Marriage is natural, Young Master Di's heart-warming wife

Chapter 167 Stepping into the auditorium (finale)

Finally ushering in a happy ending, Jiang Jin was glad that after going through so many things, she and Qi Zirui were finally able to come together.For him, this is the sweetest happiness.

Half a month later, a lively and grand wedding was held in City A.Qi Zirui originally wanted to go to Mauritius to spend this beautiful day, but finally decided to hold the wedding in City A first.After that, travel around the world as a honeymoon.

Hearing the lively voices coming from outside the window, Jiang Jinxin sat in the bride's dressing room, feeling very disturbed.Calling himself in the mirror, Jiang Jinxin had a bright smile on his face.

In just half a month, she really put on a white wedding dress.Now she looks like a beautiful bride.Going around, the most suitable person for her is still him.Perhaps, this is the arrangement of fate.

Ye Qingqing came to the house, looked at her shy appearance, and jokingly said: "Jin Xin, I can see that you are very happy. Could it be that you have always dreamed of marrying Qi Zirui?"

Beating her shoulder coquettishly, Jiang Jinxin's eyes flashed with a smile, and said shyly, "I don't have one."

Sitting down beside her, Ye Qingqing looked her up and down, and said with admiration: "Jin Xin, you are so beautiful. Especially wearing this custom-made wedding dress, it is even more beautiful. But I am very curious, you two Didn’t you say you’re going to hold it on an island, why did you change your mind?”

Thinking of Qi Zirui's words that day, Jiang Jinxin's eyes sparkled with sweetness, and he said truthfully: "Because Zirui said that most of us live in City A, and he wants everyone in City A to know how much he cares for me." He said, let everyone know that he only has me in his heart, and others should not try to poach the wall."

Hearing this, Ye Qingqing gave a thumbs up and said appreciatively: "I really didn't expect Qi Zirui to say such a thing. But I believe that as long as I meet you, many things will become possible."

Since starting to prepare for the wedding, Qi Zirui has almost used hundreds of people.The momentum is huge, and it is probably unprecedented in city A.She once asked, why is the wedding not delayed?He said he didn't want to have long nights and dreams.After waiting for so many years, he was afraid of losing again.

There was a knock on the door, and the wedding planner came in and said with a smile: "Bride, hurry up and get ready, the wedding is about to begin."

Jiang Jinxin nodded and stood up with a smile on his face.Ye Qingqing took her hand and walked out slowly.Just when he walked downstairs, he saw Qi Yuanhe was already standing there.Jiang Jinxin, you walked up to him and nodded at him.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Jinxin took his hand, walked slowly on the red carpet, and walked towards Qi Zirui at the end.Originally, Father Jiang was required to attend this process, but he is now staying in prison.In addition, Jiang Jinxin couldn't forgive him, and didn't intend to invite him to attend.

Qi Zirui stared at the beautiful man intently, with an obvious smile on his usually cold face.The media present captured this rare scene one after another, vying to make headlines.

Finally coming to his side, Jiang Jinxin frowned and smiled happily.Qi Zirui took her hand and held it firmly. "Jin Xin, I finally waited for you." Qi Zirui said with a smile.

Nodding his head, Jiang Jinxin smiled and said, "Yes, I'm also very grateful, you didn't give up on me." Without his persistence, I'm afraid the two of them wouldn't be where they are today.

The two turned and faced the priest.The following process was completed step by step under the request of the pastor.In the end, Qi Zirui suddenly turned around and faced all the relatives and friends present.

Holding Jiang Jinxin's hand, the two intertwined their fingers.Looking at everyone, Qi Zirui's voice was loud and powerful: "Today, I want everyone present to be a witness."

Hearing this, everyone kept quiet, wanting to hear what Qi Zirui would say next.Looking at everyone, Qi Zirui said: "I will give my whole life to the woman next to me. In this life, I will always love her, no matter what she becomes. I will not engage in extramarital affairs, let alone do anything Sorry about my wife!"

Hearing these words, everyone present raised their palms consciously.Jiang Jin thought about what he had said. She knew that he wanted to give her a sense of security in front of everyone.All along, because of Qin Xiang's affairs, she has always been a little afraid of marriage.

His promise is more than that. "If I go against what I said today, all the assets under my name will be given to my wife. Not only that, no matter how my wife punishes me, I will accept it. I also hope that those present will be witnesses." Qi Zirui continued.

There was overwhelming applause one after another. I'm afraid no one thought that Qi Zirui would say this in front of everyone in City A.Once the media exposes this passage, everyone knows what it means.

Tears rolled in the eyes, and Jiang Jinxin's heart was full of emotion.Qi Zirui turned around and stroked her face gently.The affection on his face was unobstructed.

Kneeling down on one knee slowly, holding her hand tightly, Qi Zirui said sincerely: "In this life, I belong to you alone. I can lose everything, but I can't lose you. I love you very much." Love is love. I would go crazy without you."

Knowing that she should not cry, Jiang Jinxin couldn't hold back in the end.A line of tears of joy fell quietly.Jiang Jinxin lifted him up and threw him into his arms: "Husband, I will not leave you. Unless, you don't want me anymore."

