Everyone has everyone's troubles, Jiang Jinxin found that his own troubles seemed to be much more than others.This feeling is really bad.

Before I knew it, time passed bit by bit.The sky was only a little dark just now, but now it's completely night.Passers-by looked at her curiously, but she remained indifferent.

Sitting silly, as if not knowing where to go.That look, as if abandoned by everyone.Sometimes, Jiang Jinxin even thought, if she doesn't see her, will Qi Zirui look for her?
During this period of time, the relationship between the two of them, I don't know what to say.Peaceful, or bad?Not wanting to think about it, Jiang Jin lowered his head and immersed himself in his own world.

After persuading Qi's mother at home for a while, Qi's mother was willing to eat.I hurried back home, only to see that the house was pitch black. "Jiang Jinxin." Qi Zirui called her name.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response from her.He walked in her direction, but never saw her figure. "Where are you going?" Qi Zirui muttered to himself while taking out his phone.

He dialed her number, but he was greeted by a calm artificial voice: "Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off."

Qi Zirui frowned, turned around and walked around the living room.Seeing that the hour hand has reached eight o'clock, where will she go so late?Dial Fu Kai's number and quickly ask: "Ask Ye Qingqing, have you contacted Jiang Jinxin?"

Getting a negative answer, Qi Zirui frowned even more.Since getting married, Jiang Jinxin seldom came back late.Even if something happened, I would send him a text message to tell him, but now...

Suddenly remembering her leaving without saying goodbye a year ago, Qi Zirui felt a layer of worry in his heart.Pick up the car keys and run out quickly.

He went to Jiang's house first, but was told that Jiang Jinxin never went back.Without stopping for a moment, Qi Zirui immediately asked the secretary to investigate the flight records.The whole time, his heart was hanging high.

Driving the car, wandering aimlessly on the street.His eyes kept looking around, but there was no familiar figure. "Damn woman, if you dare to run away again, I will teach you a lesson!"

Although full of anger, he still carefully checked the surrounding situation.When the bell rang, I immediately pressed it to connect: "How is it?"

On the other side of the phone, Secretary Wu replied respectfully: "There is no passenger named Jiang Jinxin on the flight."

With this call, Qi Zirui at least felt a little relieved.As long as she didn't leave City A, he could find him in the shortest time.Just when he was about to send people to search around, Qi Zirui suddenly remembered a scene.

After a pause for a few seconds, a flash of light flashed through his mind.In the next second, Qi Zirui suddenly stepped on the accelerator and quickly headed in a certain direction.

Time kept passing, and Jiang Jin felt a little hungry.Caressing his flat stomach, he muttered softly: "It seems that I have to get something to eat. I don't know, has he gone back?"

Just as she was about to stand up, a familiar voice came to her ears: "Jiang Jinxin."

This voice is... Just as Jiang Jinxin was about to look in the direction of the voice, he saw a figure rushing up quickly and hugging her tightly.Jiang Jinxin's eyes widened in astonishment, and he forgot to answer.

Hugging her hard, the strong force seemed to rub her into his body. "Jiang Jinxin..." Qi Zirui kept calling her name tirelessly.

Jiang Jinxin struggled until he was almost out of breath: "Zi Rui, I'm about to suffocate."

Hearing this, Qi Zirui let her go.Looking her up and down, his eyes were full of unconcealable worry and uneasiness. "Jiang Jinxin, why did you turn off the phone!" Qi Zirui said angrily.

shutdown?Taking out the phone from the bag, Jiang Jinxin said apologetically, "Maybe it's out of battery."

Hearing this reason, Qi Zirui finally let go of his heart.He thought that she didn't answer the phone on purpose and wanted to take the opportunity to leave.After what happened tonight, Qi Zirui was able to understand even more how important Jiang Jinxin was to him.

He raised his hand and landed on his forehead.Seeing the bead of sweat, Jiang Jinxin's heart speeded up: "Zi Rui, you are looking for me, right?"

In the past, he might have denied it, but at this moment... "Yes, I am looking for you, I am looking for you all over the street. Jiang Jinxin, why don't you go home, do you know if I will be worried?"

Listening to him chattering there, Jiang Jinxin's lips curled up.Happily rushing into his arms and hugging him, Jiang Jin smiled heartily: "Zirui, thank you, thank you."

Tonight, she thought of many possibilities.She thought he wouldn't care if she disappeared.Tears fell down, bringing her uneasiness.

Qi Zirui didn't make a sound, but slowly raised his hand and put it on her back: "I really don't want to lose you again." Closing his eyes, he didn't want to recall the picture of suffering alone this past year.

Burying her head on his chest, Jiang Jin was silent.Originally, she wanted to tell him about Qin Xiang earlier, but now she doesn't want to.Even if this is stolen happiness, stealing a day is a day.

