get married

Chapter 143 3 years

Shen Xinglan watched silently, A Miao was sitting there on the beach in the distance, and she could occasionally hear her chuckle.

"Boss..." Shen Er leaned over, dripping wet in a diving suit, "It's almost time, we should go."

A Miao happened to turn sideways, and Shen Xinglan saw her side face, and the faint smile made him very attached to it.

Shen Er bit her teeth: "Boss, why don't we go out and take Miss away!"

"Let's go." Shen Xinglan turned around, put on the diving suit and went into the sea without hesitation.

A few miles away on the sea, Le Yi looked back into the glasses: "Is he like this every day?"

"Yes." Shen San was a little frustrated, "We have sailed here every day for a month. In order not to attract the attention of the people on the island, BOSS and Shen Er dived there."

Le Yi rubbed the space between his eyebrows: "What happened to that whale?"

"It's someone else's. After BOSS found out, he brought a lot of fish to that sea area every time he dived."

Beluga Whale got used to it and naturally stepped on the spot to eat lunch.

"They're back!" Shensan put down the ladder.

Shen Xinglan took off his diving suit and saw Le Yi: "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come, I don't know what you do every day." Le Yi handed him the towel, "Don't your legs hurt?"

Just as Shen San was about to say something, seeing Shen Xinglan glanced at him, he lowered his head and swallowed the words.

"Why are you staring at him?" Le Yi said angrily, "I'm a doctor, and I know how your leg is doing best. The injury happened to be in the water every day, why? I don't want to walk when it's cloudy and rainy, right?"

Shen Xinglan shook her hair: "I'm fine."

The two walked into the cabin of the yacht, and Shen San* went to sail.

Le Yi poured him a glass of brandy: "A Miao didn't notice you?"

"No." Shen Xinglan's eyes darkened.

More than a month ago, Ding Wu told her that Jiang Quanyu arranged for A Miao to raise her body here, and it happened that it happened to be in the same sea area as the island where their base was.So Shen Xinglan went back to the base, and originally wanted to go to the island at night to take A Miao away...

"Are you scared?" Le Yi stared into his eyes, "That's why you changed your mind!"

Shen Xinglan froze, watching the ice cubes in the wine glass go up and down without saying a word, as if his heart was ups and downs.He was indeed scared, because since he saw A Miao again, he had never heard her talk about himself.

He bribed Aunt Zhang, and Aunt Zhang told him that A Miao never mentioned her name again, as if the three words Shen Xinglan had never appeared in her life.

"Afraid A Miao won't forgive you?" Le Yi poured himself a glass of red wine and sat down opposite him, "If it were me, I wouldn't forgive you either."

Shen Xinglan pursed her lips: "A Miao is not you."

"Then you go!" Le Yi smiled, "Go find her!"

"Shut up." Shen Xinglan gave him an annoyed look, "I know what I'm doing."

Le Yi shrugged her shoulders: "I'm just telling you, it was right not to disturb A Miao, her body can't be stimulated now."

"How long will it take to be thorough?" This topic made Shen Xinglan nervous.

"It will take a year anyway." Le Yi poured him another glass of wine, "So I suggest you not go to her now."

Shen Xinglan seemed to be relieved, at least this could be considered a reason.

"I see."

"What do you know?" Le Yi glared at him, "And then you plan to continue swimming secretly every day to peek?"

Shen Xinglan was very shameless about the word An Ru Ruo, and corrected her: "I don't feel relieved until I know she's fine."

"Hehe..." Le Yi didn't expose him, but let Shen Er go back to Country F with him when he left. When Shen Er came back the next day, he brought a bunch of medicine.

"Tell your boss, if you don't take the medicine on time, I will personally escort him back."

Shen Er lowered his head and conveyed Le Yi's words.

"Go get me a glass of water." Shen Xinglan was stunned for a while, then picked up the medicine.

After half a year like this, although Ah Miao still needs to recuperate, the traditional Chinese medicine can be stopped.She still went to see the white whale every day, and occasionally felt that someone was watching her, but she couldn't find anyone.

"Help me find a martial arts master!" A Miao made this request when Jiang Quanyu came over that day.

Jiang Quanyu thought he heard it wrong: "Martial arts? Not dance?"

"It's martial arts." A Miao repeated, "Don't be too strong, you can teach me some self-defense skills, just catch hands."

"A Miao..." Jiang Quanyu was a little sad, "There is no danger here, and I will not let you go through that kind of thing again."

He hadn't realized that A Miao, who was looking at the grinning A Miao, was so insecure. Did she really have a shadow after being shot last time?

"But I can't stay here forever!" A Miao smiled, "I still have to work for you in the future!"

Jiang Quanyu looked at her: "Do you really want to learn?"

"Well, I really want to learn!" A Miao nodded, "I want to protect myself."

The atmosphere suddenly became serious, Jiang Quanyu hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I didn't mention it all the time because I was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable. Since you mentioned it today, I still want to ask... Do you still want to be with Shen Xinglan?" ?”

