Obviously deeply in love, but found that saying that sentence also requires a certain amount of courage.Gazing at the serious little face, Qi Zirui just said lightly: "I'm going to the study."

Leaving these simple words behind, Jiang Jinxin was left alone.Looking at his back, Jiang Jin smiled bitterly. "It seems that he doesn't love me anymore." Jiang Jin thought sadly.

Obviously she already knew that the answer would be like this, but she still wanted to humiliate herself.Sometimes, people always do.Even if there is only a little hope, but still do not want to give up easily.

Turning around, Jiang Jinxin walked out slowly.Tonight, there is still a lot to do.No matter what the future holds, Jiang Jinxin just wants to live the present well.

In the study, Qi Zirui stood in front of the window, staring at the scenery outside the window.In his hand, he lit a cigarette butt.Obviously he has always loved her and never stopped.But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

In fact, Qi Zirui is just a timid man.He didn't want to let his wounds tear open directly in front of her.Over the past year, he has silently endured the pain of lovesickness.But she was by another man's side.

Circle after circle of smoke enveloped him, and the surrounding atmosphere was filled with depression.Inadvertently, a soft sigh came out of his mouth.

When Jiang Jinxin took a shower and was about to go back to the house to rest, she found that the light in the study was still on.After hesitating for a while, Jiang Jinxin went towards the study.

Opening the door, under the light, Qi Zirui was working hard there.He seemed very focused and seemed to forget everything around him.

After a pause for a few seconds, Jiang Jinxin tiptoed over.Go to his side, and then go behind him.Put your hands on his shoulders, rubbing gently.

Qi Zirui stopped his hands and closed his eyes.Under her kneading, the shoulders gradually relaxed. "Your strength is good." Qi Zirui said lightly.

Hearing his praise, Jiang Jinxin frowned, and replied with a smile: "Of course, I used to massage my mother when she was alive. After all, she is very tired after working all day."

"Your father, didn't you give you living expenses?" Qi Zirui asked after a pause for a few seconds.

Thinking of those miserable days before, Jiang Jin felt that it seemed a long time ago.With a slight smile, his face became much calmer: "Rarely, because of Auntie, he seldom gives it to us, and he is worried that Auntie will be angry."

Qi Zirui didn't make a sound, his expression was indifferent.With a little self-mockery, Jiang Jin said leisurely: "Sometimes I think, does Dad really love Mom that much? If they really love each other so much, why are they willing to watch Mom suffer?"

When she was a child, Jiang Jinxin still couldn't understand the problems between them.Especially knowing that Qin Xiang also destroyed Qi Zirui's family, he was even more curious about the relationship between them.

Holding her hand, Qi Zirui raised his head and met her gaze: "It's all over, don't think about it."

Yes, it has become a thing of the past, why bother to think about it.Now, she has officially become the Jiang family member, so what else needs to be cared about.

Jiang Jinxin squatted down, leaned her head on his thigh, and said with a smile on her face, "Zi Rui, I'm really happy to meet you. Actually, I know that the reason why Dad wanted me to enter Jiang's house The door is all because of you."

Qi Zirui was silent, just looking at her calmly.The look in his eyes could not make people understand his inner thoughts. "Well, I heard that something has happened to Jiang's company recently, and the cash flow is not working well." Qi Zirui stated the fact calmly.

Looking up at him, Jiang Jinxin said slowly: "I know you don't like to let others know that I married you. If Dad hadn't told me to keep me away from you, don't destroy Jiang Yu's plan. I wouldn't say anything about our relationship."

The palm fell on her head, stroking her long hair.Jiang Jinxin is very beautiful, with a kind of affection that makes people want to be cared for.Between each other, no more words.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Jinxin stood up, looked at him, and smiled slightly: "I'm going back to the room to rest, and you should go to bed early too, good night." He quickly kissed him on the forehead, turned and ran away.

Qi Zirui stood straight all the time, watching the direction she left.Withdrawing his gaze, he landed on the document again, but he didn't have the desire to read it.

Thinking of what she said just now, Qi Zirui couldn't help frowning: "She seems to really think that I don't want people to know about my relationship with her."

At noon the next day, Jiang Jinxin and Chen Xianglin met alone.Jiang Jinxin wanted to call Ye Qingqing, but she refused.In the tea restaurant, Chen Xianglin was puffing and puffing, her movements appear charming and moving.

Jiang Jinxin was not used to her like this, and felt a little unnatural.After coughing a few times, Jiang Jinxin tried hard to find a topic: "Xianglin, how are you doing recently? I rarely go to bars, and I never have a chance to listen to you sing."

Hearing this, Chen Xianglin chuckled lightly and said, "Even if you go to the bar, I'm afraid you won't hear me sing. I'm a singer in the bar, and if you want to ask me to sing, you have to spend a lot of money."

