Between love and hate, there is always a process of conversion.We used to be in love, but when hate comes, it will become stronger.It is only suitable for no matter how strong hatred is, it is not worth love.

When Jiang Jinxin returned home, Fang Huiping and Jiang Yu were waiting for her angrily.Regarding this, Jiang Jinxin looked calm.Without saying much, he headed upstairs.

"Stop!" Fang Huiping said coldly, "Jiang Jinxin, come here."

Just as he was talking, Jiang's father came down from upstairs and said calmly, "Okay, Jin Xin is tired from working all day, so don't make things difficult for her. Jin Xin, you go upstairs to rest."

Glancing at Father Jiang gratefully, Jiang Jinxin hurried upstairs.Seeing this, Fang Huiping said angrily, "Jiang Jiapeng, are you trying to fight me on purpose? Tell me, do you still miss that dead woman?"

Hearing this, Jiang's father frowned, and said displeasedly: "Huiping, be careful with your words. You are the wife of the Jiang family, so pay attention to your image."

Hearing his words, Fang Huiping said mockingly: "Pay attention to your image? Jiang Jiapeng, you knew who I was from the moment we met. Back then, why did you choose to marry me and abandon that bitch? What about your noble character? where."

Father Jiang's expression became ugly, his facial features twisted, and he said coldly, "I don't want to talk to you." After finishing speaking, he continued to go upstairs.

Standing in front of the gate, listening to their conversation, Jiang Jinxin's lips curled up.Look carefully, it is with a disdainful smile.

Holding Fang Huiping's hand anxiously, Jiang Yu said uneasily, "Mom, what should we do? If Zirui really gets a certificate with Jiang Jinxin in three days, then she'll have to smack her face."

With a cold snort, Fang Huiping said with icy eyes: "Don't worry, Yu'er, I'll take care of this matter. No matter what, I won't let that bitch bastard take away everything that should belong to you. "

Holding her arm, Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Mom, I believe you can do it. That girl Jiang Jinxin can't take advantage of her like this."

Staring straight at something, Fang Huiping's eyes were cold.Three days is enough!It is easy for her to make someone disappear.

In the room, Jiang Jinxin sat there blankly, holding his knees with his hands, staring at something blankly.Three days later, is she really going to marry Qi Zirui?In fact, all of this came a little too quickly and was caught off guard.

While thinking about it, Jiang Jinxin suddenly remembered something.The truth of Qin Xiang's death has not yet been clarified, so it seems not very good to get the certificate now.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jinxin took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Qi Zirui.She wants more time to investigate the truth.

Before dialing out, there was a knock on the door.Confused, he got up and opened the door, only to see Father Jiang standing outside. "Dad, why are you here?" Jiang Jinxin asked curiously.

With a loving smile on his face, Father Jiang said, "Let's see if you're asleep, Jin Xin, I want to have a good talk with you."

Get out of the way and let Father Jiang enter the house.Jiang Jinxin was sitting at the end of the bed, while Father Jiang was sitting on the only chair in the room. "Father, do you have anything to do with me?" Jiang Jinxin asked straight to the point.

Patting her head, Jiang's father smiled warmly and said, "No, I just wanted to see you. In a blink of an eye, you are already this old, and you are about to get married. I heard that you and Mr. Qi are going to get married ,is this real?"

Sure enough, they all already knew about it. "I was just going to tell Zirui that I don't want to get married for the time being. Let's put aside the matter of obtaining the certificate in three days' time." Jiang Jinxin said truthfully.

Hearing that she refused to get married, Father Jiang's eyes flashed with panic, and he said, "The Qi family is a well-known family, Jin Xin, your mother will be very happy if you can join the Qi family. Why do you refuse."

A famous family... The more such a family is, the more she rejects it.In fact, what she desires more is a simple marriage. "I haven't fulfilled my mother's wish yet, I don't want to get married so soon." Jiang Jinxin said with a smile.

Hearing the reason she gave, Jiang's father said with a smile: "Jin Xin, if you can marry Zi Rui, I can let your mother officially enter the Jiang family's ancestral grave and name it as my second wife."

Opening his eyes in astonishment and staring at him, Jiang Jin asked puzzledly: "Dad, is what you said true? Really... can you make your mother your wife?"

Nodding with a smile, Father Jiang said kindly, "Of course it is true. If you marry Mr. Qi, those elders will not disagree and let you become Jiang's family. Furthermore, your mother can also get her name corrected."

Jiang Jinxin's heart was full of joy. She never expected that she had been working hard for so long but there was no progress.Unexpectedly, as long as she married Qi Zirui, these things could be easily solved.But, she was suspicious.

"Why? Dad, it's good for the Jiang family if I marry Zirui, right?" Jiang Jinxin asked.

Not wanting to hide anything, Jiang's father said calmly: "It does have some influence. Chengtian Group is one of the best companies in the city. If our company can have any relationship with Chengtian, it will definitely help the company's business. Besides, if the Jiang family appears Trouble, as a son-in-law, I will not ignore it."

