get married

Chapter 175 Ji Zeming's Tragedy

If a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will clog the gap between his teeth.

Ji Xue was originally going for a painless abortion, but the doctor found a tumor in her uterus, and the biopsy showed it was malignant, so she was advised to have it removed.

"What if we don't circumcise the uterus, but just remove the tumor?" Bai Yongwei asked the doctor with a pale face. The successive blows made her look much older, and even her makeup was messy.

The doctor was a little embarrassed: "In that case, it will be easy to spread, and then..."

"Cut! I'll cut the uterus!" Ji Xue rushed in, "I'll have the surgery right away, I don't want to die."

Bai Yongwei winked at Ji Yan: "Take your sister out quickly, she is too nervous."

"Doctor, you also know what it means for a woman to have no uterus. Can you think of a way to delay it for a few years? At least let her have a baby." Bai Yongwei's eyes were moist, and she looked very sad.

The doctor sighed: "Mrs. Ji, I understand how you feel. However, I still suggest cutting it off as soon as possible. Otherwise, once it spreads, it will no longer be controlled. Let alone having a child, you will lose your life."

"How about taking traditional Chinese medicine? Cut out the tumor first, and then take traditional Chinese medicine for conservative treatment. After she gives birth, she will cut off the uterus. Wouldn't it take two or three years at most?"

The doctor had no choice but to ask her to think again and make a decision as soon as possible.

"Mom! Mom, I want to have an operation right away, I don't want to die!" As soon as Bai Yongwei returned to the ward, Ji Xue rushed forward.

Bai Yongwei frowned and helped her to the bedside: "Of course, I have already told the doctor that I will do it tomorrow."

"Woooooo..." Ji Xue cried, "Why am I so unlucky, why me?" She didn't want chemotherapy, she didn't want to lose her hair, she didn't want to be ugly.

"Fool, when the tumor is cut, Mom will find you the best Chinese medicine doctor. You can still have children in a few years, it won't affect you." Bai Yongwei thought she was worried about this.

Who knew that Ji Xue looked at her in disbelief: "What kind of children are there? I don't even have a uterus."

"Nonsense!" Bai Yongwei's face darkened, "Who said that the uterus will be cut off? Didn't they say that they will find you a good Chinese medicine doctor! As long as the tumor is cut off, you can still have children after a few years of cultivation."

Ji Xue suddenly turned grim: "What are you talking about? Are you trying to kill me?"

She just heard what the doctor said, the best way is to cut off the uterus.As for whether she can have children, she doesn't care, who cares about the children if they are dying.

"I'm your mother!" Bai Yongwei wanted to pull her away, but Ji Xue slapped her away.

"Hehe my mother?" Ji Xue looked at her sharply, "Don't think that I don't know what you think, you want me to get married, you want to give me to someone else in exchange for my brother's benefits..."

Ji Xue yelled like crazy: "You vicious woman, you are afraid that if I don't have a uterus and can't have children, I won't be able to get married, so you don't even want my life!"

"Ji Xue!" Ji Yan yelled at her, "How can you say that about Mom?"

"That's your mother!" Ji Xue yelled back, "She only cares about her son, what's the point of sacrificing my daughter for you?"

Bai Yongwei's expression was not good, Ji Xue really hit her mind.But it's not that she didn't think about her daughter. Isn't it good for her to marry a wealthy family?Which family would want her if they couldn't have children?
"Xiaoxue, mom..."

"Get out!" Ji Xue pushed her away fiercely and ran out.

Seeing people rushing into the elevator, Bai Yongwei and Ji Yan hurried to catch up, but they were a step too late.Ji Xue ran upstairs to Ji Zeming's ward, lying on the side of the bed crying and complaining bitterly.

When the mother and son went in, she heard her say, "The Liu family broke with us, and my mother wants to sell me to someone else to help the company."

"Ji Xue!" Bai Yongwei shouted.

Ji Zeming trembled: " everything she said true?"

"Dad, you..." Ji Yan hurried over to comfort him, but was pushed away by Ji Xue, "Go away! Dad, my brother and my mother are hiding everything from you, and now they want to kill me."

Bai Yongwei looked at the person on the bed with tears streaming down her face: "Ze... Zeming, I... I can't help it either! Xinglan won't come back, and he's still going against the Ji family everywhere, and now...the outside world is saying that we are going bankrupt ..."

"Call... tell him to come and see... see me..."

Ji Zeming passed out, his already bad body was stimulated and almost exhausted.

"BOSS?" Shen Yi waited for his instruction, "Do you want to go?"

Shen Xinglan didn't say a word, but A Miao looked at Shen Yi and said, "Go, go now."

"Then I'll go drive." Seeing that the boss didn't respond, Shen nodded and left.

A Miao tugged at Shen Xinglan's hand, and the man hugged her from behind: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

"Are you going to tell him everything?" A Miao felt that this was clearly to send the old man to his death.

