get married

Chapter 155 Finally here!

A Miao didn't know if she would regret it, she remembered a sentence she had read in a book.

"The reason why I gave up on love was because I wasn't brave enough."

She should be like this... Shaking her head, she stopped paying attention to Shen Xinglan's affairs.In the blink of an eye, it was the New Year, and she refused to go to Country F with Jiang Quanyu, and A Miao stayed in City S alone.

"It just so happens that we celebrate the new year together!" He Shishi called her, "Don't you have a female police officer who has a good relationship, let's call her too!"

So A Miao called Linglang, she was not sure if Linglang still had relatives.

"Okay." Who knew that Linglang readily agreed, "I'll be on duty tomorrow morning, and I'll be there after work."

The next day, A Miao and He Shishi went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and He Shishi secretly stole two bottles of red wine from Ouyang Jin's collection.

"Why don't you celebrate the New Year with him?" A Miao sorted vegetables and meat into the refrigerator, "He went abroad?"

He Shishi's face suddenly became ugly: "Don't mention him, I don't want to have a bad year."

"Okay..." A Miao changed the subject, "Then what do you like to eat? Beef, chicken, pork, seafood, how do you like it?"

"Do you know how to cook?" He Shishi didn't know that she was so good at cooking.

A Miao paused holding the foie gras hand, and then said flatly: "I used to cook for Shen Xinglan, and I learned a lot."

"Hehehe..." It was He Shishi's turn to change the subject, "Whatever, I'm not picky."

The two made a recipe and left two dishes for Linglang.When Linglang came back in the afternoon, he brought a famous dessert, and A Miao put it in the refrigerator with some surprise.

"I was telling Shishi just now that we forgot to queue up, but you just bought it back."

Linglang washed his hands and changed into the home clothes he brought: "I ordered it yesterday, and when I went to pick it up, people lined up across the road."

He Shishi was clasping her hands and applying nail polish, and said with a sigh of relief, "Okay, this year there will be only three of us. I will cook and make dumplings later, and watch the New Year's Eve at night. I will get up for a massage tomorrow. I have made an appointment."

"Linglang, why are you celebrating the New Year alone?" When the dumplings were being made, the three of them chatted, and He Shishi asked casually.

Linglang rolled out a thin skin and handed it to A Miao: "My family members are all dead."

"..." He Shishi and A Miao glanced at each other and were about to apologize when Linglang said again, "It's okay, it happened a long time ago, I was only ten years old then."

A Miao saw that she looked okay, so she asked a little more: "Is it an accident?"

"No." Linglang shook his head, "Our family traveled abroad and met terrorists, who were killed to cover me."

"Damn it!" He Shishi swears, "What happened next? How did you live alone?"

"My grandma." Linglang tapped the rolling pin, "She passed away when I was admitted to the military academy."

A Miao grabbed her hand: "No wonder you always go to such dangerous places to catch bad guys."

"I want to find the group who killed my parents." Linglang's eyes flashed a cold light, "One day... I will find them."

He Shishi smiled self-deprecatingly: "In comparison, I have become the happiest. I have been a daughter since I was a child, and I have endless money and a lot of people to listen to me."

"I've heard about your family." Linglang said lightly, "The mother and son will lose all their money sooner or later, don't worry."

Knowing that she was comforting herself, He Shishi blinked her eyes charmingly: "I'm 120% assured! My dad cheated on me once before he died, and I'm waiting to see the kingdom he built so hard be ruined by the mother and son. over."

"Oh, we should talk about something happy for the Chinese New Year!" A Miao saw that the atmosphere had become heavy, and wanted to adjust the atmosphere, but after thinking for a long time, she couldn't think of anything they could be happy about.

He Shishi was overjoyed: "Look at us! There are no men and no love, but luckily we still have money."

"If you guys are bored, I can tell you about a recent case." Linglang started a topic.

A Miao was a little surprised: "Can I talk about it?" Normally she never talked about work.

"Okay, anyway, I'm not in charge." Linglang had a rare moment of humor, "Didn't the secondary painting be lost in the exhibition held by the city government?"

He Shishi was interested in this, and hurriedly asked: "Yes, do you have any clues?"

"The insurance company has already settled the claim, so the case will be settled in the end." Linglang smiled sarcastically, "The guys in those departments have brains like pigs, it's only strange if they are broken."

A Miao lowered her head and squeezed a dumpling, covered her expression and asked, "Then who do you think it will be?"

"I haven't been to the scene, but just looked at the photos." Linglang frowned, "Although the person who committed the crime was not alone from the scene, I always feel that the one who stole the painting was one person."

He Shishi squinted her eyes: "If it's just a person, then I'm afraid it's taking other people's money to eliminate disasters for other people*."

"That's right." Linglang is not surprised that He Shishi knows this, after all, opening a casino can be regarded as a daoist.

A Miao raised her head blankly: "What do you mean?"

"It's a mercenary or a bounty hunter." He Shishi raised her red Kou Dan, "but I guess it's probably a bounty hunter."