Seeing her heavy makeup, Jiang Jinxin still couldn't get used to it.Holding her palm, he persuaded, "Xianglin, I think you should change your job. You have made enough money, you can find a decent job."

Withdrawing her hand, Chen Xianglin's tone was cold: "What do you mean, my work is not serious? Those young masters all ask me to sing, do you know the feeling of being surrounded by stars?"

If you stay in that kind of place for a long time, your personality will change.As Ye Qingqing said, the current Chen Xianglin has made them feel strange: "Jin Xin, I didn't mean that, I just hope..."

Before Jiang Jinxin finished speaking, Chen Xianglin interrupted: "Stop talking about me, let's talk about you. Jinxin, are you really married to Qi Zirui? Or are you just dating him?"

"I'm married." Jiang Jinxin replied honestly.In her opinion, both Ye Qingqing and Chen Xianglin are her good friends.

Laughing contemptuously, looking her up and down, Chen Xianglin said mockingly: "But as far as I know, Qi Zirui is not married at all. Now in the whole city A, I am afraid no one would say that the president of Chengtian Group is married .”

This is the truth, and Jiang Jinxin has no intention of refuting it: "Zi Rui doesn't want to make it public for the time being, we live together legally."

Putting out the cigarette butt, Chen Xianglin supported her head alone.She turned sideways and said coquettishly, "Really? It's not public, isn't that a woman behind the scenes? It doesn't seem to be much different from nurturing."

Jiang Jinxin lowered her head, bit her lips tightly, and her face was pale.Looking at her expression, Chen Xianglin said with a smile: "Jin Xin, I say this for your own good. Do you really want to live with him in obscurity for the rest of your life?"

"I was the one who made the mistake at the beginning. I left suddenly and made him angry." Jiang Jinxin said slowly.

Laughing softly, Chen Xianglin stood up, her eyes flickering with sympathy for her: "Do you really think that a man can wait for a woman forever? Maybe Qi Zirui has fallen in love with someone else. To you, it's just revenge."

Instinctively raising his head, Jiang Jinxin's eyes were filled with astonishment.Already... in love with someone else?Suddenly recalling the conversation last night, Jiang Jin's heart suddenly turned cold.Yes, he didn't even admit it, he still loves her now.

Patting her hand, Chen Xianglin kindly reminded: "Jin Xin, if he really loves you, he will definitely announce your relationship. Otherwise, those women who pester him will not give up. If he really doesn't love you , Is it meaningful for you to stay by his side all the time?"

Clutching each other's fingers and biting their lips, Jiang Jin stared blankly at somewhere.After a long silence, Jiang Jinxin stood up and said apologetically, "Xianglin, I have something else to do, let's talk about it another day."

Chen Xianglin did not refuse, and waved at her friendlyly: "Okay, call me some other day when you are free."

Jiang Jinxin hummed casually, picked up her bag, turned around and left quickly.Looking at her back, Chen Xianglin had contempt on her lips.

Leaning lazily on the chair, Chen Xianglin's eyes burst out with deep jealousy: "I'm curious, will you continue to stay by his side."

When jealousy becomes intense, it is easy to destroy so-called friendships.

Throughout the afternoon, Jiang Jinxin was in a wandering spirit.She still cared about what Chen Xianglin said.As she said, Qi Zirui really didn't care enough about her.

Returning home in a daze, he was unexpectedly already at home.Standing at the door, Jiang Jinxin didn't go up immediately.She thought, does she need to ask him well?

Qi Zirui noticed her, frowned, and ordered: "Come here."

After recovering, Jiang Jinxin closed the door and walked slowly towards his side.Sitting down opposite him, Jiang Jin hesitated as to how to speak.

Qi Zirui put down the newspaper in his hand, and asked calmly, "What's the matter."

Taking a deep breath and considering his words, Jiang Jinxin asked anxiously: "Zi Rui, I have a question that I want to ask you."

With his hands crossed in front of him, Qi Zirui signaled her to speak with his eyes.After adjusting her emotions, Jiang Jinxin finally said, "If my colleague asks me if I am married? Tell me, how should I answer."

"Marry." Qi Zirui blurted out the answer.

Looking into his eyes, Jiang Jinxin continued to ask: "Then if someone asked you if you were married, how would you answer? Married or single?"

Listening to her question, Qi Ziruijiang's eyes fell on her.Jiang Jinxin suddenly didn't want to avoid this question, but just looked at her seriously.She wants, an answer.

With a cold expression on his face, Qi Zirui asked calmly, "Is this important?"

Is this question not important to him?At this moment, Jiang Jinxin had mixed feelings in his heart. "I want to know your answer." Jiang Jinxin said with a wry smile, "I want to know, do you want me to be the woman behind you silently? Even if you get married, you will be anonymous."

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