ex-wife, get married

Chapter 58 New Kindergarten Experience

Wan Zigui looked at Xu Yueqing's sudden change of expression and was a little dazed. He didn't know why Xu Yueqing suddenly became like this.He frowned slightly, and carefully looked at Xu Yueqing's expression.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable? I see that your face is very pale. Could it be that I said something wrong just now?"

Xu Yueqing stared blankly at the beautiful face in front of her, her delicate peach eyes were full of worry, reflecting her pale face.Xu Yueqing shook her head lightly, and forced a smile at Wan Zigui.

"No, I'm fine. It's because I've been busy with other things recently, so I haven't had a good rest. I'll rest in the kindergarten for a while. Let's make an appointment another day. I'm leaving first."

Xu Yueqing left in a hurry without waiting for Wan Zigui's answer. That thin figure made people look very pitiful.Wan Zigui watched Xu Yueqing slowly leave his sight, lowered his eyes slightly, shook his head left and right, sighed faintly, and slowly walked away.

Xu Yueqing didn't know how she was feeling at the moment. At the beginning, Zhuo Xiangyu clearly said that she would send someone to send Fang Zhihan away, but just now Wan Zigui said that Fang Zhihan hadn't left at all, and she was still in the city.Why, why did Zhuo Xiangyu lie to himself, wasn't that time ten years ago enough?

Xu Yueqing laughed softly, her voice was extremely cold.She blinked lightly, and a complicated expression flashed in her eyes between the slight movements of her eyelashes, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, her expression was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, without the slightest wave.

Xu Yueqing took a deep breath. She must rely on her own ability to make money, work hard to solve the kindergarten, and take good care of her adoptive mother.As for Zhuo Xiangyu, what is he, let him disappear from my world quickly, if he appears again, she will destroy him on behalf of the moon!
So, when Xu Yueqing saw Zhuo Xiangyu standing at her door, Xu Yueqing really wanted to turn into a beautiful girl and destroy him.With a sullen face, she glanced up and down at Zhuo Xiangyu expressionlessly, and the scene of the villain quickly flashed in her mind.

"Didn't I say that there is nothing between us, don't pester me anymore. But why do you come to bother me again and again? Zhuo Xiangyu, do you not understand me at all?" Speaking of which, how can you give up your heart!"

Xu Yueqing took a deep breath, closed her eyes tightly, and yelled at Zhuo Xiangyu again.Who can understand her feeling, the irritability of wanting to get rid of something but always being unable to get rid of it, it's really annoying, Xu Yueqing burst into tears in her heart.

Zhuo Xiangyu looked at the surrounding trees in silence, his face was calm and breezy, and he even glanced lightly at Xu Yueqing, showing a feeling of being detached from the world.Xu Yueqing twitched the corners of her mouth, what was going on, why did she suddenly feel as if something bad was leaning over Zhuo Xiangyu's body.

Suddenly, a small figure poked out from behind Zhuo Xiangyu, with a delicate face and big clear eyes blinking at Xu Yueqing.When Xu Yueqing's gaze met him, Zhuo Nianqi gave a big smile.

"Qingqing! Long time no see, I miss you so much! Daddy brought me here to find you today, Qingqing, do you want to drive me away? Don't you miss me?"

Zhuo Nianqi threw himself on Xu Yueqing's body, and excited words rang in Xu Yueqing's ears.Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Nianqi's expression fell instantly, and he looked at Xu Yueqing pitifully, with a hint of grievance in his big eyes.

"Nianqi? How could I drive you away? I really miss you. Nianqi, Qingqing is very happy that you are here. Stay here and play with me today. There are many children here."

Xu Yueqing came to her senses in an instant, looked down at Zhuo Nianqi in her arms with surprise in her eyes, and smiled happily.She reached out and rubbed Zhuo Nianqi's head, the soft hair slid over her palm, the touch was very nice.

After hearing Xu Yueqing's words, Zhuo Nianqi suddenly became happy again and couldn't help laughing.The crisp voice sounded, making Xu Yueqing's expression softer. She thought it was Zhuo Xiangyu who came by herself, but she didn't expect that Zhuo Nianqi came here with Zhuo Xiangyu. It's really great.

"Qingqing, Nian Qi said he missed you, so I brought him here. Do you really have the heart to drive us away? Even if you are angry with me, for Nian Qi's sake, can you put it down temporarily? Those thoughts."

Zhuo Xiangyu watched Xu Yueqing's expression soften a lot, he casually glanced at Zhuo Nianqi in Xu Yueqing's arms, and a glint of admiration flashed in his eyes.Zhuo Nianqi blinked secretly, with a smile in his eyes, with his help, Daddy can stay in the kindergarten well.

