The next day, Xu Yueqing came to Zhuo's Enterprise again, with a faint smile on her face, it was impossible to tell that she had quarreled with Zhuo Xiangyu yesterday.The surrounding staff all secretly looked at Xu Yueqing and couldn't help whispering, but Xu Yueqing turned a blind eye to them all.

Xu Yueqing walked into the elevator in full view, and then the elevator stopped on the floor of the CEO's office.Ah, the wife of the president is looking for the president again. Are they going to reconcile?Or did the president not come home last night, so the wife of the president went to question again?
The employees in the entire company building couldn't help but guess in their hearts, and some of them even started to place bets.Of course, it's just a small bet like inviting a meal, not gambling. This kind of thing is strictly prohibited in Zhuo's company, and no employee dares to violate the law, unless he doesn't want to leave his job in Zhuo's company.

"Big news, big news! I sneaked past the door of the president's office just now, and I vaguely heard the movement in the office. The president seemed to be arguing with the president's wife again. Even if the door was closed, they couldn't stop their voices. , It's too intense!"

Suddenly, a clerk ran out of the elevator and said to the people around him mysteriously.Although he thought his voice was very low, in this silent space, basically all the staff heard what he said, which caused an uproar again.

"Ding!" Suddenly, there was a sound from the elevator, and everyone stopped talking in an instant.They pretended to be busy with their work, but their eyes were on Xu Yueqing who came out of the elevator. There was still a smile on her face, but everyone couldn't see anything wrong.

That somewhat pale face, the deep anger shining in those eyes, and Xu Yueqing's flustered footsteps when walking, all showed that Xu Yueqing was angry.The surrounding employees all looked at each other and exchanged a knowing look.

"Have you seen it? I can guarantee that the wife of the president must have quarreled with the president. I can tell by the look. The couple in my neighbor often quarrel. It's exactly the same as the president's wife."

Among the employees talking a lot, there was a person standing at the railing on the second floor, staring thoughtfully at Xu Yueqing's leaving back.Tan Jiang frowned slightly, an inexplicable look flashed across his face, he hurriedly left there, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhuo Xiangyu's strategy was very successful, that night, Xu Yueqing received a mysterious text message.The number was unfamiliar, but the content was very familiar. Xu Yueqing smiled slightly when she saw the text message, with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Ms. Xu, hello. I am a shareholder of a certain company. I want to buy Zhuo's company stock recently. I heard that you happen to have what I need in your hand. I wonder if you intend to sell the stock in your hand. Shares. If you make up your mind, we can find a place to negotiate, and the terms are easy to negotiate."

Zhuo Nianqi lay beside Xu Yueqing, poked his head towards Xu Yueqing's phone screen, and wrote out the short belief word by word.Zhuo Xiangyu was sitting on the other side of the sofa, holding an apple in his hand and patiently peeling it. Hearing Zhuo Nianqi's words, there was a mocking smile on his face.

"Oh, this person is really interesting. Isn't he afraid that Mommy will tell Dad the content of the text message? He actually wants to buy stocks directly. What if Mommy and Daddy directly arrest them when they meet? Do? It's surprising."

Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help "giggling" after reading the text message, his small face was full of smiles.He blinked his eyes lightly, looking at Xu Yueqing's finger that was moving quickly on the phone screen because of replying to the text message, as if it was a beautiful flower.

"Well, maybe they have their own way, they can get out when they find out that they have been cheated, who knows. Your daddy has been acting quite a lot these days, and they probably noticed something too. They are suspicious and can't wait. You must know that when people are threatened, they often make some wrong decisions without the brain."

Xu Yueqing entered the location where they met on the phone, and casually answered Zhuo Nianqi's words.The apple in Zhuo Xiangyu's hand had also been peeled, and the long, unbroken apple peel fell on the coffee table, curling into a beautiful red apple peel flower.

"Oh, thank you." Xu Yueqing was taken aback by the apple that was suddenly stretched out in front of her, then she took it politely and took a bite without hesitation.The sweet and refreshing pulp spread in her mouth, and Xu Yueqing was in a very good mood, because the two big fish finally took the bait.

"You're welcome. Qingqing, I've been oppressing them for the past few days. I guess they'll meet you tomorrow. They don't have much time to wait. You just need to negotiate terms with them. The rest is up to me." As for He Nianqi, we will definitely catch the big fish for those two days."

Zhuo Xiangyu smiled slightly, and put the fruit knife in his hand on the fruit plate.He reached out to pick up the handkerchief on the coffee table and wiped his fingers. Under the light, his slender and strong fingers exuded a lustrous luster, which was really beautiful.

