sweet wife disobedient

Chapter 116 Who Are You Saying!

Even Mei Dacheng didn't understand what Leng Yi meant by this...

Could it be that he didn't want to live anymore...

"What the hell are you doing! Put on your helmet quickly." Ning almost wanted to jump off the stands in a hurry. Leng Yi usually does things in a serious manner, why did he start to mess up this time.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, Leng Yi leaned back and visually measured the distance between the two cars.

The rules of this game are: when two cars collide, the one who avoids ahead of time will lose.

In other words, this game is more of a psychological warfare, to see who can't stand the psychological pressure and escape first.

Leng Yi didn't look at Ning Xin, nor paid attention to her yelling in the stands, but tore off the exquisite tie around her neck.

Ning Xin was still wondering what was going on, but saw Leng Yi pull with one hand and cover her eyes with a tie.

Now Ning Xin is completely confused!

Come on!What the hell is this old fox doing... Doesn't he watch the road while racing?

as expected.Leng Yi's move also stunned Luanying on the opposite side. Luanying's racing targets were quite a few, but he had never seen such a desperate person who directly blindfolded him.

"It's time to start." Leng Yi ordered the man in black outside the car window to start the game. The tie on his eyes completely blocked his vision. Since this game is about psychological warfare, Leng Yi is more confident.

After all, if you risk your life, you may risk your life, but I don't know if this trick will have any effect on Luanying.

"1,2,3, [-], [-]," three more familiar countdown beeps. Ning Yi was knocked out after these three countdown beeps, and Ning Xin's heart trembled.

At that time, Ning Yicheng's safety measures were in place. Even so, there was no good flesh on his body. Now Leng Yilian didn't wear the most basic helmet. If Ning Yicheng was knocked out like Ning Yicheng, Ning Xinlian I can't even think about it...


With an order, the red and black cars started to accelerate at the same time, making a humming sound.

The two cars did not move, but looked at each other covetously, as if two lions about to fight were sizing up each other's weaknesses.

Leng Yi's eyes were covered, so he had to listen to the sound to determine the direction of Luanying. However, there is a characteristic of people, that is, if you cover your eyes, your hearing will become many times higher than usual.

At this moment, Leng Yi waited for Luanying to move first.

After such a stalemate for a while, Luanying was the first to bear the brunt and couldn't bear it anymore. At first, Luanying was stunned by Leng Yi's desperate gamble, but later found that Leng Yi didn't take the initiative to attack and stayed where he was. Ying thought it was Leng Yi who was timid and scared.

Luanying stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and slammed straight into Leng Yi who was standing still.

"Go to hell, coward!" I've seen a lot of cold-faced presidents like Leng Yi, Luanying, who don't take other people's lives seriously. I don't know the value of other people's lives!

Luanying's younger sister died of exhaustion at the hands of the young master of a wealthy family. The eighteen hours of work every day made Luanying's younger sister overwhelmed, and eventually fell into the dishwasher, even her head was twisted into pieces. Twist.

Since then, Luanying has been resentful towards the elders and young masters who came out with golden spoons in their mouths. Why don't they take other people's lives seriously, why do they decide other people's life and death, isn't it just a few stinky money!Money is God!

The moment Leng Yi raced with Luanying, Luanying knew that he was doomed. A young master like this would not really risk his life to gamble.

"Even if you stand still, I will bump into you, and I will make your death as ugly as the last one." Thinking of this, Luanying couldn't help but feel joy welling up in her heart, feeling the pleasure of being able to avenge her sister, making Luanying Shadow's hands couldn't stop shaking.

Hearing the sound of Luanying's full horsepower rushing towards him, Leng Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out, thinking, "You're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Luanying saw Leng Yi's red sports car rushing towards him suddenly. The speed was almost as fast as the accelerator pedal was pressed to the bottom.

What tricks is this young master playing!
The accelerator under Luanying's feet was slightly loose, and the speed also dropped, but Leng Yi couldn't see anything with his eyes covered. He didn't know that Luanying's speed had slowed down, so he still stepped on the accelerator all at once. He rushed towards Luanying with a desperate attack.

"Is he crazy?" Luanying, with his eyes open, looked at Leng Yi without any hesitation, and came straight towards him. Never felt before.

To describe it in one word, it's horrible.

It's as if you're not competing with a human being, but with a blindfolded god of death.

Because Leng Yi couldn't see anything and had no distractions, he stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for Luanying, without letting go of the accelerator for a moment.

