get married

Chapter 1 Chick Beep Beep Beep

City S, midnight.

This international metropolis in the south is still brightly lit, and the radiant neon is as dazzling as daytime.In the busiest entertainment district, a round super-sized chicken is walking back and forth along the side of the road.

Some passing men went up to take pictures from time to time and said some obscene words.But none of these could affect Chick's footsteps, and he still waved the little square in his hand slowly.

"Long-lasting, reliable, and lets your tadpoles swim as much as they want!"

A Miao staggered and yelled out the advertisement, and when she saw a man and a woman coming out of the bar with their arms around each other, she went up to give one away.

"Company's free event, you try the effect!" This kind of place is actually very efficient in distributing free Duxes, and most people will take one.

Seeing that there were less than half of Du Xsi left in the box, A Miao began to calculate.

"40 yuan per night, when the school starts in September, at least the first semester's tuition will be enough!" She felt relieved and wanted to drink, but because she was wearing a chick-shaped dress, she couldn't reach her mouth with her hands.

Finding an alley, Ah Miao was about to get out of her clothes when she heard a bang, like the sound of a trash can being emptied.

"Who's there?" She poked her head carefully, holding on to the box where Du Xs was placed, ready to run at any time.

boom!A louder voice came, and a black figure rushed up instantly, and she was crushed to the ground before she could react.


A pair of big hands covered her mouth, and the shout was drowned in the crowd of people on the road outside, and no one heard it.

A deep and cold voice sounded in his ear: "Shut up."

A Miao shuddered, it was obvious that there was a man on her body, and that man's mouth was facing her ear.

"I'm just a promotion, and it's still free delivery. I... I don't have any money with me!" She tried hard to explain.

He felt the man move, and in the next second, he felt a pair of hands groping around him.

"What the hell are you?" The man's voice was a little hurried, and he couldn't find the woman's ass.

Ah Miao is very glad that she is still wearing the chick costume, she is a circle from top to bottom, it is strange to feel it!
"Get up quickly, I'm going to call someone." After confirming that there was no chastity crisis, her tone hardened.

The man's breathing became heavier and heavier, spraying on A Miao's face made her inexplicably nervous.Moreover, she could feel that the man who was pressing her was tense all the time, as if he was holding back something.

This man... is not quite right!

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