sweet wife disobedient

Chapter 77 Birthday

Such a harmonious atmosphere lasted for several days, and the inside and outside of the villa were full of spring flowers.

Needless to say, the hero and heroine, both of them are very curious about the current way of getting along and are trying hard.

The other small supporting roles, Xiao Luo, are naturally also happy to see the results. Anyway, as long as you don't mess with the wage earners casually, everything is fine. If you are well, I will be fine.

After a few days of happy life like this, Leng Yi's thousand-year-old ice gradually melted day by day, and Ning Xin was fed by Zhang Ma every day.

One day, Ning Xin looked through the calendar, only to realize that her birthday was coming so soon.

Another year in a hurry?What were you doing on your last birthday?

At this time last year, Ning Xin was like all the young and beautiful girls around her. She was loved by her parents. Although her younger siblings were disobedient, the life of fighting and rowdy was not boring, and she also had a tall, rich and handsome man whom others envied. boyfriend.

At that time, Chen Xiaodong was obedient and considerate to Ning Xin.

But remembering that he was not as good as a beast later on, Ning Xin couldn't help but feel sick again and again, this kind of scum, it's better not to think about him, so as not to waste Zhang Mama's good meal later!
However, the changes in Ning Xin's life are not limited to Chen Xiaodong!Ning's father and Ning's mother are the biggest pain in her heart.

But in just a few months, everything changed dramatically.

Thinking of Ning's mother's disappointment and Ning's father's anger in the last phone call, Ning Xin couldn't help but feel heartache.

Since childhood, Ning Xin has been the pride of the Ning family, the only well-behaved, obedient, considerate and sensible daughter, Ning Xin has always known the expectations and praise that Ning's parents and mothers have for her.

So even though her parents always paid more attention to her siblings than she did, Ning Xin never complained.

But now, Ning Xin has become a thorn in Papa Ning's mother's heart.

Every time I think of this, Ning Xin feels that she is not qualified to laugh every day, and to be made into a fat man every day.

However, Ning's father and Ning's mother's misunderstanding is too deep. It is far from a day's work to untie this knot. Besides, there is Ning Yi who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic and talks nonsense. If parents can forgive She, that was really worn out.

Now, I just hope that in the next few months, I can grit my teeth and stick to the past, and from then on, I will part ways with Leng Yi. It is best not to even say hello when we meet, and then I will go home and apologize to my parents. I hope I can ask for their understanding.

Ning Xin sighed leisurely, feeling a little depressed.

"Ning Xin, what's wrong with you? Why are you sitting here so stupidly that you didn't respond?" Suddenly, Mama Zhang's voice came from behind Ning Xin, interrupting Ning Xin's thoughts.

"Oh, it's okay, I was thinking about something just now, and I fell into a fascination for a while!" Ning Xin turned her head and forced a smile with the corners of her mouth pulled.

"Why is your complexion so bad? Did you not sleep well last night?" Mama Zhang asked with some concern.

"Maybe, I didn't find out either. By the way, do you have anything to do with me?" Ning Xin didn't want to bring up this topic, so she agreed indiscriminately, then raised her head and asked.

"I almost forgot, come quickly, this is papaya tons of snow clams, nourishing yin and beauty, the best for girls to eat, I just stewed it, it's still hot, drink it quickly!" Zhang Ma seemed to have thought of something Yes, he said, holding up a stew pot from one side.

"Ah, I'm eating again! Mama Zhang, if you keep feeding me several times a day, I will sooner or later become a big fat man. You see, the clothes I bought two days ago are a little tight these days, I can't Eat again!!!" As soon as she heard that she was going to take these supplements of various names again, Ning Xin's small face couldn't help but collapse, and her previous thoughts were temporarily forgotten.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few sips of soup, what's the point of this! Besides, in my opinion, you should have a little meat. It's just right now. If you can get a little fatter, it will be even better! Before, you You're so skinny, I'm worried that someday if the wind gets stronger, it will blow you away!" Zhang Ma held the stew pot in her hand, looked back and forth at Ning Xin for a while, and said sincerely.

"Who said, I don't dare to go out now. You know, in just half a month, I have gained 5 kilograms. Now when I go out, people look at me and say, look, this woman is fat It's a ball!" Ning Xin protested loudly.

"Who said, let him come to me, he really has no vision, can't appreciate it! Our Ning Xin is so beautiful, they are so ignorant!" Zhang Ma was indignant.

"Everyone sees it this way, so I really can't eat any more. If I eat any more, I'll have to buy new clothes!" The last sentence, Ning Xin said very shyly, obviously the new clothes refer to some Personal items.

"That's not bad for these two bites. Eat this first. Tomorrow, Mama Zhang will specialize in researching some delicious and slimming foods. Then I will guarantee that you will not gain any meat after eating a whole table!" Mama Zhang patted her breasts. bang.

Ning Xin had no choice but to pour that cup of stewed snow clams with papaya into her stomach!
Zhang Ma watched Ning Xin finish eating contentedly, then walked over to collect the bowl, inadvertently glanced at the calendar Ning Xin put aside, and asked curiously: "With the calendar, is there any important date? "

Hearing Mama Zhang's question, Ning Xin realized that she was thinking about her birthday just now, she didn't think too much, and said honestly: "Birthday is coming soon, so I took a look."

