While driving the car, Leng Yi was thinking about Ning Xin's pale face just now, his eyes were on both sides of the road, scanning casually.

Suddenly his eyes fell on a large pharmacy, Leng Yi stopped the car casually, and walked into the pharmacy, ready to buy some medicine for Ning Xin, since she said she wasn't pregnant, it was motion sickness.

Leng Yi did the elimination method very clearly, but he still couldn't help asking: "If a pregnant woman takes this antiemetic medicine, will it have any effect?"

The little girl who sells medicine has long been fascinated by the stern man in front of her.

Leng Yi frowned and looked at the waiter in front of him who seemed to be out of his mind, raised his voice, and asked again.

The little girl seemed to have just woken up from a dream. With a flushed face, she took the medicine in Leng Yi's hand, took out the instruction manual inside, looked at it carefully, and said, "It's okay, there is no indication on it. Pregnant women can’t use it! But if the pregnancy period is short and the pregnancy reaction is not so obvious, it is better not to take medicine.”

Hearing the doctor's words, Leng Yi's hand holding the medicine paused, but after thinking for a while, he still took the medicine away.

Throwing it into the car casually, Leng Yi drove away.

It didn't take long for the villa to arrive.

Leng Yi got out of the car with a blank expression, and asked Mama Zhang and Uncle Zhou to dump the contents of the original car into another new car!

They moved very quickly, and within 10 minutes, all the things were transferred.

Leng Yi ordered Uncle Zhou to take the car to wash, and drove away again.

He drove the car back to the place where Ning Xin got off just now, but Leng Yi didn't see that familiar figure.

He hurriedly got out of the car and went to the spot to check. There was almost no shelter around, and everything was clear at a glance, but he just didn't feel at ease.

He couldn't find anyone, which made Leng Yi feel a little nervous. He thought of Ning Xin being in danger a few times before, did something happen this time?
Thinking of this, Leng Yi felt a great panic enveloped himself, he shouted towards the road: "Ning Xin! Ning Xin! Where are you?!"

After shouting for a long time, no one answered. Except for the vehicles going back and forth, there were almost no people on the road.

Leng Yi still didn't give up. He searched the surroundings like a blanket, asking people when he saw them, and stopping cars when he saw them. But after asking everyone, they all said that they had never seen Ning Xin.

Leng Yi sat down on the side of the road dejectedly. Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call with a solemn face: "Hey, third child, is second child awake?"

"No, I was busy until 2 o'clock yesterday, and the second child successfully cracked the other party's 3 firewalls, and now he is sleeping like a pig!"

"Wake him up for me, I have something to look for him!"

Then Leng Yi explained what happened just now, as well as Ning Xin's disappearance, to the brothers in the dark, and asked them to hack into the traffic department and get all the surveillance images on this section of the road.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Yi sat on the side of the road and waited for the news.

At this time, a shambling figure came not far away, walking slowly, but still walking towards Leng Yi step by step, it was Ning Xin or something!

"Sister Xiaohua is so kind, it's a pity that I don't have any money with me, otherwise I can help her!" Ning Xin said to herself while walking tremblingly: "It's all because of that pervert Leng Yi, is he a pig?" Just like this, I was left alone on the side of the road, and I didn’t even leave me any money, so I had to go so far to get a drink of water, and borrow it from my fellow villager’s house!”

It's exhausting!

Ning Xin's legs became weak from walking, and finally after climbing a small dirt slope, she saw the shadow of the road.

But who was that man sitting in her seat?Why does it look so familiar?
Ning Xin continued to move forward in a strange way, and when she got closer, she realized, isn't that Leng Yi?Why is he sitting here?

Ning Xin was a little strange, she could vaguely hear him talking to himself, is it raining red?How could Master Leng be such an idiot?
With the mood of watching a good show, Ning Xin tiptoed forward and stopped about 3 meters away from Leng Yi, eavesdropping on the little secret that Leng Yi was talking to himself.

"This woman, it's best not to be caught by me and hide somewhere, otherwise..." Leng Yi didn't continue, but the tone of her gnashing teeth made Ning Xin shrink her neck. She just went to drink Saliva, as for?
Moreover, if he hadn't left himself first, would he be in such a mess?
Ning Xin pursed her lips unnaturally, but didn't come out.

At this time, Leng Yi suddenly stood up again, Ning Xin subconsciously squatted down and found a big rock to hide herself.

Seeing him walking back and forth like a trapped animal, Ning Xin couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart, she was a little happy, but also faintly inexplicably sad.

Leng Yi turned back and forth for a while, and after calling Ning Xin's name several times, he finally sat back down in his seat.

He stared blankly at the road, the lonely back made Ning Xin feel a little unbearable, but when he thought that he could mercilessly drive himself out of the car just now, hum, all the unbearable in his mind disappeared without a trace trace.

Ning Xin stayed where she was, observing Leng Yi's movements.

Seeing him sitting so stupidly, Ning Xin was a little curious and couldn't help leaning closer to see what he was doing.

However, Leng Yi didn't do anything, just sat there blankly.

Ning Xin was a little discouraged, and wanted to hear what he would say, but there was no movement.

Just when Ning Xin raised her left leg and wanted to walk out, she heard Leng Yi start talking again.

Ning Xin immediately stepped back to the spot and listened.

