ex-wife, get married

Chapter 61 Encountered Kidnapping

Nian Qi needs you.Xu Yueqing couldn't help being silent. Zhuo Xiangyu's words made Xu Yueqing feel very uncomfortable. She didn't know how much damage she had caused Zhuo Nianqi's young heart. Nianqi had always longed for maternal love. Xu Yueqing has never done it in the past ten years.

"Qingqing, for nothing else, do you have the heart to watch Nianqi become such a child? If you are not at home, Nianqi will become more and more crazy, and he will not be able to receive education. So, Qingqing, for Nianqi Qi, come back, he has been waiting for you for a long time."

Zhuo Xiangyu said these words earnestly, each sentence deeply pierced Xu Yueqing's heart.Xu Yueqing knew that at this moment, her heart was severely shaken, and all her previous persistence was turned into nothingness.

She looked in the direction of the playground, and soon there were happy laughter, she seemed to be able to see Zhuo Nianqi playing happily with other children.This kind of Nianqi is a real child, and she doesn't want Nianqi to become that kind of unhealthy child.

"Okay, I promise you. Zhuo Xiangyu, after all these years, I have been sorry for Nian Qi. If it weren't for my willfulness, Nian Qi would not have become like this. In order for Nian Qi to grow up healthily, I will go home .”

Xu Yueqing didn't hesitate for a long time, her heart gave her the most firm answer, asking her to agree.There was a flash of joy in Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes, and then he nodded calmly.

"Okay, then I'll go to the company to deal with the matter first, and you will wait for me in the kindergarten with Nianqi. You pack up your things first, and I will come to pick you up and Nianqi back to Zhuo's house soon."

Zhuo Xiangyu walked quickly towards the gate of the kindergarten, with his back turned to Xu Yueqing's face, he could no longer restrain himself from showing a big smile.He tried his best to restrain his trembling hands from being too excited, and finally, he could take Qingqing home.

Zhuo Xiangyu's figure quickly disappeared, Xu Yueqing turned and walked into the room.Xu Liwen was already sitting in the living room. She saw what Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing were talking about just now. She didn't want to go up and disturb her, so Xu Liwen sat quietly on the sofa and waited for Xu Yueqing.

Xu Yueqing squatted in front of Xu Liwen, resting her chin on Xu Liwen's knees, with a hint of hesitation in her eyes, but more guilt and firmness.She suddenly smiled and looked at Xu Liwen's old face tenderly.

"Mom, there is something I didn't tell you. I used to be a tutor for our boss's children before. Now, his children have become a little disobedient, so the boss wants me to help educate them. Just now I agree."

A hint of surprise flashed in Xu Liwen's eyes, she really did not expect Xu Yueqing to be a tutor.She looked at Xu Yueqing's face, and the worries and entanglements on it couldn't escape Xu Liwen's eyes. She gently stroked Xu Yueqing's face, and relieved Xu Yueqing.

"Qingqing, since I agreed, I will do your job well. Please, what happened here, my mother will not ask, nor will I stop you. Mom just hopes that you can follow your heart. If you are sincere, So just do it, don't hesitate, don't regret it."

Xu Yueqing's eyes were confused for a while, following her heart?I clearly made up my mind to sever ties with Zhuo Xiangyu, but I couldn't let go of Nian Qi, and in the end I still had to get involved with Zhuo Xiangyu.She wanted to refuse to go back to Zhuo's house, but she couldn't speak at all, why?Because it was her inner decision.

Xu Yueqing nodded slowly, with a trace of confidence and firmness on her face.Looking at Xu Liwen with her clear eyes, she smiled slightly, fresh and beautiful like a lotus after the rain.

"Mom, I understand. I will follow my heart. It may take a long time for me to go. Mom, you should take good care of yourself at home. If you have anything to do, call me in time. I will come back to see you often .”

Xu Liwen saw Xu Yueqing figured it out, and the smile on her face softened a lot. She reached out and patted Xu Yueqing's hand, agreed to Xu Yueqing's words, and comforted her not to worry.Now that the decision has been made, Xu Yueqing hurried to the house to pack her things.

Zhuo's house is very complete, she only needs to bring a few clothes, and she doesn't need to bring a lot at all.Xu Yueqing looked at a small suitcase in front of her, and nodded in satisfaction. Now that it was packed, she would go to Nian Qi and tell him the good news.

Xu Yueqing imagined in her mind how happy Zhuo Nianqi would smile when she heard the news that she was going back to Zhuo's house, she couldn't help but smiled softly.She walked in the shade with a relaxed pace, and the laughter of children not far away was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, one hand tightly covered Xu Yueqing's mouth with a white handkerchief, causing Xu Yueqing to struggle instinctively.However, just as Xu Yueqing struggled a few times, she felt the unpleasant smell from the handkerchief between her noses, making her brain dizzy for a while, and then she lost consciousness.

