
"Ah Feng" finally nodded.

"Feng" was accompanied by Hack back to the room, and when she met Hack's reluctant eyes when closing the door, a trace of resentment flashed across her heart again.

If he was just her friend, she would definitely treat him better, but thinking that her current identity is fake and everything is a lie to him, if she treats him better, he will expect more from her, and she finally Relentlessly, he closed the door.

"Acheng" witnessed all of this, and the easy-going smile on his face never faded, but there was a trace of unpredictable emotion hidden in the deep pupils.

"Afeng" and "Acheng" shared a bedroom, and she waited in the room for a long time before she heard the familiar footsteps coming from outside the door.

Strangely enough, she could always easily distinguish his footsteps from those of others.

His footsteps are more steady and powerful, just like him.

Thinking of this, "Ah Feng" suddenly felt that she shouldn't doubt him.

"Acheng" pushed open the door and walked in.

"Ah Feng" was sitting by the bed waiting for him, this was what he expected.

"Wait for a long time?"

he asked in a relaxed tone.

"Not long, it's okay."

She answered lightly.

"What are you waiting for me to do?"

He asked knowingly.

She was a little anxious - after all, she was still young and couldn't hold her breath.

"You know. Brother Cheng, what do you think about the matter between me and Hack?"

Instead of answering her, he turned on the light, smiled at her and said, "It's so dark, why don't you turn on the light?"

Seeing the familiar and handsome smile on his face, she felt settled again.

"I... just wanted to sit for a while and think about something, so I didn't turn on the light."

she explained in a low voice.

In fact, I was too confused just now, and the time passed without realizing it, and I didn't think of turning on the light at all.

"That's it."

He said, walking up to her and stepping down.

She stared at him in astonishment, like a frightened deer.

Then, he made a move that made her even more unexpected.

He sat next to her, and held out one of his hands, taking hers on her lap.

"A Feng"—or should I say Shen Sa, she was so startled that she almost jumped out of bed.

Cheng Lie pressed the back of her hand.

There was a faint smile in his deep eyes, and he shook his head gently towards her.

Controlling her heartbeat and breathing, she nodded to him.

It's not that he didn't hold her hand before in the rainforest, but that was a special situation, she couldn't move forward without him holding her hand, but now... now why?
She only panicked for a few seconds, and immediately thought that the growth officer would not do this kind of thing for no reason, he must have his purpose in doing this.

She wasn't so sentimental as to think that the growth officer thought of her.

"Are you thinking about Hack? Silly girl."

As he said teasingly, he quickly wrote on her palm with his fingers: "The walls have ears."

He wrote so fast that it made her hands itch, but she understood what he meant right away.

"You...how do you know."

She said with a little shyness, while writing on the back of his hand: "Yes."

"I don't know you yet?"

He joked: "I was born by a mother, how could I not know what you are thinking, girl."

At the same time, he wrote on her palm: "Be safe and don't be impatient."

Shen Sa gave him a puzzled look, and he wrote on her palm again: "Wait for father to return."

Shen Sa blinked, and made a half-understanding mouth: "Hack's father?"

He nodded.

Shen Sa didn't continue to ask, but understood everything at once.

Cheng Lie smiled, patted her head lightly, and said, "Good boy."

Shen Sa's cheeks were flushed, she knew in her heart that he was just doing it casually, and that she probably treated his sister like this at home, but she couldn't help but blush and her heart beat.

Regarding Shen Sa's reaction, Cheng Lie just pretended not to see it.

That night, the two gossiped for a while, and then went to bed.

But it took a long time for Cheng Lie to fall asleep.

For no other reason, he missed his wife.

Lying sideways on the pillow, he looked at the dark night outside the window and couldn't help thinking, when will he be able to return to that little woman's side?
For the first time, he actually had the idea of ​​disarming and returning to the fields.

If only in the future, I can really find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and live with Tang Xiao.

Maybe it's because he's getting older and has experienced many things. Now, in his heart, he is more and more yearning for a peaceful and comfortable life.

But thinking about it, he knew very well that there were some things that he hadn't finished, and he couldn't leave yet.

Smile, wait for me again.

He said to her silently in his heart.

Tang Xiao originally thought that there was just an ordinary quarrel between Pei Yuancheng and Ji Xiaoru, but who knew that one day at noon, Pei Yuancheng suddenly came to him.

Tang Xiao went back to the dormitory and took a nap. Just after waking up, he walked towards the office building in a daze, when he suddenly saw a man wearing a black cashmere coat standing not far in front of him. The man was wearing a mask, revealing only a pair of cold stars. His eyes are similar, but for no reason, it makes people feel that he must be a handsome man.

She was still thinking, who is this? Why didn't she remember that there was a young man who looked like a movie star in the nursing home?
But she saw the movie star-like man slowly walking towards her.