Thinking of what Qi Zirui said to Qi's mother today, she didn't think that Qi Zirui would definitely help the Jiang family.It's just these words, she naturally won't say them.

"So, it doesn't matter whether Jiang Yu or I marry Zirui, doesn't it?" Jiang Jin pointed out this question keenly.

With a chuckle, Jiang's father said calmly, "I've always thought that you are the woman Mr. Qi likes. Especially last time, I know better about his attitude when he came to the house."

Jiang Jinxin didn't speak, but suddenly remembered what Qi Zirui said that day.As he said, to Father Jiang, her value has changed.She didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Seeing that she didn't seem to have made up her mind, Jiang's father continued: "Jin Xin, it is not easy to get the elders to agree to your mother entering the Jiang family's ancestral grave. Perhaps, this is the only chance."

Jiang Jinxin naturally heard the reminders and threats in the words.After a moment of silence, Jiang Jinxin raised his head and said with a smile: "Then after Zirui and I get the certificate, will you fulfill your promise, Dad?"

Jiang's father readily agreed, and Jiang Jinxin smiled happily, and said, "Okay, I will follow the original agreement and get the certificate with Zirui. But I hope my father will not lie to me. If I am pushed, I can do anything."

Patting her on the shoulder, Jiang's father said kindly: "Don't worry, I won't. Your mother is my favorite woman, and I also hope that she can become my wife."

While speaking, Jiang's father's eyes showed a longing.It's just that this feeling is not deep.But Jiang Jinxin was not troubled by it.She knows that once a person dies, feelings tend to disappear.

After talking with Father Jiang, Jiang Jinxin lay down on the bed.Holding the phone and sighing softly, Jiang Jinxin put the phone aside. "Zi Rui, I like you." Jiang Jin said heartily.

On the basis of liking, if you can achieve the result you want, this answer is naturally the best.

The next day, Jiang Jinxin got up early.After washing up, Jiang Jinxin put on her professional attire and went out.As soon as he reached the entrance, he ran into Jiang Yu unexpectedly.

Just as he was about to pretend he hadn't seen it, he heard Jiang Yu say contemptuously, "Jiang Jinxin, do you think you can have the last laugh?"

Stopping in her tracks, turning around to look at her, Jiang Jin responded with a smile: "Whether you can have the last laugh or not, I will not let you go to the person I like."

With a cold snort, Jiang Yu said sarcastically: "You bastard, what right do you have to talk to me like this. Jiang Jinxin, let me tell you, Zirui's mother will definitely not accept you. You, just wait to fall hard on the ground .”

Smiling calmly, with curved eyebrows and eyes, he replied calmly: "So what? At least in Zirui's heart, I'm the only one. Jiang Yu, no matter how obedient you are, he won't love you."

"You!" Jiang Yu raised his hand angrily, but Jiang Jin held it in his heart.With a chuckle, he shook off her hand forcefully.The thought of being able to stand upright and upright in the future filled her with joy.

Looking at her back, Jiang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Don't make me proud, soon, you will die a miserable death."

Today, Jiang Jinxin insisted not to let Qi Zirui pick her up for work.She chose her favorite bus, and while waiting, a familiar figure came into view.There was surprise in her eyes when she saw him.

There was a gentle smile on Xia Yijie's lips. She once said that his smile was like sunshine, making people feel very warm.Today, the same is true.It's just that she shouldn't have this sunshine anymore.

Thinking of Ye Qingqing's words, Jiang Jinxin suddenly didn't know how to face it.His initiative to break up was actually for her sake. "Jin Xin, the bus is here." Xia Yijie said softly, and took her hand naturally.

Jiang Jin's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widened, and he instinctively wanted to shake off his hand.But it turned out that he had great strength.

There were many empty seats on the bus, but he sat down beside her.Jiang Jinxin looked out of the window, trying not to look at him beside him. "Ye Qingqing, I already told you." Xia Yijie said slowly.

Hearing this, Jiang Jinxin hesitated for a few seconds, then looked at him again, and said, "Yes, she already told me. You broke up with me at the beginning because of physical problems."

Xia Yijie smiled bitterly, and said with some disappointment: "Yes, at that time I thought I would never wake up again. I didn't want to trouble you, let alone make you sad. I thought that was the best choice."

All this time, Xia Yijie just tried his best to treat her well.He thought, if he was destined to die, he should bravely let go and let her find new happiness.

Shaking his head, looking at his profile, Jiang Jinxin suddenly said: "At the beginning, you should have told me."

Xia Yijie looked at her puzzled, without asking.With bitterness in his eyes, Jiang Jin said in a low voice: "If I knew about your illness, I would have been waiting for you to come back. Even if you couldn't wake up, I would have been waiting. At that time, I loved you with all my heart. Rather than knowing that you don't love me, let me wait."

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