Zhang Ma, who went to Leng Zhai early in the morning to prepare breakfast for Leng Yi, was so shocked today that she almost passed out.

She was frying eggs over there, and was about to take some toast out of the refrigerator to toast. As soon as she turned her head, she saw a tall, dark figure standing in front of the refrigerator door.

Mama Zhang gasped and screamed violently.

Before Leng Yi had time to reveal his identity, his ears were deafened by her!

"Okay, stop screaming, it's me!" Leng Yi impatiently opened the refrigerator door, poured a glass of water and drank slowly.

"Sir, it's you, you scared me to death! Huh! It's too scary!" Mama Zhang stroked her chest, still in shock, and gasped for several breaths.

Leng Yi stood silently in front of the water bar, drinking water, and did not speak to him.

Mama Zhang reacted slowly for a long time before she came back to her senses: "Sir, you are so scary that you want to scare people to death! Mama Zhang, I am so old and my heart is not good. If you scare me so many times, you will kill me!" It's time to pay me a pension, and then hire a servant!"

Zhang Ma complained endlessly, being scared is no fun!

People with poor heart and high blood pressure may go to God for soup after being so frightened.

When Zhang Ma saw a trivial matter, she began to babble with examples, demonstrate and analyze, and Leng Yi's face turned black in an instant.

Before Mama Zhang could finish speaking, he put down his cup, walked out of the kitchen, and went upstairs.

Zhang Ma was talking about her excitement, and when she was going to ask the guests for their opinions during the intermission, she found that Leng Yi had disappeared again.

Immediately, Mama Zhang felt goosebumps all over her body. Just now, what she saw was really Mr. Leng!
It should be right!Are there any shadows?Hiss, shadow?I forgot to look, is there really a shadow?
Thinking of this, Mama Zhang suddenly felt a chill on her back, as if a gust of cold wind had blown by!
People say that the house is too big and it is easy to attract dirty things to stay in the past. This can't be true!

Should not be, should not be!
Mama Zhang patted her chest, comforting herself.

Suddenly she smelled a very strange smell, a little fragrant and a little smelly, as if something was burnt?

"Oh, my fried egg!" Mama Zhang immediately let go of the strange imagination in her heart, and began to concentrate on her fried egg!
And when Leng Yi returned upstairs, seeing Ning Xin who was sleeping on the big bed with a satisfied face, he suddenly felt very good.

I don't feel irritable even if I haven't slept all night.

Leng Yi walked into the bathroom, took a shower, wrapped herself in a towel and came out.

As soon as he came out, he found that it was bright outside the window, and the morning sun shone into the room, warmly falling on Ning Xin's face.

Under the sun, Ning Xin's skin was translucent, like a crystal.

Leng Yi caressed her cheek involuntarily, the warm and smooth touch made him linger.

Probably because the temperature of Leng Yi's palm was too high, Ning Xin struggled slightly, Leng Yi suddenly withdrew her hand as if she had been caught doing something wrong!

But after a long time, she didn't see any movement from Ning Xin, Leng Yi realized that she was still sleeping!
Is this a pig?

After sleeping for such a long time, he could still sleep, Leng Yi felt that he was also drunk!
Shaking his head amusedly, Leng Yi changed clothes on his own and got ready to go to work.

When he came downstairs and was about to have breakfast, Leng Yi noticed a strange gaze looking at him.

He looked around subconsciously, only Mama Zhang was standing next to him, Leng Yi looked over strangely, it was indeed Mama Zhang looking at him with tangled eyes.

Leng Yi frowned slightly, but started to eat breakfast without saying a word?

Garlic steamed buns?Garlic omelette?Even the pickles in porridge are pickled garlic? !

Leng Yi's face turned green all of a sudden, what does this mean!

"Mother Zhang, come here!" Leng Yi couldn't help but shouted while holding his forehead.

Mama Zhang ran out of the kitchen immediately, but when she was about 2 meters away from him, she stopped abruptly.

Leng Yi didn't care about her strange behavior anymore, he just pointed to the breakfast on the table and asked with a black face: "Explain, what's going on!"

"What's the matter? Isn't this very good?" Zhang Ma said with a smile.

"It's good?! You think it's good?" Leng Yi asked angrily.

"That, that, it's okay, sir, why don't you just take a bite, and then I'll make you a new one right away!" Mama Zhang was still discussing, looking at Leng Yi expectantly.

"Is today the International Garlic Day? Everyone must eat garlic?" Leng Yi asked a little cutely.

"That's not true!" Zhang Ma replied with some embarrassment.

"Okay, then tell me, why did you serve me a table of garlic!" Leng Yi sat on the table with his hands folded and looked at Zhang Ma blankly.

"I, I..." Zhang Ma faltered and refused to speak!
"Don't hesitate! Tell the truth!" Leng Yi shouted softly, his tone unquestionable.

"I just want to know if you are the real Mr. Leng!" Zhang Ma shouted as if death was at home.

"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Leng Yi was at a loss.

"In the morning, while I was cooking, a Mr. Leng suddenly floated into the kitchen, which startled me. After thinking about it, he didn't seem to have a shadow. Maybe it was something like that! I heard that the mansion was empty again. Big ones are the easiest to provoke these unclean things! And garlic just happens to be able to ward off evil spirits, so, hehe, I came up with such a way!" Zhang Ma said with a shy smile.

