Thinking that he and Zhuo Nianqi bickered like two children because of the interview at that time, and didn't ask a few questions at all. After seeing the materials sent, he felt a little warm in his heart. After all, he still cared about those times.

Ever since she came back, Zhuo Nianqi has given her feelings of hot and cold, making you stay in the ice cellar for a while, and be in the sun for a while. When you accuse him of being bad, he will do some warm actions again.

So she struggled with this for a long time. Whenever she made up her mind to treat the other party as a stranger, she felt a little cruel when she saw Zhuo Nianqi, so she was still the same as before.

But after today, the relationship between the two became more and more tense. At that time, I really thought clearly in my heart and saw the future of the two of them clearly.

But why she has already figured it out. Thinking of the past, there are still big waves, and his name still holds a lot of weight in her heart. The more she thinks about it, the more uncomfortable she feels, and there is a silent voice in her heart saying: "Wang Mengmeng, don't have expectations for these things anymore, don't worry about it anymore, haven't you already seen it clearly, so be it!"

She shook her head thinking about this, and decided to turn her sadness into strength and go to the library to review her homework.

Along the way, acquaintances came to say hello frequently. Although she has not been in this school for a long time, many people know and appreciate her because of her warm, generous and simple personality.

Others also noticed that Wang Mengmeng hadn't appeared during this time, and they were very worried and asked what happened. She was very moved when she heard the words of concern, thanked them one by one, and explained to them that it was because of an accident.

Those people saw that she didn't want to talk about it, so they consciously thought that something bad had happened, and looked at her understandingly and sympathetically.

She managed to get rid of that sympathetic look. Sometimes that look makes you feel pitiful, which is really horrible.

It's not that I hate those people, it's just that when you are weak, seeing those eyes will have negative energy, and you don't want to let yourself be so decadent, so you stay away.

In fact, I am very happy to make friends with them. When I was in the UK before, I always felt that I was far away from my classmates. It was not just about the appearance or other things. Maybe I was used to the looks of Asians, and the British classmates were not so friendly. .

When I first came to this school, although I felt that the pressure of study had increased, I also opened up my heart to mingle with them, which was very joyful.

After getting rid of the crowd, he walked into the library, took out his mobile phone and turned it to silent, then found a quiet seat in the study room on the third floor and sat down, took out the textbook of his major and read it intently.

University courses are generally not obscure and difficult to understand, except of course the calculus that can kill people, but fortunately Wang Mengmeng doesn't need to study, just read some text books.

Chinese people's learning ability will surprise people from other countries. When I was in the UK, other British students would be surprised by my attitude towards learning. They don't take learning as a very important thing, but look at it casually. .

When I came back to China, I was a little uncomfortable at first, because the surrounding environment was full of learning atmosphere. I thought I was working hard in the UK and suddenly became very stressed.

Her unyielding personality made her not want to be inferior to others, so she usually studies very hard, and this time she was so anxious when she missed her homework.

Fortunately, she has good writing comprehension or editing skills, and the university textbooks are not so advanced, so she can easily understand it by self-study.

Wang Mengmeng threw herself into the sea of ​​books and completely entered the state of ecstasy. At first, it was because she didn't want to think about the matter with Zhuo Nianqi. At this time, she really enjoyed the process.

Feeling like a sponge, sucking a steady stream of knowledge into her stomach, this metaphor is a bit exaggerated, but it can express her feelings at the moment.

When she finally understood the key points of several books, she stretched comfortably and looked around. The library that was full when she first came in was already deserted.

Wang Mengmeng felt very fulfilled, looked at the time on the watch and saw that it was already meal time, no wonder everyone left.

It was getting dark outside, she felt that she should go, what if there was no bus for a while, so she hurriedly packed her things and walked out of the library.

At this time, the rush hour for people to leave school and get off work has already been missed, and the bus that was always crowded was extraordinarily loose. Wang Mengmeng sat in a seat by the window, and the night wind blew her hair, feeling very happy.

Thinking that she had roughly read all the lessons that were left behind today, the satisfaction that came from her heart made her grin from ear to ear.

People really can't just be idle. When I was very busy before, I thought how wonderful it would be to live a life of eating, sleeping and eating all day long, but since I was hospitalized this time, I really don't agree with this point of view.

When you have nothing to do and only eat, drink and have fun in your life, maybe the time will pass like that, but you will feel that the progress bar of time will slow down a lot, even if you live every day as usual, it will feel like a waste of time.

What a painful realization Wang Mengmeng had. She was very happy when she thought that she would be able to teach children how to draw besides going to class every day, and walked home in a happy mood.

But when he was about to walk to the door of his house, he found a black shadow sitting there, because the street lamp was broken for some reason, so he could only see a black shadow sitting there.

