get married

Chapter 215 The real person behind the scenes

"There is residual methoxyflurane in her stomach." Wei Meng tested the little demon's saliva. "As she said, she was drugged."

Shen Xinglan sat motionless by the bed, Shen Yi and Shen Er did not dare to talk to him, Xiao Yao knelt beside him without saying a word, she had no face to face anyone, Miss was lost in her hands.

"It seems that Song Baohua drugged the little demon and then took him away." Le Yi who rushed over was the first to speak, "You can't blame the little demon. None of us would have thought that Song Baohua would do this."

"We checked Song Baohua's identity before, and there is no problem at all. She..." Shenyi regretted, "We were careless."

Linglang sat on the side with her big belly, and said thoughtfully: "Song Baohua's identity is not a problem, maybe she has a problem with her own personality. The other party can use more than ten years to create a hypocrisy, why can't it take more than ten years to create a hypocrisy?" A real Song Baohua!"

"What do you say?" Le Yi looked like Shen Xinglan.

The latter looked gloomy, and his eyes didn't even dare to make people look at each other. They were full of tyranny and anger, as if they would burn everything up in the next second.

"No matter what method you use, make Xiao Mei speak." Shen Xinglan finally spoke, with a stern tone, "She must know who is behind it."

Shen Yi and Shen Er turned around and went out, Shen Xinglan then gave the order: "Let Xiaoxi go to check Yu's house."

"The Yu family?" Le Yi thought for a while, "Do you suspect that the same person is behind this scene?"

Linglang nodded: "I also think the surname Yu is the most likely."

"Now we don't have any other objects to exclude, only them." Apparently Wei Meng also agreed.

The little demon at the side answered the phone and whispered, "Boss, Jiang Quanyu is here."

In the living room, Jiang Quanyu's expression was dignified. When he saw Shen Xinglan and his group coming down, he immediately stood up and asked, "Where's Xiao Mei?"

Shen Xinglan looked at him with cold eyes: "Dead."

"Shen Xinglan! You know her identity, if you really kill her, you won't get anything cheap." Jiang Quanyu hurriedly persuaded, "You hand her over to me, and I promise to send her out of S city immediately and never come back again. "

"When I see A Miao, I'll let him go." Shen Xinglan had a ferocious expression on his face, "Otherwise, there will be no whole body."

Jiang Quanyu was stunned: "A Miao? Didn't you bring A Miao back?"

"A Miao is missing." Le Yi raised his eyes, "You don't know?"

"Missing?" Jiang Yuquan's face became more and more ugly when he heard it, "Xiao Mei couldn't do it, you all wiped out her hands."

Shen Xinglan stared at him: "You know the bronze mirror and jade pendant, so who is the cooperating person behind the Xiao family?"

"I... I don't know what I know." Jiang Quanyu hesitated, and gritted his teeth, "I only know that the bronze mirror and jade pendant are related to the treasure, or the Xiao family said it. As for where they got the news, we don't know." .”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Jiang Quanyu lost his previous calmness, and affirmed anxiously: "I didn't lie to you, I really don't know. And I guess the Xiao family didn't know very well. I also checked and found nothing. .”

"Seeing off guests." Shen Xinglan waved his hand, "If A Miao doesn't come back for a day, Xiao Mei can't leave. If the Xiao family wants someone, you can come to me directly."

Jiang Quanyu left in a hurry, and he wanted to go back and find a way to find A Miao's whereabouts.As for Xiao Mei, let the Xiao family talk to Shen Xinglan...

The sky turned white, and the night passed.

Shen Xinglan sat on the sofa and didn't move all night.Le Yi and Ding Wu accompanied him, Ling Lang and Wei Meng went upstairs to rest.

"You can't help waiting." Le Yi stood up and moved his shoulders, "I'll ask Auntie to get something to eat."

Shen Xinglan clenched his fists, he wanted to sit here more than anyone else, but what could he do without waiting?He didn't even dare to think about A Miao's current situation...

"BOSS!" Shen Er hurried in, "Xiao Xi sent a video request."

Le Yi, who came back from the kitchen, hurried over: "Looks like I found something!"


In the video, Xiaoxi has disheveled hair and a haggard face.

"The person in the photo online before was named Yu Luli, who died 20 years ago. Now the Yu family is inherited by his grandson, Yu Sihan."

Shen Xinglan nodded: "Do you know where he is?"

"It should be here." Xiaoxi sent a satellite map. "Most of the Yu family is active in Eastern Europe and North Africa, and this sea area belongs to their family."

"Sihan Yu rarely leaves the island." A small red dot appeared on the satellite image, "This is it."

Le Yi stared at the screen for a while and frowned: "No matter the area, Ouyang's gambling boat has been here before, and then it sank for no reason."

That happened a few years ago. Ouyang went to check later, but there were no clues, so he had to let it go.

"There is no indication, but this place is indeed the property of the Yu family." Xiaoxi sent a few more pictures, "This is the situation in Haixia."

Shen Xinglan's eyes tightened: "It's all weapons."

