get married

Chapter 17 How did you come in?

Shenyi watched A Miao running towards him with a dull expression.

"Chop off her hand and feed it to the dog!" Shen Xinglan's roar came from inside, and A Miao shouted at him arrogantly, "Chop off her hand and no one will steal from you!"

After a while, something was thrown to the ground, Shen Yi pricked up his ears and found that there was no movement, and looked at A Miao with complicated eyes: "Follow me."

"What do you want to eat?" Shen Yi asked her after entering another room.

"Meat!" A Miao said without hesitation.

Shenyi went out silently. A Miao looked at the room and found that it was still an attic with a pond outside. The water was dim and the moonlight was beautiful in the night.

"Evil capitalist!" She was deeply jealous, and once again cursed the eight generations of Shen Xinglan's ancestors.

After eating and drinking, A Miao was sent back, and the driver was still Shenyi.He observed A Miao from the rearview mirror until A Miao noticed.

"Speak up if you have something to say!" A Miao looked at the rearview mirror, and found that Shenyi immediately looked away, and then continued to be dumb.

A Miao curled her lips and fell asleep on her side.

"Wake up, we're here." After an unknown amount of time, A Miao was woken up. She said thank you and clapped her hands to get out of the car. Shenyi watched her disappear at the intersection before starting the car and leaving.

It was almost midnight, A Miao looked at the closed door of the villa, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Ah..." I took out the key and turned it twice, but sure couldn't be opened.

The next morning, as soon as Xia Mei entered the dining room, she yelled, "Grandpa, that A Miao didn't come back yesterday, she must have been fooling around with some dubious people!"

"Not back?" Xia Yongqiang raised his head and put down the newspaper, "Xia Wan, go up and have a look."

Xia Wan glanced at her sister, and was about to get up when she saw A Miao coming down the stairs.

"A Miao!" Her eyes flashed, "Did you sleep well?"

Xia Mei turned her head abruptly, and A Miao looked at her with a half-smile: "Very good!"

"How did you get in??" Xia Mei shouted in disbelief.

A Miao looked surprised: "The one who opened the door came in, didn't he give me a key!"

"Impossible!" Xia Mei screamed.

Yao Lili has always looked down on this niece, so she covered her ears and said to her: "Xia Mei, look at you? People will laugh at you if you go out like this." You deserve the joke, don't affect my Xia Wan.

"Xia Mei, what's going on?" Xia Wan was also curious about her reaction.

Xia Mei also wanted to know what was going on, she locked the door behind her back: "I..." She glanced at A Miao, who had already sat down to eat breakfast calmly.

"Xia Mei, what are you bawling about?" Xia Yongqiang glared at her, then asked A Miao, "What time did you come back yesterday?"

A Miao replied honestly: "It's very late, maybe after eleven o'clock!"

Xia Yongqiang had no doubts, and nodded to warn Xia Mei: "The end of the month is your sister's birthday, and there will be important guests coming. If you are so frizzy again, don't participate."

"Grandpa!" Xia Mei gave A Miao a hard look, and assured her aggrievedly, "I know."

It seems that no one knows what happened yesterday.A Miao glanced at Xia Wan, and Xia Wan gave her a warning look: "Yesterday you said that your friend's house had left beforehand, have you settled it?"

"No, I'm going back in two days." A Miao followed her words, "Don't worry, I know how to measure."

Xia Mei was next to her and complained dissatisfied: "Sister, what do you care about her, she ran away by herself when I had an accident yesterday, and she won't remember you being nice to her."

"Oh? What happened to you yesterday?" A Miao took a sip of milk, "When I left..."

"A Miao!" Xia Wan interrupted her, "Yesterday when you left, Xia Mei and Youran didn't know, but they went up to look for you and fainted from gas poisoning."

gas poisoning?A Miao blinked: "How did you get gas poisoning?"

"It's not that broken hotel!" Xia Mei babbled, "The gas pipe broke, but fortunately, it happened to be in the bathroom of that room."

Xia Wan glared at her: "Didn't I already complain? Don't talk about it. If Grandpa hears it, I don't care if I don't let you go out to play in the future."

"I know, I know!" Xia Mei stuck out her tongue.

A Miao lowered her head, chewing the bread slowly.

Xia Wan can fool Xia Mei, but what about Bai Youran?

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