What is marriage?In the past, Jiang Jinxin was afraid of marriage, thinking it was the grave of love.Now, she agrees with that statement.Just because she felt a little suffocated in this tomb.

Still did not wait for his message, but Jiang Jinxin had already walked downstairs of Chengtian Group.Looking at the towering buildings in front of me, I can't help but feel a little shocked.I haven't seen you for a year, but this place is still so majestic that it is difficult to approach.

In front of the building, Jiang Jinxin saw a bench.Sitting on a chair, he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone.She didn't cook tonight, and she didn't know if the nanny had prepared the meal, so she thought about solving it outside.

I looked through the group buying website to see if there is any place that is delicious and cheap.Just as she was looking for it, a man's voice came from the front: "Are you... Jinxin?"

Hearing the voice, Jiang Jinxin slowly raised his head.Looking at the man in front of him, he was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "Hello, Assistant Liu, long time no see."

Hearing her greet him, Liu Yueheng was sure that he did not admit his mistake.Coming to her and looking at her, Liu Yueheng asked in surprise: "Jin Xin, why are you here?"

Her relationship with Qi Zirui probably hasn't been made public yet.Thinking of this, Jiang Jinxin replied with a smile: "I'm waiting for someone, Assistant Liu, I haven't seen you for a year, and you've become even more handsome."

Hearing her praise, Liu Yueheng smiled and said, "You too, are more beautiful than a year ago. By the way, why did you leave so suddenly? It was so sudden that I didn't even hear you resign."

That time, she left in a hurry and didn't have time to say goodbye to anyone.With a slight smile, Jiang Jinxin said gently: "Well, something happened temporarily at that time, so I left before I had time to say anything."

Out of politeness, Jiang Jinxin stood up and spoke with Liu Yueheng facing each other. "Then you come back, does the CEO know? You don't know, knowing that you didn't come to work, the CEO is very angry." Liu Yueheng said so.

He was angry, probably not at this point.But Jiang Jinxin didn't say this. "Well, I see. Assistant Liu, have you got a girlfriend yet?" Jiang Jinxin asked, changing the subject.

Embarrassment appeared on his face, and Liu Yueheng said in embarrassment: "I have been busy with work, so I have no chance to fall in love. Jinxin, if you have a good partner, you can introduce them."

Nodding readily, Jiang Jinxin responded in a friendly manner: "Well, yes, I will help you find a good one. If there is a suitable one, I will definitely introduce it to you."

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they were able to talk like friends.Jiang Jinxin is a simple person. When others regard her as a friend, she will treat each other sincerely.

"I still have something to do, so I'm going back to the office first. How about Jin Xin, why don't you go upstairs too?" Assistant Liu said enthusiastically.

Shaking his head, Jiang Jin said embarrassingly: "I still won't go up, just wait here. Then Assistant Liu, you are busy first, and we can talk another day when you are free."

Liu Yueheng nodded, and after saying goodbye, he headed upstairs.Jiang Jinxin sat down on the chair again and continued playing with her mobile phone.She will go to work in the company tomorrow, she thought, at least get to know the design studio first.

Qi Zirui sat in the office, handling the work in hand with a cold expression.The mobile phone was thrown aside by him, and no one cared about it.

Liu Yueheng knocked on the door, entered the office, handed him the documents in his hands respectfully, and said, "President, this is the research plan for the new project. Please have a look."

Qi Zirui hummed lightly, which was considered an answer.His eyes were still fixed on the document in front of him.Seeing that he hadn't left for a long time, Qi Zirui raised his head and said coldly: "What else is there?"

After hesitating for a while, Liu Yueheng said: "I was upstairs just now and saw Jin Xin, who was Jiang Jinxin who worked here a year ago."

Hearing that it was her, Qi Zirui frowned, why is she here?Liu Yueheng was waiting there, but he heard Qi Zirui say indifferently: "If there is nothing else, you can go out."

He thought that Qi Zirui would really want to know about Jiang Jinxin's situation... Nodding his head, Liu Yueheng said with some embarrassment: "Yes, President, then I will go to work now." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

Staring at something, Qi Zirui stood up and walked towards the window.Standing by the window, a slender figure came into view as expected.She bowed her head so that her face could not be seen.But he knew that that person was Jiang Jinxin.

He stared at her intently, as if trying to see through her.After a long silence, Qi Zirui turned around and picked up his phone.Just about to make a call, he hesitated for a while, but still edited a few texts.

Soon, her message came back from inside: "I'm downstairs in your company."

Holding the phone tightly, Qi Zirui didn't chew.After staring at it for a while, Qi Zirui directly dialed the phone.After a few rings, she quickly picked it up: "Zirui, what's wrong?"

Looking at her from a distance, Qi Zirui said calmly, "I'm going to get off work late tonight, you can go back."