"Co-author, do you treat me like a vampire? You still want to suppress me with a head of garlic?" Leng Yi was about to be driven crazy by the two women in the family. What was the woman pretending to be?Straw?
Also garlic!
Leng Yi looked at the garlic feast in disgust, couldn't eat any more, picked up his briefcase and was about to go out.

"Sir, haven't you eaten breakfast yet?" Zhang Ma asked after her.

Leng Yi didn't answer, but halfway he walked back as if he suddenly thought of something.

When he came to the kitchen, he said to Zhang's mother who was busy with another breakfast: "Ning Xin is quite tired recently, let her sleep more, don't go up and call her later."

Zhang Ma nodded when she heard the words, and then asked: "Why don't I cook chicken soup for her to replenish her energy? Chicken soup is the most nourishing for women! It's good for the body and skin!"

Leng Yi nodded, and said: "You can figure it out yourself, give her more food, she is too thin!"

"Well, yes, sir, you really care about Miss Ning!" Mama Zhang nodded, her eyes narrowed with a smile.

Leng Yi was a little embarrassed by Zhang Ma's smile, and felt that she had run away for the first time.

Zhang Ma laughed even more happily from behind.

Back at the company, Leng Yi finished his day's work with ease. He originally wanted to take out the next quarter's schedule to take a good look at it, but for some reason, he thought of what Zhang Ma said, to make up for Ning Xin. repair.

Thinking of Ning Xin's thin body, which was almost half his size, her bones were protruding, and Leng Yi frowned, she really should make up for it!

Thinking of this, Leng Yi's interest immediately rose. He immediately dialed the internal number and asked his secretary to help him go to the bookstore to buy some medical books on food supplements, or any recipes.

It was the first time that the secretary received a phone call from the boss during working hours.

If it wasn't for the caller ID being Mr. Leng's internal call, the secretary would almost have thought it was a new type of fraud, even the boss's voice could be imitated!
But as it turns out, it's indeed Cold Wing's fault.

The secretary in the outside room thought that Mr. Leng, who is usually superior and unsmiling, actually asked her to buy cookbooks. Is this planning to go home and cook?
The secretary imagined how Leng Yi was standing in the kitchen wearing an apron, no, no, no, nosebleeds are coming!

Or hurry to buy a book!

Because Leng Yi's requirements were too broad, and the secretary didn't know what type and age group to buy, so she took all the books of the same type in the bookstore!
Finally, what was placed in front of Leng Yi was a stack of medical books about half a meter high.

Looking at the classification, a pile of books with various recipes in front of him, Leng Yi not only didn't think there were too many, but felt that there were so few!
What are these few books enough for?

Leng Yi looked at his secretary with some displeasure, and the latter was obviously a little furious!
The secretary had no idea what Ao had done wrong. Didn't the book already come back?

Why is Mr. Leng so difficult to serve!

Naturally, Leng Yi couldn't hear the secretary's inner monologue, so he simply gave her instructions to go to various bookstores to find some useful recipes and then waved the secretary to go out.

After the secretary closed the door, Leng Yi began to browse one by one.

Food tonic, medicinal diet, tonic, tonic, tonic, even aphrodisiac!
Leng Yi, wandering in the sea of ​​books, felt the great combination of Chinese medicine and dietology for the first time.

Sure enough, Chinese culture is extensive and profound!
Leng Yi studied and recorded carefully, and finally found some medicinal diet suitable for Ning Xin.

For example, this stewed mutton with donkey-hide gelatin, bird's nest with rock sugar, black chicken soup with red dates and so on.

As soon as I hear the name, I feel great!
Anyway, Leng Yi will write everything down first, and then delete them slowly.

So this cookbook was in the hands of Zhang Ma, and it was as long as nine pages.

Mama Zhang flipped through the pages with a black line on her face, and there were even sesame oil chicken, stewed pork knuckle, and crucian carp soup. My husband, these are all things for milking. Are you sure you want to give Miss Ning a drink?
For Leng Yi who is not so smart sometimes, Mama Zhang thinks this is very good, otherwise Leng Yi always seems to know everything, and the pressure on these servants is also great!

Anyway, Ning Xin's food tonic road has officially started!

That night, Mama Zhang made a pot of black chicken soup for Ning Xin, but in the past Ning Xin didn't like the taste of red dates, so Mama Zhang didn't dare to put red dates.

But just a simple black-bone chicken soup is already delicious.

Ning drank several bowls of soup with his heart full, and his belly was round and round. In the end, he couldn't drink any more, so he patted his stomach and raised two thumbs up to Mama Zhang, saying in praise: "Mama Zhang, Your cooking skills are really good, this soup is really delicious! Hiccup!" Ning Xin hiccupped while laughing.

Zhang Ma looked at Ning Xin with a happy face. As a cook, what she likes most is to be appreciated by others for her cooking skills, especially when Ning Xin drank half of the pot in such a way to save face!
Mama Zhang was overjoyed!

But she was still hesitant about one thing. Obviously, this recipe was given to her by her husband, but he didn't allow her to say it.

Just let Ning Xin think that this nourishing and medicinal diet is Zhang Ma's own idea, is this really okay?
Why can't Miss Ning know?She will be very grateful to Mr. when she knows!

Zhang Ma sometimes really can't understand Leng Yi's awkwardness and persistence, there is no reason for it!
Seeing that Ning Xin sat down on the sofa with a satisfied face, Zhang Ma thought about it, forget it, let her not talk about it, let her find out slowly, maybe this is Mr. Leng's original intention Woolen cloth!

Forget it, the matter between the two of them, let them get entangled slowly.

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