ex-wife, get married

Chapter 556 Zhuo Nianqi's wonderful episode I need an explanation

Wang Mengmeng looked at Zhuo Nianqi who still had a gloomy face in front of him. Although his face was expressionless, his heart was sour.

It turned out that no matter how hard he tried, he had no trust in his heart. It was because he had doubts about himself, otherwise why would he not even ask himself if it was true.

Wang Mengmeng looked at the words on the phone and found it ridiculous. The person he liked for so long thought he was that kind of person because he misunderstood a message.

I didn't question it at first glance, but I was very convinced that I had caught my handle. I didn't even know how to ask whether it was true or false, and just scolded myself directly.

Should I say luck or misfortune, I am glad that I saw clearly the contradiction between the two people early on, and I am glad that I don't have to be hurt by him again and again.

In Wang Mengmeng's heart, it is naturally more unfortunate than fortunate.I always thought that Zhuo Nianqi was my own kind. He was not the person who knew me best, but he should be the most authentic self I had ever seen.

In the face of the fact that he thinks, the weak sense of trust in himself makes people feel funny.

Thinking back to the past when watching dog blood idol dramas, the heroine and heroine would always be separated due to misunderstandings. At that time, she couldn't figure it out, so why bother?

Now Wang Mengmeng, who is the person involved, knows how terrible and torturous that kind of misunderstanding is.

Invisible and intangible things like trust are actually very important in the process of getting along. Sometimes it is useless if you explain it, and sometimes the other party understands it even if you don’t explain it.

If it was Wang Mengmeng from before, she would definitely go straight up and tell Zhuo Nianqi that it was a misunderstanding.

If Zhuo Nianqi hadn't said such hurtful words, she would have solved the misunderstanding, but there is no if.All the damage has already been done, it wasn't for today's misunderstanding, Wang Mengmeng didn't even know that she was actually that kind of person in Zhuo Nianqi's heart.

Wang Mengmeng felt aggrieved, because Zhuo Nianqi scolded him like that because of the fact that it didn't exist at all, and suffered abuse from someone he liked because of the fact that it didn't exist at all.

Unable to control herself to think about what Zhuo Nianqi said just now, every time she thinks about it, her heart hurts, she feels wronged and at the same time she is also angry.

She was angry that Zhuo Nianqi sentenced herself for ignoring him, and she was angry that Zhuo Nianqi was like a fool who dealt with problems self-righteously without asking the reality.

Before today, I have never been so disappointed with Zhuo Nianqi, even though I have firmly established my belief that I will never talk to him again after many times, but I can't ignore him every time.

For the first time, Wang Mengmeng deeply felt that the two of them might have to be like this, whether they were unwilling or looking forward to it, they had to be like this.

Seeing the lilies in distress on the ground, Wang Mengmeng felt very heartbroken.Step by step, she walked up to the shapeless lily, and saw the petals falling to one side, and the whole scene was fragmented.

Wang Mengmeng carefully picked up the lilies one by one. If others don't cherish them, she must learn to cherish them herself.

Zhuo Nianqi thought that Wang Mengmeng wanted to say something else, after all, she just didn't care about it, but Wang Mengmeng stood there suddenly, like an unconscious puppet.

Zhuo Nianqi didn't understand why Wang Mengmeng suddenly became quiet, did he realize that he was wrong?
But without waiting for Zhuo Nianqi to think about it, Wang Mengmeng stood up, Zhuo Nianqi wondered what she was going to do, now he really couldn't figure out what Wang Mengmeng was going to do.

Seeing her walking towards the door, Zhuo Nianqi thought she was going to leave, but just as he was about to make a sound, he saw her squatting down.Zhuo Nianqi took a closer look and realized that it was the lily that he had just dropped, so he quietly watched what Wang Mengmeng was going to do.

Seeing Wang Mengmeng carefully picking up the fallen petals one by one, with a very devout expression, Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help but snort coldly.

"Why are you pretending to be clean!"

Although Zhuo Nianqi's voice was not loud, it was enough for Wang Mengmeng, who was two or three steps away from him, to hear him.

Ignoring Zhuo Nianqi, he concentrated on picking up the petals.The pain in my heart deepened without picking up a piece. It turns out that there is such a kind of pain in the world called empathy.

Wang Mengmeng held up her hands full of petals and walked towards the window, watching the green plants growing more and more luxuriantly, she covered the lilies on the surface of the picture with care, Wang Mengmeng did this as if no one was watching.

Zhuo Nianqi felt that today's Wang Mengmeng was particularly difficult to understand. She usually said something in front of him, not as silent as today.

Suddenly thinking of that text message, she laughed at herself for taking it for granted, maybe she pretended to be the real Wang Mengmeng that she usually thought was real.

Zhuo Nianqi was very hostile to Wang Mengmeng in front of him, maybe because he cared, he was hurt even more, and chose to deal with it in a way that hurt others and himself.

Wang Mengmeng put the paintings one by one without thinking about anything. At that time, she emptied her mind and didn't think about anything. She just simply found a place for the lily to rest.

After doing all this, he saw Zhuo Nianqi staring at him silently.

