Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Jinxin's heart was pounding.Staring into his eyes, it seemed that as long as she said a wrong word, he would directly swallow her alive.Now she no longer has the arrogance to resist just now.

Jiang Yu looked at Jiang Jinxin's frightened face, and hurriedly ran up to Qi Zirui.Raising her straight hand, she said aggrievedly: "Zi Rui, look, this girl Jin Xin actually grabbed me..."

Before the end sound fell, Qi Zirui said coldly: "Get lost."

Jiang Yu froze for a moment, unable to react.Qi Zirui looked sideways, and his voice repeated like ice: "Get out!"

There was a thump in my heart, and seeing his angry appearance, I was afraid.Naturally, she didn't dare to make a mistake and took a few steps back.Before leaving, he looked at Jiang Jinxin proudly.Next, she will be in bad luck.Thinking of this, Jiang Yu left happily.

Only Jiang Jinxin and Qi Zirui were left, and the air became solemn for a while.Jiang Jin looked at Qi Zirui anxiously, and said weakly, "Zirui, I..."

The strength in his hands was tightened, and Jiang Jin was so distressed that he couldn't speak.With a cold face, Qi Zirui said word by word: "Tell me, are you approaching me on purpose?"

Tears welled up in his eyes, enduring the pain, Jiang Jinxin denied it: "No, I just purposely annoyed her, that's why I said that..."

Her denial had no effect at all, and even had the opposite effect.Qi Zirui swung it hard, and Jiang Jin fell to the ground with a heavy heart.He clutched his wrist in pain, and there was pain in his knee.

Looking down at her from a height, Qi Zirui seemed to come from hell, and said with a piercingly cold voice, "Get out immediately, don't let me see you again."

The worrying thing finally happened, and Jiang Jinxin's eyes glistened with tears.Quickly stood up from the ground, pulled his sleeve, Jiang Jin begged and said: "Zi Rui, don't drive me away, okay? I'm sorry, I was really angry with him just now, I don't want to live on the street."

He directly grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the elevator.With strength in his palm, Jiang Jin struggled painfully.As long as he pushes harder, she can go to see Hades.

Staring at her, Qi Zirui's eyes burst into anger, and he said darkly, "Jiang Jinxin, I really want to strangle you to death." After speaking, Qi Zirui waved his hands angrily, and strode inside.

Standing at the door without turning his head, Qi Zirui warned, "Disappear from my eyes within 2 minutes, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

Coughing violently, she could feel his anger.With his hands hanging by his sides, Jiang Jin smiled bitterly.Dragging his luggage out of the room, he saw Qi Zirui standing at the door with a cold face.

Passing by his side, Jiang Jinxin bent down and said apologetically, "Thank you for taking me in these days." He struck so hard just now that it seemed difficult for her to speak.

Qi Zirui didn't speak, but just stared at her expressionlessly.The moment Jiang Jinxin walked out of the gate, the door slammed.Looking at the closed door, Jiang Jin smiled bitterly.

Dragging his luggage, with his head down, he walked feebly towards the elevator.

Inside the house, Qi Zirui was still standing at the door, his fists were still tightly clenched, and he never let go.At that moment just now, he really had the urge to kill her.But in the end, he still couldn't do it.

Close your eyes and hide all your emotions.Just now he rushed back anxiously, just wanted to tell her something.Now, huh, huh... no need.Turning around, Qi Zirui walked towards the study in a depressed mood.

Walking downstairs in frustration, Jiang Jinxin lowered his head, his face full of loneliness.Her sadness does not seem to be solely due to being kicked out.

Just when I was about to find the next person I could go to, I heard Jiang Yu's voice: "Jiang Jinxin, I am so happy to see you in such a mess."

He stopped, turned around, and saw Jiang Yu gloating at her.He crossed his arms and looked at her proudly.

Thinking that if it wasn't for deliberately provoking her, he wouldn't have said those words, and he wouldn't have just come out, Jiang Jin's heart was burning with anger.

Putting down his luggage, Jiang Jinxin stepped forward in two steps.With a snap, he slapped her loudly.With wide eyes, Jiang Yu looked at her in astonishment: "How dare you hit me?"

Pushing tears back to his lacrimal glands, Jiang Jinxin said angrily, "I gave you back this slap. Jiang Yu, I've never been afraid of you, but I just don't want to argue with you. But don't bully me too much."

From Jiang Yu's point of view, Jiang Jinxin has always been short-tempered.Seeing her appearance, I suddenly believed her words.It's just that she won't let herself suffer either.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu was just about to raise her hand, but she grabbed her wrist. "Let go." Jiang Yu ordered.

With a sneer on his lips, Jiang Jinxin said mockingly: "Why should I listen to you? Who are you to me? Jiang Yu, anyway, I'm not in Jiang's house now, and I don't need to let you. Humph, if you do it, I will definitely Fight back."