According to Leng Yi's calculations, the distance between the two sports cars should be enough for Luanying to decide whether to run into them or avoid them. This method of leaving the choice to others and letting others make the decision is indeed very suitable for psychological warfare.

When Lengyi and Luanying were still three car bodies away, Lengyi's speed did not decrease at all, and the hiss of the engine of Lengyi's red sports car could almost be heard. Now the two sports cars are very close. If there is no one If you dodge in advance, there is no chance to dodge.

With the speed of Luanying and Leng Yi, if the two cars collided for real, they would never be sent to the hospital for treatment like Ning Yicheng did. Two sports cars colliding at such a high speed are likely to burn down immediately , or explode.

Those who sit inside will be blown up to the point that they don't even have bones left, so they don't have to go into the crematorium.

Now the distance between the two cars is only two car bodies, and it is almost impossible to avoid it!
"Leng Yi!" Ning Xin from the stands yelled heartbreakingly. She didn't care if there was a Leng family, the real estate of the Leng family company, the [-] billion yuan, or who A's business tycoon was. She cared whether Leng Yi was alive or not, she just wanted Leng Yi to survive.

There was only one and a half car distances left, and the two could already feel the strong air pressure from the opposite sports car, and the tumbling heat wave hit the rear view mirror of the sports car.

However, Leng Yi still had an expression of indifference, wearing a tie, as if this life-and-death speed racing had nothing to do with him, it was completely an expression of drinking afternoon tea, indifferent, calm, and at ease... just got a newspaper and a cup of coffee up.

"Does this kid really want to die!" Luanying yelled, frantically swung the steering wheel, and the leather gloves on his hands were scorching hot.

But the distance between the two was too close, even if Luanying turned the steering wheel to the right, the two cars would inevitably collide.

I saw that the rival sports cars, one red and one black, were about to collide. The black sports car that collided suddenly slammed to the right and turned sideways. Both the glass and the left side mirror were crushed by the passing black sports car, and they were almost shattered into slag.

With such a large impact, it is conceivable that if Luanying hadn't turned the steering wheel to the right and staggered in time, they probably wouldn't even have the chance to reach the hospital, and they would have died on the spot.

"Damn it! What the hell is this Luanying doing! Didn't he say that he will definitely win!" Mei Dacheng thought that if the black car staggered first, then she would lose, and angrily scolded her.

But if you think about it, he bet his entire company and [-] billion yuan in liquidity. Not everyone can feel the feeling of sleeping until the revolution.

"My money, my house, my car, Luanying, that bastard!" Mei Dacheng pushed everything off the table in a fit of rage, his eyes were blazing, as if he wanted to kill someone anytime, anywhere.

When Ning Xin saw the scene under the stage, she fell limply in front of the glass and knelt down. All her thoughts are now blank, but what she just did frightened her a lot. Warm tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and she murmured Saying "he's alive.. that's great.. he's alive..."

Both of Ning Xin's calves were as soft as plasticine, she couldn't stand anymore, and knelt down against the tempered glass behind her.

"What a fart! How could that bastard Leng Yi survive! How could he win! He should die below." Mei Dacheng's brain was already out of control, and what he thought of and what to say, the little calculation in his heart was After Leng Yi died, he took away Leng's company and another [-] billion yuan, but he didn't expect this to happen.

At this time, Mei Dacheng was like an angry lion, who would bite whoever he caught.

"Who are you talking about..." Although Ning Xin said that her legs were so weak from fright that she didn't have the strength to stand up, but now she couldn't listen to others saying something bad about Leng Yi, not to mention that Mei Dacheng was still yelling at Leng Yi. How can the heart bear him.

"I talk about you, talk about you, talk about you, talk about you, what's wrong with you... I don't know what you are from Lengyi, just stand here and talk to me, I don't know where the little bitch came from, eat it for a few days The grandma ran to me and barked, and I tell you, it’s too early for you little bitch to bite me!" Mei Dacheng didn’t care about pretending to be a decent gentleman or a high-class person, and his speech became so vulgar that he said everything outside put down.

"Who are you talking about!" A cold voice sounded from the door, and then a doorknob hit Mei Dacheng's bald head directly.

"Who hit me! Who dares to hit me!" Mei Dacheng covered his bleeding bald head and looked towards the door. He had never been bullied like this in his territory.

Looking towards the door, he saw that Leng Yi leaned against the door frame with arms folded in good condition, without even looking at Mei Dacheng, he said softly to Ning Xin, "Come home with me."

These few words seemed to ring the church bell in autumn, and Ning Xin felt instantly purified.

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