Xu Yueqing paused, she stretched out her hand to touch the top of Zhuo Nianqi's head, looked at Zhuo Xiangyu's expression of joy in front of her, and thought quickly in her mind.Suddenly, Xu Yueqing showed a standard smile, with a hint of pride in her eyes.

"That's right, I really can't bear to drive Nian Qi away. I'm very happy that he came here to find me. However, only he can stay. For Nian Qi's sake, I don't have to quarrel with you, so you leave voluntarily." Bar."

The atmosphere suddenly froze, a gust of wind blew by, and the surrounding leaves made a "rusting" sound.Zhuo Nianqi's face was a little unnatural, and he glanced at Zhuo Xiangyu cautiously, he didn't expect Xu Yueqing to be so determined.

"Zhuo Xiangyu, I'm serious. Although you brought Nian Qi here, it doesn't mean you can stay here. If you don't leave again, don't blame me for calling those children over to make you get kicked out again. .”

Xu Yueqing sneered, looking at Zhuo Xiangyu with a very resolute attitude, without any soft-heartedness.Thinking of those children, Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth slightly, his face darkened. Yesterday's experience was really bad for him.

Zhuo Nian couldn't bear it with Qi Lianzhong, but he couldn't say anything, he could only comfort Zhuo Xiangyu who was slowly leaving the kindergarten with his eyes.Daddy, it's not that I won't help you, it's that Qingqing is too powerful, I can't resist.

"Nianqi, have you eaten? Well, you should have eaten by now. Let's go, Nianqi, I will take you to the teaching building. There are many children there. You will definitely have fun with them, Nianqi Together."

After Zhuo Xiangyu left, Xu Yueqing's tense body relaxed obviously.She bent down and took Zhuo Nianqi's little hand, leading him towards the playground, talking to Zhuo Nianqi about the surrounding plants and trees with a smile.

The children's immature faces were full of curiosity, and their dark and shiny eyes were staring at Zhuo Nianqi in front of them without blinking.Zhuo Nianqi's clothes are different from theirs at first glance, and Zhuo Nianqi's beautiful appearance at a young age immediately attracted the attention of many children.

The friendship among children is the most innocent. After Xu Yueqing briefly introduced Zhuo Nianqi's name, Zhuo Nianqi soon got mixed up with many children.Zhuo Nianqi had a shy look on his face, he had never played with so many people of his age.

Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Nianqi, who usually talked like an adult, but now he became a little rusty, and her heart was slightly sour.A child like him has been educated since he was a child and has no time to communicate with other children. This undoubtedly makes Zhuo Nianqi lose a lot of fun in his childhood.

"Come on, kids, let's play one, two, and three wooden figures together today. Everyone is familiar with the rules, right? Then let me start. You little wooden people must be ready."

Xu Yueqing clapped her hands and yelled loudly at the many children, who all became excited.Zhuo Nianqi was a little puzzled, he didn't know how to play this game, so he looked around at the children who were getting ready and quietly did not move.

Suddenly, a small hand grabbed Zhuo Nianqi, Zhuo Nianqi looked at the little boy in surprise, followed him passively, and came to a white line and stood there.The little boy felt Zhuo Nianqi's doubts, he turned his head and showed a big smile.

"What are you still doing there, stand here and start playing the game. Do you know the rules of the game? If you don't, let me tell you, it's very simple."

The little boy talked about the rules of the game with Zhuo Nianqi. Zhuo Nianqi blinked and nodded lightly. This game is so simple.Then he observed the excited expressions of the children around him, as well as Xu Yueqing who was standing not far away, and his heart suddenly became excited.

"One, two, three wooden people!" Xu Yueqing counted loudly, and suddenly felt that she was hit on the shoulder.She turned her head hastily, and saw a small figure screaming and running into the distance.


Xu Yueqing immediately turned into a big bad wolf, and chased after the children. The children also yelled and started running in all directions.The whole scene became chaotic, Xu Yueqing kept chasing every child, and the children laughed and avoided Xu Yueqing's "wolf's claws".

Zhuo Nianqi smiled crazily, and ran around with the children around him, his usually calm eyes were filled with deep joy at this moment, and they were so bright and beautiful.He has never played like this before, he feels very fresh, and he feels that he has never been so happy.

On this day, Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi played very crazy, the smile on Zhuo Nianqi's face hung on for the whole day, his voice was almost hoarse from laughing.In this happy laughter, time passed slowly, and the sun slowly sank towards the west.

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