and Xiaotuanzi circled on the water, "A son is like a mother, and a daughter is like a father."

A Miao silly: "My daughter looks like Shen Xinglan, he is beautiful!"

"..." Shen Xinglan was speechless.

After swimming, Xiaotuanzi started to cry.

"It's time to breastfeed!" The nurse put the baby beside Linglang.

When Shen Xinglan saw it, he turned his back to the bed.

Le Yi helped Linglang pull away the clothes, and supported the baby with one hand so that he could eat Linglang's milk.

"Why don't you feed milk powder after working so hard?" He Shishi asked strangely, "Those imported milk powder are no worse than breast milk."

Linglang looked at the little furry head, and there was tenderness in his eyes: "It's not that I don't have milk, and if I don't breastfeed, it will increase the chance of getting breast cancer."

A Miao nodded in agreement: "Yes! It's also said in the book."

"Ah!" He Shishi was dumbfounded, "I ordered several boxes of milk powder for you, what should I do..."

Le Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You go back quickly!"

The baby was full and fell asleep again, He Shishi stood beside the cradle and complained boredly.

"When will he open his eyes and play with us?"

"Didn't the nurse just say that?" A Miao was tired from standing, and sat on the sofa, "It's going to be the full moon."

When He Shishi saw that there was nothing left to play, she remembered something and asked Le Yi, "What's your son's name?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." Le Yi took a cotton swab and dabbed water on Linglang's lips, "I'll find someone to look at it later."

The name depends on the date of birth.

The doctor knocked on the door and came in: "Is the baby asleep? It's time for an injection."

"Sleeping." Le Yi walked over and pulled off the collar of the little meatball.

The doctor was followed by a little nurse. She was holding a pack of plasma in her hand, and it was estimated that someone needed a blood transfusion.A Miao glanced at it and felt her heart churning, so she quickly looked away.

"The body temperature is also normal. Is mom still exhausted?" After the injection, the doctor checked Linglang again to make sure that the mother and child were fine, and was about to leave.The little nurse accidentally stepped on a chair, and ended up falling sideways.

"Be careful!" The doctor rushed to help her, but was still a step too late. The little nurse fell down and sat on the plasma bag.

The doctor helped her up: "Look at you, this is a waste!"

The blood on the ground was thick and black, A Miao didn't have time to look back, she stared blankly.

"A Miao?" Shen Xinglan squeezed her hand, "What's wrong?"

A Miao felt that her eyes were all red, she could hear Shen Xinglan's voice, she wanted to answer him, but she couldn't.Then there was a piercing pain in the heart.

"Ah!" She screamed, but she didn't know anything.

Shen Xinglan stood in front of the glass window with a sullen face, and A Miao was lying on the instrument for examination through the glass.

"Don't worry, it should be fine." He Shishi stood beside him, staring inside.

Le Yi personally examined A Miao, and as the machine scanned her whole body, Le Yi's expression became more and more solemn.

"What's going on?" Half an hour later, he opened the door and came out.He Shishi immediately asked, "Why isn't she awake yet?"

Shen Xinglan stared at him: "What's wrong with her."

"God..." Le Yi's face was ugly. Ten minutes ago he was still immersed in the joy of having a son, but now...

"Say." Shen Xinglan clenched her fists, "I want to know what happened to her."

Le Yi's throat moved: "A Miao has something in her heart."

"What?" He Shishi didn't understand, "What's on the heart? A tumor?"

Le Yi shook his head: "It's not like..." He looked at Shen Xinglan, "Because I think that thing is moving."

"Hiss!" He Shishi took a deep breath, "What the hell is it??"

Shen Xinglan slammed his fist on the wall: "Check again, right away."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Le Yi hurried out to find the doctor, preparing for a meeting.

He Shishi looked at A Miao, who was lying motionless inside, and then at Shen Xinglan, who was exuding a terrifying aura, and stomped her feet: "Then now... we can't let her lie there!"

Shen Xinglan carried A Miao back to the ward, as if she became lighter all of a sudden.Lying there quietly, there was no blood on his face.

"What's going on?" Wei Meng rushed over after receiving the call.

He Shishi stood at the door, she dared not come over.The appearance of Shen Xinglan is too scary...

"That's it, it was very sudden." After telling Wei Meng what had happened, He Shishi whispered, "Don't go over and provoke him, he's probably going to go berserk."

Wei Meng is not an idiot either, so she won't touch Shen Xinglan's head now.

"I'll go to Le Yi." She thought for a while, "See if I can help."

Ah Miao felt very tired, and also felt that her body was light and light, as if she was in the water or in the sky.She just floated and floated like this, gradually relaxing.

"A Miao? A Miao!"

Who is calling her?A Miao wanted to take a look, but her eyes were clearly open, why couldn't she see anything?

"A Miao! A Miao!"

who?Who is it?A Miao was anxious, she turned her head abruptly, but saw a bloody mouth, and she was swallowed before she had time to react.

"Ah!" Ah Miao yelled, and then the world suddenly lit up, and she saw Shen Xinglan's anxious face.

"A Miao?" Shen Xinglan hugged her, and A Miao could feel the man trembling.

She wanted to raise her arms to hug Shen Xinglan, but that feeling of powerlessness came back again, she had no strength at all.

"I... what's wrong with me..."

Shen Xinglan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her voice.

"You fainted, were you having a nightmare just now?"

A Miao thought for a while, but her mind went blank: "I don't remember why I fainted."

"..." Shen Xinglan didn't know what to say, so she hugged her and coaxed her, "Le Yi said that you might be stimulated by blood, and you can't stand it all at once."

A Miao rubbed her belly, feeling that the little life was still closely connected with her.She didn't doubt Shen Xinglan's words, she leaned into his arms and acted like a baby: "I'm hungry!"

"I'll send Xiao Yao to buy food right away."

Shen Yi and Xiao Yao went to a nearby hotel and bought some dishes suitable for pregnant women according to Shen Xinglan's instructions.A Miao was probably really hungry, she ate a lot more than usual, and she was taken aback after eating.

"My God! Am I eating too much?"

Shen Xinglan wiped her mouth calmly: "No, you are two people, the baby must be hungry."

"I'm too full and want to sleep again." A Miao yawned.

"Go to sleep, I'll accompany you." Shen Xinglan lay down with her, and within a minute, A Miao fell into a deep sleep.

Le Yi walked in quietly, and silently said with his mouth: "There is a result..."

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