If there was a plan to explain and clarify the misunderstanding just now, that thought is completely gone now.

Thinking of all the things before, Wang Mengmeng found sadly that she and Zhuo Nianqi could never go back to the previous feelings, those were destined to stay in the past.

Thinking back then, I and Zhuo Nianqi were together in the most real state that few people saw. Since I came back from England, everything has changed.

The two can only dwell on the past, but the conflicts in reality have intensified again and again.

The former self might still be looking forward to whether the two of them will be the same as before, but through today, Wang Mengmeng found that even though the appearance has not changed, the gap in his heart has become deeper and deeper.

When we were young, we felt that time and distance were not a problem, as long as two people love each other, as long as two people are happy, but as you grow up, you will understand that such a situation only exists in fairy tale books.

Wang Mengmeng did not expect that the year she went abroad would cause both parties to change a lot, become ignorant of each other, and become unlike themselves before.

Now it feels like two people who are completely strangers. If they like each other, then they like each other before. After a year of not seeing each other, they are still the same person, but they are no longer the person they like.

Wang Meng dreamed that the two had been entangled since she came back. In fact, those entanglements were nothing more than entanglements with each other in the past. At this moment, she realized that although the person she liked was Zhuo Nianqi, she was not Zhuo Nianqi.

I suddenly felt tired, and wanted to let go of my feelings for Zhuo Nianqi. Since I was no longer the person I liked at the beginning, why did I cling to the past, and I didn't want to have anything to do with him, so I didn't bother to explain .

She felt that she was a little late, and it took so long to figure it out. If she figured it out earlier, she wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

But it's not too late now, I'm glad I came out of that old vortex.Thinking clearly, Wang Mengmeng obviously felt a lot more relaxed, and directly treated Zhuo Nianqi as a transparent person to do his own thing.

Following Wang Mengmeng's silence for so long, Zhuo Nianqi also thought a lot in his heart. No matter how vicious he said, he hoped that Wang Mengmeng would give him an explanation or a negative answer.

As long as I believe what she says, as long as I explain what she makes, I also believe it.

Zhuo Nianqi thought that according to Wang Mengmeng's personality, he would at least have a quarrel with him, but he didn't expect that after a long silence, Wang Mengmeng ignored him and just packed his clothes on his own.

Zhuo Nianqi saw that Wang Mengmeng became more natural and flustered, and always felt that Wang Mengmeng's taciturnity was a terrible thing.

Zhuo Nianqi saw that the calmer Wang Mengmeng became, the more he couldn't help wanting to annoy Wang Mengmeng with words and tear off her mask.

"Where did the arrogance just now go? You gave up so quickly?"

When Wang Mengmeng heard that Zhuo Nianqi was still talking about that matter, although she felt upset, she didn't bother to talk to him, and continued to pack his clothes without even looking at him.

Seeing that Wang Mengmeng didn't respond, Zhuo Nianqi continued to say: "Did I realize my mistake now? I feel guilty and don't want to talk to me."

After Wang Mengmeng heard this sentence, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and she didn't want to argue with him at all.

Zhuo Nianqi found that no matter what he said, Wang Mengmeng always acted as if he had nothing to do with him.Just when she wanted to continue to say something that would anger her, Wang Mengmeng, who had been carrying her behind her back, finally turned around.

He thought that she finally couldn't help but want to explain to him, so he looked at Wang Mengmeng expectantly.

Unexpectedly, after meeting his eyes, Wang Mengmeng walked directly to the table next to him.Zhuo Nianqi just saw that Wang Mengmeng's eyes were not disturbed, and he looked at himself very vaguely, as if looking at a stranger.

Zhuo Nianqi was frightened by those eyes. Under those eyes, he suddenly realized that he was the one who did the wrong thing, the one who made trouble for no reason, and the one who was confused.

He thought he understood Wang Mengmeng, and if he wanted to accuse her of unwarranted crimes, he would definitely refute her, but at this moment, Wang Mengmeng was silent.

Zhuo Nianqi's gaze fell on the flowerpot by the window, and he saw the lilies lying quietly beside the flowerpot, just like Wang Mengmeng now.

At this moment, there was a voice in his heart questioning whether he had done something wrong, but how could the text message he saw with his own eyes be wrong.

He fell into a deep doubt, reflecting in an atmosphere of silence.Zhuo Nianqi felt that if he stayed in such an atmosphere for a second longer, he would feel depressed. He didn't want to see Wang Mengmeng like this, and he didn't want to get along with Wang Mengmeng like this.

With this silent environment, his originally calm heart became more and more irritable, and Zhuo Nianqi felt that he couldn't bear it.

"What do you mean by being silent? You have the ability to say something!" Standing up and walking to Wang Mengmeng, she questioned Wang Mengmeng who was still packing her clothes.

And Wang Mengmeng looked up at Zhuo Nianqi, who was in a hurry, and lowered her head expressionlessly.

This move made Zhuo Nianqi feel like an insult, he felt that Wang Mengmeng didn't want to talk to him at all.

Zhuo Nianqi saw that Wang Mengmeng was still ignoring him, so he grabbed her right arm which was still packing her clothes.

"Don't clean up, first explain the matter in front of you clearly."

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