get married

Chapter 139 A Miao is dead?

After Shen Xinglan came back, he went to see Shen Yi first.

"Just a little bit." Le Yi said with emotion, his heart was slightly off by [-] centimeters. "

The few people present were not lucky when they heard this, but they all thought that the killer's marksmanship was so accurate, so Ah Miao...

Le Yi obviously also realized that he said something he shouldn't have said, so he immediately changed the subject: "God, do you want to go and see Shanshan?"

"Boss should check the other party's background first." Shenyi immediately said, "Those people dare to accept the task, it's clear that they don't take us seriously."

Shen Er frowned, but held back what he wanted to say.Shen Xinglan took a look at Shen Yi: "Have a good rest."

After he and Le Yi went out, Shen Er said, "You shouldn't have said that."

"I'm not wrong." Shenyi said calmly, "Ordinary people don't know the identity of the boss, and it's impossible for the heads of those organizations not to know."

Shen Er frowned: "You are venting your anger on Shan Shan."

"I do not have."

"You have."

The atmosphere was tense for a moment, and after a while, Shenyi suddenly said, "So what."

If it wasn't for her, the boss wouldn't leave, if the boss didn't leave, the young lady wouldn't...

"Then you also hate the BOSS?" Shen Er said directly, "If you said this in front of the BOSS, wouldn't you stab him with a knife?"

Shen Yi pursed his lips and remained silent.

"There is something I haven't told you yet." Shen Er hesitated and said, "Xiao Xi asked someone to kidnap Miss, but the original kidnapping turned into an assassination."

Shen Yi was about to get out of bed immediately after hearing this, but was held down by Shen Er: "If you do this, I won't tell you anything."

"He did it? Does the BOSS know?" Shenyi said with red eyes.

"Of course the BOSS knows, so I'll go check it out too." Seeing that he hadn't moved, Shen Er let go of his hand, "Xiaoxi was telling the truth, he just wanted to scare the lady. But the other party returned the money after knowing the identity of the BOSS." , rejected the mission."

Shen Yiyi was stunned: "You mean, this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Xi and Shan Shan?"

"Don't always be hostile to Shanshan, she blocked a shot for Miss." Shen Er said helplessly, "What's more, the boss really treats her as a younger sister."

But she saw Shenyi staring at him with a strange expression: "Tell me...whether this matter is really related to Shanshan."

In Shanshan's ward.

"Brother Xinglan, is there no news from Sister A Miao?"

Shen Xinglan shook her head, and glanced at Xiaoxi next to her.

"Xiaoxi!" Shanshan hurriedly called him, "Apologize to Brother Xinglan!"

Xiaoxi curled her lips: "What does it have to do with me?"

"You... oops!" Seeing that Shen Xinglan's face darkened, Shanshan was extremely anxious.

Shen Xinglan frowned and held her down: "The wound hasn't healed yet, don't move."

"That's what it is!" Xiaoxi also looked aggrieved, "I was trying to scare her, but I didn't really do anything about it. As for those killers, how do I know where they came from?"

"Stop saying a few words..." Shanshan glared at him.

Shen Xinglan stood up: "Call me if you have anything to do, I can't take care of you right now."

"I know." Shanshan nodded obediently, "Xiaoxi can just accompany me."

From the beginning to the end, Shen Xinglan didn't say a word to Xiao Xi. When he left, Xiao Xi punched the wall angrily: "Wait, isn't it just looking for someone? I'll help you find someone. I'll see if you ignore me then." !"

"Don't make trouble." Shanshan said, "Your task now is to accompany me!"

Shen Xinglan used all his relationships and finally found Jiang Hua's clue.

"Northern European Chinese, it is said that the family has hundreds of years of history." Ouyang Jin put a lot of information in front of Shen Xinglan, "He is not called Jiang Hua, his real name is Jiang Quanyu."

Le Yi frowned: "I've heard about this family. It seems that it's not only the Jiang family, but also several others. It is said that they are Chinese who migrated abroad very early. The strength of each family is comparable to a small kingdom."

Ouyang Jin smiled wildly with Zhang Yang's brows: "So I should go to the meeting!"

"You've seen it a long time ago." He Shishi, who was drinking at the side, said, "Do you remember that one year when you played dice with someone on a gambling boat, the other party threw out the gambling cards as a bet."

The gambling card here is not gambling, but a document of ownership of shares. The holder can get dividends from the casino, which is equivalent to the shares of an ordinary company.But this is not a casino, there are at least three of them on a gambling card.

It means that the annual income is at least over [-] million, and Ouyang Jin has two gambling cards in his hand.

"Remember!" He sneered, "That was my first gambling card, and the opponent seems to be surnamed Jiang."

He Shishi handed him a glass of red wine: "I think that should be the Jiang family."

Because so far, she hasn't seen any younger generation of a family who can export gambling cards casually.

"Although I don't know what that person's status is in the Jiang family, but Jiang, Jiang Quanyu's status is quite impressive!" Ouyang Jin raised his glass to Shen Xinglan with a smile.

Shen Xinglan has been reading the documents, and her expression is getting worse and worse.