"Yes, it's simply an underwater military base." Xiaoxi drank his saliva, "and it uses the most advanced stealth technology, which can't be detected by radar."

Le Yi's frown deepened: "It's basically impossible to land on the island."

"The point is that now I can't be sure if A Miao is on the island." Xiaoxi scratched her hair irritably, "I can't hack into the island's computer system."

Linglang and Wei Meng went downstairs at some point, and she stared at the screen for a while: "There is a small diving device in America recently, which can camouflage the audio of dolphins."

Shen Xinglan's expression changed, he didn't know what he was thinking, after a while he looked at the screen: "Xiaoxi, keep looking for loopholes in this island, there must be somewhere to break through."

"Le Yi, go to the arms dealer and see if you can get a few devices like the one Ling Lang mentioned."

Wei Meng clapped her hands: "That's right, let's not panic. The other party took away A Miao only for the bronze mirror jade pendant, but the bronze mirror jade pendant is in the hands of Shen Xinglan, so they won't embarrass A Miao."

This is also the reason why Shen Xinglan can sit here calmly and analyze the problem. As long as the bronze mirror and jade pendant are in his hands, the other party can't do anything to A Miao.The opponent this time is no small matter, and the most careful planning must be done.Otherwise, don't talk about saving A Miao, I'm afraid I won't even be able to go to the island...

"Are you awake?" Song Baohua stood by the bed and looked at her.

A Miao rubbed her eyes: "Aunt Song..." She froze when she saw the surrounding environment clearly, "Where is this?"

The room is big, all white furniture, clean.The blue sea can be seen from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and the white gauze blown by the sea breeze floats in the room, which looks very cozy.


"What kind of place is this?" A Miao came to her senses, not only was this not the Shenjia villa, it looked like it wasn't even S City.

Song Baohua smiled: "Don't worry, you are safe no matter where you are."

"Aunt Song..." A Miao looked at her strangely, feeling that something was different about Song Baohua.

She suddenly became alert and leaned back on the bed: "Where is Shen Xinglan?"

"Mr. God is not here." Song Baohua opened the closet and took out a long white dress, "Put on your clothes and go eat!"

A Miao realized something, and looked at her in disbelief: " kidnapped me?"

"Hehe, it's not kidnapping." Song Baohua corrected her, "It's taking you to a place that is more suitable for raising babies. Look, how good the environment here is!"

"Send me back!" A Miao righteously pushed away the clothes she sent over, "No matter why you did this, send me back now."

Song Baohua sighed: "A Miao, don't be so stubborn, you know that obedience will end well. I watched you grow up, and I don't want you to get hurt. Even if you don't think about yourself, think about the child in your stomach! "

She handed over the skirt with warning eyes: "Now, change your clothes and go downstairs to have dinner with me!"

"Why?" A Miao changed into a skirt, sat in front of the dressing table like a puppet, and let Song Baohua comb her hair.

Even though they were still relatives yesterday, today they have become like this...

A Miao held back her tears: "Aunt Song, why did you do this? Who are you?"

"I'm your Aunt Song!" Song Baohua helped her dress up, "As for why I did this, you'll know after a while."

A Miao obediently followed Song Baohua downstairs, and also saw the whole picture of the house.It is indeed a villa by the sea, very big.The living room doesn't even have a window, and you can directly see the beach a few meters away.

"Master, people have come down."

The foreigner in a black suit bent down and whispered respectfully to the person sitting on the wicker chair.

A Miao turned her back to him, and could only tell that the other party was a man.

"Go down!" Song Baohua led A Miao to the long table outside, and helped her open the chair.

The wicker chair on the opposite side moved, and the owner turned around.

"Welcome to my home, Miss A Miao!"

A Miao shook her head, because the other party was too young, clearly a child...

"Who... are you?" Song Baohua pushed her into a chair, so she could only sit and ask, "Why did you kidnap me?"

The other party was wearing a white shirt, with a clean and delicate face.Even A Miao has to admit that besides Shen Xinglan, this child is the most beautiful boy she has ever seen.

Because unlike Shen Xinglan who has grown up, the child's face is almost indistinguishable.

"Forgot to introduce myself!" The little boy had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold. "My name is Yu Sihan. It's the first time we meet. I hope Miss A Miao can have a good time with me."

"Yu..." A Miao thought of something, "You came here for the bronze mirror and jade pendant!"

Yu Sihan raised his chin, Song Baohua stepped forward to pour a glass of milk for A Miao, and put the roast beef that had been cut in front of her.

"I don't like to talk when I eat, so..." The other party raised his glass to her, then stopped looking at her, and started to eat breakfast slowly.

A Miao shivered, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but the other party was just a child, but it made her feel creepy.Especially the eyes, not the eyes of a child at all...

"A Miao, if you don't eat, the baby in your stomach will eat too." Song Baohua reminded her again, "You don't want to turn around and see Shen Xinglan, let him see that you have lost weight!"

Turning her head to look at Song Baohua, A Miao picked up the fork with a complicated expression.

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