"Ning Xin, you idiot! Didn't I tell you to wait here? Why are you so stupid! You can't do such a small thing well!" Leng Yi scolded Ning Xin first!
Ning Xin pointed at her nose, how dare you blame me!who!You deserve to get angry, I just won't come out!

Ning Xin thought bitterly.

"And you, are you a pig? Knowing that she is a single woman and unfamiliar with this place, what do you think, you will leave her here alone, even if she gets motion sickness, even if you step on the accelerator In the end, back and forth quickly, but if she stays in such a place as a girl, can she not encounter danger?!"

Leng Yi doesn't seem to have any experience in complaining about himself, he is very comfortable when scolding Ning Xin, but when he scolds himself, he is in a mess!

Ning Xin rolled her eyes while hiding behind him, and continued to stay where she was.

Leng Yi's soliloquy still didn't end, but the content of the words made Ning Xin lose his mind for an instant!

"Leng Yi, Leng Yi, you think you are so smart, you like a woman, but you don't even have the courage to say it! Instead, you act like a child, doing things that make her hate! Sometimes you obviously don't mean that , but stubbornly refused to tell the truth! Is it so difficult to admit that I like her? Is it also difficult to treat her well?" Leng Yi sighed and said with some emotion.

But these words made Ning Xin's heart tremble, Leng Yi, actually, does he like herself?
Why, I never felt it?Ning Xin doesn't think she is dull!

She was still thinking about it, but Leng Yi immediately answered her doubts.

"But, I really don't know what she wants? To secretly help her deal with the online comments and quell the rumors in the school; to secretly copy the health recipes for her; to secretly take care of her when she is sick, so what? What caused this?" You are not the culprit of everything! Without you, she wouldn't have to suffer! She is still living a peaceful life like an ordinary female college student!"

So it was all him?

Ning Xin recalled the photo incident last time, and it seemed that she was calmed down very quickly. She was immersed in her own emotions at that time, unable to extricate herself, so she didn't notice the information on the campus network.

Was he the hero behind the scenes?And he secretly did so many things for himself?
Thinking about it, there are actually traces to follow, Zhang Ma hesitated to speak several times, Leng Yi kept coughing to cover up, these things were just some doubts, but now, she suddenly realized it!
She always thought that Zhang Ma was the one who treated her well and took care of her, but it turned out that Leng Yi was the one who took care of her.

Does that mean that I actually misunderstood him for a long time?Why doesn't he explain?
Ning Xin looked at the lonely back in front of her with some distress, and when she heard him say that without him, she should still be a student living a peaceful life, Ning Xin finally couldn't help but shed tears.

She thought that Leng Yi didn't understand, but it turned out that he just kept everything in his heart.

Can this man not do such a provocative thing?
Ning Xin sobbed subconsciously, but forgot that she was still secretly hiding in the corner.

The sound of her sniffing revealed her whereabouts immediately.

Leng Yi stood up and walked in front of her in two steps: "So, you are here!"

Ning Xin was so moved, but was suddenly caught by Leng Yi, she hurriedly stood up, and wanted to back up, but accidentally tripped over a stone, and her body fell back involuntarily.

Leng Yi quickly grabbed her and pulled her towards him, Ning Xin was held tightly in his arms.

"If you want to die, don't be in such a hurry. Next time, find a place where no one is around, and don't splash my blood!" Seeing her idiotic behavior, Leng Yi's head hurts. Can this woman be any more stupid? I thought she just had no brain, but now even the cerebellum has shrunk?

Originally, Ning Xin had greatly changed her opinion of him because of what he said just now, but in less than 5 minutes, he showed his true colors, and his poisonous tongue made her want to bite him to death.

"Who said I wanted to die, I was not careful!" Ning Xin retorted loudly.

"Okay! Let's forget about this matter! Then can you explain why you hide here?" Leng Yi stared at her condescendingly, as if he could crush her to death on the spot if she didn't give a reasonable explanation.

"Me, who said I hid here, I'm just tired from walking, so I rest here!" Ning Xin refused to admit that she deliberately eavesdropped, deliberately not showing up to make Leng Yi anxious.

"Oh, take a break? Take a break, then why are you crying?" Leng Yi stretched out a finger, wiped away the tears from the corner of Ning Xin's eyes, and held it in front of her.

"I didn't cry, it's because the wind blinded my eyes!" Ning Xin wiped the tears on her face indiscriminately, and shouted hastily.

"You have found good reasons! I underestimated your ability to lie!" The woman in her arms did not speak the truth, but the reasons she found were damn logical!

Thinking of what he said just now, she listened to everything, Leng Yi felt annoyed for a while!If I knew I would stop talking nonsense!
Just when he and Ning Xin were looking at each other, Leng Yi's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his cell phone without looking at it, connected it, and put it to his ear: "Say!"

"Master Leng, the surveillance shows that that woman is by your side!"

"Nonsense! Get out!" After Leng Yi said this, there was a burst of laughter from the phone. It must be that he just looked around for Ning Xin, and they all saw it on the surveillance camera!

Leng Yi calmed down his anger, and calmly said to the person on the phone: "Very good, the efficiency is very high, and the analytical skills are not bad. Third, I will pack up my things tomorrow and go to Africa to open a branch office!"

"Ah! Go to that place where birds don't lay eggs, why open a branch office!" Even Ning Xin heard the wailing on the phone.

"Play!" Leng Yi raised the corners of his lips, and after uttering these two words, he recklessly hung up the phone!

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