Shen Xinglan kissed her sincerely: "Poor people must have something to hate. The mistakes he made back then will now bear the consequences. Just like four years ago, I didn't know who I was and caused you to suffer so much." Bitter, that's why we've been separated for so long, it's the punishment I deserve."

"You are different from him." A Miao felt distressed. After all, it was his father. Shen Xinglan must feel uncomfortable.

"I'm fine!" Shen Xinglan kissed her hard.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Xiao Yao walked in with a serious face, "Boss, Miss!"

"As long as I'm not around, you have to stay by A Miao's side and you're not allowed to leave." Shen Xinglan looked at the little girl coldly, "If something happens to A Miao..."

The little demon saluted: "The little demon must already be a corpse!"

"No... don't be so nervous!" A Miao laughed.

Shen Xinglan hugged her tightly: "I can't bear the consequences of losing you anymore, don't let Xiao Yao leave."

"...I understand." A Miao patted his shoulder to reassure the man, "I promise to stay within her sight until you come back!"

When Ji Zeming opened his eyes, he saw Shen Xinglan standing beside the hospital bed.

"You're here." His mood seemed to have stabilized, and he didn't know if it was a flashback.

Shen Xinglan looked at him, with Bai Yongwei and Ji Yan behind him.

"You go out first!" Ji Zeming waved his hands.

Ji Yan hesitated to speak, he was afraid that the old man would give the company to Shen Xinglan on impulse.

"Ah Yan, you go out." Bai Yongwei winked at him, and then said to Ji Zeming with a sad face, "Let me accompany you, I...I'm afraid..."

Ji Zeming sighed, and after Ji Yan left, he asked Bai Yongwei to help him sit up.

"I know you hate me, but the Ji family's property is the painstaking effort of several generations, and it cannot be ruined by my generation." Ji Zeming looked at his son, but they didn't spend much time together.

When Shen Xinglan's mother was around, he still communicated with his son every day.Later, when his ex-wife died and he married Bai Yongwei, Shen Xinglan stopped talking to him.Ji Zeming thought that the child would not be able to accept it for a while, and that it would be fine when he grew up.

But he didn't expect that Shen Xinglan would be abducted, and he also missed the child's growth process.When we met again, the child of that year had become a man in charge of everything.

"It was my negligence to make you suffer when you were young. I know you hate me for losing you, so when you come back, I will give you the company. I will give you whatever you want!"

Ji Zeming was a little excited: "Xinglan, since we are father and son, help the company and help your younger brother!"

"Why should I help him?" Shen Xinglan looked at him coldly, "When you were messing around with his mother's study, my mother could only watch from outside the door. When your family was reunited, his mother I'll give it to traffickers."

"Ji Zeming, why do you want me to help you?"

"You...what did you say?" Ji Zeming blushed, "You...your mother..."

Shen Xinglan's eyes were gloomy, and she shot at him like a sharp sword: "You think my mother doesn't know? You betrayed her time and time again. If it wasn't for you, my mother wouldn't be so sick, and she wouldn't have given up her life and left me early. "

"I...I don't know..." Ji Zeming's face was full of pain, "It's Bai Yongwei..."

"She drugged you." Shen Xinglan mocked, "The first time, the second time, and the third time? Ji Zeming, don't make excuses for your shamelessness."

Bai Yongwei had already heard Shen Xinglan say that she had been abducted by someone, and his face turned pale with fright. He stood there trembling and didn't know what to say, until there was a pain in his wrist.

"Is what Xing Lan said true? You asked someone to abduct him?" Ji Zeming didn't know where he got so much strength, he grabbed Bai Yongwei's wrist tightly.

"Zeming, you... How could I..." She reacted immediately, pleading with tears in her eyes, "How could I do that? I did something that I'm sorry to sister God, but...but that's because I love You and I……"

Heh... Shen Xinglan sneered and said, "Yes, this woman loves you very much, so much that she will have two with other people to pretend to be your children because you can't have children."

Bai Yongwei looked at him fiercely: "You...what did you say?"

Ji Zeming was stunned, and his lips trembled a few times: "What...what else..."

"That's about it." Shen Xinglan threw a file bag on Ji Zeming: "As for the speculative activities in the company, they are nothing compared to these."

Bai Yongwei wanted to grab it, but was pushed to the ground by Ji Zeming. The old man stared at her fiercely, and slowly took out the documents inside.

Photos, confessions, all kinds of evidence... The biggest one is the paternity test.

"You forged this! It's not real!" Bai Yongwei went crazy, she threw herself on Shen Xinglan, and was kicked away by Shen Xinglan.Her nails were broken, her clothes were pulled to her shoulders, and she knelt on the ground and rubbed against the hospital bed with disheveled hair.

"Zeming, Zeming, you trust me! I..."

Snapped!Ji Zeming slapped him over, and a hoarse voice came out of the ward.

"get out!!!"

Shen Xinglan came back soon, A Miao looked at him and smiled, and was hugged by Shen Xinglan.

"I'll take you to a place."

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