Pressing the back of her head, Qi Zirui smiled lightly: "Fool, how can I not want you. I love you, I want you. We still have a bunch of children, let them help me hold you firmly."

Happiness filled their surroundings. Seeing this scene and listening to their conversation, everyone present praised their romantic love.At this moment, they had reason to believe that Qi Zirui would cherish the bride in front of him forever.

Holding her face in both hands, Qi Zirui lowered his head and kissed her lips.Jiang Jinxin closed her eyes, raised her head, and met his kiss.Romantic fireworks sounded, gorgeous and dazzling.Their beautiful marriage finally started under the witness of everyone.

Time flies, one year later, in the delivery room of the hospital.Jiang Jin lay weakly on the bed, exerting himself constantly.Her hands gripped the sheets tightly, and she bit her lips hard.The strength is getting weaker and weaker, but the child has not been able to come out.

Outside the delivery room, Qi Zirui and others waited anxiously.Mother Qi's face was full of anxiety, and she said uneasily: "It's been so long since you've been in, and you haven't come out yet, so there won't be any surprises, right?"

Hearing this, Qi Youyou said comfortingly: "Mom, don't worry. My sister-in-law is pregnant with twins, so it might be a little harder."

Qi Zirui stared intently at the lights in the operating room, his eyes flickering with worry.How much he wanted to be by her side, but she refused.She said she didn't want him to see her tired.

At this moment, the nurse ran out anxiously and said quickly, "The mother has amniotic fluid embolism and is in a critical condition. Mr. Qi, please sign this critical illness notice."

Hearing the amniotic fluid embolism, Qi Zirui's expression froze.Before giving birth, he had checked the information, so he knew the danger of this situation.Don't dare to have any pause, immediately sign the notice.

"Mr. Qi, if there is only one kind of protection for the mother and the fetus, may I ask whether you should protect the adult first or the child?" the nurse asked immediately.

"Lord Bao." Almost without any hesitation, Qi Zirui blurted out.There is no need to have children, but there is only one wife. This is Qi Zirui's belief in his heart.

Knowing what he meant, the nurse turned around and continued to enter the delivery room.Qi's mother was already pale and her legs were weak.Qi Yuanhe patted Qi Zirui on the shoulder and said, "I believe Jin Xin will be able to get through it. With you here, she is reluctant to give up."

Clenching his fists tightly, Qi Zirui's heart had already reached his throat.He never believed in gods, he only believed in himself.But now, he was willing to pray to God that he would not take her away.

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone's expressions were tense.After an unknown amount of time, the door of the operating room finally opened.The doctor took off the mask and finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Congratulations, the mother and child are safe. The mother has passed the danger safely and gave birth to a pair of lovely twins."

Qi's mother excitedly grabbed Qi Zirui's hand, and said happily: "That's great, it's really great. Thank you, thank you very much..."

Ten minutes later, Jiang Jinxin was sent to an advanced ward.Qi's mother and the others were all looking at the pair of newly born twins, while Qi Zirui stayed by Jiang Jinxin's bedside.

Touching her pale face distressedly, Qi Zirui said in a low voice, "I won't have any more babies in the future, two are enough."

Hearing this, Jiang Jin smiled weakly and said, "Didn't you say before that you want to have a football team?"

He held her hand tightly and kissed it on his lips.Thinking of the shocking scene just now, Qi Zirui said hoarsely: "I don't want to lose you. To me, you are the most important thing."

She is grateful for his dedication. Over the past year, he has shown with practical actions that he really loves her deeply. "I will never leave you, forever." Jiang Jin smiled knowingly.

The two stared at each other quietly, they still only had each other in their eyes.This kind of love is the most precious.

Half a year later, in the cemetery, Jiang Jinxin and the Qi family went to visit Qin Xiang.For so long, this is the first time that so many people have come to visit them.Looking at the woman on the tombstone, Jiang Jinxin smiled and said, "Mom, I brought Zi Rui and the children to see you. And Mom and Dad, they are here too."

Qi's mother hugged her grandson, stepped forward, and said with a smile: "Qin Xiang, I'm here today to tell you that I really forgive you. Thank you for giving birth to Jinxin, and thank you for letting Jinxin be mine. Daughter-in-law. She is very filial and sensible. Now, she has given birth to a pair of lovely children for our Qi family."

Qi Yuanhe looked at Qin Xiang, there was still emotion in his eyes, but he gradually put it down. "Qin Xiang, I have loved you for so long, and now I have to let go. I enjoy my life now, and this is what I need."

Not long ago, Qi Yuanhe remarried with Qi's mother.Although there is no such strong love for each other, there is the warmth of family members.Now the family lives happily.

Qi Zirui looked at the woman in the photo, and bowed deeply to him: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being able to give birth to Jinxin. In this life, I will take good care of her."

Nestling sweetly in his arms, Jiang Jin smiled brightly. "Mom, I'm really happy. You can rest assured that you are in the sky." Jiang Jinxin smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Looking up at the blue sky, Jiang Jinxin and Qi Zirui held hands tightly, smiling at each other.They have reason to believe that in this life, they will love each other deeply and be happy forever.

Who says there is no eternal happiness in the world?At least, I am willing to believe that Qi Zirui and Jiang Jinxin can love each other forever.In them, love will not be extinguished, it will only last forever.


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