get married

Chapter 209 Let's Fight!

When we arrived at the resort, God prepared the room early in the morning.It is the innermost small villa. Xiao Yao put down her luggage and went to check the surrounding environment. Shen Xinglan waited for A Miao to come out after changing clothes, and took her to see the lavender field in front of the villa.

"Your head is so small, it can't hold so many things."

A Miao's eyes were staring at a small flower, but she didn't know where her mind was going, so she heard Shen Xinglan say this.

"Ah?" She raised her head blankly, and met the man with a meaningful smile.

Shen Xinglan poked her forehead: "Do you want to ask me something?"

"No..." A Miao rolled her eyes.

"Liar." Shen Xinglan looked at her, "You really don't want to ask?"

A Miao curled her lips: "Ask for nothing."

"Okay, then go back!"

Dinner was a very healthy vegetarian meal, and A Miao sat at the dining table blankly. She didn't actually suspect that Shen Xinglan would touch other women.The two have been together for so long, and have experienced so many things, she believes in this man...

I just really want to know what happened and why Shen Xinglan lied to her.

"Are you hungry?" Shen Xinglan pushed the door open and came in, holding a tablet in his hand.

The restaurant is built under the shade of greenery, and there are a few little rabbits and guinea pigs running around outside.A Miao pretended to feed the small animals and shook her head carelessly.

"If you're not hungry, let's have a look." Shen Xinglan sat beside her, touched A Miao's hand to make sure she wasn't cold.Only then did I open the tablet, "The picture quality is not very clear, so I'll just see."

A Miao was a little puzzled, she didn't know why she wanted to watch the video, but when the video opened and Xiao Mei appeared in it, she was stunned.

"I didn't go to the hospital last night, I went to see Xiao Mei." Shen Xinglan took her hand, "Do you still remember the young people I said attacked us in the research institute?"

"Hmm..." Ah Miao's heart suddenly calmed down, feeling that no matter what she saw later, her confidence in this man would not be shaken.

Shen Xinglan smiled: "She said she knew the identity of that person, why your photo appeared in the research institute, and the secret of the bronze mirror and jade pendant."

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry." Shen Xinglan continued, "What you saw was the process of me meeting her."

In the video, Xiao Mei was throwing herself on Shen Xinglan, but he pushed her away fiercely.

"But I still haven't dealt with it well." Shen Xinglan kissed the corner of her mouth, "Does it bother you?"

A Miao was a little ashamed, she buried her head in the man's arms and rubbed her head: "I was thinking wildly, I should have asked you directly."

"That woman is very cunning, she left lipstick marks on your collar." A Miao raised her head, "You know that?"

"You just imagined it when you saw the lipstick mark?" Shen Xinglan frowned, "I don't know."

A Miao has completely returned to normal now, and her mind is spinning very fast: "She actually knows that you won't touch her, but she still has to take the trouble to let you go, and she left lipstick marks to make me misunderstand."

"She wants to provoke our relationship." Shen Xinglan's face darkened, "So... this should be just the beginning."

No matter what Xiao Mei wanted to do, Shen Xinglan got a new benefit, because A Miao felt that it was very bad for her to suspect him, so she used Thumbelina to relieve the man once at night.

"A Miao... A Miao..." Shen Xinglan panted in a low voice, calling her name non-stop, and holding her hand to teach her to control the speed.

It made A Miao, who was doing this kind of thing for the first time, blush like an apple, and Shen Xinglan couldn't help but gnawed on her again.In the end, A Miao felt more tired than usual with him, and fell asleep after the end.

"Thank you, baby..." Shen Xinglan kissed A Miao's face, hugged her and closed her eyes.

The doctor's opinion was very helpful, or maybe Ah Miao was in a good mood. In the next few days, her morning sickness miraculously disappeared, and she had a big appetite, and she had to eat several meals a day.

This afternoon, Shen Xinglan received a call from Ding Wu.

"I found Chi Ling." Ding Wu said on the phone, "Mengmeng said she was with He Shishi and asked me to find her."

Shen Xinglan narrowed her eyes: "Go, don't stop He Shishi from doing whatever she wants."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xinglan felt that what he just said was superfluous.With Wei Meng over there, that woman will make the most correct decision, and Ding Wu listens to her most now.

"A Miao!"

It is important to tell the news to the little woman in the family.

"Huh?" A Miao was eating her seventh meal, a baked apple pie.

Seeing Shen Xinglan walk in, she held up a piece and asked him, "Do you want to eat?"

"Hey, eat it yourself!" Shen Xinglan kissed her small mouth, and licked the cream into his own mouth.

A Miao blushed and lowered her head to eat the pie not to look at him.

"So sweet!" Shen Xinglan approached like a hooligan again, "Let me kiss again."

Pushing the man's head away: "You...don't make trouble."

"Kiss, I'll tell you good news!" Shen Xinglan raised A Miao's chin, "It's the news you really want to know."

A Miao blinked, and suddenly grabbed his hand: "Is it Shishi's side?"