With a cold snort, dragging his luggage, Jiang Jinxin strode forward.Looking at her back, Jiang Yu stomped his feet angrily: "Jiang Jinxin, just wait and see, I want to see tonight, how embarrassed you are."

As if he didn't hear it, Jiang Jinxin continued to walk forward.No matter how embarrassed she was, she was unwilling to let Jiang Yu laugh at her.

When the lights came on, the streets looked very lively.Jiang Jinxin dragged his luggage and walked aimlessly.In the huge city A, she didn't know where she could go.

Naturally, Ye Qingqing couldn't go there, and Chen Xianglin was from another city, so she only rented a very small single room, and there was no spare room at all.Tonight, she is really going to live on the street.

When he came to a park, Jiang Jinxin wanted to find a remote place to stay for the night.As soon as he got closer, he heard an abnormal sound coming from the grass.A man and a woman were entangled in a fiery way.

Trembling all over, he reflexively ran away.She was worried, what if she slept here at night and was violated in the middle of the night.Thinking of this, her steps became faster.

Continue to walk forward without stopping, looking around for a place to sleep for her.But after looking around, I couldn't find anything.

Standing on the bridge, drooping his head, Jiang Jinxin said with a wry smile: "Life is so hard, I might as well die." But such thoughts are just thoughts.

There was really nowhere to go, and after several hours of walking, Jiang Jinxin was exhausted.Sitting directly along the railing, he took out a thicker piece of clothing from the suitcase and covered himself.

This bridge is the largest bridge nearby.In addition, there are fewer passers-by, which is relatively safe.If you really encounter bad guys and have nowhere to escape, you can jump into the river at worst.

After making up his mind, Jiang Jin curled up in his heart.Perhaps too tired, soon fell asleep.

Jiang Jinxin, who was sleeping, didn't notice that a car was always following her not far away.Inside the car, Qi Zirui looked at the thin and small man expressionlessly.

In the afternoon, he was really angry.But after being angry, he was worried about her safety.What if a girl really lives on the street and encounters danger?
With complicated emotions, he finally sent someone to find her whereabouts.After finding it, he just followed him from a distance, preventing her from discovering it.He didn't understand his behavior, but he didn't delve into it.

Leaning in the car, Qi Zirui stared at her coldly.Noticing that her body was trembling non-stop, Qi Zirui frowned deeply.

By the time he realized it, he had already got out of the car and walked towards her.When he came to her, he looked down at her, only to see that her cheeks were a little pale.

He took off his coat and put it on her.As if sensing warmth, Jiang Jinxin's body no longer trembled.Changed position and continued to sleep.

Crouching down and staring at her face, Qi Zirui was puzzled.She looks so innocent and innocent, I didn't expect to be a girl with a deep heart.

Not wanting to think about being deceived by her anymore, Qi Zirui stood up and walked towards the road indifferently.Back in the car again, he kept his eyes on her for a moment.

When the phone rang, Qi Zirui glanced at the number and said coldly, "What's the matter."

On the phone, Fu Kai said with a smile: "Zi Rui, where are you now? My friend brought me two bottles of 100-year-old wine, do you want to taste them together?"

Holding the phone, Qi Zirui said lightly, "No need, I have something to do tonight." After speaking, he hung up the call.

Putting the phone aside, crossing his arms around his chest, Qi Zirui closed his eyes and fell asleep.Tonight, he seems to be planning to spend the night here.

When it was daylight, Qi Zirui got out of the car and took away the coat she was wearing.He glanced at her lightly and continued towards the car.

Looking at the time, Qi Zirui started the engine, turned around, and the car headed in another direction.

Not long after he left, Jiang Jinxin slowly opened his eyes.Stretching greatly and stretching his neck, Jiang Jin said in a daze, "So it's not too cold to sleep here, and it's safe."

She didn't know that someone watched over her all night last night.Patting the dust off his body, Jiang Jinxin rubbed his eyes, and made a cheering gesture to himself: "I'm going to find a job today!"

Now that she has nowhere to go, she must first learn to make money and take care of herself.There was a gurgling sound in his stomach, and Jiang Jinxin dragged his luggage and walked forward.

The phone rang, and looking at the number noted on the screen, Jiang Jinxin smiled and pressed the call: "Xianglin, how are you, do you have a job suitable for me?"

During the phone call, Chen Xianglin said apologetically: "Jin Xin, we don't have any good jobs in the bar. I asked the foreman, and now there is only a shortage of waiters and hostesses, and it's still very hard..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Jinxin said quickly: "It's okay, I'm going to apply for a waiter! Now as long as I can earn money to support myself, I will do any job."

After negotiating with Chen Xianglin, Jiang Jinxin walked towards the bar full of joy.Before finding a formal job, she just wanted to find a part-time job so that she would not starve to death on the street and have food and clothing.

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