get married

Chapter 186 The Scary White Lotus

A Miao was completely speechless, how could she be so...shameless?She felt that Chi Ling was almost catching up with people like Xia Wan and Ji Xue.

"Ouyang Jin doesn't like other women, and she doesn't want her to be difficult, so she has been floating outside." He Shishi thought of something, and clenched her fists, "Do you remember that I accompanied him back to deal with things?"

That time, it was Ouyang Jin who asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend and brought it back for Chi Ling to see.

"Don't look at me like that." Seeing A Miao looking at her strangely, Shen Xinglan pinched her nose and said, "You can't ask them to be as smart as me."

A Miao gave him a blank look: "Yes, yes, first Xiaoxi, and now Ouyang, why do I think you guys' IQs are worrying!"

Speaking of Xiaoxi, who has a worrying IQ, he will have a very bad life.

"Doctor, this guy's drug expulsion reaction is very strong!" A black man looked at the boy in the cage, "It's just long, thin skin and tender flesh, hehe, let us brothers play and kill!"
The old man with eyes and disheveled hair carefully poured a test tube into the strangely colored water, and then black smoke burst out with a bang.The old man pushed the table hard, and the glass and test tube shattered on the floor.

"It's over, the doctor is in a bad mood, so I'll leave first." The black man kicked the motionless young man lying on the ground, "You wish for luck, boy!"

Xiaoxi has already woken up, and he has figured out his situation in the past few days.This should be a research laboratory. Judging from their behavior of using living people to conduct experiments, it must be some kind of shady institution.

Fortunately, when they were young, the Killer Base often gave them random injections in order to stimulate their potential, so he was not dead after a few days of tossing.But it was also bad, because of the drug, he was always in a coma.

"Doctor, that woman died yesterday." A voice came in, and then I heard the old man mumbling and complaining, and then there was no movement.

He opened his eyes, made sure there was no one in the room, and then slowly sat up.

"Is this retribution..." He stared blankly at the wall.

He killed his brother because of a fake woman, and now that he has come to this point, he might as well just die like this, and he will be free after death.Xiaoxi was thinking wildly like this, but felt that it was impossible, if she died, she couldn't let these people spoil her.

"The most advanced electronic lock is used. This place is really not simple..." He unlocked the electronic lock a few times with his back to the monitor, and then sat there motionless.

After half an hour or so, the electronic lock in his hand had changed, and Xiao Xi lightly pressed the button, then quickly stood up and rushed out.

"I only have 3 minutes, I must find the exit." He ran wildly in the passage, but the monitor did not respond.

Xiaoxi hacked into the computer and switched off the screen on the monitor. What the security room saw was the screen he recorded and put in 10 minutes ago, but the time should not be too long, or it would be exposed.

"Fortunately, the place is not big..." He breathed a sigh of relief, according to the route retrieved from the computer, the kitchen is just around the corner, and there is a back door to go out there.

But at this moment, a human voice suddenly came from the opposite corridor, Xiao Xi's expression changed, and he pushed open the nearest door and slipped in.Hiding behind the door, I heard the sound of people getting farther and farther away. I was about to go out, but when I turned around, I was stunned.

"Shan... Shanshan?" This was obviously a bedroom. There were a bunch of photos on the table against the wall, and one of them fell to the ground.The little girl above is Shanshan.

Xiao Xi stumbled over to pick up the photos, but saw the biggest one among the photos on the table.

"A Miao?" He picked up the photo, which should have been taken not long ago.

Countless questions circled in his mind, why are there photos of A Miao and Shanshan here?These people are researching drugs, why are they focusing on Shanshan and A Miao?

Xiaoxi put the two photos side by side on the table, frowning and thinking about the reason.But gradually, his eyes widened and he seemed to be holding his breath.

"This is..." He suddenly picked up the two photos and overlapped the two people on them.

Suddenly, Xiaoxi's mind seemed to explode, and something was about to burst out of the ground!

"A Miao is Shanshan!" He shouted, "She is Shanshan, the Shanshan who grew up!"

One big and one small in the photo, after careful comparison, you will find that it is clearly a person.

"Why did this happen? Why?" Xiaoxi suddenly began to cry. What did he do?Almost killed Shanshan again and again, that's Shanshan!It was the young lady who saved his life...

"No... I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Xiaoxi began to flip through the documents on the table, and there were various incomprehensible symbols written on the messy paper, and he pulled out a piece of paper violently.

The bronze mirror jade pendant of Shen Xinglan and several names are painted on it.Among them, Shanshan and A Miao are surrounded by a circle, and next to it is written: When I was young, I was called Shanshan, but when I grew up, I changed my name...A Miao.

"Bang!" He fell to the ground.

Shanshan... really is A Miao.