The person behind hurriedly caught Xu Yueqing's softened body, swiped his hands, and led him to the wall not far away.Right there, a big hole was broken in the old wall, and a van was parked outside the hole.

The man stuffed Xu Yueqing into the van, and then hurriedly got in too. "Boom!" The van let out a loud gas pedal sound, and disappeared at the wall in an instant, running off to nowhere.

The breeze was blowing, the leaves made a "rustling" sound, and there was no one on the silent road.Everything that happened just now happened so quickly that it was like a human illusion, as if nothing happened just now, and everything was as peaceful and quiet as usual.

"Hello, are you Xu Yueqing's adoptive mother, Xu Liwen? My name is Zhuo Xiangyu. You can call me Xiangyu. I'm here to pick up Xu Yueqing. She should have told you."

Xu Liwen looked at the tall and straight man at the door, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.She looks like a person of a lot of age. She didn't expect to see such an outstanding man, but she couldn't help being surprised. This Zhuo Xiangyu is more perfect from a close look than from a distance. I really don't know whose child it is so good.

"Qingqing told me that it is Qingqing's duty to teach your children. Are you looking for Qingqing? Just now Qingqing went out, and she should go to the playground to find your children."

As soon as the words fell, Zhuo Xiangyu heard a burst of dense footsteps.Zhuo Xiangyu turned his head and looked, and he saw Zhuo Nianqi running towards him quickly, but Zhuo Nianqi was alone.

Zhuo Xiangyu frowned slightly, and he looked behind Zhuo Nianqi again, but he didn't find that familiar figure.He couldn't help feeling a little doubtful, is Qingqing still in the playground?
"Nianqi, isn't Qingqing looking for you at the playground? Why did you run back by yourself and not be with Qingqing? Hurry up and call Qingqing to come over, let's go home together."

Listening to Zhuo Xiangyu's words, Xu Liwen instinctively felt that something was wrong, but she didn't remember what was wrong.Because what Zhuo Nianqi said next surprised her.

"What? Did Mommy come to look for me? Just now I stayed in the playground and played with the children, and I didn't see Mommy at all. I just thought why Mommy didn't come over all this time, so I ran back , and then I saw you, Daddy."

Zhuo Xiangyu's face changed drastically, Xu Yueqing didn't go to find Zhuo Nianqi, so where would she go?Did she suddenly go back on her word and don't want to go back to Zhuo's house with him?
"How is this possible! Qingqing told me just now that she was going to your house, and she even packed her luggage, and then she went out, saying that she was going to the playground to find someone. How could Qingqing disappear? She couldn't go to other places place."

Xu Liwen called out first, which immediately dispelled Zhuo Xiangyu's bad thoughts.That's right, Xu Yueqing has already packed her things. Since she agreed, she will definitely not go back on her word. Then why did she suddenly disappear?
Missing!Zhuo Xiangyu reacted suddenly, and then his face sank again, and his dark eyes were gloomy.With such a kindergarten, it is impossible for Xu Yueqing to get lost, so the only possibility is that something happened to Xu Yueqing!

Thinking about it this way, the more Zhuo Xiangyu thought about it, the more likely it was.He glanced at Zhuo Nianqi, Zhuo Nianqi's small face was also full of worry, it is very likely that Zhuo Nianqi also found that something was wrong.

"Auntie, don't worry. You will definitely not be missing. I'm going out to find Qingqing. She may be going out to buy something suddenly. I heard Qingqing say that you are not in good health. Don't get too excited. I will You will definitely find Qingqing, don't worry."

Zhuo Xiangyu hurriedly comforted Xu Liwen, who was a little emotional. Her face was already blue, and she gently covered her heart with one hand.Zhuo Xiangyu's repeated assurances and reminders made Xu Liwen slowly control her emotions, she nodded and agreed to Zhuo Xiangyu's request.

Zhuo Nianqi sat beside Xu Liwen, holding Xu Liwen's hands tightly.He heard from Mommy that this person takes good care of Mommy, and this is someone that Mommy cares about, so he will take good care of this person.

Zhuo Xiangyu took out his mobile phone and called Liu Enzheng: "Secretary Liu, send someone to investigate Xu Yueqing's whereabouts immediately. No matter what method you use, you must investigate quickly, immediately, immediately!"

"Yes! President! I'll do it right away!" Zhuo Xiangyu's angry roar shocked Liu Enzheng, and he hurriedly responded.Knowing the seriousness of this matter, he immediately called Zhuo Xiangyu's subordinates, and they all started to take action, trying to search for Xu Yueqing's whereabouts.

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