"That!" Shen Xinglan hugged her into his lap, "Do you want to kiss her?"

With a blushing face, she brought her mouth closer, and before she could kiss, the man preempted her.A Miao was so dizzy from being kissed, she didn't recover until her clothes were stripped off.

" uncomfortable." Looking at the head on her chest, A Miao covered her face.

It seems that she has become particularly sensitive since she stopped morning sickness.As long as Shen Xinglan touches her, she will feel it, and there will be a physiological reaction below.

"I asked the doctor that girls want more during pregnancy!" Shen Xinglan put her on the table, "Good boy, feel it well..." After finishing speaking, her head got into A Miao's skirt.

Half an hour later, A Miao was taken to take a bath by the man with blurred eyes, and then she was wiped clean by Shen Xinglan and carried to the bay window to bask in the sun.

"You haven't said anything yet?"

Shen Xinglan moved, making her lean more comfortably: "Ding Wu is taking Chi Ling to He Shishi's side."

"Really?" A Miao asked happily, "He caught that woman!"

"En." Shen Xinglan patted her head, "Now you can rest assured."

Not only A Miao can rest assured, even he can rest assured, now he just needs to accompany his little woman to raise the baby comfortably.

"BOSS..." After a thunderstorm, Shenyi appeared again.

A Miao looked up at him, feeling that something was wrong.

"what happened again?"

God shook the phone: "News..."

A Miao turned on the phone to find out the news, and looked at it with a strange expression.

"Boss is on the news, and Xiao...Xiao Mei." Shen Yi stammered.

There are several photos on the news, the first one is Xiao Mei standing at the door and waving affectionately to the leaving man, the time is night.There are also two photos that Xiao Mei attended some kind of banquet, and there are obvious hickey marks on her neck.

"Who is this man?" In the last few photos, Xiao Mei was hugging a man, very intimate, and they were all at the entrance of a hotel or restaurant.

Shen Xinglan said with a cold face, "If you're right, it should be me."

"...It is indeed you." A Miao read the text below, to the effect that Shen Xinglan came out of Xiao Mei's house late at night, and then some kind of god always abandoned his pregnant wife to date and have an affair with Xiao Mei frequently.

"The outside world is saying that BOSS left the city to avoid the news." God glanced at the two of them, "I'm afraid it won't be long before the reporters can find this place."

Shen Xinglan sneered and said: "We still think highly of that woman, using this method to provoke, I thought she had some tricks...

"Then should we make a statement?" Shen Yi thought for a while, "Otherwise, others must think that the boss and the lady will really quarrel!"

Shen Xinglan was about to speak, but A Miao stopped him: "Then let them think that we have quarreled."

"Do you think the two of them will be fooled?"

In Jiang Quanyu's office, Xiao Mei sat there with her legs crossed, and Xiao Yue stood aside.

"This trick may work for others, but for Ah Miao..."

"You know that girl very well!" Xiao Mei glanced at Xiao Yue.The latter smiled at her: "I also think that this method is useless."

Xiao Mei didn't hide the disgust in her eyes, she looked back and said: "You guys underestimate women too much, no matter how good the relationship between them is, when everything points to one side, the woman will definitely believe it."

"People! If you have one, you will suspect two." Xiao Mei raised the corners of her lips, "Do you think it's only on the news? Just wait and see, I don't believe that bitch didn't respond."

Just as he finished speaking, Jiang Quanyu's phone rang.He glanced at the number and his eyes lit up.

"I'm going out to answer the phone."

Xiao Mei pursed her lips: "Just pick it up here."

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Quanyu was unhappy.

"Don't think I didn't see your eyes." Xiao Mei raised her chin, "Is that A Miao calling?"

Xiao Yue looked surprised: "What is she looking for you for?"

"Jiang Quanyu, if you ruin my affairs, I'll tell Grandpa Jiang." Xiao Mei blocked the door, "Your distant cousins ​​can't wait for you to make mistakes!"

With a sullen face, Jiang Quanyu walked to the window and pressed the answer button.


"Jiang Hua..." A Miao's voice was obviously crying, and he stammered, " it convenient for you now?"

Jiang Quanyu glanced at the two women, and then asked A Miao on the phone: "Are you crying?"

"I...I'm so sad..." A Miao began to cry, "Don't ask me why, just let me cry, cry and cry..."

"Don't cry, tell me something." Jiang Quanyu couldn't help becoming anxious when he heard her so sad.

Xiao Yue on the far side lowered her head and looked at the floor expressionlessly.

"I'm fine." A Miao cried for a while before saying, "The pregnant woman is emotionally unstable, don't mind."

Jiang Quanyu asked tentatively: "Where is Shen Xinglan? Is he not by your side?"

"He... he has something to do, he's not here now." A Miao seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then said immediately, "Then I won't disturb you, I'll hang up first."

"A Miao!" Jiang Quanyu called out, "You can tell me if you have any grievances, and I will help you."

It was quiet over there, and after a few seconds, A Miao's voice came over.

"thank you, I know now."

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