Here A Miao has no idea that her life experience has been reversed, she is looking at the woman in front of her speechlessly.

"I heard what Ouyang said about you." Chi Ling looked at A Miao as if he was looking at some poor little animal, the kind that was abused and abandoned.

A Miao twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking why the food wasn't served yet.

"However, no matter how you say it, you are a relative. They can no longer control you, let's forget about the past!"

Shen Xinglan's face was sullen, Ouyang Jin looked at him in embarrassment, and mouthed: Please bear with me.

"Miss Chi." Shen Xinglan pretended not to see it, why should my A Miao suffer from your woman's stupidity?He glanced at Chi Ling coldly, "It's your business if you want to worry about others, we don't need it, if you can't shut up and eat, then leave here, don't affect my wife's appetite."

Ouyang Jin covered her forehead and dared not make a sound, Chi Ling let out a cry while covering her face and began to cry.

"I...I know you hate me, but...but I'm also doing it for A Miao! Do you want her to be lonely without any relatives?"

He Shishi slammed the teacup onto the table with a bang: "Shut up, idiot!"

"Shishi!" Ouyang Jin frowned.

"Shut up, too." He Shishi glared at him fiercely, "Shut up at home if you have brain problems and don't come out, it's your business if you want to serve, don't disgust us too!"

Chi Ling looked like he was about to fall over, pointing at He Shishi's finger and trembling.

" can you talk to Ouyang like that?"

"none of your business!"

Chi Ling: "Wooooow, Ouyang..."

"Sister-in-law, you know that Shishi speaks directly, don't bother with her." Ouyang Jin sighed, just as the waiter came in with the food, everyone spontaneously passed this paragraph.

But there is another idiot here!Seeing that everyone had eaten for a while, the atmosphere seemed to have improved, so Chi Ling started to convulse again.

"Shishi, come back with us this time! Ouyang is not young, you two should get married quickly!"

A Miao stared at this woman dumbfounded, is she out of her mind?

"Married?" He Shishi sneered, "And then? Do you live with us? Come to wake us up every morning, prepare clothes for Ouyang, help him tie his tie, and then leave me at home, you go out with him entertainment?"

Ha ha... Ah Miao glanced at Shen Xinglan, and asked in a low voice, "If I beat her up later, stop me!"

"I'll beat you up." Shen Xinglan took the opportunity to touch her face.

Wei Meng, who was silent all this time, knocked on the plate: "Sorry to excuse me, I have a few words to ask Miss Chi."

Ouyang Jin couldn't sit still anymore, but Chi Ling didn't want to leave yet.

"Miss Wei, please tell me!"

Wei Meng looked at her expressionlessly: "Human beings live in groups, and they gain self-worth, satisfaction, and a sense of existence through communicating with others. But there are some people who strongly desire the eyes of the world, and hope that all Everybody likes her."

"At the same time, they are constantly denying themselves. In order to balance this twisted heart, they put on a posture of the Virgin, and feel obliged to care and help everyone."

And she persistently believes that she is kind and kind. If other people reject her, she will feel that the other party is making trouble for no reason and is a child, which stimulates her to pay more attention until the other party is obedient. "

"Can you repeat the passage just now in human language?" He Shishi looked at her blankly.

Wei Meng spread her hands: "It's a method used by people with low self-esteem to seek attention. At the same time, they are full of vanity, and they can't see anyone living better than her."

"You...are you talking about me?" Chi Ling pointed at himself in disbelief.

"Otherwise?" Wei Meng said she was tired, and sat down to eat.

Ding Wu twitched and picked up a chopstick of mutton for her.

"Chi Ling is not what you said..." Ouyang Jin was interrupted by He Shishi before she finished speaking.

"I think I know." She twitched her lips, "You are jealous of A Miao, because she married better than you."

Chi Ling started crying again, shaking her head violently: "I didn't, I was kind!"

"Put away your kindness." He Shishi looked at her in disgust, "Wei Meng is right, your behavior is another manifestation of jealousy!"

Because of jealousy, in the name of caring and being good for others, they bother the other party, and sometimes even cause big troubles for the other party.

"Okay, then why do you say I'm jealous of her!" Chi Ling's eyes were red, "I have everything, why should I be jealous of A Miao?"

He Shishi suddenly smiled: "Do you really want to hear it?"

Chi Ling shivered, and opened his mouth to say yes.After hesitating for a while, Ouyang Jin pulled her up.

"I'll take you back to the hotel."

After finishing speaking, he dragged her away without waiting for her reaction.

When the private room became quiet, A Miao shook her head with a sad face: "This kind of woman is really..."

"It's more disgusting than those so-called socialites."

Looking at He Shishi's cold eyes, A Miao absolutely believed that if possible, He Shishi would kill that woman Chi Ling immediately...

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