get married

Chapter 207 Morning sickness is a big deal!

"Is it your order?"

In a word, although it is not aggressive, it is not very gentle either.

When Linglang gave her this idea, she had reminded her that it would be difficult for Shen Xinglan to explain afterwards.So A Miao was also prepared to be scolded, but seeing the man questioning her with a serious face, the calmness and apology he had promised before were gone.

All that was left was grievance, and a wave of nausea tumbling out of his stomach.

"Wow!" A Miao opened her mouth and spat out a puddle of water.

Shen Xinglan was terrified: "A Miao?" He reached out to hug him, but A Miao pushed him away.

"Go away... wow..." Before she could finish speaking, her stomach was squeezed again, and she vomited out all her lunch like a sea, until only muddy acid water was left, but she still couldn't stop.

"This is morning sickness." The panicked Shen Xinglan called Song Baohua up, and Song Baohua gave A Miao a sour plum with the appearance of someone who had come here, "But this symptom seems to be a little serious, you should stop moving and lie down. good!"

A Miao was carried to bed, she could feel Shen Xinglan's hands shaking, she wanted to laugh, but she didn't want to talk to him.

"I'll cook something for you." Song Baohua went to the kitchen muttering.

Shen Xinglan sat on the edge of the bed at a loss, looking at A Miao's pale face and didn't know what to do.

"I did it, what do you want?" She played a rogue confidently, squinting at him.

"A Miao... Are you still feeling bad..." Shen Xinglan held her hand carefully, "Why don't we go to the hospital."

Glancing at the nervous man, A Miao snorted: "Why are you going to the hospital? Don't you say you want to scold me? Hurry up and scold me. I'll go and vomit after scolding."

"I didn't!" Shen Xinglan yelled, maybe feeling that she was frightened, and immediately looked at her nervously, "I didn't mean to blame you, I just wanted to say that you should not come forward in such things in the future, so that the little demon or God will go."

Once A Miao is exposed, it will not be a good thing for her.

"I'm not stupid!" A Miao was a little proud, "It was the little demon's order."

Shen Xinglan stared at her blankly for a long time, then hugged her suddenly: "I'm scared to death, I shouldn't be so serious, I won't keep a straight face no matter what happens in the future."

"Uh..." This man wouldn't really think that he vomited because of his stern face, right?

A Miao wanted to explain that this was a normal pregnancy reaction, when Song Baohua knocked on the door and came in.

"This is the fish soup in the morning, you drink a bowl first."

Shen Xinglan hurriedly took it, and was about to send it to A Miao's mouth when she saw her frowning, then rushed into the bathroom covering her mouth.

"Oh, I'm throwing up so much!" Song Baohua quickly followed, pushing Shen Xinglan aside who was in the way, "What can I do, I can't do without eating."

While giving A Miao the back, she asked her: "Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Hmm..." A Miao vomited and nearly rolled her eyes.

Shen Xinglan threw the bowl of fish soup out, and leaned over to help her: "What do you want to eat?"

"Don't talk about eating." A Miao leaned into his arms weakly, "It's so uncomfortable."

"Let's go to the hospital." Shen Xinglan tensed up, picked her up and was about to leave.

Song Baohua hurriedly stopped her: "It's useless to go to the hospital with morning sickness!"

"Don't touch me, let me be quiet." A Miao felt uncomfortable and began to lose her temper.

Shen Xinglan put her on the bed as if she was holding something fragile: "Okay, don't move, don't move."

"Think about it, what makes you drool when you think of it?" Song Baohua guided her from the side.

A Miao moved her head: "I just want to sleep."

"Let her sleep." Shen Xinglan was so distressed that she scolded herself to death.

After Song Baohua left, he sat there like a wife-watching stone, staring at the sleeping A Miao without blinking, for fear that she would frown suddenly and say something again.

The sky gradually darkened, and after an unknown amount of time, Shenyi poked his head in.

"BOOS..." he yelled under his throat

Shen Xinglan looked at A Miao who was still soundly asleep, stood up gently and walked out, then closed the door.

"Ouyang has arrived, and Le Yi is operating on him."

Shenyi found that his boss's mood was not right. In order not to hurt himself, he said emphatically, "Shenji said that his life is not in danger, he just needs to lie down in the hospital for a while."

"Boss..." Seeing that Shen Xinglan was silent, Shen Yi asked cautiously, "Are you going to the hospital now?"

Shen Xinglan said with a straight face: "No, you tell Le Yi that if Ouyang doesn't tell Chi Ling's whereabouts, he will be tied to the hospital bed."


A Miao woke up from hunger, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Shen Xinglan looking at her worriedly.

"Um... what time is it?"

"It's past ten o'clock." Shen Xinglan supported her against the head of the bed, then hesitated to speak.

A Miao smiled at him: "Don't be like this, you didn't make me vomit, this is a normal reaction, forget what the doctor said!"

"I didn't know it would be so hard..." Shen Xinglan always thought that being pregnant was all about eating, drinking, resting, and that it would be all right to have the baby cut out when the month came.