Wang Mengmeng looked a little terrified. After all, she was the only one in the room. If it was a bad person, she would definitely not be able to resist.She didn't dare to approach him for a while, she just prayed that the other party would leave quickly, and she was still busy going home for dinner!
She looked aside for a long time, seeing that the other party showed no signs of leaving, and wandered around in a hurry.

After waiting for a while, she thought that the security of the community was very good, there should be no bad guys coming in, and she didn't provoke anyone else, so she decided to walk over after cheering herself up.

Before walking over, he dug out the phone's address book and clicked on Lu Jinbo's column, thinking that if something happened, he could call him directly.

The well-prepared Wang Mengmeng approached her home timidly. Although she couldn't see the expression on her face, she was so scared that she was dying in her heart. She could only keep praying that the other party would not see her and ignore her.

But many times it didn't go as expected, the black shadow slowly got up and approached her when he saw her coming.

Feeling the other person walking towards her, she subconsciously screamed out, but found that the person walking was very familiar.Watching the other person approaching slowly, following the light of the phone, she found that the person was Zhuo Nianqi, whom she had always wanted to forget.

Zhuo Nianqi waited from the afternoon until now, and his heart was desolate. At the end, he even doubted whether Wang Mengmeng was at home, but he just didn't want to see him.

But no matter how I thought about it, I still didn't dare to leave like this, for fear that I would miss this opportunity to apologize, and there would be no chance again in the future, and there was no other way but to sit and wait.

As it was getting late, Zhuo Nianqi was anxiously waiting for Wang Mengmeng, while being attacked by mosquitoes. His exposed ankles and wrists had already been bitten by mosquitoes a lot.

He also changed from the handsome boy standing there at the beginning to a strange person sitting there scratching his arms.

From the afternoon to the evening, many people passed by and looked at him with strange eyes. He, who cares about face, was embarrassed to be looked at and could only turn his back on everyone.

The feeling of waiting is the hardest, because you don't know what happened to the other person, all you can do is wait, and then it becomes more and more uncomfortable, worrying about the other person and afraid that you won't be able to wait.

Zhuo Nianqi really made up his mind to apologize sincerely this time, for his impulsiveness, for what he did after his impulsiveness, and for himself for repeatedly hurting Wang Mengmeng's love, he felt that he should apologize too much up.

After finally seeing a person who looked like Wang Mengmeng approaching, he stood up happily, more excited than winning the lottery.

But when he saw that it was really Wang Mengmeng, he couldn't say a word of those pretentious words in his mouth, and could only scratch the mosquito-bitten bag helplessly.

It was Wang Mengmeng who saw him suddenly appearing, and realized that it was him who had been scaring her all along, so she opened her mouth in surprise.

"How did you come?"

When Wang Mengmeng saw that it was him, she felt that this place was a bit evil. She just thought about him in the afternoon and saw him in the evening.

I can't explain my feelings at that time, from fear to seeing his peace of mind and surprise, but those emotions can only be hidden in my heart silently.

Hearing the other party's initiative to speak, he couldn't react for a while, and stared blankly for a few seconds before replying belatedly.

"I didn't answer your phone call, Meng An was so noisy that she wanted to see you, so I came to you!"

Zhuo Nianqi was very cowardly and brought up the cover of Meng'an again, every time he almost lost his courage at that time.

She heard Zhuo Nianqi say to call herself, looked at the cell phone that was still on, and found that there were indeed several missed calls.I couldn't see her face clearly in the night, but I still said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I've been in the library all afternoon, and I turned my phone to silent so I didn't hear it."

Zhuo Nianqi never expected that she would be so polite to him after what happened in the morning, thinking that she would definitely not talk to him.

Now it turned out that it was not that he refused to answer the call, but that he didn't see it. Zhuo Nianqi suddenly felt that he had seen hope, and he was no longer panicked like before.

He scratched the bag on his body and whispered to himself.

"I thought you didn't pick it up on purpose, but luckily it wasn't."

Wang Mengmeng heard him mutter a few words, but couldn't understand what he said, so she asked suspiciously.

"What did you just say?" Naturally, he would not repeat it, and said with a blushing face, "I said your house has a lot of mosquitoes."

Wang Mengmeng has been seeing him scratching his arm since the first time he saw him, and thought it was something, but when he heard that he was bitten by a mosquito, she thought that she couldn't refuse the door, and after waiting for so long, she always invited him in to sit. sit.

"What's the matter with you, come in and talk!"

She opened the door at the young man, Zhuo Nianqi followed behind excitedly, he never expected Wang Mengmeng to have such a good attitude, it was really unexpected.

Not only did he take the initiative to speak, but he also took the initiative to invite himself in as a guest. He felt that there was hope for today's apology.

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