Hearing this, Jiang Jinxin was silent for a moment, then said with a smile, "It's okay, then I'll wait here for a while. Zirui, go ahead and leave me alone."

Seeing what she said, Qi Zirui didn't say anything, and hung up the call.Glancing at her, he headed towards the desk. After 10 minutes, he couldn't read half of the text.

Picking up the phone, he turned around and walked out quickly.Knowing that she is so close to him, he can't pretend that he doesn't know.

As soon as he walked out of the office, he bumped into Secretary Wu: "President, this is..."

"Put it on the table, wait for me to deal with it when I come back." Qi Zirui said this simply, and went straight into the elevator.

Looking at his back in puzzlement, Secretary Wu's eyes were full of confusion.Liu Yueheng poked his head and said with a smile: "It seems that the president still has feelings for her."

Secretary Wu looked at him puzzled, and asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Liu Yueheng didn't say it clearly, but said meaningfully: "Secretary Wu, I think you're out of luck. President, I'm afraid I have no chance to like you."

Not understanding the deep meaning of his words, Secretary Wu wanted to continue asking, but saw that Liu Yueheng had already bowed his head to work.

Jiang Jinxin was bored and bored for a while.Looking at the grids on the ground, Jiang Jin simply jumped on the grids.Jumping frame by frame, I feel happy.

In the past, because she was an illegitimate daughter, her life was almost dependent on Father Jiang's relief.Because of Fang Huiping's interference, Jiang's father dared not give it up.Qin Xiang's salary is only enough for her tuition.

So at that time, toys became a relatively luxurious thing.Gradually, Jiang Jinxin learned to find toys in nature.For example, jumping grid is one of them.

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Jin's heart was beating little by little, and he smiled very shallowly from time to time.With eyes fixed on the ground, he danced casually.Suddenly, a pair of long legs appeared in front of him.

Looking up curiously, Qi Zirui's face suddenly appeared in front of her.Looking at her, Jiang Jin asked in surprise, "Zi Rui, why are you here?"

Qi Zirui didn't speak, but just stared at him coldly.Thinking that he was angry, Jiang Jinxin quickly put his hands behind his back, like a child who made a mistake.

After looking at her for a while, Qi Zirui said displeasedly: "Why are you here? I want everyone to know that I am marrying you?"

Looking at him in amazement, surprise flashed in her eyes.Quickly shaking his head, Jiang Jinxin explained: "I didn't, I just thought it was too early to go home alone, so I came here..."

"I don't need you to wait." Qi Zirui said expressionlessly.

His words, his expression, are very hurtful.Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't shed them.Staring at him, Jiang Jin said apologetically, "I didn't mean it. If you don't like it, I'll just leave."

The voice was weak, with a little grievance.Turning around, Jiang Jinxin walked forward with his head down.After walking a few steps, he stopped him again: "Stop."

Jiang Jinxin turned to look at him, just stared, without speaking.Qi Zirui didn't step forward either, and the two of them maintained that posture. "Have you found a job?" Qi Zirui asked casually.

After saying yes, Jiang Jinxin said with a slight smile: "I have found it. The editor-in-chief of that studio is quite good. I will start work tomorrow."

Hearing this, Qi Zirui replied calmly, but didn't know what to say next.Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Jinxin forced a smile: "I won't disturb your work, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, when he was about to leave, he heard him say indifferently: "Let's go home." After speaking, Qi Zirui turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

Staring at him blankly, Jiang Jinxin didn't react for a while.After a while, Jiang Jinxin asked in confusion, "Zirui, do you want to go home with me?"

Gazing at her, Qi Zirui said coldly: "Otherwise, Jiang Jinxin, you talk a lot of nonsense."

Xiao ran in front of him, Jiang Jinxin raised his chin and said with a smile: "Well, I don't have the nanny's number, so I don't know if she has prepared dinner. So why don't we have dinner outside?"

Qi Zirui didn't answer, but just looked at her indifferently.Seen a little unnaturally by him, Jiang Jin lowered his head. "What to eat." Qi Zirui asked simply.

He took out his mobile phone, showed him the restaurant he just found, and said with a smile: "Let's go to this restaurant to eat buffet hot pot. It's a celebration of my finding a job. I'll treat you."

Qi Zirui didn't answer, but just looked at her beaming face. "I'm not poor enough to let a woman treat me." Qi Zirui said abruptly.

Muttering, Jiang Jinxin whispered: "I'm just happy, this time I treat you, and you will pay for it in the future."

Turning around, Qi Zirui said lightly: "Well, let's not take this as an example." After speaking, he walked towards the parking lot.

She didn't follow up, worried that he would be angry.During this encounter, she couldn't know his temper and always felt elusive.But she vaguely understood that he didn't want others to know their identities.

Discovering this is really heartbreaking.But what can she do?

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