I never thought that my little wife would vomit like this. Could it be that she won't even be able to eat in the future?Not to mention that there may be reasons of his own, because he was so frightened...

"I'm hungry." A Miao said coquettishly, "I want to eat beef in sour soup."

Shen Xinglan: "...Will it be too harsh?"

"I just want to eat!"

"Okay, I'll let them prepare it and send it over." Shen Xinglan took out his phone when he reached the door, and after thinking about it, he called God first.

As soon as God saw the caller ID, he had a bad feeling...


"Which restaurant's beef in sour soup is the best?"

"...Huh?" Shen Yi was at a loss, "I don't know, our hotel?"

Shen Xinglan's voice dropped an octave in an instant: "Then go check it out right away, and let me know if you find it."

Thank you very much for those foodie posts on the Internet, Shenyi collected the information with full respect, and then sent it to Shen Xinglan.

"Boss, look, these are basically the only ones."

Shen Xinglan finally chose a Northeast restaurant because it was not that spicy.It is also because Song Baohua suggested that you can add a pot of meat, the sweet and sour taste is more appetizing.

After tossing around for a long time, when the dishes arrived, A Miao looked at them one by one, with a bitter face: "No...don't want to eat..."

"It's normal, it's normal!" Song Baohua carefully looked at Xinglan, fearing that he would get angry, so he said quickly, "Pregnant women are like this, what they want to eat in the next second is different from the last second."

Seeing A Miao looking at him pitifully, Shen Xinglan's heart ached: "Then what do you want to eat? Let's prepare it later, it's okay, try more dishes, you can always find what you want to eat."

Silently light wax for those chefs in my heart.Looking at the table full of dishes, Shen Yi not only paid a high price, but also used some human relationships.Otherwise, who would cook for you in the middle of the night...

"Am I being too capricious..." A Miao continued to say pitifully, she knew it was bad, but she couldn't control it.

Shen Xinglan hugged him into his arms: "Nonsense, how can you be self-willed? If you don't like it, don't eat it. Think about what you want to eat!"

"I don't want to eat anything." A Miao rubbed against his arms.

Song Baohua brought the pot of meat over: "You smell it, you might want to eat it!"

A Miao was afraid of throwing up again, so she carefully leaned over and smelled it lightly, a sour taste stimulated her taste buds.

"Shall I have a piece?" She asked Shen Xinglan.

Shen Xinglan took a small piece and fed it to her mouth, and A Miao hid back: "What if I vomit again..."

She really didn't want to experience that feeling.

"Try to eat less." Shen Xinglan said cruelly, she couldn't stop eating all the time.

A Miao opened her mouth to eat, but didn't vomit.

"Try this again?" Shen Xinglan brought over the sour soup beef she was thinking about.

Probably because the momentum had passed, Ah Miao suddenly developed an appetite, so she sat on a chair and ate a lot with rice.Later, it was Song Baohua who reminded her not to eat too much, so she stopped.

"I'm done!" A Miao was very happy, grabbing a piece of mango and eating it.

Then her face changed...

Five minutes later, A Miao was lying in Shen Xinglan's arms again like a ball of noodles: "I...don't eat anymore...don't eat..."

"Oh, I vomited again." Song Baohua said while clearing the table, "This won't work, why don't you go to the hospital tomorrow?"

Shen Xinglan felt no better than A Miao, and wished she could vomit for her.

"Shenyi, inform the hospital that we will go check it out tomorrow morning."

The doctor can't help it either.

"This is a normal reaction during pregnancy. You can only try more to see what you can eat."

Shen Xinglan's face darkened: "Try? You mean to make her vomit?"

"Mr. Shen..." The female doctor twitched the corners of her lips, "If it's really serious, I suggest you stay in another place."

A Miao was about to have a color Doppler ultrasound, when she heard this, she turned her head and asked, "Can I go on a trip?"

Shen Xinglan glanced at her, and A Miao laughed.

She wants to see He Shishi...

"This is not recommended." The doctor killed the thought with one sentence. "You can go to a nearby resort, that kind of farm or something, and get in touch with nature more, which may change this situation."

When Shen Xinglan was thinking about where to go, the doctor over there congratulated A Miao with a smile on his face.

"Mrs. God, she's a little girl!"

She turned the screen in one direction, and Ah Miao stared at a small fleshy ball inside with wide eyes.

"Do it again at six months, and you can see the baby's hands and feet."

A Miao nodded desperately and stretched out her hand.Shen Xinglan held her back, and cast her eyes on the screen.It's a wonderful feeling, the kind of family affection that blood is thicker than water slowly spread in his chest, making his expression soften unconsciously.

When leaving the hospital, he asked A Miao to get in the car first, and went to see Ouyang Jin himself.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Xiao Mei standing there.

"It's really not easy to see you." Xiao Mei smiled at him in a long white dress with a look of ecstasy, "Can we talk?"

"I can't." Shen Xinglan withdrew his gaze and was about to leave.

Xiao Mei's laughter came from behind: "Hehe, don't you...don't you want to know who the boy on the helicopter who shot you is?"

Shen Xinglan stopped abruptly.

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