"Jiang Quanyu, the heir of this generation of the Jiang family." He closed the file with a snap, "No matter who he is, he must be found."

Northern Europe is the richest place in the world, but also the country with the longest winter.Several doctors in white coats hurried past the corridor. It was winter, and the outside was covered with snow, but there were green plants and flowers behind the huge glass windows.

At the end is a carved door, the leading elderly doctor respectfully opened the door.


The room is very large, with a large mahogany bed in the middle.A man was sitting by the bed, as if talking to the person on the bed.

"How's the research going?" The man turned around, and it was Jiang Hua who Shen Xinglan was looking for, or Jiang Quanyu should be called now.

The old doctor hesitated for a moment before speaking: "Master, we are still not sure..."

Jiang Quanyu's eyes turned cold, and the old doctor hurriedly said: "She is lucky to have survived, if it wasn't for the bullet that happened to be pinched by the skull, she would not have survived at all."

"You just have to tell me how likely she is to wake up if she undergoes an operation." Jiang Quanyu turned to look at the person on the bed, his head was wrapped in gauze, his palm-sized face was bloodless.

The resentment against Shen Xinglan surged up again, Jiang Quanyu really wanted to shoot that guy down.

"Half and half."

Jiang Quanyu waved his hands: "Go out!"

"Master..." The doctor reminded him when he left, "If you decide to have an operation, it's best to do it as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the greater the damage to her brain will be."

The room became quiet, Jiang Quanyu held the woman's hand and sighed softly: "A Miao, what should I do..."

When he rescued A Miao, she was shot twice.One shot was in the brain, the other in the abdomen.The bullet in the lower abdomen has been taken out, and the price is that A Miao lost the chance to be a mother forever.

"Tell me, what should I do?" Jiang Quanyu looked at her and touched her face lightly, "If you don't take out the bullet, you will sleep like this for the rest of your life, and I will take care of you for the rest of your life."

"But..." Jiang Quanyu smiled, "You don't want to do this, do you? Let's gamble once." He approached A Miao's ear, "A Miao, can you hear my voice?"

"If you just fall asleep like this, Shen Xinglan will be snatched away by Shanshan, and your revenge will never be avenged."

Ah Miao lay motionless, like a porcelain doll.Jiang Quanyu stared at her for a long time, then stood up and walked out.

In Country R, ​​the largest country in Northern Europe, Shen Xinglan's private plane landed slowly.

"God, if our news is correct, the Jiang family's headquarters is in country D, but Jiang Quanyu can't bring A Miao home, so it should be here." Ouyang Jin raised his eyebrows, "Because Jiang Quanyu often does activities here. .”

Shen Xinglan said with a cold face, "Go to the hotel and meet Ding Wu."

at the same time.

"Master, Shen Xinglan is here."

Jiang Quanyu's originally gentle eyebrows turned sharply: "Look him in, and follow the previous arrangement. Remember, people can't die.

"Then... what if you get hurt?"

Jiang Quanyu smiled: "It's best if you get hurt, as long as you don't die."

When Ding Wu arrived at the hotel, he told Shen Xinglan a news.

"I know where Jiang Quanyu is, but I can't get in."

Ouyang Jin didn't believe it: "Can't you get in? Could it be that his security can catch up with our base?"

"No." Ding Wu was a little annoyed, "He seemed to know that I would go, and he didn't know what was sprinkled around the house. As soon as I went there, his nose failed."

Shen Xinglan frowned: "You stay."

If Ding Wu fell ill when he lost his sense of smell, it would be a disaster for everyone.

"I'll go." Ouyang Jin stretched out her arms, "It's been a long time since I've been active, and it's time to practice my hands."

Ouyang Jin went there for one night, and Shen Xinglan sat on the sofa all night, holding A Miao's tablet in his hand, which contained daily photos of the two of them.His hand stroked the photo over and over again, not letting go of every hair.

"God! Ouyang is back." At dawn, Ding Wu opened the door and came in.

Shen Xinglan walked out quickly and saw Ouyang clutching his arm.


"The bullet was wiped, it's all right." Ouyang moved.

Shen Xinglan held up his arm to look at it, and asked Ding Wu to get the medicine box.

"God, I don't think it's right." Ouyang watched Ding Wu treat his wound, turned his head and said, "Jiang Quanyu's house has many doctors coming in and out today, and everyone seems to be very nervous."

Shen Xinglan clenched his fist: "A must be A Miao, she is inside!"

"Don't be in a hurry." Ouyang put down his arms, "I think if we go to that place, there should be no problem. I have found the fastest way to enter the room today, and we will go in directly tomorrow night."

On the second night, two figures passed by in front of the villa, and the camera flashed on and off, but there was no response.They entered the courtyard smoothly in the dark, one of them made a gesture, and then the two turned into a room on the second floor.

"what is this?"

The room was brightly lit, the walls were covered with white cloth, and the sound of chanting could still be vaguely heard.

Shen Xinglan's heart sank suddenly. Regardless of Ouyang Jin's obstruction, he followed the sound. In the room at the end of the corridor, he saw the mourning hall, the white candle, and...a coffin.

In the dimly lit photo, it was clearly the appearance of the person in his dream.

"Ah... Ah Miao..."

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