On the flyover, Ye Qingqing was lying on the railing, vomiting non-stop.Ye Qingqing does this every time she breaks up in love.She said that only when she was really drunk once could she forget this relationship.

Patting her on the back, Jiang Jin said softly, "Qingqing, how about I take you home?"

Ye Qingqing shook her head, pointed at the railing, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm not that drunk. Jinxin, let's sit there and enjoy the breeze. The wind blows, so you can feel more comfortable." After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Jiang Jinxin to reply , Ye Qingqing sat up.

Although Jiang Jinxin didn't drink much, she was still dizzy.Nodding in agreement, Jiang Jinxin awkwardly climbed up the railing and leaned against the pillar.

Looking at the river, Jiang Jinxin said with a smile: "Qingqing, I am stronger than I imagined. At least in the face of so many things, I don't want to commit suicide."

Thumbs up, Ye Qingqing said in agreement: "Yes, you are really strong. If it were me, I would have ignored everything and moved out of that house."

Jiang Jinxin didn't speak, but just smiled.She promised that she would live with a smile and fulfill her mother's wish.Since you promised, you must do it.Close your eyes and feel the breeze blowing in the evening.Black waist-length hair fluttered in the air.

Qi Zirui drove his car and passed by the bridge.Suddenly, a familiar profile came into view, Qi Zirui narrowed his eyes slightly, and with good braking performance, he started instantly.

Parking the car aside, Qi Zirui walked towards the bridge.Seeing that face, Qi Zirui frowned, it really was her!Qi Zirui stared at her with a cold face.

A cold gaze came, Jiang Jin's heart trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes.Turning his head and looking at each other, Jiang Jinxin slightly parted his red lips in surprise. "You..." Jiang Jinxin said blankly.

Looking at her current position, Qi Zirui ordered with a gloomy face, "Come down."

Feeling dizzy, Jiang Jin muttered inwardly, looking at him dissatisfied.When drunk, it is easy to relieve human nature.Lifting his chin, Jiang Jinxin said arrogantly, "No."

Qi Zirui was silent, but his whole body exuded a ruthless aura.Fu Kai's car arrived and walked to his side.Patted his shoulder and asked gossipingly, "Do you know him?"

Ye Qingqing suddenly raised her head and sang loudly: "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..."

Fu Kai was about to speak, but when he saw her face, shock appeared in his eyes.Staring straight at Ye Qingqing, Fu Kai stared round: "You are..."

Qi Zirui didn't worry about him, and walked towards Jiang Jinxin with steady steps.Jiang Jinxin instinctively wanted to run away, but there was nowhere to go.I saw Qi Zirui roughly pulling her wrist, trying to tear her off.

There was pain in his wrist, and Jiang Jin shouted angrily: "Let me go, let me go. Hooligan, let me go..."

Staring at her blankly, Qi Zirui's voice seemed to come from an ice cellar: "One more thing, I'll kill you."

His voice was so cold that it made people shiver.Looking at that handsome face up close, Jiang Jinxin's heart was beating loudly.Drunken eyes blurred, looking closely at those pupils, Jiang Jinxin blinked blankly.

Just when Jiang Jinxin fell into a nympho, Ye Qingqing's voice came: "Hey, brat, what are you doing, sister, I will kick you away!"

Jiang Jin regained consciousness in an instant, and saw that Fu Kai wanted to take her off the railing, while Ye Qingqing was holding the pillar with both hands, refusing to come down.Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Jinxin immediately shook his head and said firmly, "Rogue, I won't go with you."

Qi Zirui's pupils dilated after listening to the hooligans over and over again.Jiang Jinxin swallowed, and looked at the face that was getting closer and closer in horror: "You, what do you want..."

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