Linglang nodded: "Because mercenaries seldom steal, most of them are selling drugs or killing people."

"It's such a complicated feeling." A Miao smiled, "How can ordinary people know this!"

He Shishi suddenly tilted her head and looked at her: "Speaking of bounty hunters, you can hire one too!"

A Miao was taken aback by the look in her eyes just now, thinking that she had been discovered, she asked in a breathless voice after hearing what she said: "Why should I ask the bounty hunter?"

"Go and monitor Shanshan." He Shishi patted the flour on her hands, "I once sent someone to follow her, but Ouyang Jin drove her back. The men defend her so much, we can only spend money to hire someone go."

Linglang glanced at A Miao: "Do you still care?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't care!" A Miao smiled at her, and then persuaded He Shishi, "She is pregnant now, so don't provoke her, in case something happens..."

He Shishi sneered: "What's the matter? Shen Xinglan still wants to deal with me?"

"Don't dare, Her Majesty, spare me!" A Miao bowed to her, He Shishi wiped the flour on her face, and the two chased and fought around the table.Linglang was about to speak when her phone rang.


"Yes, I'm here." She looked at the two women who were fighting.

Not knowing what the other party said, she frowned and thought about it before agreeing: "I see."

In the evening, the three women ate and watched TV around the table, drank a bottle of red wine, and went back to their rooms to sleep until midnight.The next day, I went to the beauty salon according to He Shishi's arrangement, and when I came out, I was going to sing.

"I know a restaurant where you can eat hot pot while singing."

He Shishi looked disdainful: "The food in that kind of shop is not delicious."

"This restaurant is different." Linglang said without changing expression, "I've been there, and it's delicious."

A Miao: "Would you like to try?"

"Okay!" He Shishi has always been picky about food, clothing, housing and transportation, "If it doesn't taste good, we'll leave."

Arriving at the place Linglang mentioned, it looks like a teahouse from the outside, and the simple and atmospheric wooden building is very high-end.

"The decoration is nice!" He Shishi walked in and looked around.

The waiter led them to the box. Once the door was opened, it seemed as if they entered another world. The decoration was very modern.

"It's okay." He Shishi looked at the menu and nodded, and ordered a bunch of them crackling.

After the waiter left, she picked up the microphone: "Come on, order your own song!"

Next door, Le Yi closed the door and sat down: "They are here."

"What are you doing?" He held onto Ding Wu.

Ding Wuyi looked as if he should: "I'm going to see A Miao."

"No." Le Yi held her down, "You'll reveal yourself when you go." He turned his head and shouted at the opposite side, "You want to come, what's your plan now?"

Shen Xinglan leaned on the black sofa, excited and suppressed eyes flashed from the corners of her monster-like eyes: "Wait."

He Shishi filled the wine glass: "Cheers!"

"Drink too much." A Miao burped.

"It's okay, you can't get drunk with this kind of fruit wine."

Linglang supported her: "You are already drunk."

"Nonsense!" He Shishi stretched out a finger, "This is one, I'm sober!" After speaking, she pulled A Miao to start drinking. drink with her.

Only Linglang looked soberly at the two women who began to cry and laugh, and finally fell headlong on the sofa.

The door of the private room was pushed open quietly, and Le Yi walked in slowly: "It's really good to drink."

"What do you want to do?" Linglang put down his chopsticks and saw Shen Xinglan coming out from behind Le Yi.

Ding Wu followed at the end, he squatted beside A Miao and poked her face: "Drunk to death."

Shen Xinglan reached out to hug someone, but was stopped in mid-air.

"Don't touch her." Linglang stood up and turned to Le Yi, "You promised that he was just here to see."

Le Yi was a little embarrassed: "That...he..."

"I'll take her back." Shen Xinglan avoided Linglang's hand, but she stopped her again.

"No." Linglang looked at the man in front of him vigilantly, "You already have another woman."

Shen Xinglan's patience was almost exhausted, or he could hardly suppress his body's desire.He can't wait to hug A Miao into his arms immediately*, and melt into his own blood.

"You can't beat me." His eyes turned cold.

Linglang clenched his fists: "You can try."

"Let him take A Miao away!" Le Yi suddenly grabbed Linglang's hand, noticing Linglang's body stiffened, and retracted his hand again, "I'll tell you the truth, he never touched Shanshan."

Sitting in the car, Linglang kept looking at A Miao who was in Shen Xinglan's arms.The man's eyes fixed on A Miao's face, like a beast just released from its cage.

"This is not the way to her house." Linglang looked out the window, "Where do you want to go?"

Le Yi saw that Shen Xinglan was staring at people, so he could only say, "It's impossible for him to go to Jiang Quanyu's side, so I'll take you to a hotel for one night."

"Officer Ling, don't worry, our BOSS will open all the presidential suites for you, the highest class!" Shen Yi, who was driving in front, smiled at the rearview mirror, in exchange for a cold look from Ling Lang.

When they arrived at the hotel, Shen Xinglan carried A Miao into the room.

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