Tang Xiao stopped in his tracks and looked at the other person stupidly, wondering if he hadn't woken up yet and was still dreaming.

The man walked half a meter in front of her, stopped, narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed a three-point smile.

Then a very pleasant voice came out of the mask: "Xiaoxiao, you don't know me anymore?"

The thought of "Should I know you" just flashed through Tang Xiao's mind, when the other party pulled off his mask in sight, revealing the lower half of his face.

The man's complexion is fair, not only his eyebrows are picturesque, but his nose and mouth are all exquisite and moving like works of art.

This is a handsome face that no matter who sees it, can't help but look at it a few more times.

Tang Xiao stayed for a few seconds, regained his composure, and asked in surprise, "Pei Yuancheng, why are you here suddenly?"

I looked around and couldn't see Xiaoru, so I couldn't help being even more surprised: "Where is Xiaoru, isn't she with you?"

Pei Yuancheng shook his head and said, "No. I went to find someone to play tennis with her today, and I was the only one who came to see you."


Tang Xiao blinked, feeling very strange: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, so can't I come to talk to you? Or is Dr. Tang too busy to talk to me at all?"

"That's not true." Tang Xiao shook his head and said, "You must have heard Xiaoru say that I have nothing to do here all day long, and I am very free. If you want to chat, I will chat with you. But what is it about Woolen cloth?"

"Let's find a place to sit down first."

Pei Yuancheng said lightly.

"Okay, then please go to my office."

Tang Xiao stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture.

Pei Yuancheng pursed his lips and smiled, "Okay."

The two walked into Tang Xiao's office side by side. The office environment here is very good. During this time, Tang Xiao also arranged a little bit. There are many green plants in the room and a small bookshelf in the corner, most of which are related to medicine. Books, with a few mystery novels in between.

The sofa was covered by a set of Nordic-style universal sofa covers that Tang Xiao bought online, and a simple gray carpet was laid on the floor, which looked very comfortable overall.

Pei Yuancheng sat down on the sofa, looked at the layout of the office, nodded and said, "It's pretty good here."

"It's far worse than Mr. Pei's office."

Tang Xiao teased Pei Yuancheng while making tea.

Pei Yuancheng smiled and said, "No, I like this place better."

"Why?" Tang Xiao asked.

"There's a reassuring feeling here."

Pei Yuancheng replied.

"A reassuring feeling?"

"You do not understand."

Pei Yuancheng said mysteriously.

I thought to myself, because there is you here, so it is extra reassuring.

Given a choice, he would prefer to stay where she was.

Tang Xiao didn't ask further, sat down on the chair opposite Pei Yuancheng, and asked, "Speaking of business, why did you come to me?"

"Want to chat with you."

Pei Yuancheng said frankly.

"to chat with?"

Tang Xiao laughed and said, "You can also chat on the phone."

Pei Yuancheng smiled wryly in his heart. Most of his time now was occupied by Ji Xiaoru. Except for necessary work, he had to be with Ji Xiaoru at other times.

When he was with Ji Xiaoru, how could he talk with Tang Xiao on the phone?

"Smile, we should still be in the kind of relationship where we can meet and chat if we have nothing to do?"

Pei Yuancheng looked at her and asked.

Tang smiled and nodded: "Of course."

"That's good. I thought I had lost the qualification to chat with you face to face."


Tang Xiao laughed out loud: "Isn't it a good gay friend?"


Pei Yuancheng nodded with satisfaction: "I'm very happy that you can still treat me as a friend."

"Pei Yuancheng, do you have something on your mind?"

Tang Xiao felt that something was wrong with Pei Yuancheng.

Pei Yuancheng lowered his head, looked at the tea in the cup, wanted to sigh, but felt that he shouldn't sigh in front of Tang Xiao.

"What's the matter?"

Tang Xiao showed concern in his eyes.

"Smile... I'm a little tired."

Pei Yuancheng finally said.


Tang Xiao seemed to realize something, but couldn't say it directly.

She secretly hoped it wasn't what she thought it was.

But things backfired—

"I'm tired of playing someone else, with someone I can't love with all my heart."

he finally whispered.

On that handsome face, there was a hint of hesitation and frustration, as well as a kind of self-loathing.

He remembered that he was not such a quitter before.

In fact, he didn't intend to give up.

It's just that no one can confide in the tiredness in his heart, and he needs an outlet.

And Xiaoxiao is the only one who can listen to him say these things.

"Pei Yuancheng..."

Tang Xiao wanted to say something, but any words that came to his lips made people feel powerless.

She is not him, she cannot know how much he has to pay to play Lu Chenxi in front of Xiaoru.

She knew that he would be very tired and hard, but she didn't know how to comfort him.

  Or, just ask him to stop everything?
But in that case, what should Xiaoru do?

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