When the two of them finally returned home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.Seeing her bending over to touch her belly, Qi Zirui said in a low voice, "Go and lie down, I'll cook the noodles."

While speaking, Qi Zirui walked towards the kitchen.Looking at his back, Jiang Jin felt a pang of comfort in his heart.In fact, sometimes, she really couldn't figure out what Qi Zirui was thinking.What was going on in his heart, she didn't understand.

Leaning on the sofa, Jiang Jinxin closed his eyes and fell asleep.When he opened his eyes again, he had already held his noodles and came to her: "Eat while it's hot."

Taking the noodles, he smiled sweetly, and Jiang Jinxin ate quickly.God knows, she was about to faint from hunger.Seeing her devouring, his lips curled up.

While she was eating noodles, Qi Zirui went to take a shower.He was exhausted all day long.When I returned to the living room again, there was no one in the living room.

Just as I was going to check her bedroom, I saw a cool breeze coming from the balcony.And she stood there alone, surrounded by darkness.Stepping forward quickly, Qi Zirui reprimanded in his voice, "Why don't you wear one more."

The care shown unintentionally is often the most heartwarming.Jiang Jinxin was wearing thin pajamas, with a warm smile on her face.

Putting his hands around his neck, Jiang Jinxin blinked playfully: "I want you to warm me up."

Qi Zirui didn't speak, but pulled her into his arms.Facing her, he was always prone to lose his mind.With his chin staring at her head, Qi Zirui said in a low voice, "Jiang Jinxin, don't scare me in the future."

Tonight, he was really worried that she would leave. "Actually, I thought for a moment in my mind that it would be great if I just left." Jiang Jin said leisurely.

As these words fell, Qi Zirui's arms suddenly tightened.Feeling his concern, Jiang Jinxin smiled happily.That feeling is really good. "But, I can't bear it." Jiang Jinxin added.

There was one thing that he kept in his heart all the time, and he didn't ask it out.In this situation, he suddenly wanted to know the result. "A year ago, why did you leave with him." Qi Zirui asked in a low voice.

That reason was something she couldn't say.Staring at the stars in the night sky, Jiang Jinxin said slowly: "For the reason, let's ask Auntie. When I left, I was alone, and I didn't make an agreement with anyone."

"Your departure has something to do with my mother?" Qi Zirui asked, frowning.

She didn't want to continue this topic, she was worried that she would speak out early because she was stupid.And she also wondered why Qi's mother refused to tell Qi Zirui about that. "Zirui, I'm a little cold." Jiang Jinxin changed the subject and said coquettishly.

Seeing that she was unwilling to answer, and that he was locked up with Qi's mother, Qi Zirui didn't ask any further questions.Holding her waist, Qi Zirui said flatly, "I'll help you in."

Jiang Jinxin shook his arm, and said coquettishly: "You can carry me in." If it was a few days ago, she would not have dared to act coquettishly with her like this.But today, she has the courage.

Qi Zirui took a deep look at her, bent down, and hugged her horizontally.Heading towards the back room, Jiang Jinxin was always nestled in her arms.Putting her on the bed, Qi Zirui stroked her head: "Sleep well."

Covered with a quilt, Jiang Jinxin nodded with a smile.Close your eyes and plan to fall asleep.Since their marriage, the two have slept in separate rooms.It's not that I don't want it, but that each has its own scruples.

Jiang Jinxin opened his eyes, looking at the moonlight shining into the room. "Zi Rui, it's good to have you." Jiang Jinxin said silently.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Jinxin suddenly woke up from a nightmare.Sitting up suddenly, Dou Da's sweat kept falling from his cheeks.Pressing his temples, Jiang Jinxin had fear in his eyes.

In the dream, Qi Zirui faced her coldly.Beside him, Qi's mother stood.Afterwards, Qi Zirui shook off her hand fiercely, and left with Qi's mother...

Lifting the quilt, he patted his forehead, telling himself not to think about it.When I opened the room, I saw that the light in the study was still on. "Zi Rui hasn't slept yet?" Jiang Jin thought curiously, then turned around and headed towards the study.

In the study, Qi Zirui was standing in front of the window with his back to her.I can't see his expression clearly, but I can only feel the anger in his voice: "Mom, I'm not a child. I hope you don't interfere with the decision I make."

From the address, Jiang Jin knew that it was Qi's mother who was talking to him.Suddenly, he was a little apprehensive, what Qi's mother would say to him. "The reason why we can't be together? I love her, that's my reason." Qi Zirui expressed his position firmly.

Listening to his words, her heart was moved.It turned out that a year later, he loved her just like her. "No matter what the reason, you can't stop me. It's late, I'm hanging up." Qi Zirui hung up the phone neatly, as if he didn't want to continue talking with Qi's mother.

Turning around slowly, Qi Zirui's eyes flashed with astonishment when he saw Jiang Jinxin standing at the door. "Come here." Qi Zirui waved towards her.

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