"No." A Miao shook her head without hesitation.

Jiang Quanyu: "So determined? You don't love him anymore?"

"It has nothing to do with love." A Miao cast her eyes on the sea, "You know what I lived when I was a child, every day when I get up together, I have to think about which market to buy cheap vegetables today. Where can I go to get free food? gift food."

"I don't have time to think about whether the clothes are beautiful or not, or whether the food is good or not. We only think about how to eat well and dress warmly every day." A Miao smiled, "Of course you can't understand, all I want is basic living security. "

Jiang Quanyu looked at her distressedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you at that time."

"Hehe!" A Miao rolled his eyes at him, "What does it have to do with you? Everyone's life is different, and their encounters and moods are naturally different."

She ate a piece of mango: "I cherish life very much. I promise my mother will live a good life and help her find my father! So I can't die. I don't want to experience death again."

"It's too dangerous to be around Shen Xinglan." A Miao's eyes flashed with heartache, "Shanshan asked someone to kill me so that he could be with Shen Xinglan. If I go back to him, it's nothing more than giving Shanshan another Just one chance."

"Shen Xinglan can send Shanshan away for me, but she will never do anything to Shanshan for me."

Jiang Quanyu listened to her carefully, and suddenly smiled: "You still love him, that's why you think about him so much. You don't go back, because you don't want him to be in a dilemma."

A Miao sighed: "After all, we fell in love, and I don't want to force him to do anything."

"Okay, I'll help you find a master." Jiang Quanyu ended the topic.

Jiang Quanyu's movements were very fast. A female master arrived on the island on the weekend. She is a real kung fu master and once won the championship of Sanda competitions.

Because A Miao's health is not very good, the female master had to start with basic physical training, such as increasing the amount of exercise for her, running around the island every day.Of course, it's kind of slow.

"Boss, we can't go to the island anymore." Shen Er said after observing for two days, "Miss will run through the coconut grove, we have nowhere to hide."

Shen Xinglan stood on the yacht, watching the distant island motionless.I don't know how long it took, he slowly entered the cabin: "Go back."

A Miao doesn't know these things, she lives a fulfilling life every day, studying, exercising, and practicing martial arts.Time passed by so slowly, as if it was just a blink of an eye, three years... passed by in a flash.

"Master, Miss A Miao's health is completely fine." The doctor said happily after examining A Miao, "She is like a normal person now!"

"Where is the pregnancy?" Jiang Quanyu asked without concealing it, but A Miao felt quite embarrassed and lowered her head.

The smile on the doctor's face disappeared in an instant: "Uh...that...this..."

"to be frank."

"I don't know about this." The doctor glanced at A Miao, "I can't see anything at the moment, we will not know whether it will work until Miss A Miao is pregnant."

Seeing Jiang Quanyu start to frown, A Miao hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, doesn't it mean that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune! I'm sure I'll be fine."

In fact, what she really wants to say is that I don't want to marry anyway, so it doesn't matter if I can have children...

"When will I leave here?" A Miao asked after the doctor left.

Jiang Quanyu raised his eyebrows: "What? Are you so anxious to give me a job?"

"Yes, yes!" A Miao smiled, "I owe you so much, I have to pay it back quickly!"

"But I'm afraid you won't want to go after I tell you." Jiang Quanyu turned on the computer and pushed it in front of her, "Let's take a look, the latest investment plan."

Ah Miao's face changed after reading a few lines, but she read it carefully before saying, "Is it going to go back to China, or S city?"

"En." Jiang Quanyu clicked on the computer, "Our family has always been very interested in the antique business, and Huaguo has a long history, and there are many exquisite antiques handed down."

"So you want to open the jewelry group in S City." It was clearly written in the plan.

Jiang Quanyu was a little helpless: "The reason why I chose there is that the group also conducts auctions in addition to antiques, so that they can enter and exit. The capital is not good, and political factors are too sensitive. As a representative of the south, City S is a typical international metropolis..."

"I understand!" A Miao nodded, "I can."

Something flashed in Jiang Quanyu's eyes, so fast that others couldn't even notice it.He closed the computer and patted A Miao on the head: "Let's go back together, with me here, no one can bully you!"

In City S, if there is any news that the common people are gossiping about recently, it must be the Shen Family Consortium.Half a year ago, Shen Xinglan fell from the sky, and overnight people saw a building in the downtown area that had been completely remodeled, bearing the name of Shen's Consortium.

What is intriguing is that Ji's is on the opposite side of the building.For a while, people speculated whether Shen Xinglan came back to seize the family property.

"Mr. Shen, can you tell me how you accumulated so much wealth in a short period of time?"

"Did you come back to deal with your half-brother Ji Yan?"

"Did you establish the Shenshi Group yourself?"

Seeing the man surrounded by reporters, A Miao turned off the TV.

"You already knew he was back?"

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