"Really, let's have a good celebration, today?" When Mama Zhang heard that it was Ning Xin's birthday, she immediately beamed with joy and asked repeatedly.

"No, it's tomorrow!" On the contrary, Ning Xin herself didn't feel particularly happy. On her birthday, spending it with her family is the most important thing about her birthday. Now she can't even go home, so why not celebrate her birthday.

"That's right! Tomorrow I'll cook a few more dishes you like and buy a cake. Let's celebrate!" Mama Zhang has nothing to give Ning Xin, so she can only cook a few more good dishes for her. Being able to eat happily is like a birthday present.

Listening to Zhang Ma ordering out her favorite dishes one by one, Ning Xin responded one after another.

I don't know what mom is doing now?Will you still remember that your birthday is tomorrow?Ning Xin was thinking in a daze, she didn't have any expectation or excitement for the coming mother's day.

The next day, Ning Xin got up as usual, the current Leng Yi will no longer force herself to do anything she doesn't want to do, including Huanhao.

At this point, Ning Xin was a little surprised, but since it was beneficial to her, she was also willing to accept Leng Yi's good intentions on a whim.

Going downstairs to the dining room, Leng Yi had already left for the company. There were only her and Zhang Ma in the dining room. As soon as Ning Xin sat down, Zhang Ma came to her with her favorite breakfast and said with a smile on her face. : "Ning Xin, good morning! Happy birthday!"

After speaking, she put the breakfast in her hand one by one in front of Ning Xin. Mama Zhang was very caring. She even made the fried eggs into the shape of a heart, and on the side of the bread, she used salad dressing to squeeze out the shape of a cake. , There are actually candles on it.

Ning Xin, who originally thought her birthday was not necessary, was very moved by Zhang Mama's kindness.

"Thank you! Zhang Ma, you are so considerate! I am a little reluctant to eat it!" Ning Xin held up the knife and fork, in a dilemma, seeing which one did not have the heart to cut the knife.

"There's nothing to be reluctant about! Food needs to be eaten in order to fully reflect its value!" Mama Zhang said the truth, Ning Xin nodded with a smile, and began to feast on it.

"It's delicious!" Ning Xin stuffed her mouth with food, while turning her head to face Zhang Ma with a bright smile.

After breakfast, Ning Xin set off for class.

A busy day passed quickly, and by the time Ning Xin packed up and came out of school, it was already dark.

Ning Xin looked up at the faintly twinkling stars in the distance, it turned out that a day is so short!

Ning Xin sighed a little, 20 years ago, on such a day, she brought everyone's expectations into this world!

Thinking about it, I really should commemorate it. Ning Xin tightened her schoolbag and planned to buy a cake for herself.
But speaking of it, she didn't know if God was against her. She ran to several cake shops, and they all said that today's cakes were sold out, and she couldn't even buy a small cupcake!
She got excited all of a sudden, but she still didn't believe it. On her birthday, do you even want to buy a cake? !

Ning Xin continued to search unwillingly, but the house leak happened to be raining all night, and when she walked out of the fifth cake shop disappointed, the sky unexpectedly began to rain heavily!
Ning Xin's eyes widened, looking at the world in front of her that was almost covered by rain, she couldn't recover for a long time.

God, are you sure you're not kidding me?

She stood under the eaves of the street, staring at the dark sky in a daze.

I don't know when, a young couple suddenly rushed over from the side. The two of them were obviously surprised by the pouring rain. They patted each other's rainwater, and both of them burst into laughter.

Ning Xin stood over a little bit to make room for the two of them.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, seeing the sky getting later and later, Ning Xin couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

And at this time, the couple next to him suddenly didn't know what to say. The man sang loudly with some embarrassment: "The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves where you and I escaped the rain..."

After a while, the boy looked helplessly at the girl in front of him who was shaking with laughter, and said shyly, "That's fine!"

The girl threw herself into the boy's arms without saying a word, with a happy look on her face.

Embarrassed, Ning Xin wanted to move a little further, trying to reduce her sense of existence, but found helplessly that she had already stood at the very edge, and if she moved any further, she would have to move out.

Looking at the happy couple who looked like no one else was there, Ning Xin gritted her teeth and stamped her feet, then put the schoolbag behind her on her head and rushed into the heavy rain.

Ning Xin would rather walk in the rain than be a super high wattage light bulb, and be quieter by herself.

However, the rain was so heavy that after walking a few steps, Ning Xin was completely drenched, and she was in a panic.

Unlucky people can come to their door for anything. Ning Xin was walking on the road, and a car drove up from the opposite side, splashing water all over her body for no reason. Accidentally, I fell into a big puddle next to me!
Needless to say now, the whole body was still a little dry, but now it is completely wet.

At that moment, Ning Xin almost wanted to just lie in the puddle and never get up!

However, that is impossible.

She slowly stood up from the pit like a water ghost, with a look of helplessness and despair after being unlucky!

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Ning Xin hastily reached into a small bag in front of her and searched vigorously.

But when she found that there was already a small puddle in the bag, she was really desperate in her heart.

Her cell phone!Sure enough, it still can't be spared?Originally, I wanted to ask Uncle Zhou for help, but now I can only move slowly on the No. 11 bus!
Ning Xin walked forward with a wry smile.

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