Sure enough, as Zhuo Xiangyu expected, Xu Yueqing soon received a text message from Tanjiang.They agreed to meet at a high-end leisure and entertainment restaurant at three o'clock in the afternoon. The boxes there are all closed, and the secrecy effect is very good.

Xu Yueqing tidied up her clothes, took a deep breath, and patted her cheek with her hand: "Xu Yueqing, come on, you are Oscar's best actress, with your acting skills, you will definitely not let those two people see you." There are flaws! The future of Hollywood is waiting for you, come on!"

Xu Yueqing kept cheering herself up, and led by the smirking waiter, she stood at the door of the agreed box.Xu Yueqing opened the door slowly, and the faces of Tan Jiang and Zheng Yuanxing were gradually revealed in front of her.

"Welcome, welcome. Our wife of the president is finally here. The two of us have been waiting for a long time. Come on, wife of the president, come in and sit down quickly. We have prepared meals for you."

Zheng Yuanxing stood up first, and with a smile on Yuanyuan's face, he greeted Xu Yueqing.While guiding Xu Yueqing to walk into the house, he walked to the door, his eyes looked outside without any trace, and there was a faint flash of sharp light.

"It turned out to be you. If I remember correctly, one of you is Zheng Yuanxing, the deputy director of the marketing department, and the other is Tan Jiang, the director of the finance department. I really didn't expect that the two of you, as members of Zhuo's enterprise, would dare Secretly bought stocks, and found me!"

Following Zheng Yuanxing's guidance, Xu Yueqing sat down beside the table, looked at the two people with a half-smile in her eyes, and a high-ranking arrogance on her face.She casually picked up the teacup on the table and shook it gently, staring at the green liquid, but didn't drink any water.

Tan Jiang smiled slightly at Xu Yueqing, under the gentle demeanor was a shocking ambition.He glanced at Zheng Yuanxing, Zheng Yuanxing just closed the door, and nodded slightly to Tanjiang, the smile on Tanjiang's face deepened a little.

"The president's wife was joking. Of course we are employees of Zhuo's company. It's just that Yuanxing and I just hit it off recently and wanted to buy some shares as money for our own retirement. The reason why we approached you is because we talked about it , after all, compared to other people, we think it is more likely to buy some shares from you."

Xu Yueqing was playing with the teacup in her hand throughout the whole process, turning a blind eye to the small movements between Tan Jiang and Zheng Yuanxing.After hearing Tanjiang's words, Xu Yueqing couldn't help but burst out laughing, raised her head and looked at Tanjiang and Zheng Yuanxing mockingly.

"Oh? Why do you think that you will buy stocks from me? I remember that no one will know that I have stocks. Also, are you not afraid that I will tell Zhuo Xiangyu about this!"

When Xu Yueqing said the last sentence, her voice suddenly rose, which startled Zheng Yuanxing.However, a trace of reassurance flashed in Tan Jiang's eyes. If Xu Yueqing really wanted to tell Zhuo Xiangyu, it would definitely not be the case now.

"Mrs. President, Mingren don't speak dark words. The three of us are sitting here today. The reason why you continue to entangle us here shows that you also have the idea of ​​​​selling stocks in your heart. Otherwise, you can turn around immediately. Leave." Tan Jiang pushed his glasses with a determined expression on his face.

Xu Yueqing's eyes sharpened sharply, she stared at the two people in front of her tightly, without the slightest expression on her face.Zheng Yuanxing wiped his sweat quietly, looking scared, while Tanjiang remained motionless.

After looking at it for a long time, Xu Yueqing suddenly laughed again, and the expression on her face became much softer.She slowly took out a document from her bag and handed it to Tan Jiang who was sitting opposite.

"You are very smart, I believe you should have noticed the conflict between me and Zhuo Xiangyu, otherwise you would not have such courage. However, I can say that your risky decision is really good, I can indeed Selling you stocks, of course not all of them, I want Zhuo Xiangyu to taste the regret!"

When Tanjiang saw the document for the transfer of shares, he was already very surprised, and he also noticed something wrong in his heart.However, when he saw Xu Yueqing's increasingly ferocious expression and the deep hatred in her eyes, he immediately put his doubts behind him. A woman who is dazzled by jealousy is really stupid, but he like!
Therefore, Zheng Yuanxing and Tan Jiang, without any doubt, signed the document one after another.Just when they couldn't help being excited, suddenly, the door of the room was burst open, and before they could react, they had already been arrested by the police.

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